Stacy privilege

Guess femcels hate stacy

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Nice bait there's no such thing as a "femcel" or "fembot". Pic related.

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Dang user, I wish someone would randomly give me a flower. Too bad it doesn't happen irl.

I'll be your boyfriend right now and meet you in real life. Here's my email.
[email protected]
No other fembot has taken the offer and I've posted in multiple threads about them. Prove my picture wrong.

>Faggot to talking to himself

Make your reddit origins less obvious next time newfag. You can see how many original posters there are in a thread but you wouldn't know that because you came here last month for epic greentexts.

Attached: Newfag.png (867x380, 93K)

>He actually screencapped that
>He actually named that
>He actually edited that
>He actually typed that
>He actually posted that

What about lesbian femcels?
>inb4 just fuck men
Most incels could stop being incels just by going on grindr but that's not exactly a solution.

Stupid nigger. dfg.

I think you don't realise how many girls are literally invisible to men.
If you're ugly, most men don't even acknowledge your existence.

To me stacy is usually pretty nice personality on top of her good looks. these money grubbing whores are usually ascended fembots who were awkward, ugly and slutty in school and then found the power of makeup and puberty.


Try being an unattractive female (I mean genuinely ugly, like 2/10) and see how nice Stacey really is.

What degree of autism do you have to be to make a thread to talk yourself in.

W-what did she do to you, user? Also 2/10 is literally deformity level or my 600lb life level. The chances that you are actually 2/10 is near impossible. every female under the age of 35, not deformed and not fat is a 5/10 simply be default.

>be your bf
Gib flower first

Alright fuck you. I literally posted my email for any supposed "fembot" in here to email me. They're not invisible to me at all. Fuck you for being an oblivious piece of shit who just wants to make excuses on why they're lonely for attention. Any "fembot" who sees my posts with my email and doesn't email them (which so far is NONE of them) is lonely by choice.

Not getting attention from Chad and refusing to lower your standards doesn't make you lonely, just picky.

>will take anyone, so no girl is special to him as long as its a hole
>gets angry and vindictive easily
>is desperate enough for a fembot, so god only knows how weird he is or dangerous

This is why none of us will email

I literally never got hit on by anybody for 23 years. Not even once.
I got rejected and shot down when I tried to ask guys out myself.

I found a boyfriend after putting 2 years of serious work into my physical appearance and personality, and I met him on fucking Jow Forums anyway. And I was the one who made the first move anyway.

I masturbate to the thought of boys I like fucking Stacy

Cuckqueaning is unironically a hot fetish

>I literally never got hit on by anybody for 23 years. Not even once.
I'm 28 and same. my fat but pretty female friend cant go out in public without being harrassed by men

So you're not a "femcel" then. Case closed.

>you're not a femcel unless you want to get used as a fuckhole by a vindictive, easily enraged cunt

Stories like these are what make me think that life is only a thing that I am experiencing. What I THINK are other people, are actually just tools some grater force implements to intensify my suffering of this world.
Why would it do that though? It doesn't make sense. Has the world really just chaotically assembled so that I hate everything and want to die?

>someone isn't a "femcel" because they wont fuck a guy that is on the same level of an animal.

These words are stupid, but your argument is even more retarded.

Stacys are either really mean or really nice (but theyre virtue signaling for the most part)
Their nice personality shines through in public, but once you get to know them for who they really are theyre the meanest cunts in the world.

Yeah, same. Especially girls who are fat but pretty and dress kinda slutty get hit on a lot.
Most of them are used as cumrags tho, which is not something I ever looked forward to particularly.

I think it's just confirmation bias, it's pretty normal.
As I told you, I was literally invisible to guys. Even the male friends I had never considered me as a real girl. I had a guy who literally told me "I wish I met a girl like you".
It's just a lot easier to see what we want to see in the world around us. Changing our world view is tricky and unpleasant.

She pruposely dresses like a bulldyke. i tell myself that i couldnt handle the male attention she gets, which is true, but it still hurts that i get nothing at all

Hey femcels, I'm single, not unattractive and I play guitar. I'm skinny too.

Discord is greensnickers #1914

Kik is greensnickers

Let's talk, I'm very lonely and too shy to talk to girls in public.

