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Anecdotes #481
30+ Thread
Hear girls talking about game of thrones
How many of you genuinely believe Elon Musk does psychedelics? (LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DMT, and the likes.)
You aren't this guy, right?
Why didn't you fight back when they beat you?
What's the worst thing you've ever done to a person?
Men and wamen are equal
I have 11 gigs of her, anyone interested
Why are some men against dating a larger women?
Everything IS about sex
Hello user, I'm your new step brother, I hope we will get along well!
Reminder: This is what life is like for Chad. He literally cannot comprehend any other way of being...
I order you to defend our country against mudslimes user
It's official, young white males choose video games over jobs
Anyone here wishes that their parents divorced...
Who else /unironicboomer/ here?
Pick the woman you get to have sex with every day for the rest of your life
Women must know the lure of their feet RIGHT?
Post the pros and cons of dating you
I've been wizard for two hours now. Ultimate arcane power wells from within my heart
Cat picture
Tfw your 14 year old little brother is dating an 18 year old girl
Is it true that you can't stop loving someone? And if you do, wasn't it just an infatuation?
What is the very first thing that stumbled upon your mind while looking at pic related?
"I-I love my job heheeehhe"
People with autism/aspergers how is your life so far?
If you post in this thread your connection error problems vanish
I just wet the bed
Ask the magic 8 ball
Taylor Swift has a very advanced level of consciousness
Loli thread
Viber? Whatsapp? Oh, I don't have them
Why the FUCK is it so hard to lose weight? like fucking seriously say goodbye to EVERYTHING
Fembot thread
What is going through this cuck's mind?
Make a catfish Chad account
Government Kid
The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are
Hey, noticed you looked a little lonely over there, table for one or did your date drop out? how about I sit with you?
Old anons and anymous anons
ITT: disorders/conditions you suspect you have and why. have another user diagnose you
7 billion people on earth
How terrible would an Jow Forums meetup be? I want real friends
Sharing OC reacts I just made
There is nothing more humiliating for a man than having a small penis. Prove me wrong
How far have your standards fallen since you've been feeling tfw no gf?
There's no hope
What is your opinion on Latina hipsters?
What's your fantasy anons? Obviously many of us will have quite a few fantasies, but what is THE fantasy for you...
That feeling when parents intentionally planning to spend all of their wealth and assets by the time they day including...
Why are you guys so mean? It makes me really sad, you should always try your hardest to be kind to others...
Tfw you will never have a qt big tiddy draph gf because they dont actually exist
I'm a super horny fembot
What the fuck is up with Jow Forums allowing this fucking shit that is outright just trying to bait you into getting...
What beauty and makeup trend(s) do you dislike/hate?
How do I enjoy stuff again? I used to enjoy playing video games and watching anime, but I just can't anymore...
/rrn/ - Robot Radio/Nightfeel General
What is your jean size?
Virgin female here...
As a low libido fembot, I will never understand men and their perverted fetishes
What's the maddest you ever made someone, r9k?
You post random pictures
Hello Jow Forums
How do you cope with being a dicklet? There is no greater curse
Implying women truly love a man, ever
Need a senior quote
Thank you
25+ General
Why don't you guys go into fishkeeping? It's arguably one of the most robot hobbies
This black stud slaps ur (hypothetical) gf's ass
PC Gaming Thread
I was told to come here
Asian women are the best
Hey are there any tripfriends (tripcode users) around these days?
Is slicing open a vein in a tub of water a safe way to commit suicide? I'll for sure die, right...
Why are you a robot? did something at a young age make you this way? is it genetic?
Religion is objectively retarded thread
Feels thread
Why are Jewish girls neurotic sex addicts?
Redpill me on the founding fathers, particularly George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams...
Im about to pay to play and talk with a girl cause Im so lonely It hurts
/NHK/ NEET hikki thread
It's another spend two hours edging to a text-based slavery game with an 8...
Brooke i miss you
How do you sick fuckers feel about girls raping guys?
How tall is your ideal girl?
Half of humanity shrinks to a few inches tall overnight
Just started my first job today
Help me select my future wife
Do black fembots actually post on Jow Forums?
