What is LSD like? What's to be expected?
What is LSD like? What's to be expected?
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Machine elves.
If you get good stuff, it feels like you're remembering you are going to die and living a temporary existence inside a material construct you can't even begin to comprehend and that you are the product of a succession of environmental pressures and changes. Meanwhile you vision will be fractalling into a web of instances where you exist not in a single point of time but superimposed across all moments at once.
I have taken far too much acid on two occasions and both times it was not a fun experience. Just stay calm if this happens to you. There's only one way out and that's through.
Aka demons, aka goblins, aka satans minions, aka the controllers of our world, aka machine fuckin elves. Tell em to go fuck themselves, and dont do it unless you are confident in yourself and your soul (or are a npc).
Breathing/morphing/drifting/melting hallucinations, like you look at a picture on a wall and it starts getting larger and smaller and changing shapes, or things on a screen might look like they're animated, like the picture you posted might be moving, blinking her eyes, wiggling her tongue, colors can change and distort. If you close your eyes you see colors, shapes or even trippy dream-like visions and images. That's the visual aspect, which is fun. Mentally, it's a lot more intense. Your thoughts and emotions become LOUDER. You feel energized. Everything seems so dream-like, like you're in a cartoon. Music feels euphoric as hell, almost forcing you to move your body even if you're normally a wallflower. Thoughts and memories that may have been bottled up in your subconscious, things you never really thought about or things you might have suppressed will suddenly spring to the surface and you will be forced to confront it in a state where you're already vulnerable to spiraling with your thoughts and one negative thought can get exaggerated in your head into the worst thing ever. You might have really insightful existential thoughts, though it's questionable how much of those you can really take with you and incorporate into your day-to-day once you stop tripping.
t. never done acid but listened to Joe Rogan talk about DMT
No, that's DMT.
No, that's just your experience with LSD at high dosages. Everyone reacts differently.
I have never seen physical hallucinations despite taking 20 tabs once and you aren't supposed to, if you are then you should stop taking LSD.
This is the most accurate description judging by what the majority of the people experience, remember though OP everyone is different. No trip is the same so you can't expect anything, just let it guide you. I'd recommend taking 100ug (one tab) and seeing how it effects you, it might not be your thing OP. Trip safe.
Do not smoke large amounts of weed on it if you're unexperienced. You WILL get stuck in loops
This captures lsd fairly well.
Get out you fucking retard, measuring acid in "tabs" or "hits" is like measuring your money in cars. "I took 20 tabs of acid" is like saying "I made 20 cars worth of money last year". It could be $20k, or a billion, or anything in between.
retard. tabs are pretty much always roughly 100ug so that's not a fair analogy at all. would be closer to
>I made 20 cars worth of money last year". It could be $20k, or $25k, or anything in between.
simply not true. I've seen 300ug and 60 ug ones, that's a massive difference
Loops. You'll get stuck in loops. Time won't make much sense any more. The trip will probably seem like the main event of your life while tripping and you might forget how you ended up in that mindset
>I've seen 300ug and 60 ug ones
I said "pretty much always'. I'd bet money that 99% of tabs are 100-150ug
I am disappointed by nearly every post in this thread
And why should anyone care about your opinion?
Low dose I had a euphoric feeling and saw some minor geometric open eye visuals. Just shifting patterns on what was already there, no hallucinations of entirely new objects or anything.
On a large dose it was completely different. It was like an insane fever dream of old thoughts and memories, no spectacular visuals or anything. I also got stuck in a time loop.
maybe in the 90s, but swim keeps seeing >200ug tabs on darknet markers. I think they figured out how useless of a dose 100ug is, and shipping is a lot easier if you don't have to mail a whole blotter just because someone wanted to trip with their mates. the last time swim did that 5 guys all took 600ug, and getting ten tabs in the mail was a lot more lowkey than 30.
He's right though.
OP, if you really want to know, read The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley, or go to erowid.org
Understand that the psychedelic (or mystical) experience is characterised by inexpressibility in our ordinary language, because it lies beyond the realms of ordinary consciousness. You can circle around it but you can't really explain it, it has to be experienced first hand.
Finally, if you think you can fly, take off from the ground first.
You are a toxic shitcunt for peddling this shit and i hope niggers rape you before setting you on fire.
>using swim on Jow Forums
fuck off original fbi
also, its paper my friend. sending it is low key even if you send 100 of them. Tbh I don't have experience with dnm but indeed most mass produced tabs come in the 100-150ug range.
Very important is that you have free time.
Shit can last ~24 Hours and you will probably stay up all night.
very accurate description right here.