Attached: l-32685-uninterested-gf.jpg (700x650, 21K)

I'm curious to know what you look like. Shit like this is why life is a blemish. If one thing should be made to suffer, than everything should

Getting added and being ignored would be your greatest pleasure, right basedboi?

Crap it's #1912 my bad

>most men
As an ugly male NO ONE acknowledges your existance

Better than nothing I guess.


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true its hard to even look at your guys.

How is this shit supposed to happen??!

>Coming onto a girl in the wrong way leads to social exile
>Coming onto a girl at all and not being cool or smooth leads to embarrassment
>Meanwhile girls never initiate
>so many of them have the mindset of "never settle for less" = "man has to be perfect", otherwise "where have all the good men gone"

What the fuck do you want, seriously? The dating game is fucked.


>a vindictive, easily enrag

That user is right to be vindictive.

He proves that your post is full of shit. Repeatedly. And you just keep grinding right on, as if his post(s) aren't there.

That is "femcelism" in a nutshell. You want to feel self-pity, because you enjoy it. So you engage in ritual shitposting to summon feelings of self-pity in yourself, so you can luxuriate in them. And to maintain your self-pity, you will ignore any facts that contradict your self-pity, such as that user posting his email.

It's right and appropriate for people to be angry with you. That's the reaction that you deserve.

I am not as ugly anymore, to be honest.
I had severe acne, was really unkempt (really long hair I did nothing about, bad bushy asymmetrical brows, hairy), was chubby. I dressed like an autist.
I fixed those things. Lost weight, started taking care of myself, spent nearly 3000$ to get laser, and 1000$ on dermatologist. I got new clothes.

I also have a really odd personality. I was severely depressed back then. I was in therapy for 6 years.

I don't think face is tremendously hideous by itself. I have a pretty manly jaw and a really strong chin. It's luckily pretty symmetrical.
I also have a pretty big frame for a girl - I'm pretty tall, I have a large ribcage/shoulders, large hips, large thighs.

I improved the things I could improve. I considered getting plastic surgery if I couldn't get a boyfriend, to improve my jawline.

I'm not him but email me
[email protected]

>These words are stupid, but your argument is even more retarded.

Here's a supplement to that user's argument:

In literally every internet space where men aren't purposefully banned, any woman who posts that she is lonely and tfw no bf gets offers of contact.

Meanwhile, the count of tfw no gf posts that feature girls frantically posting their contact information remains at 0.

It's not tricky, and it's not complicated. At all. You want to pretend it is, to facilitate your intentional self-pity-party.

He is just trying to prove a point, he has no genuine interest in anyone. If he had any sort of genuine interest, he'd build a connection or try to have a conversation instead of being petty.

Anyway, I'm not a femcel. I used to be.

user, chill, all I said is that I want a flower. Walk up to someone and give them one. Might get a hug if you do.

But to humour you:
>Coming onto a girl in the wrong way leads to social exile
If nobody import sees you, breath in and breath out. Life moves on
>Coming onto a girl at all and not being cool or smooth leads to embarrassment
Depends senpai. Goofy guys have their charm.
>Meanwhile girls never initiate
99.999% true tho

I like tall girls with large shoulders. Do you want to fill my lonely daylife with email. Do you want to save another human?

That wasn't a direct dig at you, it was just to vent a bit about the dating game. Girls have levelled the playing field, but when it comes to initiation, they're still 100 years behind. How could men not be seen as predatory when it's them that's making all the moves all the time? Just me venting again....

If any fembot that is not psycho wants to chat, I am here.

>I'm not a femcel. I used to be
Fuck off, whore.

I'd really love to, but I already have a boyfriend. I mentioned him in my very first post in this thread.

I'm . I'm sorry. Good luck into finding a nice girl, user.

Ok, good luck in your life!

Any other femanons here?

I guess another lonely night

How ugly are you? She could be a 300 lbs nigger.

No one female responded.

Fembots really don't exist.

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I'm here. and curious

> lesbian femcels
it's your own fault you created these problems. 'lesbians' and 'femcels' don't exist and you actually combine them into another identity baka

>And I was the one who made the first move anyway.
That's how most relationships start.
A man of virtue I see.