Namefagging in an autism board
I have a life long problem Jow Forumsobots
Why am I getting this ad
Mfw Jow Forumsacks tell me that gay people should be exterminated
Why do egirls pretend to be younger than they are?
Tinder is ass
Ok "fembot", if you insist on staying here why don't you tell us about yourself?
Any of you guys actually made a career out of an artistic pursuit like music, art, fashion/modeling even list goes on...
Does anyone wanna vc on discord rn i'm crying. i cant post mine because someone i know browses this board
How do I get over my fear of being cucked...
User... I... I-I don't wanna be a girl... I want to be YOUR girl
The only reason racism exist is because non-white men exist. Prove me wrong
Allright you incels, here is how you become happy
I'm back from gay camp
Where you going user, don't you want to cuddle?
Mayocels with deny that this is what white women really want
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here
ITT: things you wonder what are they like
Would you fuck this fat pig?
Whats a women's preferable body type?
What are your thoughts on pedophiles r9k?
I'm so depressed that I feel physically ill. My body is in pain. Every year that I think it can't get worse...
Yeah I work as a freelance software engineer, I'm my own boss. I make 100k per year and drive a Lexus...
Friendly reminder that one day people will have nostalgia for 2018 Jow Forums
Fembots would you want your guy to be a virgin?
What is the best way to lose weight that you've tried?
What is the right move if you signed up for this class?
Would you worship an italian princess?
Ever realize just how retarded, brainless and rude bullies are?
Chill pepe thread
Mbti thread
Born with brown eyes and dark brown hair
Killing trannies
Girlfriend creator
I'll keep posting until I get someone to actually play divinity 2 with me, thank you
People who have/had girlfriends, how did they compare to bestgirl Azusa?
Why are mixed black and white women so sexy and perfect?
How do I use uber/lyft? Is there some unspoken rule?
Take notes, fembots
Fren post
Do you shave?
Post your gfs in her NOW!
How do you get over the fact you'll never experience sex? I can't take it anymore...
Thinking of heading into the deep woods with a bag or two of non perishable foods and just camping there and doing...
Reply to this post and, I assure you, you WILL become based
Who here /Cantsmoke/
How do you feel about creepshots, robots? I feel it's fine, but natural for the woman to feel a little upset...
French roastie gets RAPED
I made a harmless /pedo/ thread for fellow robots and this is how it get treated? wtf has this board become
Went from incel virgin to GF and sex
Would you disown your son if he did something like this?
Name one redeemable thing about mankind
Sex with mom
What's on your mind robots? Drop your thoughts in this thread cuties
Tfw you're so lonely and horny you start browsing r9k again foolishly hoping you'll meet some nice fembot
If I had the infinity gauntlet I'd snap all virgin guys over 18 and any guy considered 'below average' looking
ITT fetishes only you have
Anyone else here really annoyed by people who say they want friends and people to talk to but who never bother to...
Virgins! Why not just hire an escort?
Seriously, what the fuck mods?
This aint a meme no more. I walk around california and the cutest white girls have black boyfriends
Incredible Pain Stories
Post pictures that make you sad or envious
Fembots, explain to us why women hate short men so much?
/pedo/ thread
ITT; nhoolding in my shit right now
How you holding up
Tfw grill prefers dogs than you
Race war right around the corner
Prove me you're a deviant, user
Does winning fights infront of girls make it easier to fuck them?
How many of you can honestly say on your death beds that you actually gave life your 110% effort before giving up...
Post your favorite picture you found on here
HRT Questions!
Aparently this chick gets naked at 200 bucks on patreon
Has anyone started to plan their escape from society? If so, what is your plan and how far are you along?
Whats the biggest problem in your life right now?
Can anyone explain to me why being fat is seen as unattractive, objectively...
Why are so many women into astrology? femanons explain yourselfs, why are you believing this retarded shit?
When did you realize that we're not going to make it after all?
At work
Do girls like playing with foreskin?
Tfw you can never even leave the house wearing just a t-shirt
Sup robots
Are FTMs officially real men? I mean their penises *are* pretty realistic now
There are people for whom relationships are not just an abstract unobtainable dream
Tfw no cute Conservative Catholic gf
Let's have one of these OK?
