Small dicks

i'm very interested in small dicks and how they impact someones life, how does it feel, what is sex like, does it weigh on your self esteem?
whats your length and girth?
how do you feel about guys with big dicks or women(or men) who prefer them?
ever experimented with penis enlargement techniques or devices?

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srsly you can stop making this type of threads now.

this is legitimately the fist thread i've made on Jow Forums in like 2 or 3 months.

>whats your length and girth?

never had sex. and yeah i'm really afraid of being too thin, i really really hope i have a very tight partner or something so they're not unsatisfied.

>how do you feel about guys with big dicks or women(or men) who prefer them?

hate em

>ever experimented with penis enlargement techniques or devices?

jelq up nigga

there are pumps you can use to increase your girth a for a few hours, tried bathmate?

>whats your length and girth?
15cm x 13cm bonepressed
>How do you feel about [prefrences]?
I don't mind that other people like big dicks, but I don't think you should hurt people over having a small one
>Ever [try to grow]
No, I haven't. I will try to lose weight to see more of my dick however.

no. i believe in manual exercises, like clamping and stuff. i just have to work up towards it by conditioning myself.

either way i still feel like if i just go for smaller framed women it'll be easier. for example i'm not 100% straight so i've tried dildos and stuff and the one I have is around 4.7" in girth and even after a week or two of prepping with lubricannt and all that it's still too much for me. my whole body frame is too small for a dick of that girth and i think i just need to find someone with very narrow hips like that

>i'm very interested in small dicks
*Breathes in*
*Breathes out*
aah. OP is eternally a faggot.

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i would recommend bathmate strongly, i gained half an inch of girth, though its only "semi permanent" since i lost it when i took a month off,

i don't think i could make someone happy with my dick. have to find a repressed shygirl or become the girl

i think that women who prefer big dicks are being honest about their true feelings and i think guys with big dicks are great guys naturally happy and carefree.

i have not tried to enlarge my dick

That's what my dick looks like flaccid. When erect it turns into a 6''x5'' monster.

>or become the girl

if you want to take dick just be gay. your dick is not even small man, porn has warped your perception.

are there any femanons that legitimately prefer average/smaller dicks?


thats a nice dick, a bit above average but certainly not a monster cock.

Mines small but I have Kallmann syndrome, so its the least of my problems.

i do harbor the cocklust bug but i still find men gross

r/ajelqforyou says its better to do manual shit like clamping and that bathmate is a waste of money

I have a small dick. Doesn't even get to 6" erect. But I'm a fag and probably gonna sub so idgaf

>tfw no prepubesent bf

how big is your cock? length and girth, can you even ejaculate?

>a subreddit about jelqing says that jelqing is better.

wow, who would have thought.

I'd rather not say and no.

kek same
flaccid I'm between 2-3" but it grows to about the same size as yours.

Mine's 5.5x5, I guess it's normal or low-normal but out of the 6 girls I've fucked 5 have cum multiple times from my dick. I'm even better at fingering and oral though I feel like getting a girl off is easier than jacking to porn by myself sometimes.

have you ever been intimate with anyone? how do they react?

Nah guys have just seen in the locker room

your dick does not define you user, im sure your a great guy who will meet a great lady one day.

"i'm very interested in small dicks"

- OP, 2018

The whole end of sex is having children, even if your dick is small you can still impregnate a woman, anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking retarded. Sex drive is just a sign of animalism

Not unless she likes guys that look 10

balls > dicks

you are me

I get so much anxiety because I walk around as if I have a small penis but I don't

ever thought about going gay and being a cute trap?

jesus christ, can you even call that a dick?

i'm 7.1'' and 6.6'' but girls still claim it's small

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I would only attract pedos. My body is pretty much indistinguishable from 10yos.

>balls > dicks
absolutely redpilled.

you could make a lot of money as an escort i bet, being a legal way to fuck a kid.

you're too big. gtfo you fucking BFG

Nah most people who see my benis think I'm an actual kid. It'd be weird otherwise

no im really curious, how big is it, this place is anonymous, no shame.

even still some guys like small ones like me

You need to post your address or take your own life.

