AMA a trap

ama bc im a trap, was curious about what you robots would think about me.

Attached: ahego.png (375x360, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

do you ever sit in bed at night looking out into the moonlight wondering why you let yourself become a slave to sexual desire rather than focusing on any of the millions of other more wholesome things you could have done to occupy your life?

Have you accepted the fact that you've essentially reworked your entire life to revolve solely around a fetish and that you are a lesser creature of God for doing so?

Do you have suicidal tendencies ?

Do you have suicidal thoughts? It's curious the suicide rate of traps keeps going up

You know the drill. Pics or GTFO

OMG yes I do! I died yesterday.

Bait unless you have pics

Attached: IMG_20180914_094303_328.jpg (640x640, 66K)

its not a fetish ive just allways felt this way lmao

no i dont have suicidal thoughts.

i dont have pics i dont like taking pics of myself
not bait :)

Why not? oragashi

post proof or get out

You don't like taking pictures of yourself because you don't pass and every time you look at them a small part of you is dying?

i mean i have a dis if you wanna hear me but i dont want ppl to raid my stuff

You wouldn't call yourself a trap and posted ahegao if your dignity wasn't subordinate to lust.

its a fucking emoji lmao anonits the img is a joke

Jesus if you're gonna do an AMA do it right and actually tell us stuff about you. It's not like there are no traps on r9k and you're the special snowflake of the moment. Tell us something we don't already know.

ummmm idk i dont wear makeup?

what do you sound like? post a vocaroo of your voice!

Wait a minute. I'm gonna sing chocolate rain for you guys

>he is 12 and already faggot

Attached: 1533464172067.png (550x413, 113K)

happy? i hope that proofs it

Is this your 12yo brother or what?

guess op doesnt like questions that make them second guess themself

So why did you become a trap instead of a normal guy?

no and im 19 lol

always been feminine like lol my friends agree

Now talk in your normal voice, I refuse to believe you're not trying to sound like an fat autistic 12 year old.

that is i woud speak louder but i cant bc of family
im 115 lb lol

I remember some sixteen year old """""trap""""" added me on steam if you're not on HRT you look disgusting and retarded. You probably would look the same on HRT but at least your trying and not being prison gay.

Attached: 1530983713421.png (1240x1754, 671K)

Do yo go out in public in femme or do you just keep it indoors to yourself? If you do go out, do people stare at you?