Attached: fembothere.jpg (283x390, 20K)

Be my gf you dumb roastie cunt

In other words
>excuses for why you choose to be alone and then complain

>That's how most relationships start.
None of my female friends ever had to ask a guy out, user.
I did.

Next time you meet a couple, ask them they got together. I beseech you. That's the only way you'll understand.

*how they got together.

>implying I don't know how my friends got together with their boyfriends

One was a waitress, her boyfriend gave her his number.
One got hit on by her boyfriend while they were at a party.
One got hit on on instagram.
One got hit on at school.

>the experiences of teenage whores and their chad bfs they date for a month
Not what I mean

They're in their mid 20s, all been together for at least two years.

Not him, but that would be cute.
Courting a girl considered repugnant to the rest of the world, and then helping her lose weight until you've got yourself an 8/10 black wife.

>Implying anyone who was really fat can ever be really attractive
>Implying black people can ever be really attractive

Well, 8/10 by black standards. No black would ever be as kawaii as a SEA monkey gf.

tfw want fembot gf
tfw dont want to get catfished online
tfw no idea how to find fembots offline

>tfw got catfished super hard
>tfw then met my current bf

Sometimes it's worth it.

Story please
You're a femanon meeting an user, got catfished. Then?

Meet guy off here. It was in mid 2016.
We start chatting. He's not cute at all, like 4/10, but so am I so it's whatever.
He's really a great dude. He's intelligent, interesting, funny, sweet. We can talk for hours. First time in my life I feel like someone cares about me. Really get each other.
Months go by, we're maybe 6 months in. We videochat a lot, call ever day, were planning to meet up. I'm saving money, about to buy tickets. At some point, he completely ghosts me. I keep texting him every day.

After 5 weeks, I get a message from "a roommate" about how he "died" in a car crash. Now, I knew that was bullshit. Because that crap doesn't happen.
So I digged into it really hard and I found out he lied about his name. After several hours of pretty hardcore internet stalking, I found out he was married to a fat woman who lived in another state because she was nursing her dying mother.

My boyfriend is just an awesome dude, we live together, he isn't married to any other woman as far as I'm aware.

That explains why he sought you out and then ghosted you. It sounds shitty to be sure.
Doesn't have the part about you meeting your now boyfriend though

>be awkward virgin
>run up to random grills
>give them a rose
>walk off
>never speak to them again

Attached: 1423835630291.jpg (409x409, 32K)

>Work one very high paid job
>Pay some whore chump change
>Claim you work 3 minimum wage jobs so she doesn't get ideas to ask for more

i'm not sure you understand how this whole findom thing works, user

relationships are over rated under 28 y/o. Just wait until "Stacy" is done being a slut, or just don't pick the women with all the looks with the "big head".

>That explains why he sought you out and then ghosted you. It sounds shitty to be sure.
I believe that he didn't mean to hurt me, tho. He probably just wanted some company and then he developed feelings for me. He was really sincere in his affection, spent probably 12 hours a day talking to me even if I wasn't sexual with him, cared for me sincerely, helped me out a lot. At the end things got out of hand.

>Doesn't have the part about you meeting your now boyfriend though
We met on here in early 2017. Talked in a thread, really had an interesting discussion. I gave him a throwaway email to keep talking because he seemed smart and funny.
We talked for a couple of months on discord, I told him I liked him and asked him to meet up. Then we met in person. We lived on the opposite sides of the world.
We met 4 times for a few weeks.
He got a job opportunity in a third country, where I could move without a visa. We moved in together last January. We're getting married in spring and moving back to his country together.
He's my best friend, really an amazing person. He's my first everything, I'm really crazy about him.

Life's not fair.
I want someone to love me.

Attached: 6cf.png (858x725, 361K)

>I believe that he didn't mean to hurt me, tho. He probably just wanted some company and then he developed feelings for me. He was really sincere in his affection, spent probably 12 hours a day talking to me even if I wasn't sexual with him, cared for me sincerely, helped me out a lot. At the end things got out of hand.
I sort of know that feel. Sorry that you had to go through that semi-unrequited love situation.. How long did it take for you to get over bitterness, feelings of betrayal, etc?

