Rei or Asuka Jow Forums?

Rei or Asuka Jow Forums?

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Reina or Kumiko, Jow Forums?

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They look the exact fucking same. Gibs me Brooke.

You're 20 years too late.

Redhead/brunette>dumb blue hair

>implying they still don't have daily threads debating this on /a/

Rei a cute and Asuka a hoe.originally

Non of the.

Unpopular opinon. I think eva is shait. Also I don't like any work of Hideaki Anno.
>inb4 too deep for you

Asuka, objectively. If you disagree you're an NPC.

Asuka or ur gey because rei = gey

Rei. Asuka is a typical mentally ill roastie. Rei is pretty shit too, but she's definitely the better deal of the two.

A toilet is better than a psychopath

I'm so tired after work that I get drunk with one beer.
How is that?

That's fine, everybody has their own taste.

Despite what shitposters and speed watchers would have you believe, she isn't an emotionless fuckdoll, she just has significant issues expressing herself and processing emotions, which makes her endearing and relatable

Doesn't change the fact that yours is shait.

Asuka would be annoying as fuck to deal with
Rei would be like dating a pet dog

This. What about the time when she was connecting with Shinji right before that angel possessed one of the evas

no u
subjective opinion, baka user-kun

Subjective opinions are subjective.
How you perceive world is real to you.
Your opinions is solid shit to me.

Right back at you, baka user-kun.

I'm glad you agree. Oregano.

23 fuckin years.

I want asuka to dominate me

suprisngily not orginal post

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The one and only, Asuka of course

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Rei is the true robot choice.

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Rei because my pee pee demands it.

If you're a real robot you'll choose Asuka because she's a Stacy and has mental issues like you.

Neither, they're supposed to be with each other.

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Rei in Asukas suit

My wife Ayanami is super cute.

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I would go for the autist waifu over the loud bitchy one

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Asuka is a massive bitch and Rei is just as mentally ill. Asuka, only good for lewds. Go team Rei! tsundere for the tsundere

Just give me Kaworu. I actually want to be loved.

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For me it is misato. The best Eva girl

I like Asuka. Although i prefer the rebuild Asuka. The eye patch is cool

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she likes beer and sex so of course she is


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Misato fuck boi

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I'm an incel and I want to fuck Asuka

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Except asuka is the npc, an impulsive spastic looney shit with no thought process.

Rei on the other hand has a beautiful inner world full of curious questions about her existence and her purpose. But that's the joke, the ones we call robots are the most human of us all.

arent there like 300 reis and only one asuka

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I don't understand. Did I just get spoiled?

Jow Forums is a rei board.

This absolutely is not it.

Despite being a famous anime (and one of the most influential) it had the worst wifus. Everyone was a doferent flavor of whore.

Why not both in an original manner?

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asuka is world class rape bait. prove me wrong.

>complaining about getting spoiled on a decade old anime