Chad dying of cancer
I want to be a girl so bad
Are girls with hair dyed unnatural colours a red flag for you?
Doomer here shits fucked brehs
Giga-Nigger is rampaging through Jow Forums
I have started talking to my Waifu in my head
30+ thread
What would be your own personal heaven?
Women don't owe you anything, user
Mommy gf thread NOW
Which WoW race resembles robots the most?
"So user, tell us something interesting about yourself."
This is what a 29 year old woman looks like in the year of our lord 2000 and 18
Need a new place to shitpost
I hate stupid people
One chance in life
30+ Thread
Why can't women understand that having more partners will only make you bitter and miserable in the long run?
Isn't it crazy how anything exists?
Do women have real feelings? I mean, like the sort of feelings that men have?
Mobile browsers, how do you scroll Jow Forums? Chrome, clover or anything else?
You are now reading manually
What is your definition of Chad POST A PIC
Fembots, what is the most attractive quality in males?
Reply to a thread
Recently accepted that im gay
Would it be a bad idea to write about the positive qualities of Hitler for my writing class...
Would you date a cute hikki neet girl who hasn't had a shower in weeks?
You are now breathing manually
You guys I'm pretty sure i might be a tranny, what do i do?
What the fucking fuck...
I don't get how hook up culture even exists. I really dont get why a female would EVER have sex with a man she just met
Ate a girl's poop
Bathrooms as a concept exemplify male privilege and toxic masculinity which has no place in a progressive society
Sad thread/sad music
Has a girl ever grinded on you?
Hey chums. How's it going? I hope well
What should we do about the pedophiles infesting this place?
Friends (only 3) dont invite me anywhere
Yeah,I called you a faggot. What are you gonna do about it?
Who here /out/cel
NZ and Aussies
How bad did I fuck up? Anyway to come back from this? plz help r9k
Why do some Chads and some normies commit suicide?
What the fuck is wrong with me
Post image summarising your mood right now
A whole generation of hapas are coming
Step dad is raping my 12 year old sister again
I dont even want to have sex, i just want a gf who cares about me and i can cuddle with or play vidya with or something...
What category do i fall under if im born in 93...
This is your mother
Tfw ive never had a male friend
"Hey user, I accidentally locked myself out of my apartment and the locksmith isn't coming until tomorrow...
Fembots, how many robots do you put down on a weekly basis?
Robots. How do I make friends?
/r9gay/ - #447
Y-you're breaking up with me? Why?
Sleep paralysis thread. Share your experiences of sleep paralysis
Drug thread, share your experiences with drugs, hardcore or not don't care just bored
Someone posted this on FB
What makes New York the greatest city on earth?
Research shows that we find faces more attractive when they're partially covered
Just had gay sex for the first time
What do you guys think is the boomer to zoomer ratio on this board?
Oh user hurry up and cuddle with me, I love you so much
What do you do to cheer up or pull yourself out of depression, even if temporarily?
Does this anger you guys?
How big is your dick user? Would your life be better with a big dick?
ITT: Dream of Famous Actor Actress
Is the bleached meme real?
mfw realize that crush I have is probably choking on chad's cock while I post on internet image boards
My cousin is staying at my house for a month and she is always walking around in skimpy shorts and tanktops...
Suppose im a cute girl who wants to be impregnated by a robot. You have one post to prove you are the right one
Two questions for incels
Less than 16 months left of the 2010s
Someone play divinity on steam with me
Personally, I prefer Gmod
Sunnyfag Thread
Be back from a walk
One shot at life
If you were a cute sissy, what would you consider a reasonable allowance for a man to have your sexual exclusivity?
Flyover States
What is your opinion on this 17 year old boy?
Show by Rock stream Pt. 8 I think?
You guys are my only friends
Its time again for another Letter thread. You know the drill: Write to those you love, hate, and anywhere in between...
Please explain why us non-virgin women don't deserve a long term boyfriend or husband
/NHK/ NEET hikki thread
My new apartment is fucking disgusting and I signed a 12 year lease. Kill me. $1850/month in Isla Vista , CA
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here
Im done
Who are your favorite verified amateur channels on pornhub?
