>tfw you are a smol boi >5"5 and 120 lbs, look like a girl >ridiculously hard to put on any weight at all by lifting etc only managed to get to 130 lbs >females don't like this >slowly start to realize your sexual worth is to be a sissy >start dressing girly, wearing panties underneath too etc >dick is also about 4 inches fully erect so it's pretty pathetic
Is it actually my fate to get dicked? I mean dressing girly is the only aesthetic that works since most North American clothes fit like shit on me (even size small). A-also things like panties look much more nice than guys underwear
If you're not a faggot, being lusted after by dudes is a revolting feeling. I used to be a semi-pro powerlifter and my body type seemed to attract almost entirely male attention (very ugly face and autistic, so girls have always steered clear) and I absolutely hated it.
Evan Martin
I know the feel, dudes are creepy >be me >doing homework at computer at uni library >dude across from me takes a picture of me >weird but whatever >over the next half hour he keeps looking at me and smiling >little creeped out but whatever >gotta piss so walk to the bathroom nearby >out of the corner of my eye see him get up too >speed walk to the nearest stall >hear him walking right behind me >slam stall door in his face >he says "got room for two in there?" >say nothing and wait for him to leave >stay for another hour to be sure he's gone
Brayden Perry
Dumbest and creepiest shit I did was slap a guys ass in class cba to greentext but I misread the situation since I was sleep deprived, slapped the dudes ass, I mean he played it off but I know he liked it. Not gay just autistic
Henry Morris
I'm 5ft7 175lbs
Never felt that my height impeded me. Still dont. Gals dont care
Levi Howard
yall need to stop being gay. But that's not an excuse to like women either don't fall for that trap again.
Isaac Carter
I find this kinda shit funny how people call specific things traps all the time yet contract each other too
Joshua Ortiz
This >women are emotional, manipulative, and generally unpleasant >men are smelly and just want things to put their dick in >only good option is traps >traps combine the bro mentality of men with the attractiveness and fuckability of women
I know, also that fucker made me late on my statics homework
Dominic Turner
OP are you asian? oringinallo
Ian Torres
Yes, women will never take you seriously. While this isn't fair, it's true. You would have much better opportunities becoming a girl (male) and taking dick.
Justin Morris
I agree, on my way to becoming a trap and you get plenty of attention from both men and women once you start looking cuter
Evan Gomez
>tfw 5'8 115 lbs boy >tfw 5'8 125 lbs gf >deeply in love
Cameron Rivera
>be me >5'4 120lbs trap boi >have a gf >6'1 210lbs thicc chocolate goddess >soulmates
Wyatt Rogers
dam son nice You have to tell us the story now faggot
Oliver Lopez
>be me >senior in hs >go to the snowball dance because nothing better to do >eventually find some of my friends >girl I've never seen before is with them >she's homeschooled and a friend of a friend >awkwardly dance with her >get her number >take her on a date a week later >she gives me a schoolgirl cosplay for our 1 year anniversary >asks me to wear it and let her take pictures >actually really fun >now at a little over 2.5 years together >now full /trapmode/ >she loves how cute I am and buys me new clothes accessories and nail poslish stuffs >going to marry her in 3 years when I graduate uni >not sure which one of us will wear the wedding dress
Levi Morgan
No. You need to be short. desu not even OP is a smol boi
Grayson Young
do you cross dress in public too?
Nathan Brooks
I've gone to the mall and some other places in a neighboring town, but I haven't done it in places with people who would recognize me yet