Would any of the small gay/bi guys here be comfortable dating someone who's larger? I've started to lean toward liking small ones more but it seems lost most smaller gay guys are too ashamed of their cocks to even take a chance

>your dick does not define you
That's such bs. It does define you to women

10" here
I suspected my ex only loved me for my genitals so I stopped fucking her as often as she wanted.
She left me.
I loved her.

I'm here in this thread to let you know your dick is fine. 3 inch is fine, 5 inch is fine, 7 inch is fine. Remember these threads are entirely filled with demoralizing trolls who want to bring you down until you kill yourself. You can make a woman happy no matter your size, you can have children no matter your size. Things are going to be okay for your and your future lover.

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Its around 3ish hard. Uncut. Any of you faggots want to ask anything else while I'm here?

Why lie? Are you being paid by the government to make sure more men don't drop out of life?

do you even use all 10 inches? seems like it would be irrelevant after like 8

>calling people faggots when you have toddler dick.

baby dicks should not act so high and mighty.

At least I don't have to trim it.

at least woman will actually feel my dick.
try using your ass, its your only hope of giving an orgasm.

I could easily find a woman who would willingly hop on it, but the >implication of it would be uncomfortable. I can orgasm on my own anyways, I just don't cum.

be my bf user, ill take care of you and make you feel like a woman,

Define "larger". I wouldn't mind as long as I get a piece of that ass.

i feel the same i/m 6'4 with a thick 7 incher and i want a bf who is short with a small one, the size difference really turns me on.

2.75 inches erect lol life is pointless. They even took my foreskin

is it at least thick?
if not just be a bottom, since your dick is useless anyway.

So these threads are really to bully low self-esteem boys into becoming gay bottoms? This is the reason for the dick size meme?

170 cm tall and bepin is like 12 cm erect just fucking kill me

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I'd be fine with that if it's what my partner wants; I kind of prefer stroking and sucking my partner's cock and licking his balls or just having a hot make-out session, but it's easier to take a smaller one in my ass (or mouth) as well and that's helpful

The aesthetics of a cock are more of a factor to me than size; the best kind are neatly trimmed with a good shape, clean-shaven balls in a nice smooth sack and preferably uncut (I won't hold it against a guy if he's cut though)

I don't really expect to meet anyone through here but since you ask, over 6"

Thanks for the kind words Chad you Truly are The best friend we could ever have

Try 190 and 19
(isnt that bad desu)

friend of mine is
>small dick
and the rest of jacobs syndrome

He doesnt approach girls
Would you? dick so small it will only be laughed at

He has many many other hobbies he spends his time on. I feel sorry for him, but not really, he's still having the time of his life

>he's still having the time of his life
He's not if he's not having sex

he physically wouldn't enjoy it lol
there isnt a pussy tight enough kinda thing

how do you know how small his dick is and how small is it, there is more to sex than penetration, ya know.

blowjobs are the silver lining of having a small dick, mine is huge and people cant even get it halfway down.

0.5" flaccid and 2 inch erect here. I gave up on women and having children. I just bottom and hope to live a sissy life.

good goy. what do guys say when they see it? have you ever tried to use it?

i dont know how people even have micro dicks anymore, they found out that if you inject test directly into a newborns penis it induces growth so if you have a micro dick your parents let it happen and cursed tyou as a dicklet.,

the guys i been with don't really say anything. it was casual grindr meetups and I wore panties to cover them

Testicle size is based on penis size. Small penis = small testicles = low sperm count.


DHT is also the main hormone responsible for hairloss though.

Which is reversible. DHT is mainly responsible for all masculinization and male characteristics, physical and mental.

>how does it feel
What is sex like, does it weigh on your self esteem?
Non existent. Of course it does. My self esteem is zero. I couldn't even sleep with the ugliest person in the world because I hate myself that much
>whats your length and girth?
1x2 soft 3x4 hard

>how do you feel about guys with big dicks or women(or men) who prefer them?
Absolute envy and hatred.

just find a big dick guy and become his girlfriend then you can have his big dick whenever you want.

