> Help us spread the newest fake iPhone feature, the Apple Bounce!
Discord: rKY9KbY
> Help us spread the newest fake iPhone feature, the Apple Bounce!
Discord: rKY9KbY
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's do this
this is retarded, go to /b/ for this
We need better promotion than this. Nobody is going to believe the iPhone can "bounce" without significant amounts of bullshit.
We made up some crap about the system automatically powering off for the water one. We could say some crap about how the new screen is made of a plastic mesh that compresses or something.
Also, what angle can we get them to drop it at so that we get maximum breakage?
we already have the technical stuff covered user, go to the discord
Cool. Thanks a bunch, you wicked thing, you.
It's not even out yet. If you somehow make this blow up in social media (it won't) people will figure out it's bullshit by the time they actually buy that trash.
now this is the fucking stuff i came for. Ill begin spreading it right away
if you go to /b/ you just get drowned out my porn posts...this is the only not 100% not porn board left
user the massive posting will be on the 21st not yet, just save it
>actual good content for once
>go away, REEEE, this is only for emo-fag bitching
Die in a fucking fire, seriously.
You can't just call something faggoty you made good content and expect everyone's opinion to change.
bump for originioli
don't, wait to spread until release (the 21st)
this has a bit more detail. i'm hesitant to be too specific because i'm afraid people might call bullshit on the fact that the facts are bad since i'm not a phone engineer lol
This is classic Jow Forums shit you fuckface retard, everyone left /b/ cause it filled with newfag dipshits. This board was supposed to be for original content, not for a bunch of teens to bitch about their stupid fucking bullshit problems, go to wizard chan you fags.
You can't just start calling people names while reddit spacing and claiming to be an oldfag and expect them to do what you say.
I'm in lad. That pic alone isn't good enough though. Make a better one. I got faith in ya.
There is no redditspacing you literal retard, you don't even know what it is, you just use it as a buzzword you god damn idiot. Jesus christ you morons and phoneposters ruin this place.
I'd help but how exactly do I do this? I don't have any social media at all to spread this through.
join the discord
You can't just throw an autistic fit when people make fun of you typing like a faggot and expect people to do what you say.
>capital letters
you can't just end a bunch of messages with "and expect people to do what you say" and expect people to do what you say.
You can't just call anyone better at writing than you a newfag and expect people to do what you say.
>"I'm better at writing than you because I use capital letters"
you must be new to the internet. enjoy your stay
You can't just spout new even though this website's older than you and expect people to do what you say.
Help us spread the newest ebin troll attempt, this post!
go have your pissbaby fit somewhere else, this is literally one thread in an entire board
literally no one cares about this even close to a much as you
Then you won't mind me giving proof to all the normans that your memes are just that, memes. :^)
We're trying to bring the family together user, why's that so wrong?
no one's going to give a shit about screenshots from a website none of them understand, we haven't even started spreading shit for that to discredit yet. if you really want to troll us just go apple bounce yourself off a building you twat
>we haven't even started spreading shit for that to discredit yet.
Well if I was you I wouldn't bother, now.
p much shaking in my boots. what'd you do, post it to your three family members who follow you on ig?
I'm not sure if it's the resolution but the lettering looks blurry as fuck and makes it look obviously made in Paint. Someone get to making it look more like the lettering in
Because I suffer from borderline personality disorder, and you acted like fags so now I hate you and will do everything in my power to destroy you.
are you also borderline retarded?
Someone's getting a little toasty if his mind's so fried all he can think to type out is "ur stupid" :^)
Just think, all these pictures you made, for nothing.
yep, sure is getting me out of sorts. i can barely imagine the damage some robot faggot with bpd is going to wreak on this non-existent ad campaign
Lmao this reminds me of when /b/ was trying to convince people that you could charge your iPhone in the microwave.
it worked for some gullible retards
same plan here
And it's going to stay that way, if the power of my autism means anything.
There's a big wake up call waiting for you chief.
I posted this on Jow Forumsiphone, maybe they'll help.
Link is here, if you guys want to comment and help it get put into hot
Also here
What other subreddits should I post it on?
Hey guys I'm from reddit and I'm an EPIC memer like all you!! I want to trick people too, haha!
Stop reposting your reddit posts on discord you sad fucks
Bump, let's get as many people seeing this as possible
The absolute state of dumb phoneposters.
