Go to UNC Wilmington

>go to UNC Wilmington
>hurricane heading for us
>live in dorm
>university shutting down and they're kicking us out of the dorm
>don't have a car
>parents live on Ocean Isle beach which is even closer to the path of the storm
>tell parents I'm coming so I can meet up with them and they can drive me to family in Charlotte
>take bus/walk home
>parents aren't there
>left a note
>user, sorry we left without you lol
>they took most of the food and water
>literally have 3 candy bars, 5 cans of soup, and 1 gallon of water

How fucked am I?

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I'd come and get you and bring you back to Charlotte, but I don't have the gas to get back.

I'll be there in an hour I will not let a fellow robot die like this

You gotta be one hell of a pussy ass bitch to die from fucking wind.

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Storm ain't here yet. Get an uber and go buy some shit for the house. The house is most likely going to still be standing, but you'll most likely only lose power. Atleast you have a place to stay for awhile. In a house all to yourself for the week. Just need food.
Obviously you can drink and store the tap water from the facet.

Fill up the bathtub with water now while you can.
It's gross but it's the best way to ensure you'll have plenty of drinking water.

Why would you do something gross like that when you can just empty your piss bottles and fill them with water.

Because the bathtub has a much larger capacity than bottles.

You underestimate my bottle collection.

Just call parents and ask for money nigga

>>user, sorry we left without you lol
Holy fucking brutal
I guess it's never too late for late-term abortions.

>College forces students out of dorm during natural disaster
How are they not getting the worst goddamn press right now? That's jist straight up endangerment of anybody that lives on campus

>Be American hurricane
>get shot

Attached: american hurricane get shot.jpg (955x960, 113K)

You had a good run OP, but it looks like you'll be sleeping with the fishes soon.

Wanna come to Augusta? Ill pick you up m8

You still have time to stock up, assuming you're not broke. Stock up on food, water, gas, and other wants like portable phone chargers or something. The grocery stores won't have much now that the panic rush period is coming to a close, but just go to multiple stores and get what's left. Good luck, OP.

fill up the tubs, sinks, and buckets with water for drinking and flushing the toilet

what's the point if you lose electricity?

Colleges do this all the time. I had to leave during Irma last year.

you don't need electricity for the toilet to work you fucking idiot

It still has to be pumped my nigge

Wot are you on u spastic

How are you in college and not know how plumbing works?

You think planes and cars move by magic?

If you dump a bunch of water into the toilet it'll flush

How would the sensor know you moved away from the toilet

Do you retards think the water comes from a magical unending supply?

why didnt you just take the bus directly to Charlotte? why didnt your family tell you they were leaving? do you not own a cell phone?

user please get one of the nice robots that are trying to help to get you out of that situation

op respond to this let this guy help ya

The water is pressurized from the outside. That's why fire hydrants gush out water like there's no tomorrow when its opened. It doesn't need a pump because the pressure is strong enough to provide 1000s of pounds of pressure to many homes using a single large pipe.
It does not use electricity or a pump to push water from the water table.
The house will always have water pressure as long as the pipes outside don't break. There is no electricity involved.

I live in sanford you need a ride to Charlotte nigger?

How do you think the water gets pressurized

This is a bait thread, no one is actually this pathetic

If you're saying the pump at the water treatment plant, yeah, there's a giant ass pump there. But that's out of our control. And since the structure is regulated by the state, the pump there will most likely have a back up generator that can last for days or even weeks. The point is, you won't lose water unless the hurricane breaks a pipe.

Its highly unlikely a giant pump will break inside a concrete building with back up generators and multiple pumps as back up as well. The hurricane won't take out a water treatment plant so easily.

Just sit down on the porch and enjoy the weather


>allowing someone from Jow Forums to meet you in person
What a horrible way to be murdered

Saving private user: a hurricane story



15% of the US still gets their water from their own wells

good goyim
shouldn't have fell for the college jew

The easiest way to live is to insure you have enough batterys to run your computer.

There should be government supplied busses to take you away from the storm path.

>go to Florida Tech
>excited at the sound of a hurricane because i'll get to evacuate and get out of class
>it hits the fucking Carolinas instead and i still have to go to school

pls send it here op

Yeah take the fema buses to shillarys reeducation camps where they inject you with onions

Does North Carolina not have hurricane shelters? Or is that just a Florida thing?

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>house is near ocean
>gets water from well

yeah that makes perfect sense Its not like fresh water from open water sources like rivers and shit are anywhere near the ocean. Rivers only exist on mountains.

There are people literally here trying to help you. If you don't take this, you're Fucking dumb dude.

Like all those rivers in southern California right?

hurricane shelters are just nice elementary/high schools or any other building that happens to be made out of concrete and built on a solid foundation. its not pacific rim you moron.

just stay in your dorm beta

Yeah, I would have just went out and bought a hell of a lot of food supply and water, then stay in my dorm so security wouldn't find out I'm there all weekend. I'm sure they don't patrol all the time, so you could have hid there.