Any Christians here? If so how do you it? I just religion to be complicated with all the disagreements and confusion about doctrine. I honesty do not find worshiping God or going to Church or reading the Bible or singing worship songs to be interesting. Its all seems sappy and gay. And I do not really enjoy more religous Christians and find them to be narrow minded and boring. I mean they just focus on God and forgo all the interesting music, places, games, tv, movies, anime, and just try to focus on God. I guess I would call myself a lukewarm Christian I honesty fear going to hell or my friends and family going too.
Any Christians here? If so how do you it...
Christ is about forgiveness, compassion, nourishment, comraderie.
Church-fags are about fear, hate, control (over their children mostly) and taking sides.
So what you don't go to Church or anything?
Anywhere two or more people are gathered with christ-like intentions, its better than a church.
So how must I follow Christ. Must I give up music and anime and video games?
my dad is becoming a catholic priest this year
(deposit rape jokes here:)
is your father a homosexual?
He's my biological father.
>a church is better than a church
the only thing worse than an atheist is a filthy pr*testant
the only worse than a protestant is a pedophile catholic
what about a pedophile protestant?
Nope, all those things are out there to be enjoyed
If you hate or fear something, try to understand it, in a compassionate way.
And realize people are not NPCs so you may eventually care about their quality of life.
So is no one going to respond to OP?
The absolute truth is that religion is a tool of the devil. Jesus was not yahweh but rather lucifer.
And once he has your soul, he has it forever.
I don't know why Jewish based faiths were never stamped out and only thrived.
I guess those sandniggers were something else back in those days. Sad that the traditions carry on today because everyone's too much of a spineless cuck to change it.
wow, I hope you're shitposting because that's just retarded
read it and weep you fucking philistine faggot.
>>Jow Forums185529638
What does that have to do with religion?
test test 123 goddamn you robot suck my balls test!!!
I'm a hardcore Bible thumper. I originally became a Christian just because modern liberal society hates it. But once I started reading the Bible I realized it's all 100% true. Deus Vult
Enjoy your delusions christfag. Best of luck in the crusades to. Kill a mudslime for mommy.
Jesus loves you user, I'll be praying for you
>tfw messiah complex is fluctuating again