ITT we post the worst things about our bodies. Rate others if you want
I'm allergic to my own sweat. Any kind of sport/working out is hard to do because when I start sweating, my whole body begins to itch to the point where it feels like there's a thousand needles poking me everywhere. This doesn't mean I'm extremely overweight, I'm actually not (like just little chub like a dadbod) but I can't possibly get ripped which makes me completely unattractive to the majority of all women
> Aspire to be a trap. > Hairy legs and armpits. > Too lazy to shave them.
Adrian Campbell
> Literally has klinefelter syndrome
Noah Watson
I have the same thing, it's not really sweat allergy. Go to the doctor and ask them about it. For me it's the worst during periods when I'm stressed out
Gavin Fisher
Bone portrusions on my chest and ribs. I look revolting without a shirt on.
Jack Foster
I've already visited the dermatologist and she said it's an allergy.
I thought female hormones helped with hair density. Don't they?
Justin Green
I have lots. >vitiligo >psoriasis >terrible year round allergy >ugly >hyperhidrosis
Nolan Young
my body looks like the diagram of klinefelters but I've never been tested by any doctor for something like that
people online always say you'd know if you had it, but afaik most men with the disorder actually do not know
Angel Jones
> be me > Be spic > 116 lb , 5'4 , basically all bone > Long, big, Jewish nose > Tfw too intelligent to like mumble rap so I listen to shitty fucking 2003 music. > Literally too short for most women, too feminine for ANY woman, not feminine enough for guys. > Lost at genetic lottery for both sexes
Brody White
>asian >male >ugly >autistic >hair in the crack of my ass
Bentley Thompson
Saggy boobs, thick hair but with ridiculously sensitive skin so shaving is a waste of time, big head and fat face. Fat nose, droopy eyes. Actually pretty fucked overall
Aiden Murphy
>acanthosis nigricans >telogen effluvium from stress >hirsutism from PCOS >crooked teeth >stretch marks >pancake butt
Lincoln Wilson
>black >manlet >dicklet just fuck my shit up senpai
Levi Turner
>being fat and filthy You can fix that with some effort, so you can't blame it all on losing the genetic lottery. At least you're not an ugly autistic chink like me.
Charles Wright
The fuck are you talking about. I'm neither of those
Angel Hill
>Saggy boobs >fat face >no shaving You said it yourself nigger
Ryan Brooks
>indian >shit at studying and maths
Well it's over for me boys. There's 5 hundred million poor Indians and I'm just another faceless peasant.
Christopher Martinez
if i didnt have acne and bacne then i would be a 7/10 tops, currently a 4/10.
Luis Bell
Being shit at maths isn't affected by genes you dumb curry dispenser
Blake Lee
No but being shit at studying is (thousands of mental disorders that affect your memory and ability to focus) and that affects your mathematics ability if you can't remember 90 percent of the shit you studied
Aiden Flores
I said saggy boobs and fat face because those are the faults? Not that I am fat, autist.
And not shaving doesn't mean I don't shower daily either lmao
Jack Howard
Large forehead and bad hairline.That's literally it. I'm a 5/10 but i think my hair is just fucking my shit up hard
Ryan Torres
OP here, same but I didn't wanna mention it because it's not the worst thing about me. I can't grow a beard, my forehead is huge and since 19 (I'm 20 now) my hairline is receding and it's falling out so I might have a bald spot like pic related in a few years
Can you swim? Does the chlorine in the pool neutralize the sweat or does it just make it worse?
Jeremiah Martin
Swimming is okay. The thing is, if I endure the itch/almost pain then it kinda numbs down after half an hour or so (it's still there but it's like I get used to it). So if I sweat enough and then work out it's fine. If I dry down and start to sweat again the itch begins anew
Ethan James
Surgerymaxx or get a combover haircut
Carson Gomez
5'3 with heavy acne and teeth. awfully high voice
Austin Thompson
You won't have saggy boobs and a fat face if you aren't fat, genius. Plus, not shaving makes you look messier and filthier.
