what the hell even happened to this site?
it used to be nicer, now everyone just seems to go out of their way to make other anons feels as bad as possible for something they did, said or posted about.
What the hell even happened to this site?
Get the fuck out, this board is for failed normies now
Get out of r9k hoe
I think a lot of us got older and either left this place or became more angry and bitter.
These days I don't want people to feel bad but I just don't feel anything when I do make it happen. Depression is a bitch.
i don't see how, people still call each other normalfags for almost every reason
this is what happens when normies invade a community
misery loves company, bitch, and everyone on this board is either the peak of human misery or just came to torment those who are.
>it used to be nicer
I have literally never heard anyone ever say this.
r/incels got closed down and a bunch of them flocked here. they're under the impression that being ugly means that they're doomed in life and that anyone who isn't deformed doesn't belong in their secret club, even though they're mostly slightly below average white guys with offputting personalities. they would live a normal life in a heartbeat if it was handed to them on a silver platter but since they actually need to work at it they've resigned to dragging everyone down to their level
you can spot these kinds of people by their groupthink that they're convinced isn't groupthink: excessive use of buzzwords like normie (which funnily enough has become a widespread meme regurgitated by pop culture and neurotypical people), manipulation tactics used to gatekeep their social circle, No True Scotsmen arguments, etc. in their minds one's ability to get pussy is what makes a robot. this hyperfocus on sexuality is no different from that of frat boys and party sluts, just focused on the negative
I would recommend not taking them seriously. they're basically walking jokes. unfortunately a lot of younger anons are influenced by their behavior which is why you see the vitriol, lack of critical thinking, and maymay spouting spreading across the board like wildfire. just let them think they're Le Redpilled and find some decent folks who are still left over from when the board wasn't so bad
For someone criticizing a lack of critical thinking you sure do lack it yourself.
This pretty much.
I don't want to engage in the same gatekeeping that we see from stereotypical "incels" but their ability to ruin any community they enter really encourages the idea of manning the battlements.
It's not really up to anyone, myself included, to decide what a robot is. I just preferred it when it felt being a robot said something about your mind and not your body.
This hyper obsession with own appearance and lack of sex seems to be so self centered. It feels like if. had they been born with a male models aesthetics, they would be the most vane, narcissistic individuals. Instead they weren't but they are still just as focused on themselves, how they look, and putting their dick between some slices of meat.
Are you a virgin yourself? Perhaps wizchan is better suited for you then. If not, then I wonder what even draws you to a place like this. It's like you're crying about not being able to fit in with weird people.
Maybe I should look into moving over to wizchan. I am still a virgin.
It's just that from what I've seen of wizchan they still have this weird obsession with sex. Just that it's something that should absolutely be kept out of their discussions and avoided at all costs.
Put another way, I don't doubt that one day I will lose my virginity. I don't even find it a big deal that I am a virgin or when I will lose it. To me it's just putting your dick between meat and find it weird how much as of recent I've talked about the idea. The problem is I find that incel's hyper focus on sex and body image and wizchan seems to hyper focus on avoiding looking at it as much as possible.
I just want to talk with interesting people anonymously so that we can speak our minds and leave ourselves outside of the discussion.
bruh it's always been this way
t. here for a decade
You sound like what they would call a volcel, given that you're confident you will lose your virginity. It's honestly not that hard to see why there is an obsession with sex and body image as it's their #1 source of inadequacy and pain. Especially for those that see absolutely no hope or are older.
you sure showed him dude lol
kys nigger, he makes a point, you are the kind of people we need to purge off this board
his entire basis is the just world fallacy, just go back please.
Arrival of normal people.
As they arrived they brought thier only topics of interest: Sex, hierarchies, money, entitlements.
This board is stone dead. It's nothing but drone like noise now.
shut the fuck up with your go back meme you literal retard, you're not special
No it really isn't. The fact that you are so hyper focused on defending your beliefs means you're struggling to grasp the point they're making.
The vast majority of incels believe they're incels because of their body. Justified or otherwise it dosen't actually matter. The fact that you believe you wouldn't be here if you had the body of a male model (or whatever you idealized) makes it seem like you really ought to not be here anyway.
Spotted the assroasted incel :)
It has always been like this, what are you talking about?
The only time I can think of when there was a bit more of community, its at some point at the end of 2010, and only for a short period of time.
Women and reddit migrated here, so there's been a reactionary shift in demeanor, but I assure you there's still plenty nicefrens
Stay strong gamer