We aren't allowed to have gfs, sex, affection, etc

>We aren't allowed to have gfs, sex, affection, etc.
>We are still expected to work hard to pay into a society that does not reward us with anything

Something seems off here...

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Welcome to the shit show buddy. You can be like me and just completely abandon all morals. I want to bring suffering and sadness to anyone who tries to come into my life.

>he wants to be rewarded for sitting in his mom's basement and jacking off to cartoons

There's nothing anyone can really do about it, we're all fucked over, best you can do is try and have a good life, which is hypothetically possible, but...very much determined by effort and worldview.

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If you're going to acknowledge shit is fucked at least destroy everything around you indiscriminately.

Why? That's fucked up.
How do you know?

You are all cucks, just go to the 3rd world and you will be praised as a god if you are white and average looking
t.manlet who never had a gf in europe and already had 3 in South America

Why? That's not really something that sounds like a good time. People who do such things are exactly what is wrong with society, and funny thing, they definitely get the things that OP mentioned, depending on how fucked up they are.

other way around - there's no sense in not just sitting in mom's basement jacking off to cartoons, because all the rewards you get for not doing that and being a productive member of society aren't available to us

I was born into a broke as shit single mother family and worked my way up through school to get a decently paying STEM job.
I do actually live with my mother but I pay all of the bills and have the entire upstairs to myself so I don't see why it would matter.

I don't get why I'm expected to sit here and work for a society that doesn't even have the decency to give me a gf which was pretty much the bare minimum reward for a man all through history.

what do you propose as a solution to this and why do you think you get an award for being alive when nobody else does?

how did you get monies to leave this first world hell hole user?

You have to get a gf, they don't hand 'em out.

Yeah, your IQ is a bit off.

Maybe he looked on his address bar

>praised as a god
>implying that's something anyone in their right mind would want or consider
You have to go back.

Is that a function of Jow Forums now? Fuck.

Why do I sense that OP thinks that all you need to get a gf is a job

Wage cucked myself through an internship for 6 months where everybody hated me
It was worth every second of the job

And why exactly would that be bad?

What else do I need?
I have multiple vehicles, I can bench over 300lbs, I travel around occasionally.

I know there's the bullshit about people saying you shouldn't act entitled but it seems like apparently these people are always entitled to gfs and honestly 9 times out of 10 they aren't even as well set up as me.

Go brag about your Jow Forumsshit elsewhere.

Have a personality, for one. Talk to girls.

Why isn't it bad?

Oh Konata, This world is awful,
Take me back to your mid-200o's happy-go-lucky anime world!

Stop using trust fund money to be a boring sack of shit

Are you reffering to some kind of moral problematic?
To be honest I prefer feeling like a king rather than being sad about not getting laid

This, but unironically unironically unironically unironically unironically unironically unironically unironically.

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this but even more unironically than the other user

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And don't forget that any potential rewards such as sex dolls are immediate banned and/or shamed.

life isnt fair.

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then don't bother? go on neetbux or be homeless.

It sounds stressful, selfish, self-absorbed, entitled, etc, it takes a certain kind of person to want to rule over others at some scale, and those people tend to be parasitic and parahuman pricks with no thought or care for humans. Are you one of those people? If you want to be a living god, odds are you are.

This, but even more unironic then the other user!!

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I am kind of selfish, but only to a certain degree
Neither do I want to rule over people nor do I despise them or anything like that
It just feels great being admired for no reason and I also think it improved my mental health and gave me more self esteem

Doesnt sound like any amount of fun. Now, the quiet and simple life, that sounds like chicken soup for mental health and self-esteem!

if you remove a universal sense of morality that deems all those traits "bad" there's literally nothing wrong with that.

I'm not a manlet, but im a loser. I went to thailand and fucked 6 girls in two weeks. they were coming in and out of my hotel like eager little SEA bunnies. within 15 minutes i was stuffing their furry little thai pussies. that kind of shit doesn't happen in america. In america i spend the entire waking hours of my day distracting myself from how meaningless and dreary life is..how this country is in terminal decline. the magic is gone. its just bread and circuses until the next financial collapse.

>Quiet and simple life
change that to loud and simple and your life will improve 100 times

you're a fucking white male!
be thankful for the grace of being allowed to atone for your sins by just being a good cuck
fucking white males these days..

See this man gets what I am talking about, just leave your home if you are feeling bad , go on a fuck rampage in Asia or South America
Go climbing or rafting and do other dangerous shit, just get your adrenaline up and feel alive

You get rewarded with money. You do your job and you get paid money. Do you understand how the economy works?

Well technically the only people who can realistically force you to work are your parents. You can always take the neet route and live off neetbuxs, that way society will be paying you for doing nothing.
Also even if your parents kick you out you can always be homeless, which is also another way of not contributing to society.
The world doesn't owe you anything, but in return you don't owe anything to the world.

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Yes goyim acknowledge your priveledge and give up

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Why and how? That doesn't make any sense.

Just fucked? You only fucked them? Well, glad that you enjoyed it. You're right-e-o on that last two sentences.

If you are living quiet less people notice you, decreasing your chances of meeting people and building social contacts
This leads to less opportunities opening up to you that could potentially improve your life

That sounds like a good thing. If the desire for human contact gets too bad, just go find it, otherwise, just be quiet, out of the way, happy.

Buck up, little camper. I'm sure you'll feel better once you get out there and meet a nice girl.

Less opportunities and decision making are always a bad thing
Id rather try and fail in life than not trying to achieve something in the first place

The risks and problems created by this seem weighty, but sex sounds fun, apparently vaginal feels better than masturbating, and sex can be legally obtained via loud and simple living style.

>less opportunity/desicions is a bad thing
>rather try and fail than never try
Good point, though success at life is subjective.

>Why? That's fucked up.
Fucking npc reply. He told you why.

Decision making is the key to success since success in most situations is created by keeping initiative and you gain more initiative through increasing the number of opportunities that could create initiative

And of course you are right, success in life is kind of subjective, tho there are some determinants considered desirable by most individuals, like having a gf, having enough money etc.

What a disgusting reply.
You should feel bad for this garbage you have produced.

You sure?

What a grumpy gus. Lighten up a little. Women can tell when a guy is fun to be around.

>just have a personality bro! just stop being boring!
sometimes I wonder if these replies are meant to be serious or just a troll

>Why? That's fucked up.

My guess is that you're still a young kid who's slowly becoming jaded like us. Trust me. Once you hit 30 your heart will be consumed by vengeance.

What part of it do you think is trolling? How hard is it to not just be a humongous shit head all the time?

Seriously you have no shame, do you?

I bet you'd feel less cranky if you got laid.

Being boring is something you can't control nor change. Same with personality, past a certain age you can't really develop one.

You can always change, its never to late
Everyone who tells you otherwise is not interested in helping you

It'd be easy to get a gurilfurendu if you could pluck one off the street. That's not really possible, though, it's illegal.

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You can practice talking to people. You can practice listening. Take an acting class. Learn a musical instrument. Improve yourself, you sad sack of gravy.

Like I already stated, just go to the 3rd world and get a girl there if you are unable to find one in your country

>NPCs unironically think we were like this from the start.

What are countries where doing so is legal?

>Personality meme
Normals love this one because it's intangible and impossible to define.

Jeremy Meeks must have had a GREAT personality as he beat children and performed drive by shootings, huh.

Attached: personality.jpg (2387x2728, 1.92M)

That's an informative pic-related.