>that black dude that works out in gloves, hoodie and beanie even when it's 90 outside >that overly-tan mom that refuses to act her age but kinda looks like a burnt leather bag >that manlet that has invisible lat syndrome and tries to get in everyone's personal space >that one dude that comes in, doesn't talk much, usually wears a hoodies and keeps his headphones in >the girl that's clearly anorexic and does 45 mins of cardio but no one wants to say anything >the fat chick on the elliptical with a gatorade that reports chicks wearing skimpy clothing to the staff >the girl that does an hour of cardio while reading a 2000-page book >the group of CHADs that text hoes the entire time they lift >the mexican manlet crew that do chest only >that huge black dude that runs on the treadmill and sings outloud while shadow boxing and dancing on the treadmill >the hightest BRAPHOG that every dude wants to blow a load in that does legs every day
>that fag with the headphones on with the resting bitch face that never interacts with anybody
Elijah Kelly
are u talking about me
Camden Morris
>that fat fuck dude who looks sincere and humble, but can bench 2 plates liek its nothing >that severely autist 6'+ dude that has a resting bitch face yet cant eye contact for shit with anybody
Chase Stewart
>The bearmode redneck who spends 4 hours at the gym everyday because he takes 15 minute breaks between his sets chatting up with other gym goers >The clearly mentally challenged, reverse cap wearing dude who shows up accompanied by two underage and overweight thots
Michael Campbell
That massive 6’4 50 year old boomer that wears a flatcap and is always profusely sweating
Ayden Morgan
That old dude whos a massive douchebag that moves from machine to machine doing 1 set of 20-30 reps
Gabriel Jenkins
>the girl that does an hour of cardio while reading a 2000-page book
>tfw no qt /fitlit/ cardio bunnies at my gym
Robert Campbell
theres a guy who spends 45 minutes talking to the front desk girl. gets there at the crack of 5am, talks her ear off for nearly an hour while rocking his legs back and forth to "stretch".
Christopher Thompson
Y-you go to my gym? >That 5'5 manlet who roids and is super lean but probably weights like 100lbs >That personal trainer who squats 1pl8 >That group of wannabe Chads that always come together to the gym and do the same meme exercises I hate those guys, they're always super loud I guess it's not so bad because outlifting everyone of them makes me happy and motivated
Samuel Lopez
>The turbo-autist who stares at the bar with his hand on his chin, like he's philosophizing about his next set >The dad who works out with his hot daughter >The 30yo MILF with an insane ass >The hot girl who does baby-weight power cleans >The niggers who just talk and take turns benchpressing 1pl8 for an hour >The Ethiopian who wears a hoodie with the hood up every workout
Owen Watson
>>that huge black dude that runs on the treadmill and sings outloud while shadow boxing and dancing on the treadmill sounds based as fuck
Ryan Wood
that muslim that is preparing a jihad
Jayden Carter
>35 year old Guy that pays to come to the free college gym to cheat press OHP 105lbs while screaming.
Isaiah Cook
>giant lardass who always works hard and leaves the gym covered in sweat but doesnt seem to realize weightloss is mostly diet >cool eastern european dude and his twink little brother who both look like axe murderers >one decent looking gym thot who has one of her orbiters take videos of her meme workouts >giant ginger dude whose the strongest guy at the gym who is also a bouncer at the club I go to Most notable ones
Logan Nguyen
oh hey wassup
Zachary Peterson
>The old guy with a ponytail that only does bodyweight exercises >The old guy that knows everybody in the gym and spends more time talking than lifting >The chubby lone girl that looks lost and you secretly want to fuck >The soccer chads that can't even bench lmao1pl8 >The obligatory group of average female + 2 thirsty betas trying to teach her meme exercises
Noah Martin
there’s this chubby manlet that’s clearly running SS. everyday he comes in with a little blue tooth speaker and plays 80s music while lifting and doing white people dancing in between sets. He also chalks his hands for a 245lb deadlift. Oh wait I have a homegym with a mirror
Austin Bailey
I’m just trying to avoid sperging out man
William Torres
>the group of CrossFitters that do three exercises in 30 seconds with minimal effort and weight
Jason Phillips
The fucking old dude that runs around the locker room naked showing is wrinkle dick to the world that you suspect is highly gay but actually married with 2 kids.
