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First for civil engineering user needs to get her tits out for the lads.
benefits of checking. i was just about to post a can ya smell muh fanny?. edition
gg lad
whys it so spooky in here
I can see it now
will we ever see a /britfeel/ engineer off between SCEA and engineerlass?
october innit
Can we post the first few posts extra quick so I dont have to look at the porn ads
Honestly lads can we please just give her a break. She only wanted to show off her baking.
It's so uncomfy.
>keep getting paranoid and think that someone is secretly talking to me
is this the start of psychosis? fucking hell, what am i becoming.
i am the most intelligent poster
dont know whether i should see my friends tomorrow or save some money so i can binge on snacks for the rest of the month
I literally never smell when I'm in the company of others
my feet never smell, my armpits never smell unless I'm festering alone
my breath doesnt smell
myhair doesnt smell
I find it bizarre how other people do smell
tired of this cunt teasing us, kentslut was much better for it
>tfw old enough to remember kentslut
sorry lad, if you're still around for next thread you can make it
having the same thing but with blinking lights and animals lurking in the corner
yeah, but shes also remembered as kentslut
I am going to keep posting this until you remember.
Lads, if I sign on for bennies, how long before I get them?
How does one summon a South Dakotan?
you're deluded if you reckon this, she's posted her shitty fucking cutlery and other obviously feminine bollocks here also to bait out people into asking her if she's got a moist cunt
october in september
are you a shut in neet too? i think the lack of real life is fucking us up
6+ weeks tbqh
it was a birthday present lad i just thought it was cute
use a browser with ad block/10
meh, team effort init, i'm off to bed now any way. big day tomorrow, need to decide wether to go shopping at farmfoods or get fresh stuff from lidl
sellotape your left shin to your forehead then hold both your arms out and hop on the other foot spinning round while yelling SOUTH DAKOTA GRILLS ASSEMBLE
I'm sorry you had to go through this tonight. I hope it's not put you off this place for good.
Get some fresh stuff from Lidl then whatever you need to from farmfoods. Thanks for all you do though lad xxx
I can feel myself getting angry lads. help me
pack it in, you big girls blouse.
have I got myself a keeper if she got me a birthday present after only a few months of knowing me?
shut in to an extent last few months, most days
but not a neet, no. Also have contact with the same people semi-regularly.
but I do occasionally use various droogs
Two types of men:
>thirsty cunts
>white knights
Why aren't there any men who just act like normal towards women?
Need you to be less rude to other posters
>men who just act like normal towards women?
thats me because women aren't fucking special
*hugs you*
You don't belong here.
Two types of women
>Cock hungry Stacies
>Cock hungry demure slags
Why aren't there any women who just act normal towards men?
I'm 24 but I look 16. My mum bought me a lighter and the cashier joked that she'd pretend it wasn't for me.
well it's a 1 or the other type thing. fresh may be better and only need to make 3 meals as i get paid on friday. might let my mum treat me to tea at hers tomorrow
and i just do muh bit, nowt special
Think i know who this is, you are a known poster on this thread.
look at this video lads
wtaf, state of California
my arms are permanently tanned all year round lads, what the fuck
i feel like my head is squeezed into a tiny box and i cant access any of my thoughts but i can still feel them there
woah that's mind boggling
post boi pucci cutey boi
I act normal to women I meet in real life but I can't act normal to a woman here. It's like if a woman was in the men's toilets or something.
hahah mate properly mental innit
Lads what does it feel like to be neurotypical? There's gotta be a few of you here
no shit there laddie, you for one know I'm posting
Haha can't even be arsed to link it now I went off
it was a video of a guide entitled "guide to voting for non-citizens... ___ November 2018"
When I dsicovered Wednesday Campanella in 2014 they quickly became my favourite artist.
I also really like Chvrches, so you can imagine that when youtube.com
You can look at someone's face and instinctively know immediately what they are thinking or feeling.
You can imagine situations that other people are experiencing and have a fair idea of what it feels like, even if you've never experienced it yourself.
