/fat/ - someone finally noticed my fat loss edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For roundbois who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>count calories
>weigh your food before eating it
>eat your veggies
>eat a lot of protein and fiber
>cardio and lift
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>fall for fad and/or extreme diets like extended fasts, keto, etc

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


down to 230 from 280

good work, my son

the rest of you, CONFESS

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Wish i could skip to the part where i make it...

This weekend i overate. Planned to eat a little more on saturday so i prepared for it. But on sunday my friends had a bbq and i ate like 3 hotdogs and potato chips and SODA. Pls forgive me father....

>good work, my son
i still eat terrible food(bolognese and chili are the most egregious), i just portion it now

how 2 into veggies, i can't eat most of them

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ate a whole bag of chips yesterday, like 1500kcal. had been craving them for a month and i was basically going insane

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I was doing great last week by going to the gym and tracking my kcal intake.
Lost control for 3 days.
went from 106.4 kg to 107.8 kg.
i fucked up

reee I dont wanna get loose skin, I was 15lbs from my goal before I lost control Im so scared. I still have 50-60 more to lose.

those here who made it or are close to without getting it pls give me suggestions.

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Last Sunday all I ate was a large Domino's pizza with 9 toppings

i do fine during the week generally, i'm 5'11'' about 190 so roughly 25% bf, not great but certainly not too bad - then every freakin sunday i go overboard and eat everything i can find, and have to fast all day and night monday. i cannot seem to stop.

I lost 50/60 with no loose skin, you'll make it
I like to bake a couple trays of veg on a sunday and eat them with meals for most of the week

I’ve lost 20 pounds exactly from my starting weight, I’m definitely slimmer and have a bit more definition in my shoulders and arms; but I’ve still got a grotesque midsection. How do I lose it bros?

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>How do I lose it bros?
the answer is always to lift

>I like to bake a couple trays of veg on a sunday and eat them with meals for most of the week
i might try that out, thanks
what do you usually bake?

Stay your course. Nothing has changed.

I love reading confess posts because it makes me realize how much will power I have versus most other people.

Ate like 60-70g of chips and a few pizzas after doing a 17 hour dry fast because we had guests over

180cm. Dropped down from 78 kg to 71. Want to drop to 65kg before starting my first bulk. We're all gonna make it brahs

anything really. My last one was red onion, turnip, carrot, aubergine, parsnip.

courgette, cherry tomatoes, potato, sweet potato, celeriac, peppers are also great. If you get bored you can always add things like black pudding, chorizo or halloumi if it fits your overall diet

I'm 26, 5'10" and down ~15 pounds in a little over a month (225 to 208.9 today).

I'm operating on 1600-2200 calories a day depending on what's going on in my life (I plan to start adding higher calorie days in line with higher activity days to make the most). I try to maintain about 30/20/50 macro ratios (I've tried keto, it doesn't work for me- constant lethargy and insubstantial weight lass due to low activity, fasting the same- decrease potential in activity net's weight gain not loss long term).

On Friday I consumed 4300 calories thanks to homemade broccoli and cheese soup, a half a fifth of whiskey, and a taco bell run. It didn't seem to cause any real issues despite the massive calorie overage (was 211.2 the yesterday- did 30 minutes HIIT)

I want to do more HIIT, I've found fitnessblender routines to look very promising.

I also have a gym membership with decent freeweights that I've under-utilized. I tend to get burnt out and not want to go back, but I'm planning to change that. I mostly will do basic compound lifts (backsquat-squat-bentover row, benchpress-deadlift-rows) in no reliable order or combination, feel good about it, then put it off for a few days and not go back for a week or two.

I think by doing HIIT on recovery days in between lift days, it'll help me stay in the flow and not stop. I've seen this suggested, but also the opposite... Is there any problems with doing this? I also think that starting to track my lifts, and having specific days for specific lifts would help. The problem is I get conflicting advice from everyone I talk to, and it leaves me without a consistent program that I can stick to.

If anyone could provide me with a few tips on how to do both HIIT and have consistent lift/HIIT day cycles with a decent routine, I'd appreciate it. Also open to doing more bodybuilding type routines, but currently not super worried about muscle aesthetics and would rather lose fat while maintaining muscle.