User, if you're that upset about being a virgin come around to my house tonight
Hey robots and Jow Forums
How much will I regret hiring an escort?
How do I ask my trans roommate to let me have sex with her?
What would you do if a cute Hispanic chick tried to rape you?
I decided to drink for the first time. It sucks and now I just feel bad. How was your first time drinking anons...
Does r9k think suicide is selfish?
What're you anons like? I always wanted to know more about you robots
Tfw a virgin just like jesus
White people have caused most bad things throughout human history
Do you miss your ex?
How does it feel to have an older sister?
Post your age, virgin statu- *POW*
Reminder that Jow Forums is directly responsible for spreading autogynephilia and transgenderism among the youth...
Are office jobs better than fast food or retail? People say they suck but they look a lot better than fast food/retail
There's no point in asking women out...
I wanna talk to someone
Ancient Whites settled in the Korean Penninsula
Is Jow Forums the most loq-IQ board on Jow Forums? I don't even say that because I am opposed to their political views...
Is there a pill I can take that will make me feel better
Non-virgins > virgins
Be me
Japan is the best cou-
She was all a lie. Her name wasnt even brooke. It was fucking grace. Grace. Fucking. Miller...
What the fuck is a "good personality" and how do i lose a "bad personality" and if i lose my bad personality am i not...
Tfw no retarded gf
I want to take female hormones so my skin will get softer and I'll develop breasts and my penis will shrink
Would you let your future daughter date a westernized light-skin arab?
Brooke defender here (I know, she doesn't need one)
Do you guys smoke the ol' devils lettuce? If so, how often? Whats your general opinion on it?
Tfw women would rather have sex with dogs than you
Tfw no pregnant gf
German frens?
Anybody wanna talk about philosophy?
Therapist suggested for me to go to Starbucks and ask random people there if they want to be my friend
Hello Jow Forums. I have run into a little problem lately...
Who else here /Doomer/ ?
I miss him so much he was just 20 years old man that is so fucked up
Be me, martian baby sent to earth
Father is a avid poster in Jow Forums
Meet someone new
Why are normalshits nowadays encouraging teens to fuck around and go into relationships before they even get past the...
Uh oh, bazoingo
So last week i was at a party and drank half a liter vodka and just fucking passed out and puke just puring out of my...
/Piracy/ general
Be me
Why are normalfags so offended by the existence of weebs and weebshit?
Give in an exchange contact info with a robot
Debates anyone on any subject
Why am I a clingy, desperate, antisocial manchild?
/drugfeels/ Drug Thread
I'm 5'4 125 (female) and a khv, is my weight why people don't love me and i dont have a boyfriend...
Why are white women so retarded? Are they as dumb as fat black women and illegal immigrant fat goblinas...
Roastie visits India, stays at cheap hotel
I hate having no friends guys
How do I get a girlfriend like these?
Why don't you just take the cat pill?
What the hell even happened to this site?
You can only date one of these three girls. Which one do you pick? you have to
I care about the art, not the artist
My life is boring. It's exactly equivalent to that quote "my life is like a black and white silent film about nothing."
I hope you are watching r9k
Leave ME Alone
Yandere general
Can't get a single youtube subscriber
/Femcel general/
Manlets unite
Poem guy here
Chart thread
What went wrong in 2005 that got you here?
tfw she's crazy
What does getting your dick sucked feel like?
Todays my birthday. P-please say nice things
Boss kept calling me to come in over the weekend
What type of interracial couple do you see the most in everyday life ?
I love Facial Abuse and the related websites. Turns me on knowing that these girls are so broken, desperate...
When did you finally realize that online friends are not actual friends and that they're never going to be able to fill...
User's Favorite
Uwu I only talked to you so i could see you naked, lied and manipulated you also hihi
What happens after you die
Dear people who browse this board while having either of the following:
What is Jow Forums's political affiliation?
Normie Jow Forumsers Thread
I was born male...
Leaving store
Woman hate thread
I miss you
Why are you guys so goddamn pathetic? "Tfw no mommy gf" "I want an Asian GF" "Why does Chad get all the girls?"...
