Jow Forums is dead

Jow Forums is dead
The entire board is flooded with normalcattle and newfags, the amount of damage that has been done is irreversible. It had been shit for a long time, but this is the worst ive ever seen it. The sheer amount of normalfag scum i see posting is astronomical, every other thread is complete shit. I hate every single one of you degenerates, if you want proof just look at all of these threads.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the incel is so triggered he makes this thread and quotes 20 different posts
Just go be sad somewhere else. Jow Forums is not your home

Thats what happens when people migrate for facebook to /b/ then from /b/ to here.

You make these kinds of threads at least once a week, you're a part of the problem

>r9k is FINALLY comfy
>some dude mad

original r9k was /comfy/. i bet youre just gay

we hate you too fagggot

maybe try originally killing yourself

Guess, just GUESS how I can tell you weren't here when the robot wasn't on.
r9k was never made for incel/wizard faggots like you, you invaded this place and shat it up. In turn you guys helped make the entire site worse as well. Die in the grave you dug.


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Like clockwork, normalfags immediately respond in denial
This is the first time ive made a thread on this, you're braindead
>reddit spacing
>use of the word incel
You faggot newfag, do you honestly believe what you're saying?
You're the cancer killing this site, no matter what you believe

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Jow Forums has been particularly shitty these past few weeks dunno why, did someone make another epic greentext meme video or something?

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>attacks how I structure the post (took the bait) but doesn't deny what I said
Truth hurts!

From the looks of it we're seeing a wave of 13 year olds who just discovered masturbation, they probably use this board to blow off steam after returning from school now.

>first time ive made a thread on this,
Doubt, a thread like this is posted at least once a week usually with the same image as well. Either way you're just a part of the problem and same goes for the fags who make these kinds of threads

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college/school goes back in the US, and all the 'depressed' kids who's crush doesnt text them back all think they're robots who belong here

One of those guys is just asking for advice and he seemed genuine...

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There were few non-losers in the old days of this site
a sad mockery it has become

I made every one of those threads

R9k is a period blood soaked rusty dumpster filled with normalfags now, not exactly what I would call comfy

Its simply buildup of everything, this is the end result
>present no argument
>expect argument back
wew lad
Everything you said was wrong, arkanine was never a place for normalfags like you. Wizards hold actual discussion and talk about interesting things.
>usually with the same image as well
Because thats an extremely common image you retard
lurk moar
>you're just a part of the problem
you've given no reasoning
Asking for advice on fucking his girlfriend retard

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Probably just the last few waves of boring normalfags that refuse to leave continuing to shit it up. I fucking hate this place now

>arkanine was never a place for normalfags like you
Says who? I don't remember YOU deciding what this board was for, because in the old days it was just for original content (stories and such), incel fucks started flooding in and ruined the board quickly. It stopped being a place for sharing feels and quickly became a shithole full of hatred and bait.
>Wizards hold actual discussion and talk about interesting things.
Talking about being an incel isn't interesting.

Talking about being a normalfag is far less interesting. If I wanted to hear about stupid fucking girl troubles I would listen to some normalfag at work.

Nice, so now we both agree. Cheers!

I'm a normie just because a I'm sex worker?

its pretty comfy.

>comfy is cancer!!


>Says who
Anyone who isnt a complete newfag
>In the old days
To you thats probably 2016 you retarded fuck
>Incel fucks started flooding in
Definitive proof of your faggotry
Incel is a made up term used by plebbitors
>the board quickly become a shithole full of hatred and bait
You are a gargantuan faggot
Hatred has been a cornerstone of this site, you giant retard, its all done for the lolz. Not that you would understand anyway you fucking idiot
>Talking about being an incel isnt interesting
Nice projection
That's not what they talk about at all
Yes, now fuck off

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Most of this site has been dead ever since gamergate, the fappening, and trump. All you can do it shitpost here or get interested in niche shit and post on the slower boards.

kill yourself you "le funny" redditfag

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and for you the olden days is probably 2014

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look at this guy, hes so mad!