Lemme give you a success story. I dropped 40ish pounds and it feels great. I was never bloatmaxxed but i got down from 240 pounds to 200-ish, and it's great. Women love it, people around me treat me better, and i'm getting stronger to boot.
I'm currently 91 kg at 194 cm after a summerbulk and current cut (down 6 kg from 97) and i'll soon bulk again.

You can do it lads, i believe in you. Let's meet at the top.

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I'm really proud of you boys, keep up the good work and you'll reach your goals in no time!

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Recently went on a field trip with friends and ate / drank about 25000 kcal in five days and slept 10 hours total in that time period. Fug

11 kg down, 14 kg to go!

Fuck me this is gonna take a while

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a Jow Forums tripfag that spams anime gifs

is that all you do?

Thanks to these threads, Im learning roughly how much kg is to lbs and I do not like it.

17 hr is not a fast, even dry

I've been at 198 since the beginning of October. I lost 30lbs but I can't seem to continue correctly.

>be me
>begin to work out
>reach 80kg and get /buffed/
>now I look like an ape instead of nice
Anyone recommend me sth?

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What's intermittent fasting then?

Went from 280 to 240 pic related when I started.

Make sure to save plenty of pictures of yourself before you lose weight, you'll thank yourself later.

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Not good enough

lose more weight nigger im 185 at 81 kg and my face is still fat as fuck


>>fall for fad and/or extreme diets like extended fasts, keto, etc

>extended fasts

You are missing out, extended fasting rules

i always see people claiming weight loss as water weight
how do you discern the difference from water weight vs fat loss
is it still water weight even if you keep it off
i started 260 6'0 in july and am now 230 but i cant help but feel like im not losing fat

>You are missing out, extended fasting rules
the kys of Jow Forums

go back to leddt with your fad diet trash

Water weight is usually in the range of 5-10lb


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No, more fat people need to know about fasting, you can continue your low calorie and get worse results. Go do some research before dismissing something off hand

How do you guys manage to eat so much without vomiting?
I need to gain 5 kilos within 4 months
Share what you know

I'm just here while animeanon is gone friend

>"Do your own research!" is a common phrase used by conspiracy theorists and pseudoscience promoters of various creeds in response to people who are skeptical of their claims. This phrase is a form of the escape hatch (Argumentum ad googlam) used by a charlatan who wants to win the argument but does not want to bear the burden of proof. Typically by this, they tend not to be suggesting you actually read through papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals—nah, they're evil, big government shills—nor are they suggesting you conduct original research; Professor Google provides all the info needed.

>just starve yourself to lose weight
>never mind that it doesn't teach you to portion correctly and you'll gain the weight back as soon as you stop
don't fall for meme diets

>How do you guys manage to eat so much without vomiting?
years of eating progressively larger meals starting when i was a kid

try protein shakes if you need more calories in your diet

Yeah, I did shit like this after I had been dieting for about 6 months or so. I did so great at first but once I was closing in on my goal but still trying to cut calories I started letting my mind wander more and think about different things I wouldn't let myself have. I remember for 2 weeks at one point I would literally think about eating buckeye candies ALL THE TIME. It was always there in the back of my mind for 2 weeks until I finally broke down and bought a box of them. Ate over 1,000 calories worth and after the first 2 or 3 it wasn't even that enjoyable.

The lesson I've learned is that whenever you get cravings like this it's best to allow yourself to have a reasonable sized portion of it within a few days. Shortly after the buckeye incident I got a craving for an Arby's Beef n' cheddar sandwich. I was thinking about it all the time just like the buckeyes, but this time I just went through the drive through and got a small beef n' cheddar, side salad and a water. Craving gone and no binge. So next time you really feel you need those chips just get a snack size bag and fit it into your daily macros.

Ignoring the argument, attacking a single yet valid statement.
Not a meme, BMR increases while fasting and does not cause the associated metabolic slowdown that low calorie does. Fasting is also not a permanent thing. You are confusing fasting with starving, they are different metabolic States

i haven't been to Jow Forums in years till today, but it appears this animeanon has been gone for at least over a week

they are probably dead

>How do you guys manage to eat so much without vomiting?
>I need to gain 5 kilos within 4 months

nigger eat like 300kcal above maintenance... are you serious?

