What do you do for a living robots?
>t.framing carpenter
What do you do for a living robots?
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neet shitposter
im a cog in a machine.
Anxiety refuelling technician and part-time spaghetti spiller
Fry cook
I mostly make chicken tendies and fries.
This. It's not an easy job, but it's a living.
Currently very little
I'm a stay-at-home programmer
I learning englis posting on Jow Forums.
I restructure distressed mortgages
I'm a bureaucrat {spoiler]originally[/spoiler]
I'm a tile setter. Still an apprentice though because I used to be in IT/programming but burnt out on it (and got fired from a job so I looked for something that paid better and didn't have unpaid overtime)
how did you find that job
sounds like a dream
Hello there fellow tilebro
My man :)
I'm off work today but I've been doing night shift repairs in grocery stores for the past month. Boring and a lot of dumb bullshit but we can usually knock it out in 3 or 4 hours and then book 8.
Machinist/electrical engineer.
Also do photography on the side but I don't earn much from that.
butcher and i hate it.
Tree service; climber, groundie.
Rich neet that manages stock portfolio for rich boomer mom. Also have around 75k in stocks myself.
I work as an accountant as my day job
I trade crypto and bet on sports as my main sources of passive income
>I trade crypto and bet on sports as my main sources of passive income
You mean your main source of losing money?
Online shill for something. Can't tell you what, of course. Not here though, on Twitter
They pay you for that?
Stock cold goods at a grocery store
commercial formwork,metal stud,drywall and acoustic ceilling is were the money is
How do you become a shill?
Customer service in a call centre. As if I needed any more proof that 99% of people are scum/morons
sheet metal, specifically ductwork
feels good man
I'm genuinely sorry, I used to be in a call center for sports shit. Try to get out as quickly as possible, getting bitched at all day will ruin you mentally. I got lucky and found a job working outside and alone all day and it helped me greatly. I know it sounds like bullshit but physical labor and sunshine is good for the mind.
Carpenter reporting in. Make way for the tradie master race.
web dev in a marketing agency
it's all right, but I have to work with a lot of stacies and gay designers that sometimes get on my nerves.
what job can an actual autist recluse even get?
I'm spending tax money to find things out.
I make $28h has a second year apprentice
how much do you guys make?
>welcome to Eastern Europe!
Security guard
It was fun at first watching Netflix and browsing Jow Forums all day but it really gets to you after a few months. Going back to uni this fall.
70 hr working for the city building housing for lazy negroes.
Lying faggot
Quality assurance engineer.
It's like being in highschool all over again.
Everyone hates me, I'm treated like a trash and people try to get me fired.
On occasions I get pats on the back from my boss for being "effective and quick".
I'm hoping that the fact everyone hates me is excused because I'm effective at ensuring compliance.
U wot m8 just got my check yesterday.
How? Where do you live New York?
Full time electrician/part time member of the Union of Egoists
Test engineer
I teach physics and math at a high school.
Imma Sailor
How'd you manage to teach 2 subjects?
Lobster fisherman.
>$70 an hour
Holy fuck how do I do this, user
t. Starting apprenticeship next year
whats an apprenticeship like? i mean the aspect of being an apprenticeship. guys tell me you wind up being the crew's bitch and slave for at least a year.
I hustle, steal and mooch.
Get on my level.
I'm in a meme PhD program and write articles for a law firm. Don't make much money per month, but it's enough to pay my bills and not have to do anything else.
What do you use to reinforce the horizontal concrete? I've been on small jobs, and they use a mesh made out of rebar.
>Going back to uni
I have a B.S. in physics so that's what I went there to teach, but they needed a math teacher really badly and asked me to do that too. No big deal, its a small school so I don't teach that many physics classes as much as I do math. Being good at rudimentary math just comes with the territory.
professional neet
it's a very ORIGINAL way of living.
I run a lathe.
Physician in training.
Should have done IT or the trades. Fuck college. Fuck normies.
