User, if you're that upset about being a virgin come around to my house tonight

>user, if you're that upset about being a virgin come around to my house tonight
What do you do?

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Wake up from the dream and cry that this will never happen to me.

>It depends. You do anal?

keep doing what you're doing man. you're the highlight of my day. I make these threads occasionally too to support you

>Wake up from the dream

why in the fuck would you want to do that? Just Clean up the mess latter.

Um, go to her house of course...
What am I supposed to say no because shes black?

Fix your nappy hair and i'll gladly plow you chocolate booty

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I just feel like that's what would happen to me, I wouldn't choose to wake up

her obviously

this post is unspeakably original so fuck you mr robot

this guy is very good at drawing traps/shemales

Nappy hair is better bro. Totally straight hair doesn't work on black women who are more than half black, imo

Nappy hair just looks rough and unpleasant to touch smooth hair is soft to the touch

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Her hair isnt even nappy, its just curly...

You need to decolonize your taste, friend

It's a trap so Jamal and Tyrone can rob you

>dressed in Walmart/target
No thanks

Sorry bro that's not possible

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That would probably be my 1st thought too.
Id ask her for a sample first like a quick BJ just to know shes serious, if she declines then I know its a trap.

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No thanks

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>c-can i get a sample

she'd probably change her mind just from that lol

>depends, how big are youre farts?

Why are average looking black girls so rare?

I feel like 90% of them fall into the ass ugly 2/10 category or 9+/10 goddess category.

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What exactly does an "average" black girl look like to you?

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Turn her down because even if I say yes it's just one night
It's not gonna fix my constant loneliness

>a sample

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>hmm yes my dear, but to make sure I can trust you I must have a sample, go on, dip your finger in the shoot so I can have a taste

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Don't go for a chick with a huge ass if your dick can't make it past the cheeks.

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That only applies for anal...
The vagina isnt located between her cheeks you dumb virgin.

>Implying you'd have a clue yourself.

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Greentexting wont dispute the fact that youre a retard.
Im still right

>come over
>hug and snuggle qt
>maybe fuck maybe not, doesn't matter

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>Begins with anal

>a sample

Want to fap to her?

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this says a lot about our society... gamers rise up!

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The creatura mutts i would put into her

>creature mutts
you mean superior beings?

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I know, amerimutts are the most powerful race.

That depends on what relation they are to you.

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Black girls are based, literally the moment my black roommate found out I was a virgin she offered to take it. Pretty promiscuous I guess but if there were more girls like that around, Jow Forums would be a totally different place.

Wherr did you get that good luck jonothan pic .

Jesus what a skank
That's not a good thing sir

In general no, but for virgin me it was.

did you accept? how was it?

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I did because of the desperate chance. It wasn't awful and I got to lose it. Plus she was super sweet about it so I'm really thankful for the chance and grateful to her.

Girl I don't even know where the hell you live