Why haven't you gotten your roast flaps cut off, fembot?
Why haven't you gotten your roast flaps cut off, fembot?
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Who's the cutie with the pattotie.
>kink for female circumcision
How degenerate am i
You aren't. Meat flaps are unattractive.
because the surgery is 3000 quid for something that could leave me unable to feel sexual pleasure
What's that in non-limey money? Also how would it do that, they're not cutting off your clit.
>female circumcision
>these are the same thing
I mean, how uneducated can a person be while still being comfortable to speak freely?
Man, I really wish I could increase post quality here somehow
>FGM WHO Type 2A, is separately known as labiaplasty when it is performed by a Western cosmetic surgeon (Braun, 2009; Dustin, 2010; Green, 2005; Sheldon & Wilkinson, 1998). As Moira Dustin (2010) has argued, when non-therapeutic cutting or excision of the labia minora is described as a cosmetic procedure--whether performed on an adult woman or a female minor with the permission of her parents (see Liao, Taghinejadi, & Creighton, 2012)--criminal proceedings are unlikely to be entertained. Indeed, such cutting is usually perceived as a bodily "enhancement" (Braun, 2005), and the woman or adolescent requesting it is presumed to be acting autonomously (Dustin, 2010). A telling exception to this rule occurs in practice, however, when the request comes from a female African or Middle Eastern immigrant, regardless of her age or maturity. In such cases, an anatomically identical procedure is more likely to be perceived as "culturally motivated" and hence an act of "genital mutilation" (for in-depth discussion see Dustin, 2010; see also Shahvisi, in press).
If it affects your self-esteem you could probably get it on the NHS but unless it's 'OH NO NO NO'-worthy I wouldn't bother.
near enough 4000 dollars.
have you never heard of surgical risks?
the clit is beneath a hood which is attached to the labia.
Besides, labia are full of nerve endings as it is- as I said, why take the risk and bankrupt myself for aesthetics?
You would have to be a special kind of airhead to do that.
>the only name that comes up is some fake nude celebrity
i paid 3k to get cut at 26
I mean my kink is getting my clitoris and labia minora cut off (not that i'd ever do it irl)
Don't do it. There are guys who unironically like roasties, and you're right that there are serious risks involved. If you just search labiaplasty regret you'll get so many results, some from women whose entire lives are ruined because they have constant nerve pain in the scars. It's not worth it.
Yeah you're fucked in the head. Be my gf.
This is basically circumfetishism.
had some...complications. also fucked with my head a little(not sure why, non-robut)
I just googled "hot girl with innie pussy"
Yes, but what's her NAME?
Because any man that demanded it would be someone not worth pleasing. I don't care about social acceptability at all. Either accept me as I am or I'm throwing you in the garbage.
HE is kicking YOU to the curb in this scenario, roastie hoe
You need social acceptability like you need oxygen. Females can't live without the approval of others.
both are fine ffs
>mean my kink is getting my clitoris and labia minora cut off (not that i'd ever do it irl)
Are you jewish
going to crack your skull open op
I was born with an inny.
I think the flaps are kind of cute and lickable. Always wanted them
And what exactly would I lose? Some closet fag who's bad in bed?
Says you. My thoughts and feelings matter more than social acceptability. If people say my vagina looks gross I can fuck up their lives. I don't care. Hurt me and you get hurt.
Then why am I doing ok?
And why would you want to go and do a thing like that?
Because men here go Wahhhhhh it was evulz I was circumcised and go Wahhhhhh don't make fun of my height but then go on to demand labiaplasties. If you aren't getting laid and bitch about it don't expect me to feel sympathy just because porn made you unable to have an erection with the normal female body. You did this to yourselves and only have yourself to blame.
Assume much, roast? I'm happy with my height, being circumcised never really bothered me, and I get hard for "normal" females just fine.
People always default to saying porn makes men have unrealistic expectations of women, yet women still demand a chad with an 6+ inch cock, and how dare you say anything about it.
A 6 inch cock is far more common than labiaplasties so it's more realistic and doesn't demand mutilation. Also I'm not collectively responsible for all women. I don't feel guilt on the behalf of others.
That wasn't me but kind of agree. Don't assume because they have an outie means they're not virgins, innies, well at least they're innies
Yeah, and what about the guys with 4 and 5 inches? You turn your nose up at them and still expect your punched lasagne vag to be accepted, hell, appreciated, just for being there.
I don't expect anything. You are the one who is projecting. It's that this demand is more realistic than yours. What if they said those men should get penis implants?
Yes I expect it to be appreciated. If someone thinks you're disgusting having sex with them is pointless and not worth it. If any man insulted me down there I'd call him a closet fag and ask him about how much he wants to suck cock instead. Lots of men today define themselves as straight but liking cock and that would make him feel very insecure. I'd also bring up what he said in front of his mom. Then she can see the trash she raised in action.
Because I don't have the money. I'm never going to have sex so why even bother?
how beefy is your poon?
if I twist your head how long do you think it'll take for you breathe your last breath user?
This is is all work of fiction.
Someone you wanted If you were even with him that long
because i keep having sex and it gets swollen
I wouldn't want him anymore. It's like saying "you would kidnap a 5 year old for the man you wanted." Uh no.
