>grandma dies
>mom is crying
>dad doesnt even hug her or get up from his meal
Why are men such emotionless statues? Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with you all?
>grandma dies
>mom is crying
>dad doesnt even hug her or get up from his meal
Why are men such emotionless statues? Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with you all?
you must be more related to your dad
We make it slowly burn inside to be looking tough enough, and when no one sees, we cry.
Because showing emotion is showing weakness and a weak man isn't a man at all.
Maybe grandma was a huge bitch
Basically this, it's socially unacceptable for men to cry, that's why none of us do it in public, we'd be seen as fags for showing emotion.
It isn't about weakness you fucking delusion cock, all humans cry, we all have emotions, not everyone is a sociopath like you
protip fembots: no man will ever care about anyone in your family, unless your mom is hot and they fuck or your dad is based and he likes hanging out with him.
I don't know why women think we give a shit about their cousin's friend's new baby or her uncles's girlfriend's son. we don't give a fuck about your cousin, why would we care about her friend? let alone that friend's baby? same with the uncle.
we care about, and most likely no one else related to you.
>>grandma dies
>>mom is crying
>>dad doesnt even hug her or get up from his meal
Did mom find out that grandma died during this meal, or did she find out like a week ago but she still randomly inserts crying into stuff just to ruin it?
that bitch just wanted attention. your father did the right thing by not giving it to her
She was very nice to him and mom.
I just went and yelled at him to go hug her and he got pissed off but did it. God you people act like basedboiz are the enemy but what the fuck happens in your life that hugging your wife after her mom dies is "weak"? God. I really believe maleness is an unnatural curse.
>when no one sees, we cry
wrong, I literally cannot cry
why is s o y filtered to this?
Honestly this is probably the case, how the hell would his mom find out during a meal
She was crying alone in her room while he just stuffed some stupid hamburger in his face like goddamnit what the fuck happens in your life that you cant take 2 minutes to go hug someone and say "sorry im here for you" and then fuck off back to your shit.
Because grandma died and she got a phone call during it you subhuman nigger
Damnit this has redpilled me on men so hard. You're fucking subhuman
well this is just retared. just imagine not caring deeply for the people who raised the woman you allegedly love.
You and your mother would lose respect for your father if he showed any emotional vulnerability. It happened to me and I can't look at him the same.
>It happened to me and I can't look at him the same.
what did the faggot do?
did you go try to comfort her?
Natural selection.
Women won't fuck men who show any weakness (eg emotion) therefore emotional men have been removed from the gene pool.
>Damnit this has redpilled me on men so hard. You're fucking subhuman
You're a man
>answering your phone during a meal
Your mom deserved it for that, and your gram deserved death for creating her. Now THAT is credit karma you fucking whore
>waaaah I hate men who don't show emotion!
>man shows emotion
>wow men are so fucking pathetic
>showing emotional weakness as a male
Bad idea in practically every scenario. Literally nothing good comes from it, best case scenario nothing happens, usually it means anyone who sees loosing significant respect for you. In my experience even the women that swear up and down that they want men to be open are instantly repulsed and disgusted when they finally do.
theres a reason only men can be robots
Dad apparently tattled on me that i told him to go hug mom, what a child. How the fuck is this manly? Male upbringing is a disease
Not kidding if one of you actually manages to trick a broad into marrying you support your wife emotionally when her immediate family dies. I have lost nearly all respect for my dad and i dont think its going to heal.
Because your idea of opening up is usually about how hard your life is that stacy didnt say yes when you asked her out
why are we like this lads?
Just because a man doesn't show emotion doesn't mean he doesn't feel.
By a large part stoicism is still a thing because that's what you worthless whores want. The emotional guy gets friend zoned while the stoic guy gets laid
>Fml im so bad with deaths
i have 0 idea how to react, because I dont get emotional for this kinda stuff.
It's our job to be the strong one.
If he was to show his face, he would lose his job.
Imagine you want to scream, and it's tearing your lungs apart until you do, but your mind is telling you not, so you don't
it wouldn't help so why bother
serious question: is your mom hot?
You've 'lost your respect' for your father because you're expecting him to act like a woman. Or to put it another way, you never respected him in the first place because you don't understand what it is to be a man.
