Listen to my speech:
You mother fuckers killed Shuaiby
lol get rekt homosexual faggot lover
why should i care about shuaiby
he was your fellow user, that's reason enough fag
yeah this is why i don't visit Jow Forums much anymore... literally shitting on his memory by reposting the suicide.... get a life dude
get a life dude.........whats wrong with you..........
my fellow anons are 90% normie, not everyone here deserves my care. i have to be careful to discern who is actually relatable now.
not White, don't care
reality sucks, doesn't it?
does this look like the face of a normie you fucking faggot?
Jow Forums out out out
yeah, sucks
1s and 1s, and 1s and 0s
a whole lot of 0s
holy shit he killed himself on live stream? Jesus Christ i feel bad for the kid
get off your high horse you fucking faggot. nobody here is responsible for this kid death you dumb bumbling faggot. he bought a shotgun, put it to his head and pulled the trigger. he is responsible for his death. if that's what he wanted, so be it.
fucking slowpoke bumbling moralistic faggot
>yes m'lady, life is just a bunch of 1s and 0s. Now allow me to give you a 3 minute lecture on the true meaning of atheism hue hue hue
This is the most neckbeard reply I've ever read
and..... that's a good thing! a
What happened to this guy? Story??
Sites like Jow Forums and many others reinforced and cultivated the suicidal thoughts and this whole idea of giving up on life and complaining about the big bad normalfag monster. You faggots glorify solitude as you're "true" place where you "really" belong because you had a couple bumps along the road in life. If this place made an effort to put forth more positive views on life, a much more fighting will and less of a cry baby loser one, maybe guys like him wouldn't have ended up at the route he did.
That's true. Granted I think the people here aren't too far behind him. Maybe if everything was sunshine and fairies the dude wouldn't have felt as shitty but it's not. No one made him come here and drown himself in his sorrows like everyone else on this board. The people here cannot be held responsible for this dudes actions.
I agree with your post 100% though. People here are babies and are cultivating a culture of sadness and degeneracy.
He held up a sign that said "goodbye Jow Forums," shot himself in the head with a shotgun and live streamed the whole thing.
Considering the horrors this world has seen in the last 100 years alone, if someone offs themselves because of an imageboard I have no sympathy and they don't deserve to live. Self-accountability is a thing.
No one here is responsible for shit or is at fault. If you are stupid enough to actually embrace suicide cause internet people tell you to do it (or anyone in general), then you shouldn't be alive anyways. The are a couple of open resources he could of sought out for help but he chose to be a faggot and done did it.
BTW does anyone have the video? I kinda wanna see the moments before his death.
dubs of truth, and its on liveleak iirc the whole yotuube stream even when the police stuff
He didn't kill himself BECAUSE of Jow Forums, I'm saying that sites like Jow Forums and many others cultivated preexisting ideas of loneliness and being an outcast. The reality is while this board does have it's 26 year old users and even 40 year old users, most people start browsing here around their late teenage years, and it's usually the same types of people. I don't mean the invading normalfags or redditors who come to troll. I'm talking the outcasts. The ones who sit alone at lunch, and eat in the bathroom, and spend too much time over thinking and have internet addictions. I'm talking about the ones who literally have the real autism and not the meme ones. They come here because they view r9k as a safe space. The they "well I don't fit anywhere in real life, so why don't I surround my self with other like minded people" (a.k.a r9k). What they fail to realize is this isn't a safe space for the most part. The only thing safe here is your fucking virginity. This is a place where people throw in their towels and continuously complain about their "so hard" lives. Nobody here has a will to live and as a result death and suicide is glorified as the "way" out. This is how shuaibys are created,
The same resources that r9k demonizes and labels as memes
>le therapy is a meme
>self help is a meme
>no fap is a meme
>meme meme meme
If you don't make these posts then this isn't directed towards you. I just think we should be aware of what we post, not only because it affects other but even for yourself. I mean ask yourself, do you REALLY feel better when you make a frog post? or a wojak post? Or listen to sad music? Nothing good comes from negative thoughts. Period. It's just nonconstructive for both parties, user.
it's also true
your emotions are tedious
so tedious indeed
I always see people recommending therapy, getting fit and nofap. What do you mean? Sure you aren't just projecting?
All of them aren't guilty of it, that is true, but you don't see the latter nearly as often.
>internet people tell you help is bad
>not trying to seek help first and see if it is true or not
>blindly believing anything on the internet
People should at least be smart enough to try things out before they come to a conclusion.
Also, just cause people frog post (or whatever they post) doesn't mean it will help them at all but it sure does waste some time and maybe some emotion.
Jow Forums isn't some sort of outcast and depression safe space, it's a place where you try to post something original so why would anyone come here to get fucking help out of all the places in the internet?