The grim reaper has deemed you will die in exactly one year from today. No matter what you do until then...
Fembots why do you have nudes on the net? How did they end up there?
I have an IQ of 152. yes i've watched rick and morty. no i don't give a shit about grammar. AMA
The last fruit salad
You just have body dysmorphic disorder, go get therapy or something
Anzu thread 3
Rapper Names
Why do so many femanons and fembots claim to only orgasm anally?
ITT: we summon brooke
Would you date a girl(m) that would breastfeed you?
ITT: Fembot Appreciation, Needs-Rebranding-Edition v3!
How often do you think your sister masturbates?
I have Borderline Personality Disorder AMA
"Ayo,fembot. I ain't ever told you this but you make a nigga dick harder than the beatings his parents gave him."
If I ever fucking manage to get a gf or a wife...
Damn Jow Forums is actually a quality board once you get your filters right
I fucking love being single
Femanons, why the FUCK don't you have any kids yet?
Gf refused to let me look through her phone. is she hiding something?
How did everyone lose their virginity?
ITT: characters you can relate to
Fembots, what hobbies do you have?
Even if you die because of her a stacy wont care she passed up giving you a chance
I think I have magical powers
ITT: We play chess like true gentlemen
This is a 16 year old girl I am flirting with currently (legally). What do you think? Should I hit?
Why do incels hate femanons so much?
Why aren't you having gay sex user?
What's his end game? What does he get out of interviewing these people?
When someone says "doggo"
Tfw no big titty gf with pale skin because all she does is play video games
Manlet feels thread
Can you imagine what it would be like to have a gf...
GENTLEMEN, what a fine day we are having here Carry on, GENTS
Is using a doorknob and a rope or something and getting on your knees/laying down to kill yourself an actual method of...
Fembot thread
All I want is a pretty wife to grow together with...
Do women REALLY think they live hard lives?
If she asked you to be her boyfriend, what would you say?
Why not just settle for an oriental girlfrend?
How can people consider themselves to be robots if they never cut themselves?
Tfw uni is basically FREE in the EU
Discord thread discord thread discord thread
Fembots out
What haunts your dreams
I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me
"History" is a patriarch term
Has a girl ever lusted after you solely because of your looks? Want to share the story?
What country are you from, user? Do you like it?
Bottom on social ladder
It literally doesn't matter if a girl has had multiple sexual partners before dating you...
Is findom a redpilled fetish?
You have $10 to make a girlfriend/boyfriend
Imagine being a virgin HAHAHA
Ask girl on tinder if she wants to hang out says yes and ask her for number
Someone brags about how much money they have
Why are you americans this fucking retarded? Americans should be eradicated from the face of the earth...
KPOP is dangerous, white girls everywhere are now growing up on KPOP music videos...
Small dick
Isekai Skyrim
Does anyone have any tips on how to pick up skanks for quick fuck...
Be me
Where is she now? Is she dead?
My depression, self-pity, self-loathing and despair is now turning into pain anger hatred and fury
Anyone wanna talk?
How do we increase civic engagement among African Americans?
Night Walking
Tell me how you're doing friends. I'm interested
Why does it feel so good when the cum comes out?
Suicide Day
Fembots, do you believe white males are the cause of all the problems in society?
Women can be robots too
"Good grief, user! When is the last time you showered?"
I had sex with two different girls within a span of 5 hours tonight, ask me anything
Did she really do heroin?
Would elliot have been incel if he looked like this
Why are there so many females on this board?
Had a brush with death
Hikikomori in Japan are now able to work at home while still not leaving their homes/rooms for long periods at a time
A frog stowed away in my car so I took it home, trips gets to name it
If you fap, you get post fap depression. if you dont fap...
Is Ethan an Alpha Male?
"Hey principal user someone snuck into the room we were storing the Halloween candy in and ate it all...
Anons do I have potential?
When you have a miscarriage you have to take medication to flush out the remaining tissue
MBTI Thread
Holy fuck I didn't think being pregnant was so hard. So fatigue and nauseous...
Why does every girl pretend to have anxiety? Is it for attention?
If a slut offered to take your virginity, would you accept?
Retook IQ test
What would you do if you came across a group of girl bullies ganging up on a girl?
