My Ideal BF

I'm really sad cause I haven't found him yet. Starting to believe I never will, as he probably doesn't exist. The world is a scary, disgusting place without him. I need his love and protection now more than ever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your gay and fake

I love your flat chest


I saw this on Jow Forums
>willing to fuck before marraige
Also you're brown or something haha

you sound insane and hypocritical.
>hates internet
>browses /x/, Jow Forums
>Probably spends 24/7 on facebook
>thinks church isn't just a ploy to control the masses through fear of divine punishment
>Goes to church but wishes death on others and judges people constantly
>unironically uses the word degenerate and other buzzwords
You're nothing but an insane hypocrite thats ugly on the inside and out

I fit all of those except I dont browse x
But why should I date you. All the girls ive dated lost their obsession with me after like a year and bailed when they realized im just an addict

No, I'm white dumbass.

What are you addicted to? It doesn't bother me I guarantee you also what do you look like?

>Long hair
>Tank top
Why do you want to date a homosexual?

None of those are homosexual and long hair is very attractive retard

>mfw I am exactly like that
>mfw I am in a realtionship

Attached: 1432407045296.jpg (800x1112, 125K)

im extremely attractive
I was engaged like a month ago though. Im not about to start another relationship right now, especially with you advertising for all these betas here

>ted kacynski
pick one faggot

Almost sounds like me except fuck Jow Forums and I don't give a shit what degenerates do so long as it isn't in my face.

Oh, and the middle of nowhere kind of sucks, trust me

I don't like betas lmao. That's why I'm not posting contact info. The only reason I posted on r9k is because this kind of post isn't allowed on Jow Forums. Trust me, I hate this filthy board and most of the nu males who use it... I'm just not sure how else to meet a guy like this. Any suggestions, then?

If you're even interested in knowing me at all, I suggest you post contact info, cause I'm not posting mine.

how about a little voice message (((FEM)))user

I dont use social media discord skype anything I only have a phone I use to arrange meetings in person

Are you the same guy? Idk who I'm talking to.

Neh I am

not me
Seeing the link makes me want to record its been a while

Then post your damn phone number desu
Threads about to die anyway



its a fuckin phone number im going to get spammed by these people

>post phone number
>on forchin
Oh (((FEM)))bot

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He doesn't have social media but he still kept replying aka he's still interested
That isn't the best idea though, you're right

Im going to take a shower and the thread will probably die before im back
My Steam is Keytothegate its the only online presence I have right now.
Im not posting my phone number on here

Where are you located? I could be interested and I have a social presence, but you need to be near me. No LDRs

Do you fit the description?

self insertion: the post

No one fits the description. It's a fabrication made by a bored and lonely larper

Attached: The-Room.jpg (640x359, 100K)

To the tee, user

I'm afraid I'm too far away though.

Why is he asking about church if he looks like an achmed? Is he going to blow it up?

Me barring the X and church thing

Alright OP I'll bite

[email protected]

Mfw fit the quota, but I already have a girlfriend. Personally I'd add, "If anybody touches you I got the Remmington in the back", and "Let's have 7 kids".

i hope you're underage. jesus.

how to get cuckolded 101

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Sounds like bullshit to me. Ive been nothing but kind and generous to every female I've attempted a relationship with and they don't appreciate shit. I laugh when I hear guys say chicks like being treated badly but it's the truth. Fuck that dude who is buying your groceries, fixing your house, lending an ear at every chance but no the homeless narcissistic drunk who can't get a job is the ideal partner.