I guess it's time to seach for it. Thanks user!
>get a life dude
he says while posting on Jow Forums
>. get a life dude
siad the one posting on Jow Forums on the Jow Forums board on a wednesday night at 9 pm
>complains about morals
>calls someone else a faggot
have you considered buying a ksg or are you too much of a pussy to own real guns?
Nobody said that the reason why he didn't seek help was because r9k told him not to, i was just mentioning that to support my claim of most of r9k dwelling in despair and not trying to fix your problems.
I never implied that frog posting could possibly help you, I was just critiquing what most posters spend their time doing and how it's not beneficial assuming they have plans on piecing their life back together.
>Jow Forums isn't some sort of outcast and depression safe space where you try to post something original
You and I both know that's not true.
Read again you idiot that isn't what I said.
Anyways imma keep it quick chief, if you don't like Jow Forums and the stuff posted here then just leave. Criticizing it is just a waste of time (just like making frog posts). Just let dumb people post their stuff (and be unproductive) and you try to keep your life together, not someone else's.
I just wanted to share my opinion, it's not like I'm flooding r9k with these threads every day like the fucking autistic pony poster who hates barnyfags, don't tell me where I can and can't post.
>You try to keep your life together, not someone elses
Selfish desu, you should strive to help your follow anons
Here comes the
Ya'll don't really want it now BOOM
Maybe, maybe the coping mechanism could have been a lot better.
They are useless memes though. None of them work
nice. full video?
He shouldn't be trying to "cope" in the first place. Drugs are copes. R9k is a cope. Alcohol is a cope. Media like anime or netflix or whatever you faggots watch is a cope. Anything you use to escape your hell is a cope. Coping is not good. What he should've been looking for are ways to counter act his problems. His anxiety, his overthinking, his mental health, etc.
You can't fit a square block block in a round hole, some people are born misfits. Whatever amount of bullshit coping you would have liked to put him through still wouldn't have fixed him.
I'm happy he's at peace now and doesn't have to deal with blind normalfags like you anymore
Literally who? Stupid new daily memes...
How is it our fault? We didnt know.
post your rarest shuaibs boys
Good on you OP for pronouncing his name right, and I agree 100%, good speech.
>doesnt know Shuaiby
How new are you user?
He was kinda qt imo. I wish another, better quality photo was out there.
We should all care desu.
He was physically unattractive. What do you expect? Life sucks for unattractive men.
>He was physically unattractive
He wasnt though. He wasnt particularly handsome either, but he was cute.
Cute is a genetic death sentence in the eyes of women. Women want someone hot not cute.
stfu about things you have no idea about. cute is attractive/handsome
Thats not true at all. Cute can also denote physical attractiveness, (and in my case it was intended to) but in a different way as opposed to hot which is more intense. I would date someone that looked like him in a heartbeat if he had a good personality, and I give looks not all, but a significant enough amount of weight.
Funny to see this here where hundreds of guys each day blame everyone else and society as a whole for their current state of being. Gtfo like u don't know how strongly affected ppl here are by what others think of them. It literally keeps ppl from leaving their room cuz they can't stand the shame.
its Jow Forums's fault, they made him a self hating ineffectual racist
Friendly reminder that none of you robots deserve love, no one deserves love, no one is just entitled to it. You have literally nothing to offer anyone emotionally or physically and most of you are just drains on your parents as well.
This board is just a landfill of broken, discarded boys trying to convince each other that it's everyone else's fault that they have nothing to offer, and a place to exchange coping mechanisms.
Enjoy your fantasies as long as you can bois. We're all gonna die alone with nothing.
eat shit and die, normalfag
you're the reason he's dead
Jow Forums is probably the closest he came to being treated like a human being
you discord faggots are cancer
I still remember seeing the original video where you shitheads were pretending to care
there was even some THOT on there whining the whole time
if I had to listen to that garbage every day I'd consider an hero too
>shuaiby had to listen to people say shit like this every time he felt depressed and wanted to talk to someone
>wow why did he livestream his suicide to his discord """""friends""""" I bet Jow Forums caused this
die in a fire.
Hes almost always mentioned at least once in those r9k husbando threads. But he didnt care about girls anyway. He was just a long time depression sufferer who didnt want to wageslave or finish college.
I'd imagine nothing but gay dudes post on the husbando threads. If he was actually attractive he would have had a gf/not end up killing himself.
Theyre specifically fembot titled threads, while some very well may be I cant imagine everyone in there is a gay guy, and again, his reasoning had nothing to do with girls.
think about how many gay guys and guys on hrt there are on this board. Think about how few women there are. 95% of the posters are MALE.