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So what exactly is the deal with plateaus? I know they're not exactly real in the sense that you suddenly stop burning fat, but it seems every month or so I'll hit a few days where my weight holds steady or even goes up for a few days in a row before suddenly dropping back down. Is it perhaps related to water retention/sodium intake? That would make sense but on the days where I plateau I've never noticed myself eating more sodium than normal.

>You are confusing fasting with starving, they are different metabolic States
i know the difference, the diet is just autistic

>fasting is not a permanent thing
which is why people should learn how to do portion control rather than cutting out food completely for days at a time

>b-but low cal is slower
it's also more sustainable long term

Post height, weight and age. It's really not hard. If you just want to gain weight quick there are simple "hacks". If you want to do a clean bulk it will take longer though.

>Is it perhaps related to water retention/sodium intake?
yes, unless something's seriously wrong with your measurements. if you plateau for a few days or a week before starting to lose again it's probably nothing to worry about, if it continues past two or three weeks you need to look at what you're doing because something's wrong

>tfw i never feel full anymore
>tfw i have to force myself to stop eating every meal
>tfw i should probably become competitive eater but know i need to lose weight
No, you share what YOU know!

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The associated studies are linked at the bottom.

Do what you wish, but I would not discourage the option of fasting, it really works wonders. Of course do your own research and be critical.

>if you plateau for a few days or a week before starting to lose again it's probably nothing to worry about
Yeah, it used to freak me out but I've grown accustomed to it. Never had one last over week and usually when I do start to go down in weight again it's really rapid which feels nice. I just find it strange because I can't find any correlation between my diet and the plateaus. I've gotten to the point where if I notice it happening I cease as much sodium intake as possible but the plateau usually still lasts a few more days.

Wtf you're under standard BMI already. What are you doing here?

nice pseudoscience blog

anyhow, here's a peer reviewed academic study that shows one reason how even 10 hour fasts can negatively affect weight loss

>BMR increases while fasting

when leptin goes down, this leads to hunger, increased appetite, reduced motivation to exercise and decreased amount of calories burned at rest

and that's just one reason why fasting is a stupid fad diet that isn't backed up by science

now i've "done my research" and you can kindly shut the fuck up

How about bowel movements? I've noticed when I plateau it usually happens because I haven't taken a shit for several days. I just randomly get backed up for whatever reason. I briefly got addicted to some sugar free candies which are essentially laxatives which created the opposite problem, but it wasn't worth the number on the scale going down.

Oh, also, it could be your water intake as well. Do you drink a lot, especially later at night? I've noticed there's like a sweet spot for me. If I drink too much I wake up constantly to piss but still weigh more in the AM, and if I drink too little my water retention goes up. But if I find the sweet spot I don't piss too much but my body doesn't have to retain all that extra water because I'm keeping well hydrated.

>never feel full anymore
this isn't a one size fits all solution but i did a weeklong fast at the beginning and it significantly reduced my appetite. i'm on 1200kcal right now and the only time i get hungry is right before lunch on days where i haven't had the chance to eat breakfast

>notice it happening I cease as much sodium intake as possible but the plateau usually still lasts a few more days.
i lost about 10 pounds of waterweight when i stopped adding salt to everything, it's unreal

>Wtf you're under standard BMI already.
No he's not. I'm a similar height and want to reach about the same weight. I'm 5'11 and 150lbs but have a goal of 140. I still have some stomach flab to get rid of. Plus, I went from 150 to 165 earlier in the year and it all went to my hips and man tits and I felt disgusting. There's a huge difference in just 15lbs for me.

You can still look good with cloths on.

You know, you don't HAVE to exercise while fasting.
You create a larger net deficit of calories by not eating and simply being moderately or just normally active throughout the day.

Exercise does not really do the whole weight loss thing at all. Diet and high levels of NEAT does 99% of the work.