Weirdly though I hate it when guys are cut
And fgm is most common among african muslims, not jews
You don't get how my brain works. My thoughts would turn from love to hate in a second. My emotions are never stagnant.
i don't see myself getting in any such situation, retardo
That would be because you have BPD.
Such denial and cope. I bet you have that marylan monroe quote on your tumblr bio.
>i-i can fuck up their lives
sure you can, roastie. roll yourself back up into your meat curtains and mull over your autism
No kidding. You aren't the first roastie I've talked with
Stfu I'm going to twist your head get fit fag
like most women with phat labia, she has flaps they're just buried.
I'm not ashamed of my body. Does that piss you off? I bet it does. You're used to girls who are insecure after comparing themselves to porn.
Why haven't you lost your virginity. manlet?
>i-i'm not ashamed of my body
>feels the need to attack labioplasty on 4chins
sure pal
enjoy your ugly beefsnatch
And enjoy your lifelong virginity.
You aren't ashamed because you are delusional. Good luck keeping any sort of chad with your stinky curtains.
>i'm losing an argument to some random stranger on the internet
>better call him a virgin
its as if you are implying having ugly genitals is comparable in any way to being a virgin, which I am not, btw. gf is an innie.
stay hydrated and body positive
There's no Chads here just virgins who jerk off to cuck porn.
I've never had anyone complain IRL. Men with more partners get more partners because they're less picky.
You sound like an awful cunt.
You've obviously got a fucked up vag. I feel bad for any man that goes through the ordeal of fucking you.
What makes you such a big prize I'd do labia surgery for you? If all men demanded it I'd rather be single.
No one is going to day anything to you. Theyre just going to fuck you and tell everyone they know that your cunt is FUBAR.
Awww what's the matter manbaby? Can dish it out but can't take it? I feel sooooo sorry for you.
I'm in an LTR loser. He'd call you a closet fag for insulting women's vaginas.
>advocate for labioplasty
>brainlet interprets this as me demanding her to get a labioplasty
i literally wouldn't date you even if you got the surgery, and judging by your demeanor most guys think the same thing
They won't complain they will simply NEXT you.
And I'd say to him that I'm sorry his girlfriend has a messed up vagina.
That was my first post to you. You genuinely come off as a cunt and talking shit to a dudes mum cause he didn't like your vag makes you look spiteful and pathetic.
I tell you what this chick sounds like a real piece of work. Roasties never change.
I don't care about most. You only need 1 to say yes. I have that attitude towards you because I hate you. You're stupid and think attitude doesn't change from person to person. I can be the nicest person or a super bitch depending on who you are and how you act to me.
completely agree. perfect example of
>S E E T H I N G
roastie cope
>that post
holy shit you're pathetic
the "female" embodiment of pic related
I don't have casual sex but I've read around. Incels are pickier than most men. They're really vocels.
innie pussy girl. does she need one?
What's wrong with that? Having the same attitude towards everyone is stupid. Some people deserve goodness and others don't.
Innie is perfection. prove me wrong.
They are the same as you. They have high standards and can change their minds instantly
you literally couldn't have attempted to make that point in a more autistic and catty way
your father should be ashamed
It's not a cunt to insult someone's vagina after she makes herself vulnerable to you? Really?
Yeah it's catty to say this but it's okay to insult someone's vagina after you make yourself vulnerable. Okay.
I would know better than to insult a man's penis or looks in bed. They are too stupid and evil to know not to do this.
I don't need to prove anything to you dumbass eat shit
This mortally wounds the roastie.
>that post
you are completely incomprehensible. do you need some air? you might want to crack a window to let some of that roast stank out, be careful not to suffocate the neighborhood
Oh yeah it definitely istill, but if you think people don't talk about this shit you're delusional.
I'm sure you've had a million conversations with other girls about the penises of the guys they've been with, same goes for women.
At least there's a medical cure for your ugly vag, there's no cure for small cock.
There is penis enlargement surgery so don't give me that bullshit and you're wrong. You think women sleep with man after man and talk about how the cocks look? You think Sex and the City is unironically real.
There are marriages that lasted 50 years where no man was that obsessed with the labia.
I don't want a weird lipless fuckhole, labias are great they wrap around your dick.
Moids why don't you get penis enlargement surgery? You tell us femcels our labia is a choice but guess what moids? Your penis size is a choice. See how that feels?
What the fuck why are you calling them moids?
A poor attempt to co-op incel slang.
tfw no puffy vulva innie gf
They're so kissable
I wonder what it's like to stick your tongue in it.
It's pretty funny, hahahahahahahaha you moids!
Just go to her you fucking moron jesus!
I got me a castration fetish myself. Want my balls skinned, tenderized, boiled, and eaten off the cords. That kinda shit is normal to fantasize about dont worry about it.
Sweet and wet. Her clit is small so you have to spread her lips quite a bit to really get at it.
Males = moids. Femcels know all about you. We are pink pilled and know all there is to know about moids. Femcels want love. Incels want perfect sex. Femcels are superior to incels. We will make a movement for us ugly women because feminism is for Stacies.
Male here. I want love, but I get nothing
I'm not a moid you ninny! Holy hell.
Stfu you will
We will not mutilate ourselves moids. Prepare for the femcel uprising.
I hope so. All I want is a girl who I wouldn't feel stupid for wanting to be affectionate with.
The Jews shill fake vaginas to sell more surgeries and you fell for it