Autism with stacies?
Tfw she only messages you to ask you what chad likes
Gf is too tired to fuck, suck me off, or give me a handjob
(Day of Atonement) The Great Yom Kippur Nofap
Tfw no hijab gf
Anyone else prefer women of other races over their own?
ITT: annoying normalfag things
How'd you lose your friends, user? Assuming you've had any, of course
Hope, Love and Warmth
Where do you work, lads?
Watched my roommate jerk off his morning wood, but he didn't realize I was looking
Make the voices go away!
Fembots out
/r9gay/ - #446
When that r9k "fembot" you been talking to removes you on discord
Hey user where is your girlfriend?
Did I do something wrong?
Tfw you're that guy who works hard for little to no results
I gonna ask out cashier who was nice to me. How dumb is this?
Is it me or does it seem like white rappers are the best rappers for example
/uni/ general
Are any robots into ham radio? Are any curious about it?
X-Play 2018
Fembots, tell us your:
Is my gf still used goods if I never got to take her virginity?
I got bored of my songs
Post wholesome apus in this thread
Good image thread
Fantasy Thread
Tfw 5'9
Be me
Men are the worst fucking people in the world and lack any true empathy
Do you guys have any rituals to summon a demon using only household objects? Ill post the results
Fembots, tell us about when you got your first period
I just found out my girlfriend is pregnant, she wants to have an abortion
Working as a substitute teacher until next year when a position will be available for me
This is to all the virgins here. Normal people don't need to read or reply to this
ITT: Fembot appreciation thread, cuteness edition V2 electric boogaloo
Ywn have leeches in your face
So, are the rest of you guys losers like me...
Sticc thread
Sit with half Asian girl and her friends
/creative bug abuse general/
Watch movie made by and about women
Would you rather have a normal girl for a gf or one who is less attractive but it was guaranteed that she would never...
He did the right thing
Why do you robots like this girl again...
Imagine being a white chad
Arma 3
What was your tinder experience like?
Why do zoomers do this?
I just got fired robots
Is it true that all girls are bisexual?
What can we learn from this piece of knowledge?
22 year old 5'6 user here...
I want to start making music independently and on a small scale. Should I follow my dreams for once in my life, anons?
Why do women suck at conversations? Every fucking girl, I swear
Just weighed myself
Say something factual
Why don't Autistic girls date Autistic boys? Two birds with one stone and all that
Sitting alone at home on a saturday evening, being lonely and listening to lofi-hip hop
What do you think fembots look like...
Fembots, why aren't you having sex with your father or brother right now?
Take a Video Leave a Video
How can we de-radicalize young white men? Why are they so full of hate, to the point that they're becoming terrorists?
Amazon, what the fuck?
If it is gay to want to suck cock, then I don't wanna be straight, desu
Mfw black "person" tries talking to me
After having sex with FWB
Life has become to painful, going to kill myself tongint. I live on a college campus and have only 40 dollars
I just got diagnosed aspergers and my doctor is trying to make me go to asperger support group thing
People pay for their skins getting permanently marked
Why didn't they just made a parachute before they jumped?
Why do I like lolis so much
Tips on how to meet skanks for sex as quick as possible? Or are there all incels here that have no game?
Ideal GF thred
What the fuck do I do about going bald?
I’ve been thinking there’s some credence to the idea that women don’t care about people like men do
Your future wife has arrived
I have a 15 year old girlfriend. Don't worry about it, it's legal over here. Are you jealous, Jow Forums?
I made a meme about an interaction I had at work...
Is he /ourguy/ ?
Whats the longest you been inside without stepping one foot outside? How many days have you been inside right now?
Cold harsh facts robots
Will you give her love, user?
Advice for getting a gf
How fast can a robot type?
Why don't robots just settle for a 5/10 if they are so lonely?
25+ thread
The White Man is the Best Man !
Fembot thread
Does Jow Forums promote CP?
Comfy Childhood memoried
Psychiatrist told me I am ugly
Waiting in line to get your coffee
30 year old boomers
What motivates you to get up in the morning?
