I've heard about this waking up at 4am business. Is there any legitimacy to it...

I've heard about this waking up at 4am business. Is there any legitimacy to it? I've always heard you need 8 hours of sleep. Could you get away with 6?

What are your optimal times for waking up and getting in a morning workout? I want to try sleeping 9/10-4 but I don't know if the lack of sleep will kill me.

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You’re supposed to go to bed earlier cumface

6 is bare minimum, but if you want to build more muscle and feel better you should lean a lot more towards 8

Love me some Taco Belle

too damn big
fucking disgusting

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The reason men find lesbians attractive is because women don't play well in a natural setting. Women instinctively despise one another. They want a male's genes without the competition.

Two of my all time favorites

found the gay

Thanks Doc

We dont' like lesbians.
We only like it's two hot chicks fucking for our amusement or two hot chicks who're so horny and easy that they'd fuck each other and the mere hint that a dick is in the room will make them instantly leap on it and start fucking.
That's it.

Actual lesbians?
Not on our radar and are in fact our mortal enemies.

This "ebul men turned her gay" and "hasn't met a real man yet" and "you're not a man if you don't find cagey dykes fisting each other hot" shit is just an attempt by them to ingraciate themselves to us and prevent us from seeing them as useless and losing the unspoken social advantages and protections of being an actual woman and losing access to the dicking they'll eventually need

Literally physically impossible for most people with a real job to wake up at 4 and sleep 8 hours at the same time lol. Plenty of people wake up late and are as efficient if not more so than the 4am guys. But waking up at 4am gets you in the right mindset--I set up my goals, and hit them, regardless of if I like it or not. If you can get in that mindset, you're golden regardless of when you wake up (as long as it's consistent). The one thing I recommend is not waking up just in time to get ready and go to work. Then the prospect of getting fired from work is what is waking you up. You need to learn to force yourself to hit goals that YOU set up. Wake up a long time before work--enough to take your time making a good healthy breakfast, that you eat regardless of if your're hungry or not. If you don't already do this, I guarantee you'll see dividends in other parts of your life.

holy shit lexi belle got fat

stop posting lexi
shes a rapist

Fake and gay.

Every time I wake up at 4am I'm dead by 5pm.

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Waking up at 4am if fine as long as you have something planned for you to do during that time. Waking up and playing vidya or sitting on Jow Forums is a waste of time. Getting up and eating, having coffee, shitting and showering and be ready to go. Go workout, study, read, work on your hobbies, go to work, etc. Just do something productive but be ready to crawl into bed at 8pm because your body will want rest.
It sucks for the first 3 days but as long as you get out of bed right at 4 and dont hit snooze it's very doable.

>DAMN lexi belle looks like that? She's still got it!

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>taco belle

After testing myself, 8 if I am not tired and 9 if I am. 10-11 If I lost sleep the night before. It's recommend you play around in the 7-9 range to see what works for you. The most resting hours of the night sleeping are between 10pm -2 am, so there is merit to waking up at 4 since you definitely sleep at those hours. For example people who sleep during the day and work at night are significantly fatter, have higher risk of chronic diseases, and have lower energy levels

Thicc Lexi is GOAT

What a repulsive beast.

Whatever happened to Lexi Belle?


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Taco belle

One can dream

Ok haha ya Taco Belle but what is the other girl’s name!?!

Can someone recommend me something that'll force me to pass out that isn't literal Alzheimer's potion like benadryl?

creatine mixed with lemon and cilantro

I just joined the rowing team at my uni and waking up at 5am for practice actually fucking rocks, I feel great in the morning even though I'm usually the kind of guy who will sleep until noon if I don't have anything to do. If you don't have anywhere to go or anything to do at 5am though I wouldn't bother

well men have work to do shitbreath

jenna sativa

I don't know I actually find I'm a lot more productive when I'm waking up early. You get a lot more done in the early morning hours when there's no distractions.

So go to sleep earlier

could be diet desu or not enough sleep, im up at 5am everyday and for a few months I was exhausted by noon because I was eating too many carbs at lunch and not sleeping enough.

I hate waking up early because I can't go to sleep early and when I do sleep I wake up on average 3 times a night.

I go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 4am. Only reason, because I work from 7am and like to go gym before work. I don't see why you would make yourself do this unless you had a reason to.

I wake up at 4am, commute 1.5hrs to my /out/ job at 7am, off at 5pm, 1.5hrs home. Slam workout and food down, hop in bed. Rinse/repeat. Can't tell if I want to end it all or if I've found the path

>internal clock
>set my alarm for 5
>body naturally wakes up at like fucking 4
>too paranoid to set alarm for 6 or something because I hate being late to anything

I've been waking up at 6 to workout before work and over the months it's slowly degraded, I can't even get out of bed when my alarm goes off and I still sleep at the same time which is 10. My workout has no volume or intensity anymore, I'm just not made for getting up that early. I find 7 to 8 is the perfect time for me to wakeup, and I workout best during lunch time with something small in my stomach.
Basically, it's different for everyone, some people work out at midnight so go figure it out.

wait, what's the story?

I'd want to end it, because 3h commute each day. 5 times per week. 20 times per month. 60h per month wasted/ 720 hours per year wasted

Listen to audiobooks on your commute. That's like two books per month. Boom

There are studies out there than compare differences in cognitive abilities when sleep is changed just by 1 hour. The results are significant so just make an assumption about what is going to happen if you go from 8 to 6.

Is better but still not worth it. Too lonely/ depressing. No time for family/socialization.

Why did she get so fat? Fucking disgusting bitch

well... she is a porn star after all. Do you really think these people have the right state of mind?

Haha, imagine kissing Lexi’s chubby tummy and using it as a pillow lol.

Any way to get a job closer to home or to move closer to work?

Haha, imagine watching her porn back in grade school and seeing this picture several years later lol.

I like it. The thicc girl is gonna seduce and dom bruney hard. I'm two days into nofap and this dumb effing non-porn is activating literally all of my almonds at once.

The biggest turn off is the powerlines outside the window. I don't care how many Ikea room dividers and kohl's bed pillows you pretty up the room with. If I see power lines, I know you are in the fucking ghetto.

Exactly. I say I like "lesbian" shit because it gets the point across. irl lesbians are manly looking, fake masculine creatures. They look and act like gay men but with a pussy.
I like girls who look and act like straight girls but just want to fuck other girls who look and act straight.

Please tell me that that's what happened after OP's pic was taken

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Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. The main benefit to it is that you have time when it's dark and not a lot of other people are up, so you can do some personal stuff without your work or your family (lol) or your friends fucking your shit up.

Could reviewbrah score Lexi? Would he even want to?

>you will never fuck lexi until she is fit again

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I doubt he was associate with such a slag.
The image is funny that is all that matters.

But she's taken nig dick right? That would make you a cuck

>you will never fuck lexi so hard that she ends in the kkk

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it's ok, I'm black

Ah okay go for it then my dude.

>my white dick is inside her but somehow that makes me the cuck
this fucking logic

When is jenna sative going to get fucked by 3 niggers in a blacked scene that whole lesbianism is such fucking bullshit

>not cucking the nig

hey man, not sure if anyone has told you yet but your kind isn't welcome here and you're not allowed to post. Now that you've mentioned your race you have to leave forever. Sorry to break it to you, please have a good life and try to commit minimal crimes

>not cuking LEXI with the nig
are you even trying to make it?

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youre inherently a cuck i bet theres some receding genes in your dna making you a cuck

ok, your gf just called so it doesn't matter

Is she still Taco Belle?

Top kek

yea she really let herself go.. funny how the porn industry spits you out when youre not a young starlet anymore