Be me

>be me
>get shot out of some dude's balls
>into vagina
>holy fuck gotta go quick
>40 million other competitors
>racing up that vag like there's no tomorrow
few hours pass
>fuck there's already millions of other sperm there
>oh i have an idea, i'll just leech off of someone else's hard work
>lol move out of the way faggot, i'm fertilizing this first
>first place
>fuck yeah, now for the ultimate reward
>i get to live
few months pass
>finally resembling a human
>this is so fucking cool
>i'm gonna get to experience the world and-
>what the FUCK is that

Attached: sperm.jpg (620x465, 35K)

Hahaha Dude! Sick greentext! Can't wait to see this on leddit later XDDDDDDDDD

Epic! r/Jow Forums's gonna LOVE this!

Attached: NOW-thats-EPIC.jpg (475x654, 50K)

i choose to believe that this was written ironically

my body my choice amirite? show again how women are sociopaths.

Kys yourself satan trips shitposter

epic and despacito

>>first place
>>fuck yeah, now for the ultimate reward
>>i get to live
The first sperm is the virgin, he just chips away at the egg while some other one actually does the fertilizing.

>personifying a fetus that cannot think
okay, faggot. you're an emotional fuck.

>no fun allowed
OK baby

i legitimately have nothing against abortion, i just think the idea of a sperm winning against millions of other ones only to be aborted comedic

Chrustfags cucked forever

FASD is kinda funny too if you think about it.

abortion is a sin but im leggo my ego alcohol helps my liverino SCREECHING

ahh okay, sorry. continue laughing at fetuses because they're dumb.

Everyone report this post for being low quality.

Yall need to reevaluate internal levels of cynicism. Yall in a dark place.

if it's low quality lemme know how i can improve upon it. i'd rather you do that then just telling me it's bad

Why do men's issues with religion tend to be the logic behind it while women's issues with religion having to deal with morals?

Make it funny

>I was the sperm who won
were they worse than me?