Went for a morning walk

>Went for a morning walk
>Came back with suicidal thoughts again

What the fuck ?

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why are you suicidal? abcdhshsh

no grill friend, no frends, no life

same with the rest of us here. is loneliness the only factor for your depression?

pretty much, also struggling to better myself and being in the same exact place, month after month, year after year...

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>go for morning walk
>committ suicide
>come back without suicidal thoughts

Im not Jesus to come back after that

Decide where you want to be and take steps to achieve it.

You are welcome.

nobody here has the answer your looking for. i posted a thread before because im have another mood swing, i have schizphrenia, bad anxiety, and very very bad depression. the only thing holding me back is the pain il have on my family. if you are scared, alone, and in a rut, why not poke your head out of the trench

lemme join ur conversation
user unfortunately i am in the same spot and i'ts not getting better

they don't ever go away
the best you can do is try to distract them for a little while
but the thought always comes back because you know in your soul that you're a horrible person

>go for a walk
>spend the whole time trying to think of ways i could kill myself with the environment around me

>before bed
>get suicidal thoughts
>wake up
>get suicidal thoughts

It gets better if you put a liiitle effort into fixing the thing you hate in yourself.

Seek further help. It gets better.

Help others, as many as you can, and you'll find friends.


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Get outside and do something. You'd be amazed at how much it can do for you.

I don't know how liying to myself would be better.
"I am good enough " not true I am shit and everything that happens is my fault.
Today is a bad day and it's my fault, I will fail at everything this year and it will be all thanks to me. Fuck me

Seriously fuck you , you lazy piece of shit

>no grill friend
You probably should kill yourself if this is why you want to kill yourself. Women are subhumans, and you are just a white knight cuck.

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You couldn't be more wrong, Jow Forums.

But women are subhumans.

Go running instead OP. It feels better after you've run 5 or so miles and are exhausted and soaking with sweat.

I run 4 or so times a week at around 4am.

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>Wanting to share your good an bad times with somebody

>hurrr white knight

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I already work out user, bu thank you for the suggestion

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walk until you can't

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>go to bed feeling a little stressed
>dream of another dude fucking my oneitis
>wake up back to feeling full-on suicidal
Death is the only escape.

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I did that when i didnt have a job a few years ago.

Went for a walk in blistering heat in the city without water and then had to spend a few weeks in bed because my feet got fucked up and the skin on my soles came off. Shit felt like walking through fire and it kept me up at night.

I dont even know why i did it back then but i would do it again now if i could.

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You couldn't be a bigger cuck, fag.

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Before belief in yourself, you need belief in a system. Understand that many people aren't suicidal and actually have self-confidence. So even if you can't believe it possible, try to build up confidence. The 'system' is slowly branching out and doing things that normal people do for themselves, like reading or exercising or eating better.
If you're anxious you have to throw yourself into uncomfortable positions. It's the only way. Every failure brings you back toward normalcy.
Just think about it

I understad what you're saying but how can you have confidence in yourself if you dont have a tangible example where you were good enough to do a certain thing. Think of it as fuel, a car dosent run on promises, it runs on real fuel.

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