Install TV satellite dishes during the day and janitor at night. $23/hour and $12.50/hour respectively.
Robot 4 life
It's actually nice most of the time.
i eat
thus i live
I'm a choirmaster and piano teacher (at 24).
I enjoy it a lot, but the pay is very low when working in the private sector.
I'm working on a degree in music so that I can teach in the public sector, so that I can actually get a solid income.
Do you need to go to school for that?
that is a cool goal have man.
Cable hauling team leader. Good pay but the job is very stressful. I don't know what I want to do with my life.
How much do you make? Is it a good line of work?
CPE Technician
I literally test/fix modems and DVRs all day for an ISP.
If you want to be a CNC machinist, yes.
If you want to be a manual machinist, no, BUT, you had better be prepared for it. If you don't know how to read a micrometer, do math, or read engineering drawings, you're going to fail. You also need to be able to solve problems every day. It's a job that requires more than just common sense, you need to be creative. Manual machining is on a whole other level of tradesmanship. The newer computerized technology is onions as fuck, most CNC machinists I know are just clueless faggots with failed mechanical engineering degrees and this was all they could get.
mesh is only for small projects but for something big it is always reinforcing steel bar(rebar)
that is the overtime rate regular is $40
>being the crew's bitch and slave for at least a year.
you have a support role and will be doing the grunt work,bring tools,equipment,material and cleaning and also give a helping hand to the journeyman.If you can handle the support role then you will be assign to a journeyman who will be your mentor from who you will learn the trade.Manual labor requires that you be fit and willing to work in any weather and heights,a construction crew is like a military squad no one will carry you you must carry your own weight
alright what should a super autist neet go for for $
you sound liek an vaginas, CNC faggots can pretty fucking cool shit like the manual fagglets
What do you mean by super autistic?
mustard factory. I put mustard in boxes, i stack the boxes on a pallet, i fill shipping containers with mustard in boxes of 20kg, i fold cardboard and I clean the floors. The work is killing me and everyday i wake up i hate my life a bit more because i have to go to that damned factory again. I applied to many places this last week about internships but nobody responds. more mustard awaits and im not happy
>wants a job
Security Guard
Pretty good then most in America. Its an alright job, just the stigma you get from other people is a drag.
computer/electrical engineering. Thank me later.
to autistic for r9k
anything less hard and borig
literally anything with no contact with other humans
23$ nice
what do you actually do on the job?
Autism is a real illness retard, don't make jokes about it.
so is retardation don't make jokes about it you fucking cunt
i literally do have autism i have every symptom and never leave my house ever.
>had an apprenticeship for electrician
>quit after 1 year because i hated it
>now working in a kitchen at spoons
>actually enjoy it
The pay is shit but I like some of the people I work with
>don't make jokes about something funny because it's real
How about no fuck you
what do you think about the idea of offing yourself?
If this isnt bait go back to plebbit you dumb fucking nigger cunt kike
Aircraft mechanic. Sometimes comfy, sometimes not.
CNC Machining
Airport Security so Xray and check peoples bag, check ID and boarding pass, and pat people down.
What kind of sailing and what kind of bote famalam
I'm jelly, I've always wanted to be a nav officer but I can't because I'm colorblind.
Bongo drums guy
I't funny to have autism? I think you haven't seen a kid with real autism, not the thing the weak faggots talk here about.
>I think you haven't seen a kid with real autism
Yes, I've spent two years of high school in a class with a high-functioning autistic girl.
I work 60 hour weeks for 14/hr and I want to fucking die.
They owe me like 2 grand in overtime.
Stay the fuck away from this industry.
Software developer
pays well but you have to put up with a lot of autism and heavy accents
And would you make jokes about it if that girl would be your daughter?
Hertz donit?
If edgy humor triggers you you should just find another site to fuck off to.
it honestly sounds better every passing month. I try to work myself up bit by bit like trying to get my drivers license and such but its not working out. dont think i want to live such a pathetic existence still in my 30s