Just think, if you newfags hadn't spouted off newfag as if you weren't newfags, you wouldn't have welcomed my wrath. Now this is DEAD.
Wtf. I got kicked off of the Discord I guess. Doesn't appear anymore. Didn't talk or anything. What happened you faggots?
I destroyed their little plans, so now they kicked off everyone who hadn't already integrated into their clique.
As if they can recover from this point, or something.
Ah, sounds like OP or "q" was autistic. Just ban a couple of fags that call you new instead of shutting it down and saying you "INCURRED YOUR WRATH". Now you actually do sound new, you faggot.
What the fuck man? Seriously.
Why is there a photo of a mushroom?
the person you quoted isn't op, it's the cunt that was sitting in the discord leaking screencaps to reddit lol. we weren't sure who was doing it so we just kicked everyone inactive to cover our bases. sorry one apple spoiled the bunch but we weren't really sure what else to do and i'm personally not really interested in having my discord tag leaked by a pissbaby with a vendetta
He's a mad lad so maybe he does shrooms?
I got kicked too.
Loli, please, look at this thread it wasn't me, people are trying to get the leaks to hot just listen to me please.
>this whole cringey thing is done by literal and instead of metaphorical redditors
Fuck off already
Wow. Who the fuck would browse both r9k, a psy op, cucked, blacked place AND normie Reddit that is so disconnected from that.
they said they wanted to kick anyone who hasn't contributed
It's Jow Forums, newfag.
This post was the first red flag to shut it down.
awesome question. ask the fag that posted the reddit links:
literally fucking retarded, kek. tldr some asshole got steamed that this thread existed, sat in the discord, and posted screencaps of the thread to reddit. we just kicked all the non-contributors because we had no idea who was doing it
Loli, you need to purge the server and make a new one, we've failed.
didn't feel like typing the slashes when on pain meds and dizzy. That was a quick ass response.
Make a new one onthe hidden board. You know which. And they don't.
I fucking can't I got kicked from the discord so I can't spread it.
Jow Forums is an anti-discord board, and don't you ever fucking forget it
don't forget what
that Jow Forums is an anti-discord board
i can't remember what you're talking about
Fuck you whoever decided to make this thread, what the fuck made you think Jow Forums was the trolling board? Things were going so well when it was mostly people from /b/.
Who's retarded now? Certainly not me, because I'm not the one who got my sekret ebin raid posted everywhere.
It's fucking over man, my friend called the news and showed them the discord, the thread, we're fucked.
Discord: 0
Jow Forums: 6
Don't bring your normalfag shit onto my board EVER again.
look out folks. if you come into Jow Forums some thirteen year old might post your thread to two subreddits, where his posts are downvoted to shit before being removed. then he'll come back and repeatedly post on your thread how badly he fucked you. truly a scarring experience. watch out everyone
the news doesn't give a shit lol. the news thinks Jow Forums is one person. i wouldn't sweat it
that's not pepe, that's groyper.
he's a toad.
mushrooms are also called toadstools
Indestructible? Gimme sledge hammer and applw will shit bricks
Imagine your meme scheme just being a dream because you decided to fuck with the wrong autist, lmao
The absolute salt going on in this discord, holy shit
>posting this on r9k that is literally monitored by the news and reddit..
You wouldn't have been caught on crystal or #chan, make it so obvious. Gather the following without blatantly advertising the entire product. Or post on a fast moving board.
Also fuck reddit, they are the most brainwashed NPCs on the planet.
Make sure to le upvote my posts!
these le epic raids are fucking cringe now
I think it looks pretty good. Just post it on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr(?), and people will be stupid enough to share it. It's not like anyone fact checks this.
>It's not like anyone fact checks this.
It'll be pretty hard for them not to when I reply to anything visible with proof of this thread. It's a lot harder to convince someone to do something stupid than to convince them not to.
No-one cares, faggot.
You cared enough to give me some salt, bud.
>92 replies
>27 posts
Stop samefagging your cringey discord shit, faggot.
>classic Jow Forums shit
It's okay to be a newfag, but it's not okay to call others newfags and pretend you're an oldfag.
is this the new meme or something?
You can't just call valid arguments memes and expect people to do what you say.
Can we have the fucking discord or not?
These are redundant as anyone who buys an iPhone has already been tricked.
What, you thought this was for Jow Forums? Me and my other discord buddies were just letting you know what we're doing, it's not a Jow Forums thing.