
>pic related

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She peaked at 12

She hits her peak at 9

What's there to discuss? She's a child who is developing into an attractive woman.

you can tell she got blacked at 11

yeah 9 or 12 man.
>She's a child who is developing into an attractive woman.
she looked better undeveloped

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Is it not true that girls peak between 15-16 years old? She peaked at 15.5 or 16 yrs old inmy opinion

7-13 the hottest

There's nothing to discuss, the evidence is overwhelming

11 she hit pruberty and technically is ready to have babies.

nah man she looked best at 9 or 12 depending what look you want.
after 12 thats too far, may as well date a grandma.
8 to 12 minus 10, she wasnt cute when she was 10.

you mean biologically.

>looks the worst at 16

most attractive at 11.5

looks pretty good at 6 as well.

Not imagine the next 13 slides as
>makeup gets thicker
>more piercings appear
>ear gauges get larger
>eyes sink deeper from long sleepless nights "filled" with multiple cocks
>hair changes color to something unnatural
>hair gets chopped off to feminist length
>becomes harder to determine of its a fruity twinky faggot or insane sjw bitch

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she was really cute at 10 and 6 is where she stated to get hot

she became attractive around 6.
does that make me pedo?

only if you act on those urges.

Who dis original dkjsnabsndjdkskscommebt

who is the lil cute girl or who is OP?

>"you tested HIV positive, user"

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Peaked at 4, shit image

no that definitely makes him a pedo by definition, if he acts on his urges that makes him a registered sex offender most likely

are you all being ironic? she looks best at 15-16

t. originally toasty roastie

nice quads.
If I am HIV+ it means I caught it from a lil girl OwO

>pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
when can we gas all the leftists?

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She looks kinda like Taylor R
pic related
Though I think she was the cutest at 4 and 5 and turned into a pretty girl. Lucky! As I was ugly my entire life even as a child that my mom would rarely take pictures of me kek.

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>are you all being ironic?
>she looks best at 15-16
yeah no.

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>>pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
it is.
tell me how it isnt?

>she was the cutest at 4 and 5
yeah she was

>tell me how it isnt?
nice try, fbi

>tell me how it isnt?
Pedophile = attract to children
if you're attracted to little girls then you're straight
attracted to little boys then you're gay

not that hard, libshit

Haley reed? Amber heard?

go back to pol.
you think pedos choose to like cunny?

I never said or even implied that in my post

I swear to god, liberals have no reading comprehension

14 is max youthful glow and fertility

So little boys and little girls but not adult men nor adult women is bisexuality?

>I swear to god, liberals have no reading comprehension
Im not a lefty fag man.
why do you assume im lefty?

sexuality is a choice, you gay faggot.

Trumptards assume anyone who isn't 100% like them is a screeching sjw commie faggot

Yes that would be bisexuality

well why do some of us "choose" to like cute lil girls?
based trips

I wonder if she's aware that a bunch of creepy pedos on an anonymous imageboard are debating at which part of her childhood she was most sexually attractive.

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>lefties think anyone who doesn't think like them is a trump supporting bigot

>well why do some of us "choose" to like cute lil girls?
nice try fbi

It's funny how you can look at certain girls faces and immediately know they are dumb as a rock.

all 3D girls are dumb.
are you scared of admit you like cunny on 4chin?

>all 3D girls are dumb.
Yeah but they're not all equally dumb. Some are capable of holding some kind of meaningful conversation. You just know that talking to the girl in OPs pic would be like talking to an attractive downie.

ok kid

Nothing in my post said anything about women being smart. You should probably attain some basic level of reading comprehension before communicating online.

what is the opposite of dumb?

Do you have any common sense or do you just say really cunty things on the internet because you feel shitty about being a cunt irl?

All women are dumb you fucking mong, unless they're lesbians, and then the shit they say is irrelevant.

>everyone is either dumb or smart

Stop digging, retard

I never said that.
Now who can't read?
dumb bitch.

Yep. It's funny (definitely not really) how both sides act the same.
>both libtards and trumptards are shit tier human beings

at least they're not apolitical pussies.