Damn how could they call us out like this
WTF i got banned for no reason because my phone IP got mixed up with some retard who was posting cp back in June 2013
If you wouldn't date a non-virgin, you are either underage or seriously need to grow up
FACT: Traps need to be gassed
Any fatbots here lose weight? How the fuck do I force myself to stop eating...
Come on user, be honest. Are you actually doing something to improve your life...
So, let me get this straight, you have videos and pictures of little girls getting fucked...
Stop trying to shame experienced women who enjoy sex by calling them roasties, sluts or whores...
Tell me about your mental illness(es)
Why was he hated? he did nothing wrong
Have you ever just looked at a girl and thought about raping her?
Be me
What is your opinion on dancing?
Half of all women under 35 have a tattoo. Thanks, feminism!
So why do normalfaggots think it's so difficult to "get abs"?
Any other fembots here love wearing slutty clothes with your boobs spilling out of them for all the boys to see?
This hot blonde comes up to you and says:
Meet new people Jow Forums edition
I feel like me being a neo-nazi is making it difficult for me to make friends...
Any medfags here who are doing it only for the money? It wasn't always like this...
Do you think you'll ever have kids?
Why do people like fantasy/superhero shit? I honestly don't get it...
The REAL reason you can't get laid
Jow Forums what would you do if this was your brother
Does anyone else hit their selves in the head when they get mad or upset?
Went for a morning walk
All women are whores. Prove me wrong!
Mutt robot thread
/mg/ - math general
You just won 10 million dollars (or your nation equivalent) tax free from the lottery
How many times a day do you think about her?
Why haven't you learned to lucid dream yet?
Is being a father as rewarding as the media makes it out to be?
Getting a gf is fucking easy, finding one that is worth going after, now that is hard
Any other phone farmers on Jow Forums? what apps are you having the best luck with?
The best day to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best day is today. Cmon my fellow downtrodden souls...
What do you call this style/type of girl?
What caused the collapse of the nuclear family...
I am a reasonably cute, nerdy, well adjusted female virgin. Convince me to date you
What is LSD like? What's to be expected?
Women Hate Thread
What is it like dating a person with Borderline personality or bipolar disorder?
Is my gf an npc?
Soul crushing sentences
Im female and mainly a robot in the sense that i hate the world and have a completely imaginary life in my head that i...
I'm a gastroenterologist. Ask me whatever and maybe I will answer
Behold, the embodiment of PERFECTION
So i got friend zoned by a girl who i fucked twice but decided to shot me down the last date hardcore and gave me the...
What would you do if a pretty Hispanic girl tried to rape you?
Literally everyone gets laid
I just turned 19 a few days ago. What advice do you oldfags have for me so I don't fuck up?
Open roleplaying games specifically for beginners at local game store
Cute apu thread
I am a literal roastie, and i'm afraid of ever trying to lose my virginity because a guy might be disgusted by it...
Tfw no handsome daddy to give snuggles
I sent an e-mail to my ex about wanting to move in with him, but he hasn't responded and it's been about a week...
If you could wake up tomorrow as an 8/10 girl, would you? Why or why not? Your memories would stay intact...
So social media made every woman realize that a large part of the population needs to not reproduce...
/trans/ thread
Its Xanax day! I got my prescription filled and I'm ready to take my xannies. Are you enjoying your weekend?
Who else here learning a language? French for me
I'm going to kill myself. Give me one reason to live that is not "afraid to die"
Battlefield 3's soundtrack is the best part of the game...
Transgender hate thread
Almost end of the day
Take glasses off
How do I access real life?
Just wanted to say thanks and offer hope anons
How are you guys doing today? I'd like to hear about it
approach female
Fembots describe yourselves and your ideal partners (no normie girls with partners allowed)
Vocaroo thread
What is the latest news with her?
Does flavored vodka/rum (i.e. citrus vodka or spiced coconut rum) tend to give relaly bad hangovers...
So which one have you removed?
Great Nofap Thread
Everytime i fuck her, my dick slips out and it rams into her ass, she says "IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF IT GOES IN"
Eating out/going down
Posting turkey apu everyday
*is a shitty rehash of 2014 in your path*
For anyone living in a dorm room, how's your college/university life going?