I just read each one of your leptin links, and I think that you didn't even fucking read what you posted. Nowhere in those links did they talk about fasting leading to not losing weight at all.

Are you a fucking retard that just searches a term then posts associated links? Try not to give advice to others when you dont know shit yourself. Fuck off

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>lost about 10 pounds of waterweight when i stopped adding salt to everything, it's unreal
Holy shit. Luckily I rarely add much salt to anything (maybe a shake or two on some broccoli but that's it) but I eat a lot of high sodium food like pickles, tuna, jerky and I love putting mustard and spray butter on stuff. It sucks because those are all fairly low calorie but insanely high sodium.

That's probably because you have no muscle at all.

I don't know about your bone structure, maybe you're really small, but I know people about your same height that weight about 180 lbs and they're jacked.

>You create a larger net deficit of calories by not eating and simply being moderately or just normally active throughout the day.
stop making shit up, i'm not going to go find scholarly sources for every nonsense claim you make- it's already been proven you're a nut

>I just read each one of your leptin links
i'm guessing you're a poorfag who read the abstracts of the first two (or a liar) and not the actual studies

anyhow, in the third study i linked (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3104762/) the initial abstract even states
>Leptin deficiency in mice and humans causes morbid obesity

and the rest of the (completely free to view) study goes on leptin and it's effects on energy expenditure

stop lying

Im 20, 173 and 70 kilos

oh and just in case you are literally this retarded, if you couldn't figure out how fasting ties into leptin regulation, the first link (academic.oup.com/jcem/article/86/10/4895/2849162) is the peer-reviewed study tying fasting to leptin regulation

Once again, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Unless you want to announce to the class that the human body will not lose weight during fasting.

Holy shit everyone, africans aren't dying because they have nothing to eat, they are dying because they are just lonely. World hunger is solved :^)

You are a god damn retard in every sense of the word.

alright, well you've lost to science and have resorted to nonsense


>cant defend yourself so you resort to retreating

How sad.

First link, 10-16 hrs of fasting, not significant.

Second are Meta analysis. Leptin resistance in obese individuals causes dysfunctional signaling that can be corrected by fasting.

Also attacking Fung's blog is an ad hominem. Not trying to make an argument from authority but his data is top notch and the results are astonishing.

I can post some clinical data when not on mobile if people are interested

>holy shit
i had problems. it's done now thankfully

you could try to pickle your own stuff if you're positive you won't kms yourself with botulism. lacto fermentation is lowish salt

>that the body will not lose weight
that's not what he said at all m8

>Went to go buy nice clothes yesterday because I had to throw out all my old ratty worn shit and had no clothes left
>My normal pant size of 38 is started to get tight, the size up of 40 is somwhere between loose and comfortable
I know it's time to stop, but the real question is how the fuck to stop grazing all the time like a literal cow. Cutting down portion sizes, making healthy substitutions, and counting calories is easy on paper; it's the uncanny time in-between meals where I'm desperate for a snack because the cut-down meal I just had didn't fill me up all the way that I have trouble on.

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Lactic fermentation is not really a risk factor for botulism as it is primarily aerobic. Canning your own stuff is a higher risk, but of course be careful with any food.

>the human body will not lose weight during fasting
i never claimed this, this is simply your attempt to twist the truth because it's clear you've lost.
the fact is you'll lose weight slower during fasting, due to lower energy expenditure (outlined in 3 studies with 1 proving fasting causes a decrease in leptin secretion, putting your body into fat-storage mode)

nothing in your post gave me anything to defend, other than your ridiculous claim above
>africans aren't dying because they have nothing to eat, they are dying because they are just lonely
>World hunger is solved
>You are a god damn retard in every sense of the word.
mad cuz wrong

nothing that nut does is peer-reviewed in any academically respected manner, and he's a huge pseudoscience promoter and constantly fights against having any studies peer reviewed


not only does he promote fasting, he also promotes a slew of other fad diets life lchf, keto, Paleo, plant-based whole food, etc.

>not risky
oh alright. i'm not familiar with it at all desu, i've just watched some vids about it

211.8 from 224, this is the week I stalled despite doing the same exact thing. Hopefully something will come off next weigh in.

