Sit with half Asian girl and her friends

>Sit with half Asian girl and her friends
>She talks about incels, and how only white people shoot up schools and shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

hapas are gravely mentally ill

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Elliot killed like 4 people. Whites and mutts have killed way more on average. Hapas being all mentally ill is a meme.

Yeah it's a meme blown out of proportion but I do know some hapas that are just mad at the world for no reason

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I know white people like that too. Case in point this entire board.

Jesus christ that picture on the bottom left

how tf do we even compete

posters like you are the reason most hapas are insane

What I don't understand is how much people here shit on Asians, yet the same people also complains about how much shit they get too.
It's a twisted cycle that can only build up resentment, really now the only people we can blame here are the Jews.

I live in Cali and see plenty of normal well adjusted hapas every day. I'm white and married to an asian and plan to make a few more of them t b h. I promise they won't be mentally ill.

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whats it like to be in the ovenmen?

I still think it's funny that the media never really reported the four-ish asian nerds he stabbed in his apartment.

Six people. Three were Asians he stabbed.

Hapa here, ask me anything

What's it like being genetically inferior to pure Asians?

is this meme accurate?

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How big is your pee pee Elliot?

3 inches erect oregalo

How does it feel to be shorter than a pure Asian?

>literal tenda meme

obviously not

not him but i am shorter than a lot of pure asian girls and it is pure hell

i dont fit in anywhere and other hapas suck because they dont try to help eachother out or anything

no because the mother should throwing shit at her son

dont ask stupid questions

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horrible i feel like killing myself everyday

And what about Cho? He has the record for most killed in a school shooting.

East Asians are actually the most overrepresented racial group among mass shooters; whites are underrepresented as are Hispanics. I've combed the data myself and found that, over the last 20-year period, only about 38% of mass shootings in which there was 3 or more fatalities had white perpetrators. This is a massive underrepresentation as whites are 62% of the population.


shit race!

Mine's 4.5 and I'm white. And 6'2.
My condolences desu.

>white hispanics


>white male
>part of the aryan brotherhood

F U C K?

Cho is full asian, not hapa.


pajeet made it on this list

>results 0

did i do this wrong?

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LoI Imao

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F U C K?

white at heart

i'm a quapa, the most powerful race on earth

are u keanu reeves?

t. jewish thief

Asians aren't real people though

What's it like being genetically inferior to pure white people?

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theyre more real than jews

i have some german blood so more like asuka

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how many White children have you borne?

seedont you read the thread or anything?

>shoot up schools

Attached: why are jewish males so violent.jpg (1008x1024, 187K)

did you correct her? tell her how wrong she is?
her statements were untrue, ignorant, and racist?

Nikolas Cruz has a 'Voldemort' personality.

>have anti social social club merch
a-am I a hapa???
I'm 100% black doe

You spun my head around with that onions reference

hah, only whites can be racist!

more like

B E E F Y ?

that is some beef. he doesnt have a fat face either. i knew a guy like that, 5'6 with big forearms/hands and he weighed that much.

Does your Asian mom and Chad dad resent you?

This is the true redpill: that asians are the only posters fit for Jow Forums. Wh*Te, bl*Ck, and every indistinguishable shade of br*Wn failed normalfag pseudo-Chad should get off of our board. Only the yellow man knows true strife, reviled as we are by the masses.

why would i want that? that exists already you know, and its the biggest party on reddt.

Memes aside, asianmasc is the dumbest shit I have ever laid eyes upon. It's like if you took every Jow Forums poster who complains about heightism, or bacne, or some other mundane shit that they blame having a shitty life on, and made that the central focus of a board. Fuck, it's so embarassing that people behave that way. Is this how blackbots feel when they see "woke" posters, or how robots feel when they see the incel community? And just like "woke" shit or incels, you can't even seriously talk about issue XYZ without immediately branded as one of those retards.

those guys are all just babies, mentally. and theyre shocked at the reality that the world doesnt treat them fairly. so they huddle together for company, which is fine, but when they try to spread homebrew propaganda everybody is just like... it varies from person to person but the reaction is never positive.

i had to start using a name to differentiate myself from that group. i was catching shit for years because i responded in "catch all asians" counter bait threads. its not even a trip, just a quirky name easily hijacked. but no one will cus its an odd name and not worth it.

Whites only shoot up schools cause all the blacks drop out.

>be a naive teenager with an okay build because I enjoyed lifting
>post on asianmasc thinking they're normal people who just want to talk about banal shit with other asians
>they post dumb shit about how I'm "subverting stereotypes" or whatever
>post in current body threads on Jow Forums now
>get hit with "lmao asianmasc cope" shit
You just can't fucking win because of these people. I just wanted to talk to other asians about my identity as an asian person in a western culture because I had no one else to talk to about it. Instead they talk about that shit as though there's some grand conspiracy. Worse, they even go to some kneejerk chauvinistic bullshit where they idealise their country of origin and act like TRUE HAN 100% DRAGON BLOOD despite making no attempts to learn the language or move back or anything else.