>ITT Pedos debate which age to rape while everyone else wonders how big bubba and tyrone will be

>beta neet fantasizes about child rape and prison rape

Keep telling yourself that.
>guess you have to justify your bullshit somehow, right.

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you insulting me or TLDR'ing my comment

10 is prime age, don't debate me on this.

love how retards always have to resort to the MUH CENTRIST argument

Peaked at 7 tbqh.

p u s s y
why don't you take a stance, you apolitical fag?

funny how you think all sex with children is rape

NPC detected, what are you going to do now knowing this?

nice argument, Hippocrates

Because it is. You unironically believe Amos Yee and his talking points don't you?

actual robots dont care about politics

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>consensual sex with children
explain to me please

children are not emotionally, physically or mentally developed as adults are. RAPE is taking advantage of the inability to give consent as well as going against non-consent. Children cannot make well rounded and sound decisions which YOU would be taking advantage of. Therefore, RAPE.

nice emotional argument fag.

it's called statutory rape. agree or disagree, it's the law.

See how you assume that since I'm not a trumptard or a libtards that I must be apolitical.

>actually a right bent libertarian

How does it make me a fag or any less wrong? And how is it emotional? Children ARE underdeveloped.

>not a centrist
you're just a dope smoking pussy that doesn't want to believe in anything yet pretends to believe in "liberty"

take a side.

>emotional argument
Your personal feelings are irrelevant.
Ask the girl in question what she feels. Who cares if she isn't developed yet.

because she can't properly process the magnitude or the actual context of the question you are asking. Personal feelings are irrelevant because these aren't feelings, these are facts. Children shoot themselves in the crotch with airsoft guns, stick forks into sockets, and do dumb shit unsupervised. You expect them to process what sex is? You're beyond batshit.

so you're going to decide for her?
some numale faggot?
No thanks.

>except I don't take drugs even though pot is legal here.

The irony is that pre-Trump I got along best with conservative people. Post-trump most of said conservative people swallowed the orange cock and decided I was shit because I didn't agree 100% with trump

Kind of a weird argument because then how do you decide what's accepted or rape? People difference in opinion in lots of things when it comes to raising a kid. Are hugs bad too then? How about when a kid kisses a parent on the mouth? Is taking your kid to macdonalds once a week abuse because it'll get fat?

where along the ramblings of this thread was it a requirement for you to be a trump fan?
you're just some smug fag that thinks he's superior because he didn't choose a side.
you're like the swiss.

Anyone that says she looks attractive before 14 is mentally ill. This is objective fact and undisputable.

So this is Haley reed right?

muh horseshoe theory which is only a strawman of the horseshoe theory

she looks better the older she gets you fucking pedos

>t. dr. shlomo

You for sure can't make that choice either because your answer is associated with the desire for sex. So if the child can't, if you say I can't, and you can't, who does?
What is more risky, feeding a 6 year old a french fry or allowing an adult male stick a dick in there pooper or hole? An adult female to manipulate them emotionally to suit their desires? Also stop playing mental gymnastics. Rape is the intent and attempt to force sexual contact by physical means or taking advantage of the inability to give consent.

Uh huh. Sure thing, bro

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who said anything about sex?

good one brosef

best at 10, prove me wrong faggots.
pro tip: u can't

this oregintaly

Friendly, brief reminder that all pedophiles are scum and should be gassed, regardless of whether they "act on their urges" or not.



You'd be surprised how many guys will look at underage girls in a "wrong way". Bald innie is the epitome of beauty these days..

fucking FBI glow in the dark niggers all over the board with this pedo bait. Just stick a gun in her mouth and tell her to fuck off.

>Why don't you just submit to the cultural programming even though you aren't retarded enough to buy into it willingly?

I'm sure your repeating talking points your favorite team gave you is really changing the world. Keep at it you manly intellectual champion.

The moment you hit puberty, you're no longer a human being but a slave.
So enjoy it while it lasts kiddies. That pool ain't gonna stay open forever.

>implying childhood isn't ruined by scho0l

looks better when younger you weirdo.
9 looks better than 10
so many people like cunny, they just dont tell anyone.

She was gorgeous at 4 already holy shit, imagine enjoying her during all that time.