Justin Perez
>>The chubby lone girl that looks lost and you secretly want to fuck Fuccckk yes how do I approach her lads
Joshua Robinson
Oh boy
>Working out with gymbro >Chest/Triceps day, making all kinds of gains >Suddenly, THAT guy walks in >Longpants, Hoodie, Earbuds >EARBUDS in a gym that already plays music >Doesnt even change, "gymwear" already on >Walks straight to the squatrack >Starts squatting with just the bar (wat) >Loads a few small plates on >Does a few struggling reps >Sits down, face already red as a tomato >Sits on his fucking ass for over 2 mins before doing 4-5 more >Considers his "set" done, deloads the bar >Uses the SAME FUCKING BAR to do OHP >Without clips >PT at the gym runs over and shows him where the clips are >Mumbles something about not needing them and reluctantly puts them on >Mr earbud does the same forced wobbly reps in OHP >Panting from less reps than I do as warmup, he deloads the bar again >Drops it to the floor >Starts doing deadlifts with THE SAME FUCKING BAR >Entiregymstaring.jpg >Gymbro mouthing "what the fuck" and stops in the middle of his set >Hoodieboy does a few painfully struggling reps and then just gives up >Deloads the bar >Walks straight out of the gym >Doesnt even SHOWER OR CHANGE CLOTHES >Me and friend are practically in tears >Mfw his "workout" took less time than our tricepsets >Mfw this fucktard returns two days later IN THE SAME CLOTHES
Saw him getting weighed at the gym once, he even gained weight lmao
You sound based, user I'm asking myself the same question. I'll wait at least til I get mires, I don't wanna spill my spaghetti and have to switch gym
Samuel Anderson
>giant roided bald headed Polish guy with Rich Piana tattoos, over 40’s Mr. (my country) >Fat male PT >Fat female PT >18 year old SS victim who lifts heavy but looks like pic related >cheeky paki DYEL twins that are 5’2 and 40kg >16 year olds who bench for 1 hour on the smith machine >old manlet that does calves and always wears the same T-shirt >Guy known as pullup guy who does pull-ups twice as frequently as any other exercise (I call him me)
had a guy doing 1/4th squats of like 120lbs tell me that i shouldnt do warmups before i squat because alphadestiny told him not to and when i asked why he said “he has hundreds of subscribers on youtube.” when he finished he went to do a single set of face pulls and left. he was about 5’9” 100lbs
Tyler Hall
>That black muslim bitch that has no idea how to use any of the equipment >That fat bitch who walks on the treadmill for 20 minuets before going home >That guy with severe bacne but still wears pic related >That personal trainer who brings large groups to tie up equipment for a long time >All those ugly bitches who do nothing but glutes >Those same roid monkeys that I see every time I go to the gym >Those loud fat slavs who smell like death >That cute guy who always greets me
I'm a foreigner in Spain and it's really fucking funny, I'm 6'2 and there's maybe two dudes in the gym taller than me, and I'm only 19. >that massive steroid taking 5'5 bald guy >those two dyel 16yo zoomers with curly hair and fades that do abs everyday and machines with a weight so low they do 12reps in 10seconds >this one ultra zoomer who wears a bandana to the gym and watches Instagram vines with fortnite dances between sets >those neckbeards who do leg extensions browsing their phones
I live in a Third World shithole and my shitty gym only has one rack, I'm therefore forced to squat and OHP there.
Is this THAT bad?
Xavier Flores
is that a dude's ass holy shit
Lucas Long
Literally everyone does that, that user has autism
Hunter Howard
Ryan Sullivan
Aiden Rogers
>that guy that only wears a Laker's shirt >that 40 year old manlet that tries to act tough, but everyone sees him as a manlet anyway >that 50 year old manlet that has been doing the same routine of bicep curling for at least 3 years and looks exactly the same >that 5'4(at best) manlet who pulled lmao4pl8 while doing sumo and acts like he's tough shit >that 5'4" womanlet that appears once a month and actually lifts >that qt that talks to me despite I'm sperging out each time >that Brad who gives friendly advice and always helps out everyone >that giant faggot who always wears super short shorts and only trains legs >that 60 year old woman who holds the treadmill's sides when she runs, and it looks like she's doing a Naruto run
Tyler Wood
In what planet are any of those weird?they're all seem normal from your definition.
Christopher Wilson
>That mother fucker who literally says the word "uh, uh huh" while benching 1 plate >That whore who gets on the machine where you start with open legs then close your legs >The douch with white backwards hat who tries to act humble but is a douche
I love the guy who comes in a big hoodie, and loose sweatpants, wears his headphones and stays to himself . He works out hard but correctIy, he cleans every machine He uses (where he sits and grabs), looks mean, may be juicing, but is super nice and willing to talk to any who approach him. I would love if my gym was full of these types of people.
There's a German guy at my gym, he's big and fat with blond curly hair. He uses the lat machine for triceps extensions because it has moree weight and regularly beats up minorities in an illegal MMA type circuit. Seriously.
Caleb Ward
>>That cute guy who always greets me
No homo?
Ian Martin
Most accurate
Cooper Allen
Why would you need to interact with people at the gym? you are there to lift not to chat.
Aaron Taylor
You should date the qt Take her out for coffee or something
Bentley Cruz
>that super ripped Asian dude who tries to sneak a peak of your penis in the changeroom.
Gavin Smith
some nigger listening to music on his phone without headphones and then having people call him to buy drugs from him
Daniel Carter
>that dude who clearly thinks your his gym nemesis
Bentley Garcia
>that bloatlord who presses surprisingly small weight and throws his weights off shaking the entire gym
Lucas Edwards
yes, womens and mens asses each has a particular shape and that one fits a man
William Miller
>that nigger who only uses 10 lb plates because he can't math
Josiah Reed
the grandma that sings while making love to the abduction/adduction machine
Cameron Russell
>that random gym bro that notices you've been working hard and compliments you on your gains when he spots you I fucking love you bro.
>that black dude that works out in gloves, hoodie and beanie even when it's 90 outside Is there a reason for this other than autism?
Isaac Sullivan
>The dad who works out with his hot daughter
Whenever this happens I just want to peek at the girl but fear her dad notices me
Dylan Phillips
w-whats wrong with using earbuds anyway desu
James Sanchez
>tfw he goes to my gym too >outlifts everyone >mutters quran between sets
Christian Lewis
>that dude that wears gaming headphones to the gym and wears a wow shirt
at least he's working out
Grayson Watson
Nothing, he's trying to bait insecure people
Nolan Sullivan
Jokes on you, I always make a point of talking to one person per gym visit, my therapist said it'll help
Xavier Garcia
>that group of guys who are all ridiculously good looking, ripped, and who tower over you despite you being bang on 6', who are always laughing at something >you really hope it's not you
Benjamin Bennett
I wish the qt's at my gym would talk to me.
Ayden Watson
>that short unshaven old guy with ill-fitting dirty clothes
Oliver Butler
Sweating to drop water weight/less water retention
Ryder White
>that one guy at the bench who's looking around obviously needing a spot but can't muster up the courage to just ask,.
I actually did exactly this for the first time today, the only things different are the longpants and walking out of the gym straight after, i wear the same clothes all the time too
Asher Brooks
Aside from the low weight/reps this doesn't seem that bad. My gym has a large section with multiple racks, and everyone there uses the same bar for different exercises
Brody Kelly
nice man, you're so fresh and smell good and people wanna be near you
Brody Flores
>that one guy that's always talking about bulking but has never been under 20% bodyfat in his entire life
>>EARBUDS in a gym that already plays music the music played at the gym is absolute trash and i wouldn't be able to make it through a workout listening to it
James Jenkins
oh boy here we go >that turbo manlet with the roid gut and the two bimbos he trains while driving around in a jeep with the fucking monster energy logo on it >boomer that wears jordans who only does stretches and cardio while chatting up anyone about "da game last night" >the dude who only does accessory movements and looks like he does heroin >that turbo boomer that wears so much cologne he makes every section of the gym he walks through unbearable, refuses to stop wearing so much >that zoomer that looks like eric harris who only does diddlies and front squats with bad form and screams on every rep >that couple that shows up every other month that do every exercise together while making kissy faces >that old guy who always says "yknow i used to be as strong as you were. back in my day" etc. >that six foot model girl who only does weighted pussy ups and hack squats (it shows) >that qt latino milf with the pixie cut god please talk to me >that asian granddad that mean mugs everyone while walking around the gym aimlessly and farting every so often
but my clothes genuinely dont smell and im fucking poor and cant afford any other gym clothes
Brayden Nelson
Evan Cox
Nah, homo
John Nguyen
>that balding 35ish loser that 1/10 bench reps with 140 lb (his arms go from 180° to 170°) >The pajeet that started lifting at the same time as me but looks like shit >The 40 yo gigachad 6'5", lean and buff as fuck that looks like jeff but better >The ex-roider that looks like shit >The 50 yo cardiobunny that supersets everything >The seasonal chavs that occupy the squat rack to do curls >the college chads >Lots of fit granpas >The pseudo-tard (not confirmed but i think he is) that runs arround the gym doing meme exercises with bad form >The buff guy who is now a fireman >The other normal guy other than me that's now in the Navy
Nicholas Richardson
if you smell good at the gym you're a dyel faggot
Christopher Moore
>huge bulky bald dude with ISIS beard that comes, deadlifts a 6pl8 rep, leaves it there and goes home >manlet with insane buddy, does a weird routine, hes a friend of a friend and we talk sometimes >tall thot that grows taller every time i see her >a tanned girl that has an insane built body, piercings and Id basically wife her instantly, but looks like shes dating some skinny dude that goes to our gym >roided version of shia labouf, massive douche and squats more weight than my car
Grayson Baker
insane body* lmao
Isaiah Adams
Those 16yo zoomers are there only to get pussy, women here only care about abs and dissmiss stronger guys but with no abs. Also, not everyone is so tall here, i barely reach 1'80m and i'm considered a normal guy
Manlet who thinks he's Connor Mcgregor and practices his MMA skills on the cable station back pads
Pumped up stinky Indian manlet who mires himself in the mirror constantly
Pair of roid gorillas who do 90 minute workouts and make "ttttscchhhh" sounds as the weight goes down and grunt on the last rep.