Do you know anywhere I can talk about the above stuff with other autistic retards such as myself? I don't want to talk about how the media portrays all asians as nerds or some inane stuff like that, I just want to talk out my problems with coming to terms with an identity. Preferably with other Jow Forums posters, because the frank nature of discourse is refreshing - especially with how nobody bothers to patronise you.

hah. yeah those fuckers hijacked the whole identity with their name. i dunno you could make a new sub redt.

asian friends or friendlyasians

lol. no i dont know, i just use Jow Forums and its fine, good even.

Asian GF for sure. Fuck the future of our race, I'm going to upload my brain on to a hard drive and blast off in in space.

Latinas have created their own identities, what's stopping hapas from creating their own?

>Inbf self hatred (Jow Forumshapa) is a valid identity

I'm here for your bro

Full Filipino, every other Filipino at my uni is into dance/weed/being a dumbass. It's degrading.

Also, you can't go to the gym without it being full of ethnicks trying to cope.

I'm Korean, but don't know any other Asians in my town. I don't know many people in general, really. I remember back in high school it was mostly Vietnamese and Filipinos who made up the little yellow in the student body, but they were literally all Chads and Staceys so we disn't really talk, lel. As far as being a dumbass goes, that's me to a tee I'm afraid. I'm wasting my life by not doing anything, but to be fair I'm an idiot so I wouldn't have accomplished much if I tried. The gym thing is weird, though. Everyone in the gym is really supportive of each other because we're all just trying to lift heavy-ass weights just to prove that we can. Then when we talk to people who don't lift they think we have body issues or are trying to make up for something - which some do and are, admittedly - when we just like getting swole.

How do you deal with being Asian, if you don't mind me asking? It's an undeniable part of my identity, despite how little bearing I believe it has on me as a person. I was raised in the same home as my grandparents, so apparently I have a lot of "Asian" personality traits when I've always thought of myself as being a normal American guy. Then there's thw whole deal of trying to live up to parents' expectations and stuff, but thankfully my parents and grandparents have always been supportive of me. They may have spoiled me honestly, since I'm a grown-ass loser still living with mom and dad. Do other Asian people in America or other demonstrably not-Asian places feel the same way?

dunno user

im ashamed being partially filipino, so many are just like that

>How do you deal with being Asian
Recognize three simple truths
>People will treat you differently because of your appearance compared to white people
>You are your own personality and have no responsibility to conform to any stereotype, positive or negative
>Being Asian is a product of your birth but you decide how much effect it has on your life
Honestly living in the city at my uni there are plenty of Koreans, Indians, Chinese that I am constantly surrounded with. Some take their "Asianness" differently, for example, joining race based groups and playing identity politics, while others just live normal lives.

All in all don't worry about it man, just live your life being the best person you can be. Many Asians find that they, when finding who they are, tend to
>have lower self esteem
>have poor social skills
>low muscular tone
>extremely analytical to the point of frustration
>high parental expectations
Keep the high expectations and overall high level of competency, drop the robotness and soullessness. I honestly don't know how you can be Korean and not be part of their hivemind, every Korean knows every korean and they all go to church or whatnot together. They are all extremely exclusive, insecure, and racist imo

While it is easy to get caught in identity politics and blaming small things or misfortunes on you being "Asian", a lot of hyphenated Americans like to play victim and it doesn't help anybody.

Overall the term Asian is homogenizing, more pan-Asian and usually refers to east Asian (the pale ones like you Korean and Chinese fuckers) while excluding the *dirty* brown races like Filipinos/Indonesians/Vietnamese etc. Racism also exists within Asian races.

What are you ashamed about? If I were half Filipino I would be ashamed of my mother for white worshipping, but being Filipino isn't necessarily a point of shame. Every race has its good and bad traits, Filipinos are about in the middle

Doesn't sound like you grew up in California. I grew up in an area that happens to me majority Asian and Mexicans and I personally don't have any problems with identity and whatnot. I can't speak for everyone but personally I find it easier to not give a shit than think about all these what ifs. Some people want bigger eyes, bigger dicks, better facial hair, any facial hair, more height, better facial structure, better skin or whatever. But I don't think life is worth constantly worrying about a bunch of lotto ticket draws you had no control over. Though I guess it helps that where I'm from no one gives a shit that you're Asian since a good chunk of other people are also Asian. Just keep trucking user and stop thinking too much about that. If it helps honestly Asian Americans are just yellow white people. In my opinion barely any of that original culture matters outside of home.

Ar-aren`t Filipinos al-already part white? part spic anyway?

yeah dont get me started on that...

my grandfather was chinese and spanish, the philippines is basically mexico but with polynesians and chinese

don't tell me - vancouver