Officially /broken/ thread

Who else here at the /pointofnoreturn/

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Been screaming and crying on my drive to work most days now. Recently punched my bathroom mirror so hard it shattered all over my arm and hand. Spent hours picking out glass. There was blood everywhere. Cutting stings too much but I started punching myself in the face and that feels pretty good. Gave myself a black eye the other day. Coworkers asked about it. Just tell them I had a nasty fall while drunk.

been /pointofnoreturn/ for 5 years now

it keeps getting worse somehow

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It all slipped away when I was around 24. I'm 29 now and haven't felt like I had a soul in a while.

i've hit myself occasionally. I always feel like shit afterwards. i completely empathize with you.

Just hit it recently. feelsbadman. Basically hate everyone and everything. Life is just a chore lately.

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It's the riight amount of hurt for me. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one who does it. I feel the walls closing in though. I don't want to die. I actually really like life. I just hate the life I'm stuck with. I'm too far gone at this point. It all feels so hopeless. If it doesn't change in the next few years I'll probably just end it myself...

I should have killed myself when I was 12.

21 and 25 here

I'm 23.
I feel I not yet there but close.
still have time but it's hard

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Dude start taking serotonin based anti depressants. You won't be able to feel anything and will be numb and zombified, but at least you won't be filled with soul crushing misery.

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Recently started them. So far they don't do shit.

pics or didn't happen you roody poo candy ass

>message over 10 girls on pof
>only 2 respond once

every time i die a little more inside im so fucking lonely i gotta fix this or im gonna die

>started drinking every night the last few months
>last night decided to start doing heroin again

I have started talking to myself alot lately and literally just scream and do weird shit for no reason sometimes. I havent talked to a friend in 7 months now FeelsWeirdMan

>Recently started them

They usually take several weeks/months to kick in

Personally, I'd rather just feel like shit and kms some day. But I still get pity nudes for being a sadboi so it's whatever. One day I might address my mental health. Manic Bipolar. Fun stuff. Maybe. Idk. Suicide seems like my only goal in life at this point.

Yeah i misplaced my can of Mtn Dew just right now and i think im fucked

You know the rules on this board. Most of it is healed up by now though. Hand is still a bit fucked up but only because I've been picking at it.

I get no pity nudes. At least you have that going for you. Girls treat me like I'm going to give them cancer.

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yeah but it doesn't go anywhere beyond that.
My dick don't work at 23 from type1 diabetes. I'm doomed to a life of cuckling. Can't even masturbate.

i don't fucking blame you, if i started drinking every night i'd probably relapse on heroin too. Those hangovers have gotta be hellish

- sleep 8hours every night
- don't drink booze, don't smoke, don't eat junk food or soda
- exercise 3 times a week
- go outside once a day
- clean your room and place

That will already make you feel better.
Then once you are ready start looking at what you can upgrade in your life and work on it.

There is nothing at the end of the road of self pitying

This. As someone who had to take time off work beofre falling into the abyss, take it from me
get some sleep dudes. just sleep and excercise.

>knuckle fat


>turning 29 soon, live like shut in
>major problems connecting with people, haven't had a real conversation in years
>download discord and try to talk to an user about it
>we actually feel the same way about some stuff
>user disappears from discord and never hear from them again
>kinda worried about them, but probably just didn't want to talk to me any more
oh well, guess i should just accept my fate

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Or maybe because it's still swollen you know? Not in shape at all but 160 pounds isn't fatass territory for my height.

Post your Steam I'll talk to you, buddy.