Your race
Have class with an athlete chad
/AFG/ American Feels General - Patriotism Edition
The only non-meme degrees that will get you a good pay involve math and/or physics
Check the scale again today
Chadposters BTFO
Cuddle thread!
Take 10 mg edibles feel high as fuck
Terrified of sex because I don't know, at all, what to do and it overwhelms me
Letter thread. You know the drill: Write to those you love, hate, and anywhere in between
Live in shitty small town
AMA a trap
BS in Bio Chemistry
Fag mod is gone, its safe to post loli
Would you hate women so much if you werent born ugly?
Tell me about your mom, Jow Forums. Is she nice?
September 2016, trap classmates moves into my dorm
Comfy Robot Music Thread
Would fembots be more or less into me?
Chart thread
Talk to guy on discord for nearly a year
What do you think of blacked raw?
"Ayooo nice autism shoes, faggotron!"
Introducing the Jow Forums official whatsapp group!
How does r9k feel about this? Thots blaming capitalism on not being able to keep a guy tied down
I thought qt girls weren't attracted to painfully average guys?
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here
Say something nice about the female gender Jow Forums
Sad girl thread
How did your fetish start, mines been around since high school
Sailing through all her uni classes like it's nothing
Tfw no braphog gf to sting my nostrils with her sweaty, musky bhole
Are Latinas the biggest white worshippers?
Misaki Friday
Is losing your virginity to an escort worth it?
ITT: NPCs behaviour and things they like
25+ thread
Did you have any grandparents that served in WWII? what did they do?
I was doing some thinking on my walk back from class on the differences between the right and left wing and I think...
I'm planning to run over my childhood bully and kms afterwards. AMA I guess. Pic unrelated
How do you guys feel about trey parker and matt stone wanting to cancel south park...
Try being a big boy and graduating to more efficient razor instead of scissors to shave crotch
I'm masturbating right now to loli hentai
Name a bigger red flag
Self Improvement Thread
What would you do if you were a hot girl? I'd start streaming and make buckets of money
We aren't allowed to have gfs, sex, affection, etc
What makes asian girls so much more desirable than white women?
Asian American community thread
Would you rather have brain cancer or bacne?
ITT: Fembot appreciation thread
Why don't you settle for a black single mom?
A cara fo gato
People who are bullied deserve it
Remember, robots, that it could always be worse
Comfy thread
How do Incels ascend to Chadhood?
Hug your mom, user. Your mother should always know she's loved
Being Chad is 100% genetic. If you wasn’t born one, you can never become one
Rei or Asuka Jow Forums?
My fucking white bf dumped me. I'm sick of being settled for and then left for some basic ass white girl...
What were the days of the Roman Empire like? Never got to experience it. Share your stories anons
What do you do for a living robots?
This will literally never, ever be you
Meeting an escort tonight. I havent had sex in 2 years. She is charging 150$ the hour. What should i do...
Virginbots, post your:
Thread in which we post traps
R9K, when did you realize you where a pedo
Anyone here is 25+ and still plays and enjoys playing video games?
My Ideal BF
So fucking nervous and excited right now!
Thanks /r9k
Tfw no unstable gf
Why do young girls look so much older than they really are?
What does cumming inside a girl feel like?
I fucking hate Reddit
/uni/ feels
Why don't you become a metal-head?
Seriously though, why do any of you want romantic companions?
/femcel general/
Rooms of Jow Forums
A few days ago
This was fun. Lets do another one
How do I force a girl to have sex with me without raping them, violating their right to consent...
Why is finding work so impossible? Every place I apply, it's like, "nope, we are considering other candidates, sorry!!"
What were the days of the Silk Road like? Never got to experience it. Share your stories anons
Only criminals hate the police
Get high with girl
White girls
What are the best canadian cities to live in, and why?
I think it's time to start actively reporting these
Is Africa even real life? It's as if you took the biggest nastiest bigoted racist you could find...
Type "F" to pay respects
How does this image make you feel?
Alright boys. Post em up
Heeeey hey guys it's PAYDAY so post your balances and discuss your financial situations!
Normalfag dictionary
Lost at genetic lottery
Be me
Normies at work
Be me
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship