Vegan Lifting Hell

Hey Jow Forums, I've been trying out veganism for lifting and holy shit this is extremely difficult.
Here is the blackpill about vegan lifting:
Its fucking impossible to get enough protein.

On a normal vegan diet, getting the bare minimum is fairly easy. But if you're trying to pull 1g/lb or 1.2g/lb of bodyweight, good fucking luck. Since tofu, seeds, and most natural alternatives are very high in fat, have fun trying to get anywhere near your goal before smashing your fat macros skyhigh.

You pretty much got either mock meat (pea protein), seitan, or protein powder to pick from if you want lean protein. Here is the 2nd kicker: plant protein is poorly utilized by the body. Like, really bad. Seitan (wheat protein) is half as effective meat protein. Fucking half.

Final nail in the coffin: this shit tastes bad. Real bad. Gagging with every swallow bad. I'd hope that if I had to chug protein powder, it'd taste good - dead fucking wrong. This shit is disgusting.

I'm not sure what to do guys. Should I wait for lab grown meat? Should I end it all?

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Other urls found in this thread:

just stop being a gay vegan

Just go pescetarian. Maybe eat only small fish that would most likely get fucked up anyway?

>Textured vegetable protein (TVP) chunks

Simmer in a generous amount of water and onions sauce, when they've absorbed as much water as they can fry them in teriyaki sauce. Also good with curry etc. 200cal = 30g protein or so

>protein powder

mix in oatmeal with bananas and cocoa powder, add stevia and PB

>optimise your foods

limit low-protein foods. like if you normally have 300cal worth of lentils and 200cal worth white rice -> just have 500cal worth of legumes

>smoked tofu and hummus sandwiches on rye bread

>high protein onions yoghurt

>chili con beans tacos

>vegan nuggets (frozen quorn ones are heavenly) w/ oven baked potato wedges and hummus

>bean burgers

>learn to cook and season your foods

(I get 140g protein easy like this while eating 2200 cal)

go vegetarian instead of vegan. Eat a ton of cottage cheese and enjoy your gains

OP, you're seeing the Real Truth about 'veganism': it's BULLSHIT. It has nothing to do with human health, it has everything to do with a misguided agenda that places food animals above humans on the food chain.

If you continue you'll barely scrape by with survival-level nutrition, but malnutrition in one form or another is inevitable, and if you want optimal health and fitness, it's basically impossible.

The so-called 'vegan bodybuilders' you see on YouTube are either liars, on steroids, or both. You can't use them as a valid example.

If you have 'moral concerns' about meat and dairy then buy ethically raised and fairly treated only, cage-free eggs, free-range beef and dairy, etc. but EAT IT. Or become Pescatarian (eats fish) and be sure it's wild-caught only from ethical companies.

Humans are NOT strict vegetarians. Clearly. Objectively. Scientifically proven.

Onions tastes like shit because it's NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS. Meat and dairy taste good because it's correct for us to eat it.

Good to see though that you're listening to your common sense now before it causes all sorts of damage to your health.

Genesis 1:26

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Ironically, it isn't about ethics - the only reason I'm doing it is for environmental impact. I figured if I actually believed that climate change was real, I might as well put my money where my mouth is.

I previously bought cage free, free range, etc. That isn't an issue for me.

Eat some fucking eggs. Who the fuck cares?

If you're gay, raise your own fucking chickens sing them bedtime stories as you feed them the finest food and give them comfy blankies in a spacious coop for eggs. What's wrong with that?

>1g/lb or 1.2g/lb of bodyweight,

Lmao retard. Do you take BCAAs too?

Lol you as an individual have no impact on climate change. An overwhelming majority of global warming is being caused by like a handful of companies, and most of their impact is from China.

animal foods do not have a big carbon footprint just because
there is a paper called

Systematic review of greenhouse gas emissions for different fresh food categories

that you can look at that looks for the GWP (global warming potential) per KG of edible food

Eggs scored 3.46. Milk world average is 1.29. Yoghurt is 1.31. Pilchards are 1.10. Herring 1.16. Pollock 1.60.

these are all animal foods. by comparison
Rice is 2.55, Greenhouse lettuce is 3.7, Cheese is 8.55, beef is 26.61, onions are 0.17

Lmao, if you buy shipped goods and use airplanes, you don't do shit

Stop larping?

