>start doing ab isolation
>abs start showing more
You guys are such fucking faggots
>start doing ab isolation
>abs start showing more
You guys are such fucking faggots
So you specifically trained a muscle group and it started to grow more? Color me surprised
t. dyel
Deadlift, Squat, Ohp, Bench, dips, pull ups and rows is all that is needed for a well rounded physique and it will be cost effective. Doesn't mean isolations doesn't work, and Isolations are great for prehab work.
A balanced routine will lead to a balanced physique. Add in diet and you're golden.
In the end though the great thing about working out is that there's infinite ways to reach your goals. Some work better than others, but you gotta find what works best for you.
>You guys are such fucking faggots
fit is not one person. its literally only a few powerlifting athletes telling you to not do ab isolations and such. even oly lifters do ab isolations. its not a waste of time and you should have been doing them from the start
>cost effective
Are you paying someone money everytime you do a rep?
Gains tax
You're paying in time and decreased recovery. I'm not that guy though and I think that ab isolations are well worth that cost.
>all that is needed
If done in the context of SS it will not lead to a good body because guess what, no volume.
another idiot who couldn't be bothered to look up a bodybuilding routine and putting blame on a pure strength routine
>Deadlift, Squat, Ohp, Bench, dips, pull ups and rows is all that is needed for a well rounded physique and it will be cost effective.
That's actually wrong. And dips and OHP are horribly dangerous movements.
>thinking there is no more work to be done passed SS
how are you idiots not realizing that there are levels beyond the beginner stage?
You should still train your core on its own. It holds your entire body together and makes you stronger and safer with all the lifts you mentioned.
It's just stupid not to, it's such a huge part of your body.
Not quoted but give me some good core exercises so I can throw 1-2 each day.
You convinced me to directly train them.
>And dips and OHP are horribly dangerous movements.
along with every other workout in the gym.
Most serious general strength routines have a shit ton of direct ab work.
I dont even know where the "no isolation" meme comes from. In SS rippletits outlines a shit ton of ise moves and their uses and when its appropriate to use them.
Also the gigantic majority of American powerlifters to a shit ton of iso work and even have an accessory or bodybuilding day in their programming.
Accesory work is a core part of literally any good program thats out there. I seriously dont get this dumbass meme.
Post some good core exercises then.
Time is something you cannot acquire more of and is something you spend. It is why it is worth it do to more comprehensive work outs with proper form. One, to hit many muscle groups, two so you get the maximum amount of benefit from the work out within those sets, and three so you don't injure yourself and don't have to scale everything back.
Yes, but some exercises are far far far worse for you and do very little positive for you.
Like Dips and OHP.
life isn't that serious unless you compete. Which most people in the gym don't.
I hate most ab exercises, so my selection might be limited. I recommend weighted planks, ab wheel and dragon flags. I'm currently working on dragon flags myself, I can only do singles, but the ab wheel should keep you busy for long enough. Also consider some rotational stuff like hanging windshield wipers and landmine 180s. Also stomach vacuums but I keep forgetting to do them myself.
For what it's worth I got visible abs after I started using the ab wheel.
Dude the joke has gone on far enough. You can stop now.
Ripp has never actually trained a single solitary decent lifter in his entire life.
And he outright spits on people who says to do isolation work.
The only reason the dude even talks about isolation and begrudgingly shows people how to do very fucking ridiculous iso variations is because he knows his distaste of them is silly and is a personal prejudice that he simply can't defend.
Powerlifting is statistically not very dangerous. Much less so than nearly any sport. Ohp is not easy to fuck yourself up with and dips are not dangerous eitheras long as you do them correctly, like any otber exercise
yeah yeah yeah, you sound like the twink at my gym who refuses to do any sort of compound lifts. Just sticking to machines and some calisthenics
>Powerlifting is statistically not very dangerous
No, that statistic is based on grannies and noob lifters who do machine lifts every few days. Not based on powerlifting.
There is no such thing as an even intermediate powerlifter who hasn't snapped their shit up.
Secondly, OHP is terrible for your rotator cuffs and piss poor for developing shoulder mass.
