Do you think you'll ever have kids?

Do you think you'll ever have kids?

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in short nah

I really hope not. I don't want to be a part of making someone else's life hell

Of course I have a basement

fuck no lmao

Having kids is the most NPC thing an NPC can do baka

i dont want kids but even if i want it would be impossible for me to have kids. no girls want a 32 khv fatass dicklet with no friends and a shitty job i can lose anytime. hey at least im 6ft and my mom think im not ugly. that something.... right?

My own childhood sucked and I don't want to inflict the same on anyone else.

I used to a long time ago, but I've mostly given up on that hope over the past year or so.

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I'm a 23 year old virgin. What do you think?

>never dated
>no money

Yeah that's gonna be a no for me...

if i find girl to spend my life with. so i dunno

Unlikely, considering I nuked my balls with anti-androgens.

Basically this, and I don't feel my chances are high since I basically despise every girl I meet.

I don't want to damn a child with my manlet disease

>no education
>no job
>no money
>no social circle
>no experience with females

You tell me?

I am getting a decent inheritance so I will have my own home soon though.

I wish
my only desire in life is to start a family but I'm woefully inadequate and have given up at this point

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No I'm too old and no woman will touch me.
Also I'm unfit to be a parent.
I guess I could donate sperm.

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Hoping I do within the next 5 years or so.
Having kids now would be a bad decision and would impose an unjust burden on my boyfriend. Especially considering how young he is.

i'd like to but most likely no

Don't because you poor kiddo could end up with fags as parents.

They would honestly be better off

What does NPC mean?

Non Playable Character. We use this term against "normal people" who have zero personality and no thought capacity: just like NPCs, they just exist

No, even if I wanted to.

if i get a good job and have my own home, yeah id have kids around 30ish. no more than 2 tho

Will I? Very possibly not. Would I like to? Absolutely.

what the fuck how do you not know what NPC means you fucking retard. there is some stupid shit but this is fucked up.

Lmao stop triggering the brainlets on Jow Forums. I know it's fun but it's just too easy

Yes, they're the only part of me that will live on after I die. Reminder if you don't reproduce, you're lower than an animal

that feel when even as a child the only thing you wanted was a wholesome gf to love and raise a family with, literally used to be considered the most normie thing to do. Yet life finds a way to fuck us over.

Perhaps. I don't know, man.

I think it's pathetic to have a kid just to pass a part of yourself on. How about contributing to something worthwhile, helping people, making a real mark on the world instead of popping out a kid and hoping they do it for you? Maybe it's just a loser-dude-thing, I've never heard this rationale from women.

No never.

Original comment

natty pro consumer

No, I hate kids

Of course, at least 3.Unlike most people here I still care for the future of our species (despite hating most of them).I want to raise my children to be good citizens,parents and people. Perhapse life hasn't fucked me hard enough yet.

no obviously, becouse i will never meet girl that is going to deal with my shit.

Maybe I already have some...


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No, i don't want to spread my shitty genes.

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no, because I am antinatalist

However if I was well adjusted functioning human bean with partner, I would want to adopt

Unfortunately that decision isn't mine alone to make. So no, I don't think I will.


this tbqfhfam
think of all the parents you know. how many are a player character?

>if you don't reproduce, you're lower than an animal
if you don't vomit on your feathers you're lower than a vulture.

I love how half the replies are either incel as fuck or betafucks, what is going on here?
My answer:
I wouldn't want children because I care for my free time and enjoyment and I know I wouldn't find that in children because children have one superpower. sucking every piece of fun out of fucking anything.
Maybe if I get to a point where I hate myself enough to go beyond suicide to live a life of pain then maybe. then fucking kill it and go to jail like a sane person.

I'm a 28 year old virgin and an antinatalist. I fully expect to die alone.

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Underfuckingstandable have a nice day

I don't know, should I just end the vicious cycle of torment my family has had?
>great-grandad got tortured in war and had switched sides, effectively destroying his standing and making his family bottom-tier citizens
>grandad was a carpenter and caught polio which slowly killed him, he was in agony
>father had to escape his homeland during civil war, fucked a white woman that shat me out and then she divorced him, making him an alimony cuck

I feel as though my repulsive mutt genes shouldn't be passed any further along with the unluckiness that wrecked my paternal forebearers.

No, my wife and I wouldn't be capable of looking after them and it wouldn't be fair on them to have parents like us.

I have had kids but not mine to raise. I would like my own someday yes but no telling if it will happen.


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goddamnit huskyfag

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Don't be rude user, have a picture of my daughter, Ebrietas to cheer up your day.

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Unlikely. Most of my friends are a decade older than me, starting to have kids or already have them. Their wives make their lives hell and all their time is spent either at work or doing some stupid shit to appease their wife or kids so they don't end up divorced. I've seen what their lives are like and I don't want that for myself.

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>my wife
>on Jow Forums
something doesn't add up there

We're both on the autism spectrum. It's not like I'm a normal human being, I've been on her longer than I've been with her.

Yes, probably by accident when a needy girl drinks enough alcohol to not notice all my red flags.

oh are you 20 now?


i doubt ill even get another gf

im becomnig schizophrenic and the future holds nothing for me

>be russian
>having kids

Only if you like to torture underages.

Helllll no. I would never do such a cruel thing as pass on my shit genes. I'm horrible horrible person and any kid I rasie would be FUCKED

I want 5 sons and 2 girls

At least they'll never feel lonely right? And might feel the fullfillment it should give seeing your children grow up.

nigger pussy crackwhore

This. I don't that another person inherit my pathetic existence or be influenced by it.

What is being schizophrenic like?

I'm 31 and I want to have a big family. But I'm worrying about the financial part and also about finding a quality woman to do that with me.

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What a ridiculous question to ask us.

Donate sperm if you want to fulfill the biological purpose of life

>tfw tranny so completely infertile

sorry white masterrace my sister fucked a black guy and i have no chance of continuing our german bloodline

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Randomly hearing voices in your head that aren't your own, nor are they things people have said to you.

Having absolutely no motivation at all, its not like i have things that need to be done that i won't want to do, i just don't even have the ability to conceptualise ideas outside of my current life routine.

One day hopefully yes. If you had asked me 2 years ago I would have said definetly not but my life has steadily improved since then.

And what does those voices say?

I dont ever want kids because i feel like my genes arent worth passing on. having kids would be extremely selfish

I seriously doubt it considering I have to cum in a test tube and then the sperm has to be injected into an egg. I have done it a few times before but one was stillborn and the other fucking died. So no I'll probably never have a kid that survives to adulthood.

No. I will never have kids. I will never have a girlfriend. I will never have sex.

I can't even get a girlfriend, how the hell am I ever going to have kids

I often fantasize about having a son and family of my own, although my prospects aren't so well right now considering I'm a KHHV at 22 - I'm completely socially inept. Also why the fuck do I feel this way? I thought only women went through this 'lets have a baby my biological clock is ticking' phase. I'm a guy

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you still have time though, having kids at 22 is kinda ridiciolous

Absolutely not, kids are the worst and having one would be a living nightmare.

>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
Yes, im 100% certain of it. 7 to 9 beautiful children.

Thinking about going for Retard girls so I can get laid. But where the fuck do you find em?

Always wanted like 8+ kids
But as I now turned 28 and still is a virgin, kissless and all that stuff, I really doubt that will happen.

>Always wanted like 8+ kids
8+ kids? Are you serious? Not 2 or 3, 8+. Ok.