>the story
That sounds cute desu
What countries are you from? if you dont' mind the prying? Or if not, where was this country that you could move to without a visa?
I met a femanon on soc in 2017 (no its not you because i'm chatting to her right now kek)
Similar story, save for the marriage. Weve met up a couple times and I really like her as well. She's realy sweet and loving,b ut also sensual and lewd in all the ways that i like its so good

I'm sorry user. I really hope you meet someone soon.

>How long did it take for you to get over bitterness, feelings of betrayal, etc?
I'm not a bitter person. After a couple of weeks I was over the rage and the fuck yous.
It took longer to get over my feelings for him. At the end, I knew he didn't mean to hurt me and he probably was just lonely. I really think the feelings were honest.

We're living in the EU. He's from the US and got a visa to work here through his company of course, I'm from the EU so I can move wherever in the EU without a visa because life is nice.

Good luck with your girl! Are you dating officially or?

>We're living in the EU. He's from the US and got a visa to work here through his company of course, I'm from the EU so I can move wherever in the EU without a visa because life is nice.
That's pretty cool. Many countries and cultures within reach too, should you choose to travel!
Is he way out of your league? :3c

>Good luck with your girl! Are you dating officially or?
Yeah definitely officially dating. Still long distance, but have met up twice for a week or more so that's nice. working up to being together in a more permanent situation but i need to un-neet (finished schooling just need to apply for and get a job)

>Is he way out of your league?
Yeah,definitely. He says I'm the cutest girl in the world, but he's a faggot.
I'm probably a 6.5/10 now. I did a decent job at not being too much of an ugly cunt over the last 3 years. If I try to be as objective as possible he's at least a 7.5/10.
He is unironically autistic, which I find pretty cute.
We're lucky and when we met we both had really nice job, so we could travel to each other often. We met every couple of months for 2 weeks till we moved in together.

Where are you from? How distant are you?

>Yeah,definitely. He says I'm the cutest girl in the world, but he's a faggot.
I tell my girl she's fucking cute too. Its fun to see her embarrassed but we practically ahve scripted responses to each other for that stuff now. and then being cheesy and laughing about it
>but he's a faggot
kek what do you mean by this?

>I'm probably a 6.5/10 now. I did a decent job at not being too much of an ugly cunt over the last 3 years.
I presume that's mostly working out? bit better fashion sense? maybe hair/makeup etc? Working on yourself is good though!

>He is unironically autistic, which I find pretty cute.
My gf and i are slightly autistic too but we like that about each other
>We met every couple of months for 2 weeks till we moved in together.
I'm envious. I need to get on that fucking job so I can do this
>Where are you from? How distant are you?
Im west coast, she's east coast, USA. So it's far but it's not USA to EU far. Is your guy from west coast? or east coast? If westcoast that's practically all the way around the world. Still happy for you femanon!

>kek what do you mean by this?
Just that he loves me a lot, which is kinda gay and icky.

I lost 40 lbs, no more acne, started styling my hair, learnt how to dress myself, did laser to get rid of body hair, learnt how to do my brows... I was really ugly and now I'm alright looking. Still not a looker but definitely not ugly anymore.

I get the thing about autism. I think my boyfriend and I are just really weird people so it is amazing when we're together, we really work well. I'm really lucky. I always have fun with him.

>Is your guy from west coast? or east coast?
He's from the west coast. Was a 16 hours trip every time to go meet each other. We're actually just back from visiting his parents, which is why I'm up in the middle of the night.
When we move back to the US we're moving to the east coast so I can come back to Europe to see my parents without travelling across the globe.

The girl in the OP is probably a perfectly nice person. A lot of women in her line of work are. She just plays a character for the betas who give her money. If you take a look at her @, she has "mistress" in her name and if you look at the hashtags, you'll see findom aka financial domination. She's only doing this because guys like it and will give her money.

>Just that he loves me a lot, which is kinda gay and icky.
I hope you're joking lol
>Still not a looker but definitely not ugly anymore.
I feel like everyone judges themselves a lot harsher than they are in reality
> I always have fun with him.
I know that feel. My gf and i are both introverts, and we ave fun even if we're not actively doing something together
>When we move back to the US we're moving to the east coast so I can come back to Europe to see my parents without travelling across the globe.
Sounds like you got it all planned out. Happy for you femanon!

Thought I knew a fembot, then found out she got hit on rather often.