Men are the worst fucking people in the world and lack any true empathy

Men are the worst fucking people in the world and lack any true empathy.
Change my mind.

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Logic saves more lives and creates a better world than empathy. Men can love without empathy or emotion, a long and lasting mental decision that women can only dream of.

Women are the worst people in the world and lack true empathy
Change my mind

Define "true" empathy first

Only men are capable of empathy. Women can only sympathize because they lack mental development and emotional depth. This is why all the great works of art, be they music, writing or visual art were made by men, because art is an expression of emotion.

>wah! I got hurt :(

The true red pill is that both genders are awful. The men are all stupid and arrogant, and the women be stupid but scheming. Basically, everyone sucks if you're like us and all you can do is try to find the gold in the dirt

Empathy is ultimately just an expression of selfishness. It takes a self-absorbed person to insist that you can feel somebody's misery or anger. Empathy is a very female thing, attempting to inject themselves into other people's lives, a f*moid's eternal scream for attention. The opposite of empathy is stoicism. Only men can be stoics, only men can let other men suffer alone and through enduring grow stronger, more dignant.

Men also rape and murder significantly more than women. The majority of them are little better than cave people. They're dull, testosterone-driven apes. And women couldn't create great works of art in the past because of obvious reasons. They create plenty of great works nowadays.

Saddie, welp one day you'll find the real shit and you'll have to do is keep it. Till that day be ready for a lot of drama and nosenses.

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men's logic is just structured empathy, they want to make the world the best place for everyone while women are only ever concerned about their own personal feelings.

maybe evil men stand out more because being a bully is easier when physically stronger

what great works? ultimate cope. how do you lose arguments to men all day and not think you're a retarded gender?

>ori ori original

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>tfw when you upload the wrong picture.

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There are men that are infinitely better than women in almost every way, and there are men that are infinitely worse.
On the whole though, men have created this marvelous world we live in today, while any society led by women either died off or stayed in the stone age, like those tribes in the amazon.

>L-l-look ma! I posted the thread again. It'll sure show those male devils who's boss!!!

>what great works?
Check out Eliot, Austen, Woolf, Dickinson, etc.
Mostly 19th-21st century works, since women were seldom educated before then.

I disagree, cause OP is a fucking gay faggot.

>On the whole though, men have created this marvelous world we live in today, while any society led by women either died off or stayed in the stone age, like those tribes in the amazon.
This is true, but not because men are better leaders than women. Advanced societies are almost always agricultural or post-agricultural, and men's physical strength makes them fit to lead in such a society since women can't do back-breaking farm work.

Post more injured anime grils pls

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I think men are pretty cool and I wish them good fortune. Your move, OP.

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You can use Google yourself, user. Since you're apparently so crazy smart, surely you could do the research yourself.

Thats because the only men you have found are the ones that are willing to approach you. maybe you should stop being lazy.

That's the other, darker side of emotion. Guess what, men can dream and feel deeply in both directions. You can have a man that wants to see the stars and makes it his life's goal to get humanity there and you can have a man who wants to wear female skin because it makes him feel whole.
>Obvious reasons
Like what?
>They create plenty, then lists a bunch of novelists
Books written with the help of editors and publishers are not great works of art. This is a great work of art.

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Men are a blemish on society and would serve better relegated to menial labour and mating services.

>Books written with the help of editors and publishers are not great works of art. This is a great work of art.
...and that's just your opinion. Most editors and publishers are also women, anyways.

correction, mostly 19th, some 20th century. women have degraded since the 50's.

men are society, women just take from it. it's just better if we structure their taking in the form of being housewives.

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And yet men are still literally better at everything even with the introduction of gender quotas and making every attempt to give women an advantage. Instead of making use of said advantage to prove their worth, women instead abuse it to lead an easy, distracted life where their every desire is satisfied and they can avoid ever taking responsibility for anything.

why dont you kill yourself slut. Ill feel bad I promise

Yeah, "approach"
Imagine what men did to her:
>SUPERMEN PUNCH out of nowhere!!!!!
>OOOOOOOH look, he took her out with a singel high kick to the Tempel for no reason. He is my hero!
>let's kick her uterus to oplivion
>Anti bear spray for you my darling
>let's play - why do you hit yourself with my baseball bat!

honestly their are bad people in both genders but that doesnt represent everyone

What level of irony is this on? I've lost count.

nice try tumblr fag

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HUMANS are the worst people in the world and lack any true empathy.
Change my mind.

Men destroy you physically, women destroy you emotionally.

Women think men are worse because they work in emotion, and aren't used to being physically mistreated.

Men think women are worse because they work in physicality, and aren't used to being emotionally mistreated.

>Black men also rape and murder significantly more than humans. The majority of them are little better than cave people. They're dull, testosterone-driven apes.
Jesus christ user please tone it down.

>has submissive fantasies
>lets any male walk all over her
Maybe you just attract those type of men. Have you ever thought of it that way?

Well, it's pretty clear you're either trolling or just a brainlet. Obvious reasons are obvious, fool. And I'm not the one that listed the novels, I told you to use Google.