1. Who cares about fat macros unless you're cutting?

2. Bioavilabillity is the same for plant protein and meat, they break down into the same aminoacids

3. It doesnt taste bad at all. Seitan tastes pretty nice. Im not gonna pretend its identical to meat, but if you can eat a chicken nugget, seitan is far better.

Onions as in onions or onions as in the beans that are word-filtered on Jow Forums?

>Genesis 1:26

Most biblical scholars tend to agree that in the garden of Eden humans did not kill animals. In fact, animals did not kill animals either. While the translation doesn't convey it quite well, humans were created as keepers of the Eden.
(which is why Genesis 1:26 talks about humans and that they "may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock").

As a matter of fact, hunting and raising livestock are mostly considered to be one of the toils included in the curse God placed on the man.

You didn't even get to the deep reasons veganism is retarded (severe malnourishment, tooth loss, decay, emaciation, massive NPC faggotry etc)

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In case you didn't know, we are kicked out of the garden of eden. No more free magic food. Now it's

1 Timothy 4 (KJV)

>Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

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>1-1.2g/lb of b odyweight
nice meme, guess what, anything above 1.2g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight fails to show any significant advantage in resistance trained males REGARDLESS of age.

>Its fucking impossible to get enough protein.
Wrong, sorry.
>tofu, seeds, and most natural alternatives are very high in fat, have fun trying to get anywhere near your goal before smashing your fat macros skyhigh.
Tofu has 50% calories from protein and for the amount of fat it's got its really filling.
>You pretty much got either mock meat (pea protein), seitan, or protein powder to pick from if you want lean protein.
You forgot tofu and tempeh which are both reasonably lean. TVP mince or chunks too.
There's also legumes and legume pastas.
Don't forget that it doesn't have to be "lean protein" for it to count, you can eat a bean chili sin carne instead of tofu with potatoes for example. Legumes have 25-30% protein on average by calories so if you don't eat more carbs/fats with a legume based meal, you're not going to overshoot your calories to get your protein.
Same with greens like broccoli and spinach. I'm not saying they're packed with protein, but for the amount of calories you eat they've got more protein than what you'd need to reach 1.2g/lb so unless you slather the salad in the oil Jew you aren't ruining your macros by eating it. Most greens like kale, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower have 40-50% protein per calorie.
>plant protein is poorly utilized by the body. Like, really bad. Seitan (wheat protein) is half as effective meat protein.
Completely wrong. Sorry but this really grinds my gears. Post your argument for the claim you made and expect a refutation.
>This shit tastes bad.
I don't know where you live. MyProtein vegan blend and soi isolate taste just like whey (the flavoured versions).
Also mock meats taste really great (some brands at least)
Tofu tastes like whatever you spice it with, look up some Indian recipes. Definitely not bad. At worst it's flavourless, if tofu tastes bad it's gone bad
>I'm not sure what to do guys.
You should look for a vegan community to help you with questions, recipes etc.

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OP gonna get fat


FYI op isn't a vegan.

"the black pill about vegan lifting is that you can't get enough protein"

you're fucking retarded. assuming you are poor and lazy as fuck you can still cook lentils/peas/chickpeas and beans and rice and EASILY get 30-40g of protein. have you never made a chili? a curry? peanut butter on whole wheat is roughly 15g protein if you're desperate, plus cereal and basedmilk or any fake meat.

protein powders if you're that autistic that you can't think of anything else. you can get pounds of veg protein for like 12 bucks.

I've been eating like SHIT as a vegan (Ben and Jerry's dairy free caramel ice cream for breakfast and some veg cream cheese on a bagel) and not even considering my protein intake but I've gotten 120g every day the past week and I've eaten less than 2500 calories.

you retarded boomer. first of all you started this thread to give that reply. I don't know any vegans that are protein deficient. I eat 110g on my worst days. also I've gained 15 pounds while vegan and 5 when I was vegetarian. almost entirely muscle mass. also "cage free" is a meme and ALL animal agriculture has huge negative impacts on the environment.

your entire comment is scientifically incorrect horse shit.

>hmmm another autismo making shit up because he has a stick up his ass about veganism
Good Post buddy ;)

Raise your own chickens for ethical eggs and eat a shitload of them op