>2016? eh more like 2014 lul trolololo
leave my board

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Agree these fucking normies dont know shit ive been here since 2k3 and Jow Forums fucking blows, it started sucking in 08. Fuck everyone here, pieces of scum with their race bait shit, normieshit, discord shit etc

Confirmed normalfag
Into the trash it goes
>doesn't deny it
go the fuck back
Ive been here longer than you've been alive
Lots of thought went into that post

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>your board

AHUEHUEHUEHUE are you really a wizard? wizchan too dead? r9k has always been a community board for normal people with niche interests. the wizards and neets and edge posters were the squatters. whos board? our board.


Incel is a nice catch all for you autists, which is why I use the term. Plus it gets you mad as fuck, its funny.
>Hatred has been a cornerstone of this site
The newfag who has only read about oldfags and tries to make himself look like one. Smells like you read the knowyourmeme page about Jow Forums, lmao. We totally believe you my guy, you used the word "lolz" like they used to!

no you havent dude. ahahahahhh~

feels great . board is finally good and comfy again. some people just cant be chill.

>Hatred has been a cornerstone of this site, you giant retard, its all done for the lolz.

Why do people think like this? I mean, yes, there is more hatred on this site because it's loosely moderated and anonymous, but all of this "xDDDDDDDD WE GOTTA BE EDGY" shit just makes me think it's just post 2014 redditors trying super hard into what they think is an exclusive "Jow Forums XDDDDD" club

t. Have been on this site for more than a decade. i honestly just don't get it

It literally is far from comfy, it's just normalfags bitching about their bad sexlife

Righto newfag, /b/ use to have daily child porn raids. You wouldn't remember that because you're a fucking posuer.

>The newfag who has only read about oldfags and tries to make himself look like one
based user poster..

It's REALLY fucking obvious when a newfag is trying ultra hard to fit in on an irrelevant fucking anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum

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based supportive poster
love you, kiss kiss

I cant tell if this is bait
Either way you're completely wrong and seething
>Incel is a nice catch for all you autists
Admitted to be a redditfag, your opinion has no value
>The newfag who has only read about oldfags and trys to act like one
Keep projecting, it will go you no where
>We totally believe you
>You used the word lolz
Even more projecting
Keep shit flinging, it wont make you right
>reddit spacing
You are a complete and utter newfag
Summer is almost over, why are you here
>Why do people think like this?
if you dont understand I doubt you've been here for a decade
It's just an abstract concept, its not hard to understand
>reddit spacing
>fit in

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Very big high iq post

You wasted your time typing those post out just to call names? Not to make a single valid point? Poor rat is in the corner.

i am PRETTY comfy ngl


>not to make a single valid point
read my post over and try again
confirmed for being wrong

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the FIRST """toxic""" tripfriend on R9K

went by "Derrida"

>ever being your friend
Posting easily googled knowledge wont make you not a newfag no matter how hard you try

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Derrida is googleable? otay.

maymay. that is an old name too, you wouldnt remember it because it was before your time.

oh wow, it is. but you have type in derrida plus r9k so you would have to remember it beforehand.

as per a poll roughly 2 weeks ago, over 40/% of this board is 18 or younger

Lol. that first response here is probably me.

how come christfag didnt make the list? he was just as old as derrida

>before your time
As an oldfag you should understand how bad this board has become
I wouldn't be surprised if it were true though

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its COMFY dude i dont like that mean shit, that derrida shit. i never liked it.

yeah fucking right, a link
i save jack-shit from Jow Forums
i save maybe a single picture every 3 or so months because i know i won't use them, and i absolutely never save links

lol thats definitely me complaining about derrida ruining r9k ahuehahFufuhha

they missed Spoony, the original T H I C N E S S.

r9k is better without the edge. you can still speak your mind np

if there's some archive i don't know about, try searching, "let's see" or "let's see how"
might need to drop the apostrophe

>its COMFY
If this is your idea of comfy than you have bad taste
You should look at the cost of it either way, this place is undeniably filled with lots of people who have no idea of board culture
>I save jack-shit
How else are you supposed to build up a collection of images user
Certain types of edge are bad, although it can also keep underage and normalfags out

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>implying you aren't a normalfag too
r9k has been horrible for so long it's not even worth complaining about

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nah its comfy. its finally comfy, edgy is shit.

