
will dmanonce ever return edition

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>harry potter and the chamber of secrets on telly

Paul McCartney's new song is cringey

WHO is this please
i need to know for my science project

>>harry potter and the chamber of secrets on telly
beat it nonce

daenerys targaryan innit lad

my point about indie games still stands for this thread

>dmanonce's nestbirds writhing in anger

when will this stop, can they ever be saved from his evil brainwashing


Long time no see laddy. How come you are up to your old tricks? we have not heard from you in a while

New non radio normie thread.

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indie games are inferior to triple a games and the only people who enjoy them are autists with no hobbies who are too snobby and pretentious to admit popular things are generally popular because theyre good otherwise no one would like them

same as music nerds listening to shit like hard noise and no wave to try and seem cool

[originue for nue threed]

if there's anyone left who's not a nonce please tell me so I can raise the sex age past 'em
the entire isle shall be nonces, there's not a man lives who can stop me

ooof 'nester on suicide watch

yeah alright lad, no need to post your bait again. wasn't that good the first time

by the power of dead Thatcher in my right hand shall this work be done

it isnt bait its truth and my only desire is to make the autists feel worse

>he posted in his own thread because he's so desperate

oh no no. Just get over it lad, accept what ye all are

I bought some cocaine off the dark net lads, was surprisingly decent with great service.

*minces into your path*

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hot trash is the right word for things that are very popular and shitty like 69.

its usually better off darkweb because theres less chance of some cunt putting benadryl in it

when I finally get the AOC up to 30, you'll join them
behold my power

69 is objectively good or he wouldnt be popular

first of all yes it is bait
secondly you stating you want to make autists feel worse confirms it as bait. Bait is still bait even when it's your genuine opinion
going to have dinner now, good day.

wouldnt that just make it a service to the crown lad

I'll raise it past the age of the universe so even the very stars in the firmament shall be nonces

>9 posts
>25 replies
OP is really trying. Cute.

So lads, what types have you done today?

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>less than 30 seconds between posts

nice try nester

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he can try in PRISON once I've raised the boffing age to 129

>less than 30
right, you're nicked nonce

>genuinely thought you were referring to the sex position

getting old lads

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Ok lads I am out for a couple of hours until these kids get bored.

not really. His music is only popular because kids with no attention span listen to his music, as its catchy. Most people who consume music do it very casually and don't actually take time to discover decent stuff, they listen to whatever is the most catchy. He is successful though

(spasms and froths uncontrollably)

I only go type 2, 3, or 4.
Thanks Weetabix.

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his music is a result of the evolution of a genre to it's current peak format, until someone else innovates he is the best at trap

therefore he's good

>eat fibre
>type 1

what did my body mean by this?

AAA western games are casual shite now anyway

What do you mean by good though? he is commercially successful, which is good in a way, but the music he produces is not critically acclaimed.

He is fulfilling consumer wants, but as i said its just kids that like it. very few adults sit there listening to 69

I don't know why people say fibre makes it hard to shit, it makes it super easy for me, just slumps out like wet concrete, but unlike wet concrete, no mess is left behind.
I just wipe once to double check, also doubles as a sweat wipe if I'm at work.

why has the thread died already? sort it out lads

mmm give me the kiss of life

Go on lads fight it out

whos right??

>not wanting a dead thread
like 'em young do you

going to do a bit more painting on my theoden

>spend an afternoon drinking
>come home and have a Chinese

Comfy Saturday. Might fall asleep at 8 but I'll probably stay up and keep posting on here.

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>feet stink of dog shit
>shower daily
>fresh socks daily
>not even sweaty person
fug off

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Fallout 3 is kinda eh.
But that's my subjective opinion.

Not watched either video but Fallout 3 is alright but New Vegas makes it look like shit despite being almost the exact same game.

There's a lot of missed opportunity in Fallout 3 but I don't think that makes it bad. New Vegas is better but 3 was definitely a stepping stone and quite important in that regard, and still enjoyable too.

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Probably a fungus

>Tfw never played fall out 3

dont know if i am missing out on much. i thought skyrim was incredibly over rated, wont be surprised if its the same with fall out 3.

Anyone else here drink purple milk? Makes me feel cool and original.

isnt that cow dick milk?

why is the milk purple lad?

The One. 1 percent fat milk. In between skimmed and semi-skimmed. Dunno if it's a regional thing or what.


love maoam pinballs
simple as

cano someone tell me to put on my izAA IN TEN I AM quite drunk thank youi

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for fucks sake mate why wont this TWAT reply to me on gum tree...been a whole FUCKING day

sp me main man what do you reckon of Eminems diss track towards kelly? i know you're into your rap

it is like whane an old man hase alsheimers and has a n oubtburst

is there anything sadder than a 23 year old twink?

lads, whats your favourite british comedy of the 2010s so far?

mine is probably benefits streetpp

Don't know if the guy that wanted these got 'em so I'm reposting



Should be in order of: Coral, Greggs, OP

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Getting a munch box lads should I ask for a norf or a souf one?

put on your izAA

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what did he mean by this

so whats andrew up to these days

as another britfeel regular into rap and a producer its literally a boomer not being self aware of how hes lost touch with the world and subsequently yelling at the kids for skating

posting on britfeel


>tfw postingon britfeel is the absolute highlight of my day

decided to take norf fc to a new level, hope the actualy norf fc lad doesnt mind me shamelessly copying his work again too

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why are the norfern working class jovial happy pie eaters but dahn safff they are all stabby scray crackheads

It hasn't aged well, New Vegas is better anyway

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Mine too lad, nothing wrong with that. Although got a Fred West documentary on the go and that's probably going to overtake it

moni is such a fucking ho
i love it

I do agree that eminem needs to put down the mic, he has not made a decent albums for years, although i am enjoying him having a go at mumble rappers and i like his diss track.

I did ti
gegintgv downstairs was like that scene form the money liadnordo dcaprios movie where he getson the lmeons and dirves with hot hot robie girl

moni cam girl when?

You mean the wolf of wall street?
How much have you had to drink lad

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Imagine having this much artistic talent and wasting it drawing norf fcs, good drawing though.

what else is he supposed to use it for?

3rd sinkhole in Orpington now in the space of a month. Im worried the tripod things from war of the worlds are gunna come out soon

Could make money somehow? Commission work or something maybe.

>tfdwe you out on a pizza for less than the time and it bun


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very few people who are good at drawing actually get paid any meaningful money for their work

>gf text me saying she's taking her dog for a walk on the beach
>heard nothing since
she's deffo dead



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it's really not that amazing lads.

cant get over the fact someone put big iron from fallout new vegas on on the jukebox in the pub yesterday lods, very surreal experience

SP come drink with me

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who's watching ggg vs canelo?

Just had a cup of coffee with some purple milk. Feels good. It's a comfy Saturday. Last night was a shambles my head was all over the place. I didn't buy any alcohol so my one month of sobriety continues. Going to get a takeaway and watch some television.

Post pictures of your drawings, user, show that talentless hack who's boss.

get a job and maybe i'll show you some good cheap eastern european beer i import after my old polish and lithuanian coworkers at the warehouse i worked in when i was 16 showed me