how are my fellow hikkis?
im sitting in my dark room and to be honest, the world outside of my screen in front of me doesnt exist.
Do you guys even want to become "normal" again?
I feel like we are biggest robots, we dont even function IRL outside of our rooms or home.,
/NHK/ NEET hikki thread
If I could I'd be a hikki, unfortunately I have to pay my rent, internet food etc, so I have to go to work but outside that I don't have any friends or any other kind of human interaction, sometimes I just wish I could curl up in a ball and cease existing
>If I could I'd be a hikki
you mean NEET, no one wants to be a hikki man trust me.
NEET is comfy but can go outside, hikki cant go outside.
NEET is freedom, hikki is slave
There is nothing for me outside Satan. but thanks for your concern
why did you call me satan
Just check your post number
look at your post number
Cute picture. Thanks, user. I appreciate you.
nice, I was paranoid you guys knew me or something
Doing pretty good friend. Almost 1 month since I have smoked cigarettes and weed. 10 months since I drank booze. Feeling healthy and saving up my extra autism-bux for a new PC. How are you?
>How are you?
relapsed on drinking, shit in general man.
it only gets worse.
You are hikki?
Honestly the fact that once I leave highschool this year (I'm 18 no underage b&) scares me. If I don't change something soon I will 100% become hikki. I only ever leave the house for school and once that's done I will have no reason to ever leave since I have no plans for college or getting a job. Is there anything I can do to get out of this mindset?
Do any of you have fucked up sleeping patterns? I've found the past couple of months I've been going to bed in the early hours and waking up late afternoon/early evening time. It's depressing but in a way it's kinda comfy because the during the hours I'm awake I don't have to deal with people so much, if at all.
It's coming up to 3am and I'm thinking of going for a nightwalk to the main road to watch the trucks going past. I've long since given up any hope of being "normal" and just want to do my own things now up until the point I get the balls to kill myself.
>Is there anything I can do to get out of this mindset?
Not really man, if you become a shut in I PLEAD to you that you should at least go outside sometimes.
even just outside at night or soemthing.
it is one thing to be a shut in voluntarily, but to be trapped inside because you cant go outside due to prolonged isolation is terrible.
So try still go outside.
>Do any of you have fucked up sleeping patterns?
my sleep schedule is all over the place.
staying up at night is comfy, user.
I suggest you put foil on your windows so you get 0 light, that way it is like night time forever
Unfortunately my hikki-NEETdom ends tomorrow. I have decided to go to university and try to get my life back on track.
Yes. It is quiet at night, and I like that. I haven't had a conventional sleep schedule in over a year. Fortunately, my lectures all take place in the evening so I can continue to stay up all night. I avoid rush hour too. All in all it's a pretty good deal.
What do your average sleep patterns look like, if I may ask? Mine on average are;
Sleep between 4am - 7am
Wake between 2pm - 7pm
mine are all over the place because I take NEETnaps all the time.
normally ill sleep during day but now im up during day.
Used to wake up at 6-7PM and sleep at 10 AM.
thanks for chatting in hikki thread, hikki threads is like only threads without a bunch of normalfags
5am-8am to 1pm-4pm. Sometimes I sleep less and take a nap later. I try not to sleep at night in general.
you like western lolis?
i cant get into western but anime lolis make my pp so hard
hikki here
generally my sleep is like this:
sleep between 4-11am
wake between 5-10pm
i dont like the daytime because thats a reason for my mother to bother me
I escaped NETT.Hikki life after 3 1/2 years. Misaki will never come for you.
Not really. I do like quaint loli depictions like pic related, but aside from this and (classical?) art of little girls there isn't much that the west offers.
i cant fap to this stuff.
and I like fap to ecchi or non lewd lolis.
Can't you appreciate lolis without lewding them?
holy shit
I know that feel man, it took me a long time and diminishing health for me to stop. Hope you get the strength to do the same.
>You are hikki?
Yes, I have been NEET since I was 16. I am 27 now and over the years have gone in and out of hikki phases but I have currently been hikki for 2 years.
What I meant is that I dont like western style, the artist of pic related in your post here I can enjoy.
I just dont like western style, this guy does great work and I have a lot of it saved.
I dont really want to become normal and fit in.
I don't understand what you mean, I didn't say anything about being normal or fitting in.
>Hope you get the strength to do the same.
I guess I meant I have given up..sorry fren for not being clear
Np man, I get it now. I only intended that as strength to stop drinking completely since you said it was a relapse. I'd probably still be drinking and smoking if it wasn't for the fact that my body physically started to reject them. I 'd get through a few beers and start having a panic attack leading to nausea and a plethora of other bad feelings. Same for the smokes/weed, a few puffs would send me into instant panic. I think it comes down to age, spend enough time indulging in bad habits, emotionally shut down from the damage it's causing, and the body eventually retaliates against the mind.
thread slowly dying, you know for hikkis you guys suck at replying often
music and tulpa takes up alot of my time :)
what places in america are good for being a neet?
I think I'm going to kill myself.
I need to get a job otherwise I'm going to be thrown out. Got called the other day but didn't notice until yesterday night. Spent all day today freaking the fuck out because I knew I needed to make the phone call. Lo and behold, I didn't.
I probably won't tomorrow either.
Fuck this life. Fuck this world. I think I'm done. I wasn't meant to live. My forearm right below my elbow has been killing me all day and I'm really hoping it's a blood clot or something so I can die with dignity atleast. But God knows I'm not that lucky.