>How else are you supposed to build up a collection of images user
i don't, i know better
use to, but i ended up with over 8 folder full of shit i never used
i need a reaction image then i go to Google
keeps things fresh

i feel like Jow Forums itself is slowly falling from grace

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This is not comfy
But whatever, i cant change your mind
When the board becomes ten times as shit in two years i hope you realize you were wrong
>keeps things fresh
thats why you always have to be saving new images
It doesnt matter if you wont use most of them, the point is to have them there if you do need them

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The fall started in 2009, sped up in 2013 and happened in 2015 with the acceptance of normalfags. We have been post-Jow Forums for 3 years now. We aren't even reddit, we twitter now. Only a handful of smaller boards still feel like Jow Forums

do you ever stand back and realize what you're bitching about

i am /comfy/. it always takes a dive, then readjusts. it is our way.

i've been here longer than you've had pubes
it means something to me

it means youre too fuckin old!

idk why everyone is trashing you and your thread, ur pretty spot on, newfags and normalscum npcs have infested the board

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but step back and realize that you're complaining about new people coming to the board in (kind of) the same way you did, didn't you see it coming? it's like being surprised that you aged...

What remains of this board now is truly a trajedy. The slow infestation of normalfags killed this board for good. The robots who were left migrated a few years ago but some of us stayed. I haven't been on this board for over a year now and one of the first threads I see is this. nice to know there's some robots left

just go to /jp/ if u wanna anime waifu post. r9k wasnt about that ever

not the guy you're replying to, but when did he ever mention anime.

this board is finally alive again.

The instant this thread archives I'm leaving.

why are you trying to argue, u understood what i meant. and im right he can go to /jp/ for that.

most r9kers eventually leave. they say similar things to you. nothing new.

I sometimes feel like I shifted timelines at some point because it didn't get as bad as it is now overnight. I may not have been paying close enough attention, but it's crystal clear right now.

OP is based and redpilled.

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no one ever talked about anime, fool. It's not the topic of discussion.

aha keep arguing, called you out on it already

>in (kind of) the same way you did
i came here from mass media archive site, so i doubt that
>it's like being surprised that you aged...
i am surprised i've aged, true
it is absurd to me
but what's more, is that you people are fucking retarded
i lurked only /b/ for a good 8 months before i ventured from it, and it was almost a full year before i had posted anywhere else
and things like never talking about Jow Forums exist for a reason
Newfags = / = OC

what have I been called out on?

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op is a faggot that doesn't understand succession and if he actually believed what he was saying would've left a long time ago

just go to /jp/ desu youll feel at home. i just checked it.

wanting to argue

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Oh. I see... Okay

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im saying that op shouldve seen his board not being the same at all in ~10 years and shouldnt be surprised that newfags are "taking over"


I hate you. You are stupid

you're actually almost indistinguishable from the people seriously arguing this

Jow Forums was never good, and just like /b/ it managed to spelunk to new depths of bad every year

none of this actually matters
faggots will leave, or they won't, but in the case of the former it won't be enough to make a difference
the damage is done
it is no longer "muh sekret club"
doesn't mean i have to like it, though

one day we will all be boomers in some sense about something

newfags and cunts like you were never in the real Jow Forums, where it was a very edgy place and it was very """/comfy/""" for really degenerate and depressive people, at those times every day there were threads like "what is the least painful way of suicide", school shooter threads, really good no-meme-induced greentexts, feel threads and there was even a fucking thread of "school shooter achievements thread", normalfags and idiots of reddit as you will never be welcome here, it hurts that this board is full of idiots lately, although I will post this post anyway, you should understand that this nu-Jow Forums of now is becoming a fucking shit and garbage, and always will be from now on.

>that thread with the roastie talking about how she enjoys taking 4 cocks at once

no. that is the bad bad bad bad r9k. bad.

the only person who would miss that r9k is the FBI net watcher who will be moved to monitor a different website.