Dips? Are fucking trash and I honestly don't know why there is a little cabal of faggots here pushing it so much. It's dangerous as shit for the new lifter and even worse for the ego lifter who doesn't give a shit about anything except impressing retards in da gym and online.
Cause they can and will keep going through injury because of sheer pigheadedness and blind stupidity.
having consensual (bareback) sex with your father
You sound like that fat fuck/weakling who only lifts in the gym and thinks that makes them some kind of athlete. And is so damned proud of their 315lb deadlift...that you got with straps, and a belt, and knee wraps, and a spot.
>There is no such thing as an even intermediate powerlifter who hasn't snapped their shit up.
>Secondly, OHP is terrible for your rotator cuffs and piss poor for developing shoulder mass.
>Dips? Are fucking trash
Lol ok faggot. Nice baseless opinions you got there
>implying you could do that and I couldn't do whatever fucking weak lift
pretty cute response twink. I see that i triggered you
>lifts that have been performed for decades
>user believes everyone before him are retarded and so is everyone else who disagrees with his 6 months of lifting knowledge
>OHP is terrible for your rotator cuffs
I've dislocated my shoulder 3 times before I started lifting and OHP feels infinitely safer and more stable than fucking bench press.
Post your abs. I’ve got p good abs from pull ups and cutting.
>tfw just hit 3pl8 deadlift yesterday for the first time
Only had to use straps, but I've been training grip strength and can pull 275 without straps.
OHP is safe btw
anyone that thinks lifting weights above your head will hurt you is a troll
So can you do a 315lb deadlift? If not, you sound bitter.
Where the FUCK are the face pulls
There is literally no reason not to do a few sets of an exercises like leg lifts or planks at the end of your workout
Want to know what else was done for decades?
The broom twist to build your obliques.
Did that work?
OHP is an inferior shoulder mass builder and is horrible for your rotator cuffs.
That a bunch of people have enshrined this old strongman vestigial tail of a lift as holy does not make it perfect or anything like that.
Many people have fucked their shoulders doing OHP and to be honest the people who are defending them this hard are either stuck in plato's cave and their opinion means nothing, or noobs who just want to fit in.
I hit that at fucking 14. Never trained it before in my life.
You know what else was done for decades?
The squat.
Did that work?
Can't really find the logic in your idiotic argument.
>Too fucking retarded to understand my point
Stupid bullshit that is only kept around because of tradition is still stupid bullshit.
OHP is a shit lift in terms of mass attainment and health. It is a ego lift for powerlifters.
OHP is not bad for your rotator cuffs you absolute lying/stupid faggot. Keep your damn elbows in and stop being a faggot.
Yes it is.
Rippeltoe's old ass had to get his shit replaced.
Damn near every powerlifter out there has fucked shoulders.
This is how it is.
It's not a safe lift.
The only people defending it are retards who have gym memberships, weight lifting equipment, and a lifestyle to shill.
Do people actually wear shit like this
Your "core" gets trained during heavy squats and deadlifts you fucking dyel
>Damn near every powerlifter out there has fucked shoulders.
powerlifters compete in the bench press, not the OHP. The bench will fuck your shit. OHP is all Gucci
And everyone should just accept your word for that because youre just so damn awesome. Study or gtfo
>guys its really bad to lift stuff above your head, plenty of people i cant name got hurt because of it. They just dont want you to know. Trust me im a really strong guy
Great argument
Are you fucking retards still telling stupid fucking lifting noobs to not work on specific bodyparts because it will affect DA BEEG LEEFTS?
The fuck is wrong with you?
This is why people are laughing at you faggots now and powerlifitng/strongman has fallen out of favor with the normies.
>Stupid bullshit that is only kept around because of traditions is still stupid bullshit.
>Those oly lifters are just bullshitting with their shit lifts
Yeah okay twink. Get back to your calisthenics.
>its retarded and so are you!
this is literally your argument...
ohp has made my shoulder feel better from injuring it on the bench
It really doesn't. A weak core is why most people fail squats. Your quads can push a bunch of weight on a leg press, but put that weight on a barbell and your legs won't be able to transfer enough power through your jello core and into the bar.
If you actually lifted you'd know through experience that training your core helps your squat and dead.
like who? did someone recently mog you in OHP or some shit?