You know what your mother wants out of her husband? It's not a soft fuckwit who'll coddle her. That's your job, obviously. He has to be an example of stoicism so she can see what it is to be strong, and that he's doing that for her to keep her grounded through her emotional turmoil.
>Because your idea of opening up is usually about how hard your life is that stacy didnt say yes when you asked her out
no, the issue is when I ask "stacy" out and after 4 months of dating and 2 months of her badgering me to open up I tell her how ive lost the ability to enjoy most things in life and have become largely numb and emotionless despite being fairly successful both socially and career wise. Suddenly she looks at me completely differently, loses all attraction to me and dumps me. This has happened multiple times. Its just not worth it. Its better to just say nothing at all and give them some minor bullshit if they want you to "open up about your emotions"
I dont want him to be "emotional" I felt nothing but utter disgust and revulsion as he continued to eat his burger while mom broke down crying and then went to her room to cry more. this mental image is going to stick with me for life
You dont need to get emotional. Here are the steps:
>"I'm sorry"
>"im here for you"
>dont need to cry or say anything else
Whatever. I'll take this as a valuable life lesson that men are mentally diseased either at birth or by society
Its not being able to control your emotions that makes you weak. Someone has to be objective in an emotional situation.
No pussies in this thread.
>this mental image is going to stick with me for life
Quit being an overdramatic faggot. Your parents are shit and don't love each other anymore. What a surprise.
This user gets it
Women badgering you about your emotions is a shit test. If you open up you have failed the shit test and as such will be removed as a mate from her reckoning.
Well, I consider myself mentally healthy (I'm a married man too).
If my wife lost her mom, I'd increase the kisses to the forehead and hugs tenfold and just let her know she can even wake me at 4 AM if she wants to talk.
A man doesn't have to cry in order to show he cares. Continuing to eat a burger and show that sort of indifference sounds fucking retarded.
>this mental image is going to stick with me for life
Fucking hell mate you've had an easy life if your dad eating a burger is giving you PTSD
And like the other user said your dad probably doesn't actually like your mum very much.
the real truth
your dad probably likes it when she cries and hates her
everyone acting like the dad's action was the right response is retarded, UNLESS its because he actually hates her instead of loves her
>He has to be an example of stoicism so she can see what it is to be strong, and that he's doing that for her to keep her grounded through her emotional turmoil
this so much
honestly you should have more respect for your dad after this, you dont know how hard it is to stay strong
>If my wife lost her mom, I'd increase the kisses to the forehead and hugs tenfold and just let her know she can even wake me at 4 AM if she wants to talk.
Jesus dude. If this guys wife isn't fucking Tyrone already, it can't be long.
sorry you had to see that femoid. we don't let ourselves show weakness to others, it's part of maintaining ourselves mentally.
>showing affection in a marriage is bad
Because society doesnt accept men showing emotions. A father is expected not to cry, and be stoic or whatever
Here's an idea
Pot down the computer/tablet/phone/whatever right now
Your mind I being poisoned by the insidiously toxic effects of feminism.
What your dad did was normal man behavior. Men often sort if check out when their processing traumatic shit (like a death)
Had your dad said something mean of whatever. That's a different story.
Can you imagine what a woman would react like if her man (Read, her fucking emotional and probably financial pillar she relies on to ground her) suddenly started being shaken apart and reduced to tears and incapacity by emotions? Don't you dare give me shit like 'he doesn't care' or 'he's emotionless' He probably feels the pain more strongly and vividly than you ever could, you shallow unituitive thing.
Don't guilt a man for being strong in the face of life and pain. It is a high virtue, and that you believe it is not is one of the symptoms and perpetuating reasons of modern life becoming such a shitshow.
>all these anons saying the dad did the right thing, "being stoic"
being indifferent isn't the same as being stoic. you can comfort someone without crying like a bitch with them. men communicate their emotions with actions, not with facial expressions or words. its like how girls always say they like when a guy walks on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road because it shows that they care and want to protect her. the action is enough, you don't have to say how much it would devastate you if anything happened to her or something like that. the simple act of going up and giving her a hug probably would have been enough to communicate support. fuck, just imagine thinking that giving your grieving wife a hug is "weak."
in all actuality, they probably just have a shit marriage and hate eachother
I cry manly tears only, like when my favorite sports ball team loses
>they hate each other
Considering how the spawn of the marriage acts, this is probable.