>stop making shit up, i'm not going to go find scholarly sources for every nonsense claim you make- it's already been proven you're a nut

Let me dumb this down for you.

Person A
BMR 2000
Diet 1500 calories
Calories burned from exercise 150 calories.

Person B
BMR 2000 calories
Diet 0 calories
Calories burned from exercise 0 calories

Who created the biggest net deficit of calories.

>person A is sustainable long term
>person B is more likely to binge and lose motivation
>person B winds up with more calories

>drop to 115 kg from 120
>now 122
i just want to die

I'd argue that the other 'fad' diets all share the same mechanism of insulin control. Whereas the conventional 6 small meals are outright harmful.

Higher fat diets can help correct leptin dysregulation in leaner individuals, fat people would be better served by either IF or a psmf omad style from my own experience.

As always, do your own research but don't dismiss things blindly.

What do you do all day?

Also try ephedrine (Bronkaid), kills your appetite like nothing else.

Both of them can crack and binge and lose motivation.

When you have to make up scenarios to cover your ass when you say something unbelievably stupid then you've lost.

Also, crash dieting does work. You'll lose weight and many people have been able to keep it off for years.
We only hear about the people who are lifelong yoyo dieters or obese people who lie through their teeth about their herculean efforts to not eat that second large pizza and lose a half of a pound.

Lost 60 lbs fast within a year but now I'm losing super slow.

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how come the preist never loses weight?

You can use this link to calculate exactly how long it might take you depending on how much you eatsailrabbit.com/bmr/

But, that being said, if your problem is that you get full too easily/quickly you can focus more on drinking your calories. Obviously liquor will do the job quickly, or beer which is similar to soda and energy drinks calorie wise. If that fails you can always opt for putting oil and butter on everything. Oils are insanely dense in calories and don't fill you up at all. Oh, and of course nuts are also a good idea. Basically just look for anything small and not filling that is extremely high in calories. If you're trying to gain weight by shoving as much fast food and deserts down your throat as you can of course you will get full quickly.

>to cover your ass
i'm not the other guy

>only hear about yoyo dieters
because that's the vast majority of the people who do EF and you know it. it doesn't teach you anything that you can apply to keeping weight off long tern

recalculate your tdee and adjust your diet
don't fall for meme diets like EF

he spends his days with his fat ass seated in the confessional booth

Yeah, honestly I think the cutting out sodium is a good idea while on a cut, if for no other reason than it lowers the number on the scale which is great for motivation. But once I'm done cutting I probably won't worry about it as much. I just need to remind myself it's water retention and not fat. Though I should probably cut down my tuna intake, I've heard that can fuck with you in the long term.

I've had 3 slices of dragon fruit, a banana, and 200ml of milk in a smoothie and thats it for the whole day, I know this shit is unhealthy but I'm not hungry at all right now.

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i don't eat it that often but isn't fatty fish still fine? i know about the mercury but i'm assuming you aren't eating a pound of it a day

>Also try ephedrine (Bronkaid)
Just a normal size dose? How often do you do this? Sounds like a good idea to try but I don't want it to become an unhealthy habit. Not him btw, but I also struggle with constant hunger.

I'll typically eat 2 packets of starkist a day..... sometimes 3. I've had a lot of people (here and IRL) tell me I shouldn't eat more than 1 packet a day and that even that can be bad if you do it consistently.

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How much weight will I lose for 2 weeks if I eat one meal a day at dinner? It'll usually be around or less than 600 calories.

>2-3 a day
i'd imagine that gets expensive, why so much?
check what the fda says is safe and cut off 20-30% i guess

put in 600 on daily caloric intake
i wouldn't recommend going below 1200. if you're going below that you might as well fast

I noticed after getting into fasting I'm just not thrilled about food anymore. Not that I don't like it, it's just a weird feeling.

If you're doing OMAD you might as well be doing 1000kcal or more in that meal. You will feel seriously stuffed and satiated until the next day.

Can't fast because the person I live with gets very worried when I don't have dinner. So it's easier to just eat dinner and lie that I've eaten at work during the day as well.