ITT: Boomer shit you do

ITT: Boomer shit that you do

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Not being born post Y2K like the vast majority of Jow Forums posters are

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i drink excessively to forget the past and the present

Most of the time I only play games that were made before 2004

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Listen to dadrock
Have a dadbod
Drink Busch

middle class chile wojaks lmao

>go fishing at least 3x a week
>vote republican
>drive a truck
>watch Tucker Carlson every night
>carry a revolver instead of a semi-auto
>listen to old country music and jazz
>drink bourbon, hate weed smokers
>eat red meat at least once a day
>smoke pipe tobacco and cigars
>have never used social media
I'm not even meming this is my life

mow the lawn, but with a silent reel mower so my fellow neets can stay asleep. drinks copious amounts of highlycaffeinated soda. try to make the best out of something horrible that others brought upons us.

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I'm not even memeing either, but I would bet you are actually happier than most of the people that frequent this board.

You use Jow Forums so you use social media

Yeah, I know I am. I have my issues, and I lead a solitary life, but I'm comfortable in my own skin.

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>middle class

>colo colo
>iron maiden
>literally in penitentiary

I listen to a lot of dad rock.

It's the late 2010's and I DON'T listen to rap.

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buy cds
listen to esoteric alternative music from days long passed
genuinely enjoy talking about grilling, fishing, hunting, and farming
drink monster every other day (rape grape)
still unironically racist
not a lefttard

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Buy DVDs of movies I like

Smoke weed, occasionally listen to music like The Smiths and NWA shit old people shit

rap is garbage

>Chilean boomers

Listen to bands like Motorhead, Metallica, & AC/DC

>wake up early to mow my lawn in my boxer breifs and flip flops
>drink white monster
>have regular non-trendily groomed mustache
>read the local paper

>Drink the white flavored monster drink
>Listen to Iron Maiden and Metallica
>Own 15+ retro video game consoles to revel in the good ol' days
>Have a dad bod
>Think windows XP was a good OS
I think I fit the bill

Your life sounds comfy and you sound like a pretty alright guy.

i own this painting and it is hanging in my living room

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i love my old lexus, listen to 80s japanese jazz, can only watch very specific comfy fantasy anime, still play skyrim, and carry tea around with me everywhere because it makes me feel warm without the side effects of alcohol.

>still purchase music rather than use a streaming service (and only listen to real musicians playing actual instruments)
>buy and read a physical copy of the local paper every morning
>have never used zoomer abbreviations
>go camping and fishing
>don't know what yeet means and refuse to Google it

You sound like a faggot

> doesn't carry semi auto
> consumes the liquid jew
> doesn't consume mind enhancing cannabis
> drives a truck and not a coupe
>eats red meat everyday

I'm playing vanilla wow on a private server not social media nigga

By definition it is, however without identity it doesn't fit the running connotation of what social media is. Social media via facebook, twitter, ig, etc is about advertising an identity online.

>go buy beer at 6am
>start mowing the lawn at 7 am
>wear sun glasses even if it's cloudy
>wear boots with shorts
>socks with sandals
>drive a real big loud red truck
>call people bud or guy

>not a station wagon

>Listen to dadrock
>Enjoy RTS games like the Total War series
>Watch pro wrestling

that's the greatest thing ever

I look like Big Lebowski.

I listen to 60s on 6 and classic vinyl.

Are the Beach Boys dad rock? My dad listens to them