Crying over our dog dying.
>inb4 its ok to cwy manwy tears if a dog dies!
no it isn't, it's an animal. You don't get to be a blubbering pussy and wander around moping and crying over a dog until people end up getting you a new one like a kid who dropped their icecream cone.
She's lucky. Honestly i know not all men are shitstains, my friends husband is also very loving while she is the more stoic one. My OP still makes me assblasted though
Lmao what?
Also if thats really true about him not liking her he'd better hope he dies first because im chucking him into a home if i ever find out.
>muh feminism
I'm not feminist but holy shit if I dont want to drink their koolaid now. It's funny how the idea of being able to show someone emotional support in a time of need is toxic to you I think men just dont want to be bothered by this shit at all.
Also lol at everyone thinking "showing emotion" means behaving like a little bitch. my main point is men are so fucked up that they think they cant EVER show emotion. to me this is just as bad as being the s o y i m they love to hate on.
anyways i think im going to actually ask my dad if he even loves mom. hes shit at lying so ill get a real answer. They've been together so long i guess i never even considered this possibility
are you a male or female? oroggin
Instead of viewing a man showing his usually well hidden emotions as a sign of weakness, try instead viewing it as a sign of trust between you and that man.
I know it might be hard for you to differentiate what your behavioral response should be to family from what your behavioral response to a stranger would be, because you've been poorly raised or you're lacking in some capacity, but really think about it. Not like, Retard thinking, but normal human thinking.
Maybe we should also care about all the dude's she's sucked off and who have treated her poorly as to slowly lead her to you.
>i think im going to actually ask my dad if he even loves mom
tell us what he says
I'm a man, I had to take care of the dog during its final months and slow decline and my Dad didn't give two shits until it was finally time to put it down and suddenly acted like he didn't know dogs could die.
Of course I'm sad to lose a companion but people who get unhealthily attached to their pets then blubber around sobbing like its the death of their child or spouse really bother me. Especially when the task of taking care of the animal didn't even fall on them. Of course different people handle grief differently and maybe the responsibility of taking care of something terminal has a cathartic release once it's finally gone but I don't think a normal respons to a dog dying is to cry.
>yfw you're just mad your dad loved the dog more than he loved your worthless ass
Yeah, that's very pathetic to love a stupid dog over your own flesh and blood. I absolutely feel some resentment.
i'm assuming a virgin catholic girl with catholic parents as the hypothetical wife in question. if it were just some bitch you shacked up with, then yeah, who gives a fuck, but if she's actually a decent human being with a good family i think i would care about her family a lot. not that i would show it or talk about it
It's not because we want to save face or are trying to be stoic it's because we realy don't give a shit.
the mans truly a patrician, but how does that even apply?
>I don't think a normal response to a beloved pet dying is to cry
You've gotta have legit 'tism. Both by your inability to empathize with your father on this, and the fact you've apparently never shared any meaningful bonds of the same signifigance.
Alright i will. i cant do it tonight since he tattled on me and mom told me to drop it, but ill make a thread sometime down the line with what he says. also i plan to spring it on him suddenly so i know his answer is real.
I'll include shiga.jpg if you want to search for it in archives later
Virgin when she met my dad and only man she's ever been with or loved.
That's what I'm thinking as well. absolutely subhuman.
Judging by this thread I would say I would pick the dog over you too
I can't empathize with somebody who didn't put in the work to actually take care of the dog when it was dying until suddenly it wasn't there to greet them at the door. It feels like an act.
How old are you? You know springing a question like that is a dumbfuck idea, right?
because we're strong
and it's killing us
but that's the way things are meant to be
it's the natural order
Pathetic, dude. The dog wont be there to take care of you when you're old.
I never said that he wasn't stupid, callous or maybe even in denial of the reality of things until they really struck him. Like father like son, I suppose.
