Any Christians here? If so how do you it...

Any Christians here? If so how do you it? I just religion to be complicated with all the disagreements and confusion about doctrine. I honesty do not find worshiping God or going to Church or reading the Bible or singing worship songs to be interesting. Its all seems sappy and gay. And I do not really enjoy more religous Christians and find them to be narrow minded and boring. I mean they just focus on God and forgo all the interesting music, places, games, tv, movies, anime, and just try to focus on God. I guess I would call myself a lukewarm Christian I honesty fear going to hell or my friends and family going too.

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Christ is about forgiveness, compassion, nourishment, comraderie.
Church-fags are about fear, hate, control (over their children mostly) and taking sides.

So what you don't go to Church or anything?

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Anywhere two or more people are gathered with christ-like intentions, its better than a church.

So how must I follow Christ. Must I give up music and anime and video games?

my dad is becoming a catholic priest this year
(deposit rape jokes here:)

is your father a homosexual?

He's my biological father.

>a church is better than a church
the only thing worse than an atheist is a filthy pr*testant

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the only worse than a protestant is a pedophile catholic

what about a pedophile protestant?

Nope, all those things are out there to be enjoyed
If you hate or fear something, try to understand it, in a compassionate way.
And realize people are not NPCs so you may eventually care about their quality of life.

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So is no one going to respond to OP?

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The absolute truth is that religion is a tool of the devil. Jesus was not yahweh but rather lucifer.
And once he has your soul, he has it forever.
I don't know why Jewish based faiths were never stamped out and only thrived.
I guess those sandniggers were something else back in those days. Sad that the traditions carry on today because everyone's too much of a spineless cuck to change it.

wow, I hope you're shitposting because that's just retarded

read it and weep you fucking philistine faggot.
>>Jow Forums185529638

What does that have to do with religion?

test test 123 goddamn you robot suck my balls test!!!

I'm a hardcore Bible thumper. I originally became a Christian just because modern liberal society hates it. But once I started reading the Bible I realized it's all 100% true. Deus Vult

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Enjoy your delusions christfag. Best of luck in the crusades to. Kill a mudslime for mommy.

Jesus loves you user, I'll be praying for you

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>tfw messiah complex is fluctuating again

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