You haven't ruined yourself, right user?

You haven't ruined yourself, right user?

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i had my genitals mutilated at birth actually so yeah. man i wish i was a girl so i had no problems.

My dick is crooked from how hard I grip when I jerk off.

First the NPC meme and now this. Are virgins having this bad of a time at coping now?

I've only had sex twice so I guess I still have some value.
No this one comes from a way different source. The roastie meme went mainstream on Twitter a couple weeks ago so roasties, in typical uncreative fashion, are trying to flip the "virgins are pure, sluts are ruined" meme back on males. Its as unfunny as you would expect.

whats the point of having a big dick if you don't want to use it to fuck?

Who cares when it's PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!

Attached: its_peanut_butter_jelly_time_3d_by_raccoonanimator-d5okjht.gif (300x300, 149K)

>tfw my bepis is unironically beat from fappjng with a death grip regularly

Phew... The one partner penis looks prime and ready to hit the prost- I mean gspot.


pretty sure the npc meme is normies, it's popular with the discordfags. makes sense since they all get so offended that they're not a super unique fauxloser or something.

doesn't have to be permanent if you don't want it to be. nofap fixes both of these problems

a pale green dick would be nasty

hence why nobody wants your virgin bussy

I don't even like you.

Are you implying that green unripe bananas are ideal? Gross.

give me a study right now that says nofap will make my dick straight right now

I can't help but feel like jerking it with the opposite hand would even it out a bit.

specially what you have become

put 2 and 2 together. your dick is curving because you keep jacking off. so stop jacking off and your dick will stop curving. i literally had the same problem and fixed it

South paw is too akward desu


Attached: 2018-09-12 22.40.09.jpg (1901x1069, 1.25M)

That is why it is brown with mold under the tip.

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I mean, i have a scar in my dick and my balls from one time that i caught my dick and balls in the zipper. I also have a few pearly penile papules and i little callus on my dick (where i caught it with the zipper), i can tear it off, but it comes back after a few months (most likely because of excesive masturbation).

is being the green banana a good thing? i never masturbate because i have a low libido. besides i'm fucking autistic about my fap material anyway so by the time i find a picture that meets all my requirements i'm not horny anymore.

Not really because women don't want virgin dick.
To them there's something wrong with you if you're a virgin
>then 5 minutes later they'll bitch about men being dogs who sleep around

That's great, but why not use a plate?

My pp hurts because of my hard I grip it

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What if I've had one partner in bed twice AND excessively masturbate? Asking for myself.

A plate only complicates things.
Gotta warm a tortilla to fold it would it breaking. Best way to warm a pb&j tortilla is to put it in a paper towel and set it on an electric stove top that you turn on for a few seconds.
Once the pb&j burrito is complete you generally will not be setting it back down again, unless you're going to takes pics for the interwebs

This is true, I'm a virgin and have a huge dick. Where's my fembot princess to claim me?

What sense does this make? Care to explain?