>also i plan to spring it on him suddenly so i know his answer is real.
yeah, you should do it in front of your mom, too.
higher divorce risk for emotional men
Sorry, OP, but the world is an awful place. True love doesn't exist and a ton of marriages are by people that hate each other. Getting angry about it just makes you look dumb for not knowing knowing what your parents are actually like. If you're underage, I apologize.
>Virgin when she met my dad and only man she's ever been with or loved.
and why the actual fuck would you ever believe this to be true?
>implying you wouldn't just dump you dad in a home like an ungrateful little shit
only women and children break down. doesnt mean he doesnt grieve or feel emotion.
Originally and literally this.
I've taken care of their cats and dogs all of my life I might as well take care of him too.
Also, men have much less of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the weepy weep response to stress in addition to producing milk.
Trust me, wiping your parents ass is a whole other level than wiping a dog's or cat's ass
so if a girl cries a lot is it safe to assume her tits will blow up after pregnancy?
>OP saying that a specific moment she witnessed will be one that she will remember for the rest of her life is actually her saying she'll get PTSD from it
i'm speaking from first hand experience
OP is either a larp or a legitimate example of why children in antiquity were beaten. I'm betting they don't learn any lessons from this, too.
hmmmm, very interdasting. how much crying is considered a lot? In my unsocialized virgin NEET view of the world, I imagine they all cry at least once a day.
higher divorce risk for emotional men
More like guaranteed ostracization from society.
oh man, I wonder if it's also easy to induce lactation when she's not preggers
In hard situations like this I usually am like a dog, just staying nearby doing nothing but displaying with my presence I'm there for the person. Perhaps your father is the same?
There were many situations worthy of shedding tears, like when mom had cancer or my father's death, but in none of those did I cry. I may feel this deep sadness, but it's like I turn into a complete machine to analyse options on what to do coldly or turn inward in my dread, bothering no one else.
Don't be so quick to dismiss your father's reaction. It could be the case he feels someone has to remain level headed, even if to just present some ground to the people who are distressed.
varg was so cute when he was younger
Dude women are really overemotional and it gets annoying after a while. When my literal pedo rapist uncle who molested me when I was young died, my mom cried (like wailing) for hours. She even called me a sociopath for not being sad.
Most men, in my experience at least, generally take a few minutes to process anything that shitty. I've known very few men that will just instantly dissolve into a blubbering keening mess when they get the news someone died; unless of course it's one of their children in which case I don't blame them for it.
Continuing to just eat his food was a little bit retarded but I've let my own wife run off to cry a bit by herself before going to provide some comfort. I mean wtf you really gonna say, "Sorry you mom died, you want a hug?" Because the answer is going to be NO, I WANT MY MOM BACK FAGGOT. It's a perfectly rational to expect a totally irrational response.
Better to give people a second to sort the storm of weird bullshit spiraling around inside them first. Your mother could have thrown herself at your father for a hug if she'd really wanted it but she didn't; she went off to be alone and sort herself out and you fucked it all up by being autistic and 15 you retard.
Because women dont like emotional men, go ahead cry in front of your woman, then watch as she starts cheating on you or leaves you a month later. Never show emotion in front of women.
wanna go burn some churches together?
> not caring or beeing overemotional
> makes men subhuman
Wow, you are a complete fucking retard. Look at your fucking gender first you subhuman femoid. You do way fucking worse shit then not simply giving a fuck.
Fucking off yourself you meatcurtain roastie.
You guys are such tards. He was meant to put a hand on her shoulder and say there there. That's the stoic way. Lol at most of you thinking you're hard.
My dad does this a lot. Trying to be stoic so nobody is alarmed or some shit.
He didn't cry at his own mother's funeral. Or his father's. That's how deep this shit is with him.
I don't think it's really that universal though. My grandfather cried at the funeral, IIRC.
In my case, I think I'm just too emotionally dead to do that anymore. Another relative died recently, but I wasn't able to cry. Last time I cried was after my dog got put down. I started crying in the room and all while they were putting him down. Last time was later that night. That's the only time I saw my dad close to crying, I think. His voice was breaking when he spoke.
maybe don't expect r9k to be the beacon of what a man should be
I don't know, but if you want proper answer you should ask him instead of Jow Forums, it's dumb to generalize people, fag.
Emotions are gay and for women reeeeeee