Easton Hernandez
bad teeth i mean
Alexander Torres
Have you considered becoming a trap? If you used acne wash, you would have the ideal traits for becoming a passable one.
Caleb Cooper
I am a girl and since i was little i had stretch marks on many places of my body.. my skin is not that elastic and i didn't take prop care of it.
Easton Carter
Guys really don't care if you have stretch marks tho.
Nathaniel Fisher
>what are different face shapes.
And what kind of utter mong thinks boob shape is affected by body weight. I'm not fat. I said I'm not fat. I know youre autistic but fucking hell...
As for body hair, well nobody sees it. And frankly plenty of dudes find it hot anyway. Has very little to do with hygiene
Kayden Ortiz
>And frankly plenty of dudes find it hot anyway. do you really want to give those dudes the time of day though? they're gross.
David Jackson
You do realise you get saggy boobs of all sizes and it has nothing to do with being fat?
Jeremiah Barnes
But i have them all over my butt and makes it look ugly! And i have them on the back of my knees and i have dark inner tighs and armpits and butt and im so hairy omg i could be a boy!! It's horrible!!
William Powell
No chin. Pray for me bros.
James Scott
Actually I think it's pretty great as fetishes go. For someone to not only accept but embrace bodies in their natural form. That isn't gross at all. It's a massive plus
Hunter Perry
well that just makes you gross too, you should find a gross Where The Wild Things Are bf and make monster children together.
Leo Bailey
Are we still doing "stop liking what I don't like Wahh"
sounds better than someone of your opinion let's be honest
I have those around my arms and legs as well. There are 2 giant ones around my crotch that are really deep, like you can actually feel the difference because the skin under there was completely torn apart. It's like smooth V shaped scar tissue on both of my upper legs beginning at my ballsack.
As long as your ass is well shaped you really don't have to worry about what the skin on there looks like. And for the hair just shave it you monkey
Aiden Anderson
gl finding a guy who will actually floss with your artfully sculpted topiary of a pube bush just to get you off desu.
Matthew Cook
Frankly this isn't hard. You should see some of the sheer worship I get online for having a bush..
Good luck finding a gf.. In general though.
Jason Reed
talk to fit, but i've had same thing happen to me and let me help solve it. One stretch and do warm up exercise before hard workout more. Usually doing hard work outs when your body isn't used to it can stress out your body and give you that itchy needle feeling. Drink more water, dehydration is also a likely cause. Also when i was young kid one of my VITAL organs died. There is no real treatment or cure, EVERY day i take needles EVERY couple hours to stay alive. type 1
Grayson Scott
That's not a weak chin you failed chad. Fuck off
Gabriel Parker
>implying i'm an incel tfwnogf you realize orbiters will settle for literally anything. I don't care if you don't groom yourself but don't act like you're god's gift to mankind over it.
Luke Watson
>5'5 ft >6 inch dicklet >almost completely bald at 20 >more hair on my ass and chest than head >beard going grey >skinny fat >shitty fragile skin that gets toasted after 5 minutes out in the sun my only saving grace is having green eyes, apart from that I'm a genetic failure on all levels
I'm not doing anything of the sort. You are the one trying to pin your own preference on every man out there. And apparently if they don't agree with you they are desperate losers. What a reach. You're wrong and that's all there is to it
That sounds hot, i really like stretch marks on guys but not on me..hmm it must be something psychological. I've just never been with a guy.. khv 23yrs old..
And i do shave but the hair comes back soon..i am not that lazy and at least i'm not fat.
Jose King
>go on bestiality reddit >find bestiality posts wow what a shocker
Well if you're not fat like I said, nobody is going to give a fuck. I'd nibble on well shaped cheeks any day no matter how they look. Cellulite is way worse than stretch marks
Caleb Young
What's your point. I'm just illustrating the fact not everyone shares your opinion, there's a ton of men on there. Many of whom send me pictures and frankly they are pretty hot and what I'd even consider out of my league. Not pure what you deem to be losers.. Although I don't really devalue a guys opinion for shit like them not being ripped.
so the "good luck finding a bf" line is absolutely meaningless.
