You just have body dysmorphic disorder, go get therapy or something

you just have body dysmorphic disorder, go get therapy or something

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Two weekends ago I tried to go for a girl that I thought liked me. She said sorry then Over heard her talk to our friends saying she would never be drunk enough to fuck me. I'm thinking about killing myself soon.

killing yourself over what a girl thinks of you

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Nope, I'm genuinely 100% unattractive

that's a pretty good image/text contrast, good work op

tfw normiehood is just a few thousand bucks away

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Now wouldn't you feel better if a therapist told you that all of your problems are caused by you and you should just be yourself?

>looks only matter when wanting to get laid

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Surgery needed?

of course, his maxilla is receded and jaw is completely set-back. he even got a nose job too. mewing isn't going to shit for this level of severity

I look like pic related. But I have enough money for plastic surgery. But I was saving up for a house.

What do?

If I buy my house I can rent out rooms and NEET it up till I die. But I will die alone and a virgin. At least with plastic surgery... maybe there is hope?

I'm 23, btw.


yeah it's a good shout. people treat you so differently based on your aesthetics, humans are very fickle. literally if someone had the same personality, but one one an ugly version and the other 'chad' you can bet the ugly one is treated like shite. 'chad' would be hailed as a king.

happened to me back in college, literally cut my hair and people actually spoke to me and respected me. but tbqh if you're fucked up up there then you can be as good looking to a certain extent and you'll still find yourself in a sticky position.

500 showers should do the job

Is it so hard to just stand up straight? The guy isn't a looker but his fucking posture isn't helping.

see how much better he looked after getting a haircut?

>lol u just gotta be confident bro. that's all I do and girls love me

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its all about posture, see how chad is sitting leaned back and straight.. mean while that loser is all hunched and retarded looking? also chad has big arms cuz he works out...

the forward neck posture is a probably a result of being forced to mouth breath because his set-back jaw compressed the nasal cavities and just looking at his big nose looks like he has a deviated septum. he has to posture himself that way just to breathe.

if he tries to fix the posture first he just going to hurt himself and have even more trouble breathing. bad facial development due to bad genes has a complete domino effect on the rest of your body. the person in the op pic needs surgery above all else.

these genetics are extremely unfortunate.

Holy shit, if that's true then I'm glad I live in a country with socialized health care.
Didn't realise it could actually fucks with the airways to any noticeable degree.

Out of interest, do you know how much would it affect him if he wanted to do some sort of endurance sport, like distance running?

OP is just British

im he would be fine, just hunched and mouth breathing the entire time.

>just fix your posture bro

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>Out of interest, do you know how much would it affect him if he wanted to do some sort of endurance sport, like distance running?

I'm not sure but if I were to guess, he's going to have a lot of trouble breathing through his nose and his posture is going to hurt his back. Both of these things are going to make you fatigue, so it's not impossible but it's going to be much harder.

The reason I know this stuff so much is because I'm like this. Not anywhere near as bad as OP but bad enough to where I'm still an unattractive fuck with breathing and posture problems. I can't breathe through my nose comfortably and sometimes I feel shortness of breath. I try to fix my posture but I can feel the airways in my neck constrict and it's too uncomfortable.

My insurance doesn't cover the surgery required and I can't afford it. I'm so upset man, I hate myself so much because I'm a mess.

He actually does kind of look better...

i have actually been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder. had to cover my mirrors up again today. the suicide rate is very high in sufferers of bdd, i've been thinking of adding to those statistics.

that's fucking incredible. he probably could have gotten away with just the nose job

is covering mirrors a sign of bdd disorder? i intentionally don't look in the mirror because of how fat and ugly I am. I don't think im hideous 0/10 but im definitely 2/10 and i stay away from mirrors and getting my picture taken as much as possible

ikr, he looks like a smug bastard now.

the hottest girl at my high school dated a guy who looked just like the left
he was really funny and nice

yeah I don't look in the mirror at all either, even glass pains because I may seem my posture/stature. feels so shite, no one understands it. just "you're fine bro" or "stop being a dick bro". not everything is so simple.

when I got pissed a few weeks ago I thought I made a break through, I thoroughly looked myself in the mirror and thought I looked decent. booze wore off and so did the feel after a few days.

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both covering up/avoiding mirrors as well as obsessively observing your flaws in mirrors are signs of body dysmorphic disorder. there are times where i do both, periods of mirror covering that can last a couple weeks, and then periods of flaw scrutinizing. the thoughts i get about my appearance are obsessive, compulsive, and obtrusive. the disorder is hell.

you may want to look into being diagnosed, user. that sounds a lot like me. do you do a lot of "hiding" too? like when you go out do you wear hats and glasses and scarves and whatever else to hide your face? i do that. i wear copious amounts of makeup as well as hats and sunglasses just to take my garbage out. otherwise i'm completely agoraphobic. the thought of leaving my house and potentially being seen or meeting another person while looking the way i do scares the hell out of me.

why do they make threads like this every day?

I don't cover mirrors but I intentionally look away from them and if I ever need to use one I do it in very low light

yeah, that's pretty pathetic, you should at least kill her and those "friends" before you an hero
if ya do it that way you can at least rape her, too

I never seen a person like this in my whole life
If you only have low and top 0.01% outlier examples your argument is pretty weak
You can't expect anyone to care when it doesn't apply to them you know

left looks like Destiny

I mean jaw correction/implant costs like.. $2000-$4000. I think the house is more expensive and you still save up $2000.

>The average surgeon's fee for a jaw implant is approximately $2,000. Besides the surgeon's fee, expect additional charges for the anesthesia, implant, operating room and related expenses. Costs can be higher in metropolitan areas than in less-populated cities.

top fucking kekk

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what argument? there is no argument, some people are just fucked and thats it. the fact thats its uncommon and nobody cares makes it even worse for people like this.

if theres an argument, its that people like this should have jaw surgery completely subsidized.

another thing that makes it worse is "incels" making fun of them all day

who looks better now?

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terrible morph

the original is a shop to be fair


another completely original post

Yeah and how is making fun of them makes the situation better? Most people would just feel sorry for the guy while incels spend the entire day searching for ugly people on the internet who have absolutely nothing to do with them, just to make fun of those people
You bully random guys you dont find attractive then complain about how cruel the world is

>just to make fun of those people
you're really out of touch if you think this kind of shitposting is about making yourself feel better than or superior to those people

Yeah, it's not even that, it's just picking random guys from all over the internet and fantasizing about how their life is just as shit as their own. Ive seen them doing it to average joes in happy relationships to rich and succesful people
its extremely pathetic

That's kind of sad and I feel for you. Having a condition that affects you just trying to live your own life on your own is pretty rough and I hope it eventually somehow works out.

10/10 kek finally this board makes me laugh

the bball nigger