99% of you in this thread didn't even know or care about the guy, so stop assuming whether he was a normie or not. He literally shot himself with a shotgun, so he probably wasn't in the best mental state to begin with. The Reiko rumours was all shitposting, there's no proof of any of it, he was just another user. Rip Sadbot, rest well my guy
This chick was more or less orbiting him for a while, idk if she still is.
I actually enjoy posting on Jow Forums
Ur retarded if u think a gf would've solved his probs or if u think one will solve urs.
After he became famous. Of course girls like guys with status.
That's because you're a normalfaggot retard that doesn't understand
It is refreshing taking my anger and sadness to other virgin faggots and hating on women and other anons for being losers.
Unfortunately this site is becoming ruined with normies like you where I have to now be shunned here too and women praised, but overall its good
A gf won't solve your problems because you will always fear losing her if you're not physically attractive enough to keep her. LOOKS would have saved shuabiy. There's a reason most suicides are ugly males.
It's all just negativity and hate.
It would be great if we had a more happy community, however that's not the case.
In general there is a reason why you need to be above 18 to use the site. It's not all his fault, but you can't blame the death of one kid on us.
People die all the time, and only reason you cared about this kids death was because he killed himself ON CAMERA. Many kids kill them selves or hey killed by accident, but you don't give a fuck about that do you? You don't even think of it.. but as soon as "oh no he killed himself" that's when you loose it
He wasnt even ugly though?
In some way it would. I think just the feeling of being loved is what most people need...
The love is only temporary if the girl feels she can do better. That's why it's important to be good looking so that she can't monkey branch.
he wasn't attractive.
Hey, don't look at me. Reiko's the one you want.
Well even if it's just temporary love, it will still give you a huge confidence boost and the ability to think back on that feeling when things are though...
even though the only girl who ever liked be left shortly after, I still think back to that feeling of the first kiss and the love.. only thing that really keeps me going anymore
It's soul crushing when she leaves you for someone better.
naive as fuck, trust me getting s gf won't magically make u ok with ur place in the world or cure ur social anxiety or awkwardness. also naive as fuck cuz there's so much more going on than looks when it comes to people leaving, having to manage a dudes emotional state as much as her own is enough go for most girls to leave or cheat even if he's hot.
I feel bad for his mom. No one should have to bury their kid, no matter how autistic he is.
Social anxiety and awkwardness are symptoms of being physically unattractive. You never see good looking guys suffer these things. You think the guy in the picture is anxious and awkward around women? Of course not.
U are wrong
I had a long conversation with a girl one day and I fell in love with her. I was so happy. I'll never forget the walk back home. I thought my whole life was finally worth it. All that waiting would pay off - I found the girl. It wasnt even like a typical temporary happy feeling either, I literally felt bliss like I was so comfortable with life I was ready to die.
Obviously it didnt work out. I texted her and she ignored me. Back to depressed I go. Literally she couldve cured my happiness
Yeah he's totally wrong. Having a cute loyal gf is the strongest antidepressant there is. It literally releases hormones in your brain that trigger happiness name Oxycontin but so many more. Guys who say a cute loyal gf won't improve your life are bullshitting or dating cheating sluts.
>shitting on his memory by reposting the suicide
You're going to sit there and pretend like he didn't livestream his suicide knowing exactly that would happen?
Importance on cute too. Idc too much even about fucking a girl. But its the companionship that a cute girl provides that ive been desiring for essentially every second of my whole life
>About to be 22 years old
>Thinking to do what Shuaiby did when I get stressed from work
I don't want to be 22 years old and alone and working for no reason.
I'd rather rot in the floor.
>he was a poor baby who couldnt think for himself and did it because a fatass on an eastern Eurasian yeti and Bigfoot sighting message board encouraged him to
Kek, dumbass he did it because he was a loser 18 year old with no prospects and could extrapolate that the rest of his life was going to be shit because of his previous experiences.
I agree, his mom running in like that was awful.
dead meme stfu
He is more than just a meme.
>with a shotgun
Using high brass 00 buckshot.
>buying a ksg
They supposedly jam a lot.
>reposting the suicide
It would never happen if he didn't livestream it. He most likely did it so threads would be posted and he wouldn't be forgotten.
>yeah this is why i don't visit Jow Forums much anymore
You are so weak it is disgusting.
Threadly reminder that this faggot was a normie and had a female crying for him the entire time on a chat before the suicide.
>getting fit (not projecting)
When you are ripped as hell you mostly feel very strong and good overall, but if you want to keep that physique the slaving away with working out, but mostly eating the very healthy nutritious meals never ends. Honestly, the eating is harder than the workouts, because if you are a hard gainer best of luck on the food costs and overall consumption. The very well defined body you will have is nice overall, but annoying to maintain to a point for some anons.