Learn how to measure your dick, dicklet

>try being above average in both penis size and height
Why dont you just humblebrag on reddit or something?

>the absolute butthurt of manlets

i Could have been a chad had alcohol and Drugs not messed with me so much. but instead i feel like Gulliver in the land of the tinny people

What's all this obsession about dick size and height? You do realise that as long as your penis is proportional to your body size then youre normal?

Porn really fucks you up, in more ways than one. I've got an average dick, (maybe even small, 5.5' and not particularly thick) and it's always been an anxiety. I've had sex with two women and learned a bit about it and myself

If anything, the actual anxiety itself is way more of a negative than the actual size. You're setting a self-fulfilling prophecy by worrying about it and letting it affect your performance, when from what I can tell women don't really mind as long as your dick isnt outrageously small.

The bigger issue and stuff you should work on is things you can effect. Ability to get and stay hard to an IRL 3d woman, fitness to perform sex well and not having deathgripped/mindnumbed your self enough to actually be able to cum during sex. Cutting back or completely weening off porn definitely helps, not even considering the stuff it does to your self esteem

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>i think that women who prefer big dicks are being honest about their true feelings and i think guys with big dicks are great guys naturally happy and carefree.

What the fuck are you smoking, I have an 8+ inch, 6+ girth dick and I think about killing myself every day.

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If there are any fembots in this thread interested in small dicks, post tits with timestamp and I'll post a few pics of my tiny dick (maybe even do some requests).

Honestly, women seeing my tiny dick turns me on.
Sorry, faggots.

>your future lover
immersion destroyed, but thanks for the attempt

Youre just 190cm,stop acting like youre some fucking giant. Im 193cm and i see taller people everyday

How to get

Smaller pp

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Most posts here are bullshit but you'rs is just sickening

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my dick goes from 2ish inches unerect to 7 and a half erect, and I'm relatively girthy but I'm a bit more long when erect than girthy, but definitely not skinny. So I feel like I'm packing but have nothing to show for it until I'm erect. Feels weird.

I had a miserable experience with my last girl friend because it didn't fit, and then I came in five seconds while I was still trying to jam it more than 605 of the way in.

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It really is a curse a lot of the time, and dicklets either don't or can't understand or care because they're too insecure about their own size because of their porn addictions.


also most women cannot cum from only penetration

you don't need a big bennis, it's all ego

>7", 6"
>Too small
What hallways are you throwing your hotdog down?

give me a micro penis bf please.

Are you serious?
You actually into that?

I genuinely believe I would live a somewhat normal life if I had an average sized dick growing up. My dick is 3 inches at best and thin too. I've had a few opportunities to hook up in my high school years but didn't because I was embarrassed of my dick. A single hook up as a teenager could have changed the entire course of my life I believe. Worst case scenario is that I become a dad at an early age due to an accident and it would have forced me to become a normie. Instead, I became a shut-in, dropped out of school and have been a khv hikki for over a decade now.

yes, this entire thread is prime bf material.
i'm a guy though, so if you like it up the pooper let me know.

It's just your dick, seeing as I basically never use it for anything but masturbating it doesn't really go through my head much.
It's not really a major daily concern.
I don't really care about them much, but I guess they're free to their sexual preferences like anyone else.
I haven't bothered or wanted to experiment with penis enlargement garbage, seems like something someone insecure would do to try and fake or hide their issue with their body.

i wish the dicklets in this thread would post pics.

>penis enlargement garbage

This, the best way to make your dick bigger is to increase bloodflow. "Hung like a trackstar" isn't just a saying, if you do heavy cardio your dicks get more blood which enlarges it over time. I wonder how many people would have bigger dicks if they excercised

I said I will if I get fembot tits with timestamp.
Just posting for fags is not a good motivation.

only fags like baby dicks, women say size does not matter but the bottom line is women will only like you in spite of your tiny dick never because of it, unlike dudes with horse cocks.