Crossfit cunts who take the 7ft bars to do clean & press on the mats, knowing full well the 6ft bars don't fit in the racks
Chink incel crew. Come in 3s and squat half a plate
Slavfags. Leave the free weights area looking like a fucking chimps tea party with 6 sets of dumbells strewn across the floor.
Basic bitches with no ass who should be squatting, litre of water each, baggy tops, half hearted use of the hip extension machines and leg press, followed by treadmill.
30-something desperate THOTs in sprayed on yoga pants, crop tops, and full makeup loving any male attention they get
55kg beastgirl who lifts with a dude, 2x bodyweight squats with perfect form. Sweats hard. Dude does neccesarily close spotting at all times.
I built a home gym for good reason.
Kayden Brown
I peek regardless. She's a redhead, about 5'3, with a tight little ass.
Christian Thomas
love this pasta, Jow Forums falls for it every tiem
Ryan Harris
how deranged do you have to be to sit around matching pictures of meat to women? Like don’t these people have hobbies or just anything better to do?
Mason Cruz
>that weirdo that talks to himself and does facial expressions which are reactions to the imaginary conversations in his head Jesus Christ I can't help it anymore, I barely control it, i catch my reflection and it's super weird. am I a schizo?
Cameron Johnson
>That one uber-boomer than wears t-shirts with the sleeves cut off and only does bicep curls >That "power"lifting manlet that screams on every rep and can barely even dl 3 plate even though hes been training for years. He's also just an arrogant faggot >That one twink zoomer and his slightly less twink friend that probably fuck each other after their workout >That one Massive black dude (6'8", probably 300lb) that incline benches as much as he deadlifts > That one 15 year old that wears cargo shorts and only does body weight exercises >The 20-25 complete normies who do meme exercises and never get big >That one skinny blonde 19 year old zoomer that only does compounds and barely ever gets stronger cause hes too depressed to eat (that ones met btw)
>out-of-place refugees who don’t understand the machines or the equipment ruining spin class for everyone
Nathaniel Price
>that guy who goes to the free center gym in his gated community
The more serious I get about fitness the more I think I need an actual gym membership, since this place has 3 treadmills, a bike, and one of those shitty three sided weight lifting machines with one set of weights. No way to do any squat or core exercises that I know of.
Justin Hernandez
leave the fag alone, he wants to life not make friends
Christopher Hall
Men cannot have resting bitch face. Having resting bitch face as a man means you look tough or look like a douchebag. Women have resting bitch face because mean women aren't attractive, whilst mean men are.
Cameron Bennett
and everyone on Jow Forums secretly wants to be him
Brandon Flores
there is nothing wrong with being a 5'8" manlet
Adam Carter
Characters of note: >the DYEL indian guy doing SS >the strong hispanic guy that always wears a hoodie and sits indian style in the squat rack between sets, looking like a dark souls vendor >the packs of 4 asians doing 900 sets of everything and won't let you work in because you're waitto piggu (I workout at a high asian population college gym so this is like 75% of the population)
>that guy wearing a belt during his warmup sets with lmao1pl8 >the personal trainer fucking around on instagram while their client half presses 45lb dumbbells >the guy in flip-flops >the girl who was varsity everything in high school and wears basketball shorts and a hoodie in the gym >the group of asian people who aren't related or work together but show up at the same time I'm the guy wearing earbuds you fucking losers, gym music is shit.