Small dicks

i'm very interested in small dicks and how they impact someones life, how does it feel, what is sex like, does it weigh on your self esteem?
whats your length and girth?
how do you feel about guys with big dicks or women(or men) who prefer them?
ever experimented with penis enlargement techniques or devices?

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srsly you can stop making this type of threads now.

this is legitimately the fist thread i've made on Jow Forums in like 2 or 3 months.

>whats your length and girth?

never had sex. and yeah i'm really afraid of being too thin, i really really hope i have a very tight partner or something so they're not unsatisfied.

>how do you feel about guys with big dicks or women(or men) who prefer them?

hate em

>ever experimented with penis enlargement techniques or devices?

jelq up nigga

there are pumps you can use to increase your girth a for a few hours, tried bathmate?

>whats your length and girth?
15cm x 13cm bonepressed
>How do you feel about [prefrences]?
I don't mind that other people like big dicks, but I don't think you should hurt people over having a small one
>Ever [try to grow]
No, I haven't. I will try to lose weight to see more of my dick however.

no. i believe in manual exercises, like clamping and stuff. i just have to work up towards it by conditioning myself.

either way i still feel like if i just go for smaller framed women it'll be easier. for example i'm not 100% straight so i've tried dildos and stuff and the one I have is around 4.7" in girth and even after a week or two of prepping with lubricannt and all that it's still too much for me. my whole body frame is too small for a dick of that girth and i think i just need to find someone with very narrow hips like that

>i'm very interested in small dicks
*Breathes in*
*Breathes out*
aah. OP is eternally a faggot.

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i would recommend bathmate strongly, i gained half an inch of girth, though its only "semi permanent" since i lost it when i took a month off,

i don't think i could make someone happy with my dick. have to find a repressed shygirl or become the girl

i think that women who prefer big dicks are being honest about their true feelings and i think guys with big dicks are great guys naturally happy and carefree.

i have not tried to enlarge my dick