Jacob Robinson
>so the "good luck finding a bf" line is absolutely meaningless. I'm only wishing you luck you desperately need since you're getting catfished by people who would put their penis in anything wet and close to room temperature, there is a huge grey area between that and "ripped"
Jordan Sanders
>KP all over my body >people saying it will go away when im 30 i dont even want to be alive when im 30 give me good skin NOW
Sebastian Cruz
Gyno Widow's peak to the point it looks like it's receded but it hasn't. Can't grow a good beard Hayfever Eczema not unmanageable or really noticeable
That aside I'm pretty lucky
Logan Cruz
It's funny you don't think I've had boyfriends. And if I'm going to engage with someone I make sure they are genuine. You can't claim these guys wouldn't fucking marry a hairy woman too. It's what they like. It's not desperation Reach more.
Jack Perry
I'm pretty lucky but: Exercise induced bronchoconstriction, bad with any exercise that lasts for longer than a short amount of time, especially in winter. My body dies in Spring. (In Southern Hemisphere) Spring started 15 days ago and I've had 9 blood noses in a weeks, can't smell properly, wounds won't heal properly, dust/grass allergy. Come Summer my body's 100% again.
Oliver Jackson
Im going to assume I wont the gene lotto >6'1 >Blue eyes >squared jaw >8 inch dick >160 pounds (just look lean) >no hair except my legs and head
Owen Diaz
You sound cute I'd make u my bf
Camden Moore
i really hate my weaker chin/overbite combined with my juicy lips. its not noticeable from the front but from the side its really noticeable. both of my lips and philtrum protrude ahead of my chin. i hate how weak and beta this one facial feature makes me look. fuck idubbbz for making me obsess about this shit with his leafy content cop dawg.
Pretty much same as this user, also my jaw is asymmethrical and it's very visible.
Easton Wright
>not feminine enough for guys Most gay/bi guys like guys who look like guys. Some bis like femme guys but not exclusively (unless they're just prison gay)
Benjamin Perez
>type 1 diabetes and impotence
Nicholas Evans
Who /wasted potential/ here? Good genes, good looking, tall but with a sperg personality.
Zachary Kelly
Tonsil stones, if anybody knows about these they can empathize.basically constant halitosis unless i dig around in my tonsils for like 15 minutes.
Yeah it is a very painful recovery though for adults or something, people always say to not do it. I would be too scared anyway.
Christopher Cox
>4.5 inch penis Could be worse, I don't let it hold me back.
Bentley Jenkins
>5'9" Rating: C- >Shit tier skin Rating: D- >Frizzy hair, untamable Rating: C+ when buzzed >Huge ears that stick out sideways Rating: D+ >Can't grow decent facial hair Rating: D >Shitty jaw line Rating: D
Only good thing about me is having a huge d, not that it matters because I'm never getting laid.
Kayden Jackson
>tfw I have the exact same condition as OP Stop eating tomatoes and other nightshades, OP. I think my cholinergic urticaria might be due to the fact that I carry the atypical BuChE gene, which increases sensitivity to nightshades.
Dominic Watson
>I'm allergic to my own sweat. Any kind of sport/working out is hard to do because when I start sweating, my whole body begins to itch to the point where it feels like there's a thousand needles poking me everywhere. I have this too. You outgrow it, eventually. The only real way to manage it is to work out in the morning and breakout once. Your body seems to have a resistance to breaking out in hives multiple times a day. I got fit by working out until I broke out in hives, took a cool shower to calm the hives, then working out later in the day.
Mason Anderson
Unibrow I would have been hung from the gallows pole a long time ago.
Ryan Powell
Is this photoshopped? I don't remember him looking that bad. I have the same problem by the way
Angel King
I'm 5'8. I have brown eyes and hair too, which isn't really a bad thing but some people on here say it is. Girls tell me I'm good looking but because I'm too short I'm completely unviable as a boyfriend in the current meta.