LMAO dyel spotted.
Calisthenics people dip 200lb+ for years injury free...
>weak legs can't squat much
>keep squatting
>legs get stronger
>legs can squat more
>weak core can't squat much
>keep squatting
>core get stronger
>core can squat more
Stop fucking saying powerlifting you dumb fuck. OHP is not one of the three powerlifts. Bench pressing is, and is responsible for infinitely more shoulder injuries.
Seriously dude, what is your fucking malfunction. You literally start multiple threads a day shitting on OHP and come in to threads like these. What the fuck compels you to do this? Every strong person knows that OHP is more effective and safer than benching.
>he doesnt do his facepulls?
>impinge it
This is the one Jow Forums meme i really regret falling victim to. Don´t be like me newfags.
He probably got injured doing OHP with shitty form and puts blame on everything but himself. Now its his duty sent from the divine heavens to make the world convert to small lifts.
How many sets and reps for abwheel?
Do you really think an exercise increases the strength of all your muscle groups at an equal rate? Why do you think people do assistance exercises and weak point training?
You are definitely a beginner/intermediate lifter and you should stop embarrassing yourself.
You're retarded user.
Name these strong people.
Hell name 5 without using google or duckduckgo.
I'll wait.
>Do you really think an exercise increases the strength of all your muscle groups at an equal rate?
Stop using fallacious arguments. I didn't say that. You on the other hand explicitly said that squats don't train your core.
I found that getting fatter helps with maintaining my core throughout the lift. But thats just me.
People do more on leg press because it is shit ROM and at an angle so you only lift a percent of the weight equal to the cosine of the angle. I don't disagree with you though core is usually the bottleneck with many people new to squatting.
Forgot if this was stated in SS or PP but it says if you feel as though your lower back does not feel stable during the OHP, go do some weighted sit ups or some shit.
Obviously I don't mean it takes ZERO effort from your core to squat, if you took my post to mean that you are being intentionally difficult.
Squats also train your glutes and hamstrings, but you would never say squats are all you need to train your glutes and hamstrings. Same thing with your core, why does it somehow get a pass?
>And dips and OHP are horribly dangerous movements.
OHP is literally the safest barbell exercise you could do
who goes to the gym to only do squats tho?
t. certified facebook fitness trainer
Lol this is a shit argument. If your weak point is a single muscle group like your core, then instead of doing an accessory exercise why not just squat. If that one group is what is holding everything back then it will be the muscle trained the most in that exercise. Replace your accessory movement with the actual compound movement you're trying to improve. Just look at Clarence Kennedy, he just squats. Whatever is the weak point will be trained the most until it balances itself out. But according to you he's a novice amirite.
>i hit that at fucking 14
kek. You definitely know this faggot doesn't lift at all. How many times do you guys hear this at work?
post body then, fuckface
>instead of doing an accessory exercise why not just squat
>Just look at Clarence Kennedy, he just squats
Clarence himself says he does back extensions as an accessory to his squat and deadlift. I guess you are the novice.
Lol their fucked up shoulders come from benching you pleb, the ultimate ego lift will wreck your shoulders.
Clarence Kennedy is also on fucktons of fucking gear and is injured.
We're talking about normal human beings here and a single fucking weak point in a COMPOUND MOVEMENT will bring the entire goddamned thing down.
Stop being fucking retarded.
Go out and actually fucking workout you retard.
Anyone with even a year of lifting under their belt can tell you that you're fucking retarded.
You people fagging on about how much better fucking compound lifts are but are infact treating them like a fucking isolation exercise.
You're the fucking curlbros of strength training.
Never you idiot.
Because no one in the real world brags about their fucking deadlift.
>i hit that at fucking 14
Then what is that?
Never touched an accessory for squats for about 6 years. My training for legs is almost exclusively squats and cleans. My squat is theoretically 440 since my pr is 365 for 7 and my power clean pr is 275. I say power clean pr because any time the weight gets heavy I can only catch it pretty high because I'm self trained for years without good info. Anyway I think I'm doing pretty fucking well.
The only accessory I'd be willing to do is the glute ham raise but my shit gym doesn't have one.