How does r9k feel about this? Thots blaming capitalism on not being able to keep a guy tied down

How does r9k feel about this? Thots blaming capitalism on not being able to keep a guy tied down.

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Just the next freshest Jewish trick to keep people interested in communism I guess

reminds me of that selfie by a girl with designer clothes and an iphone with "resist capitalism" written on the back of it.

Well yeah it's not like they can blame the real reason when that reason is them.

I'm so conflicted. Every day I'm like this. What the fuck did I just read? Is this what I'm going after? The girls that get pumped, dropped, and then post shit like this on the internet with their names on it? What the fuck?

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she's right faggot
capitalism has seeped into interpersonal relationships.

Sound's like you're just an incel.

>wah im gonna just blame a boogeyman instead of confronting my issues
sounds awfully familiar

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>wtf men aren't paying for my food and buying me clothes?? This is a profits over everything capitalist motive!
Not very clever

Womem are the main contributors to capitalism and they are also the driving force behind male interest in capitalism.

capitalism is what allows them to be roasties in the first place reeeee

These stupid vapid whores are extremely picky when it comes to guys. I hate seeing women like those in the picture live happy lives. I just want them to be miserable.

I agree, let's switch to socialized government assigned girlfriends. It will stop her misery because she won't get pumped and dumped by chads anymore and I will get a GF. Everybody wins.

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There's signs of inteligence in there, it doesn't have a lot to do with capitalism, but she's definitely onto something.

They'll never blame themselves. Never ever.

>75% of divorces are initiated by women

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>It's wild that people can just drop you like you didn't mean shit at all
This coming from a woman, whose very hypergamous nature is founded on dropping men like flies as soon as someone better comes along. Roasties have no self awareness.

>capitalism has seeped into interpersonal relationships.

Why shouldn't it?

>Because capitalism being in interpersonal relationships means that losers end up alone!

it means interpersonal relationships aren't about meaningful connection, they're about profit and such. that ruins the fabric of a society. most of your "friends" are only your friends because they cant find anyone better to hang out with, not because they cherish their relationship with you.

Don't argue with a Jew.

"Sharing my wife is fun"
"My wife is my property, get out"

>Don't argue with a Jew.

But if relationships shouldn't be about what's good for YOU, then YOU should be friends with niggers and Jews.

>But I don't want to be friends with niggers and Jews!

Who cares what you want? You getting to choose to do what you want sounds like capitalism seeping into interpersonal relationships to me. You should be friends with people who are going to drag you down, niggers! And Jews!

wow what a fucking strawman

Haha a-user take your pills y-yeah?

"My wife is my property as long as she isn't mentally handicapped, a Jew, a Gypsy, or Polish"

>it's because of capitalism that these hot guys who fuck tons of girls only want to fuck me for my body and move on to other girls

>wow what a fucking strawman

It's not a strawman in any way.

We're either going to allow people to choose relationships based on what's good for THEM, or we're not.

If not (and you seem to be voting NOT) then any resistance you demonstrate to being friends with niggers and Jews violates the principle you've articulated and is rank hypocrisy.

In fact, the only relationships you could enter, under your principle, that we could be sure were pure would be relationships with niggers and Jews, precisely because you wouldn't like them. If you're in relationships with people you like, well - hell, for all we know, you could be maximizing utility. You fucking capitalist.

>profit over everything is highly detrimental to society
is this a ylyl thread?

I don't see why anyone would want to live in a society that actively tries to prevent people from profiting.

>self interest = capitalism
go away kike

im more upset at the fact that you follow that thot you fucking faggot

Why is she mad at capitalism when she literally just post findom? All she wants is for guys to pay her for being "hot".

Knew her from a long time ago. She just turned her personal twitter into her cam whore twitter. Hence the follow good sir.

>it means interpersonal relationships aren't about meaningful connection, they're about profit and such.

>self interest = capitalism

First of all, YES - self-interest and capitalism are exactly the same. EXACTLY the same.

Second of all, the user I'm quoting is clearly and directly lamenting the fact that under capitalism people seek relationships to enhance their self-interest, rather than making "meaningful connections", which we can assume means "connections that don't advance our self-interest".

It's natural that people with nothing to offer in relationships would think like this, so I'm not surprised to see this point of view articulated here.

it isn't, and all your fallacies come down once you realize that.
It is in the self interest of the proletariat to kill all cappies and jews like you to be freed of wageslavery, and socialism enhances the ability to satisfy everyone's self interest because nobody's profiting on anyone.

And capitalism has attacked personal relationships too, because you are worthy only as much as your wealth, and a roastie would think twice before marrying a poorfag.

For some reason I don't feel that "toylet of PrincessKK" akak "WomenRGoddessz" is completely faultless in her relationships.

Why are you so obsessed with these sluts? It's like none of you seem to realize that these women are rotten from the lot and only represent a small percentage of the whole spectrum of women.

Nobody said it's all women. It's just funny to see some whore who makes money off telling dudes to pay her says capitalism is why she can't stay with guys.

What a dumb bitch. Of course it's easy to blame everything and everyone but yourself.

Thots aren't even into politics other than the standard media neoliberalism progressive cookie cutter stuff.

Radical left wing women are either trannies, narcissist alt-girls, overweight minorities with chip on shoulder or just druggies. Not very attractive