You have a reasonable idea of the right thing to say in most situations, even if you've never experienced that exact situation before.
You can sometimes find the right words to change the way the people around you feel in a positive way.
All of this is done without any thought, just by instinct. None of it works 100% of the time, and you often get it wrong. The older you get, the more often you can get it right.
Most of that I can relate to though, but I still feel different to other people, weird
Sounds like a super power
That fucking sucks, I want my bennies now.
Get a job NEETscum
Got a little treat for you this Sunday night...
Brand new Lee!
is that title really necessary
that intro gets me hype every time
anyone got an id on that tune
Think it's time to take up poker again, lads
>was semi-pro 2005-2011
>paid myself 250 quid pw and maintained a 25k bankroll
>gambling winnings are non-taxable
Not comfy, but better than minimum wage cuckery and beats JSA
>tfw unemployable because I'm shit at interviews
I'll just live off of your tax dollars wagie, maybe even make some investments to multiply my NEETbux infinitely
>Lee hasn't shaved in over a month because he lost his razor
that happened to me, now i have a beard
i dissociate all the time but i dont think anything traumatic has happened to me
Boiler's been making funny noises and the temperature on the screen says 38c even though the heating's off and not had the taps on.
Going to bed now and cba with it going off during the night as my bedroom's above where it is. Just turned it off, shouldn't blow up right?
Ah well if it does future me can deal with it
>shouldn't blow up right?
they can do
that's just called being a Mong mate
just push me out the way if i mong out in front of you
Yeah but wouldn't it have to be on, and i think it's only coming on to regulate the temp, don't think the pressure went up. Going to risk it, i may or may not be back in the morning
Doing a little livestream lads check it out if you want.
lads can you please help me with this one
I don't like people that have friends sorry
What is that man doing to that dog?
Do I need to call RSPCA?
i dont have friends most of the time, these are just some people i knew ages ago
100 bong says helper user gets another pizza
I'm sure you could get a job at mcdonalds
Didn't you have a flat viewing like a week ago?
Listening to this club banger
>Implying I want to work at McDonalds.
Would probably still fuck up the interview
I've been told by 2 people recently that I have a serious facial expression which basically means my autism is outwardly visible.
Have you considered being a rentboi that specialises in the Asian female market?
I'm supposed to be moving in next week but I'm still doubtful
Hypa seems to have gotten quite bad again recently, losing a lot of money.
Odds and I set up remotely controlled LED lighting before I go back to uni
Evens I do it when I move up
Bennies still haven't been paid in. They're usually always in by quarter to 1.
Starting to get pretty fucking nervous lads.
Been listening to the FIFA 12 soundtrack. Man this is a comfy throwback. Gives me true nostalgia because it's literally the first time I've heard them since the game was out
didn't want to wait desu
disappointed with this roll
>uni fags
you have no idea how bad it gets
Well that's pretty good eh?
So what music do you lads think you will look back on fondly? I think it's a lot of that 2007-2012 indie, and the fact a lot of it's not that amazing shows how much of a place in my heart it has
yeah its probably very good but I don't know how it'll turn out. It might help but moving out is no longer a cure all as it would have been a year ago. It'll be very beneficial to work on hygiene, eating and just some personal independence. I still need to get a job I think though
i have never really followed modern music, not because i think its shit, a lot of the music i was brought up on happened to be old. there are only a few modern musical artists that i listen to
Kieran's a good lad to lee. bless him
Same for me really, my taste is very disproportionately old
but it makes me happy that there are some things I will be able to say, I remember that, that was a good time etc.
this album was one of my favourites, loved it track for tack
Still no bennies lads. Pretty sure I'm fucked. Don't even have credit to ring them and find out why.
officially having a panic attack lads, gone almost a week without one too, gutted
I probably would if I was attractive enough and could get paid enough. It's mostly the not being attractive enough stopping me
pure wish i had a bag of peanut mn ms right now
Oi panic attack, you leave my mucker alone