What do you guys think is the boomer to zoomer ratio on this board?
What do you guys think is the boomer to zoomer ratio on this board?
Probably about 50/50 desu
heavy zoomer influx
The chad boomer vs the virgin z**Moid
If you were born in the nineties your not a Boomer. Your either a millennial or a zoomer. Your post is retarded.
>Tfw in 2000
Lol this is my board now no boomers *dabs on you*
Fucking faggot
*sips monster and spits out tabacco*
That boomer that doesn't get the joke. Have a sip, bucko.
I dont think he means boomer as in the "baby boomer" generation user...
>not being a doomer
1997 is the cutoff for boomers
People born in 1997 were at least 3 years old when 9/11 happened and thus can at least vaguely remember it
>I've been on Jow Forums since you were 9
Oh god please fucking shoot me
What is the zoomer haircut supposed to look like in real life?
3 year olds dont remember 9/11 at all, I was 5 and dont remember it
>he didn't start forming memories at 3
>forcing an unfunny meme this hard
its not even necessary given the boomer and zoomer ones, at least NPC had a role
Google image search "hitler youth haircut".
It's called an undercut
Childhood amnesia fades at 6, you are remembering false memories
Boomer pic related comic confirms.
Now go back to reading the New Yorker or something.
Why the fuck do so many kids get that haircut its fucking horrendous
I turn 25 this year, can any other elderly anons help me get started on the sip life?
>this entire pic-related
I was born in 1987
>there is a massive difference in mindset between someone born on dec. 31st 1999 and someone born on January 1st 2000
zoomers are like 14-19, boomers are like 27+
us twenty-somethings are clearly neither.
Fucking Tweener Twink
I'm a boomer but I lean towards more of being a zoomer
It's not hard to guess
So where us 95'ers located? We're like in some weird age limbo between boomers and zoomers.
Check em
t. Assmad zoomer
90-95 = Boomers
95-00 = Doomers
00-05 = Zoomers
Boomer according to the meme but I prefer the coconut water and also don't have grey hair yet.
i was born in '97, i remember sitting in the living room watching cartoons and my parents came in and switched it to the news to see what was going on. didn't have the mental capacity to actually realize what had happened, but i still remember it.
I remember 9/11. I remember pieces of the world before 9/11. The times they are a changin'
Id say 70% zoomer and 30% boomer
boomer bile here.
>born in 1998
>I have the boomer sunglasses
>they're my favorite and only pair of sunglasses
I'm becoming the meme
I find this funny because my dad, who's an actual baby boomer, tells me to let the dishes soak in the sink.
>tfw born in 1976
wut that make me boyz
Bob Dylan confirms boomer
Gen X
It's gotta be about 50% at this point. It's pretty cringey to think about how much effort I might have put into replying to teenage boys.
Late 90s are zoomer. The Ben 10 faggots. Mid 90s are between boom and zoom.
i'm 96 and don't remember doom at all or diablo 2. elliot rodger was 1992 and he didn't play diablo 2 or doom.
I was born in 86 and my generation is so fucking gay, why couldn't I be part of Generation X Master Race? We had the best video games but had to go fuck it all up and let stupid sjw have their worthless opinion. Fuck.
mid-late 90s boomerzoomers are the superior generation. born late enough to not idolize shitty games with shitty mechanics like fallout 2, jrpgs and doom while still capturing the halo series in its prime and shrek 1, lotr, and avatar the last airbender. we're the first generation not to watch shitty sitcoms as well because that's when media evolved beyond primarily watching TV as a child.
>enough to not idolize shitty games with shitty mechanics like fallout 2, jrpgs and doom while still capturing the halo series in its prime and shrek 1, lotr, and avatar the last airbender. we're the first generation not to watch shitty sitcoms as well because that's when media evolved beyond primarily watching TV as a child.
Oh never mind zoomers are retarded too, forgot fortnight is the new cod which is the new halo and none of them are good as quake. Like seriously how do you enjoy all that trash? I mean I can go back and appreciate stuff from before I was born, guess your brain hasn't full developed yet.
Mid 90s only. Late 90s grew on Ben 10 and Hannah Montana so they're more Zoomer.
>tfw 2000 zoomer
Soon 2001 zoomers will reveal themselves too, how does this make a boomer feel?
Same. I can't relate to my generation past 2008. I'm still stuck in the 90s and 00s. I don't feel the need to be SJW or communist. I don't see the point.
>1980-1999 = Boomer
Is this a joke?
you mean I don't even get a memetacualr -oomer name, I have to settle for that stale doug copeland shit?
Generation x are boomers. If you're born before 1991, you're a boomer.
I bet you lack an inner voice, npcfag
30 yo boomer detected.
I was born in 1996. When I see these pics saying that Boomers were born in the 1980s/early 90s, all I see is a bunch of milenials that dont want to be lumped in with their own pussy generation, and would much rather be associated with an older, more traditionally masculine age group.
I get it, hipsters, numales, and betas are gross and undesirable, and no one wants to be categorized with them, but using the term Baby Boomer to refer to the wrong age group is just fucking stupid. Shit like this is why the definitions of gen-x, gen-y, gen-z, and millennial are fucking skewed.
Dudes born in the 1990s probably dont even own ride-on lawn mowers, theres no way they can call themselves boomers.
fuck i was born in 1979
am i a boomer?
boomers are 30+
not hard to figure out
>born 93
>no fucking idea what I am, the definitions change so wildly
Nah the boomers end and the zoomers start at the 1995
Just like the cartoon.
Goes best with a backpack
>being grouped with boomers.
No one wants that. Gen X, the Silent Generation, and the Greatest Generation all hated them. They were called generation ME in the 70s for being selfish entitled shits who threw everything on charge cards. I'd rather be associated with my pussy generation then the worst generation.
>no harry potter
it was almost perfect
You are barely a millennial as well, the cut off is a year after you. Also not all millennials act menially, hell generations have been a meme since Gen X. What impacts how people act most is what they are exposed to growing up, you see millennial all the time who are bitter nihilists because they were poor and all they had were Gen X forms of entertainment. Like you see Zoomers who only had Millennial forms of entertainment so they act more like them. All depends on how you grew up now on how you act.
I don't get it
Of you are born on 1/1/95 are you a boomer or doomer?
>tfw 1999
>technically boomer
Point is, calling people in the 1980-1999 time frame Boomers is simply incorrect. Most anons on this board are insecure as fuck and really concerned with labels. If boomer memes are the new big thing, refer to the correct generation at the very least.
Literal 30 year old Boomer
>All those nigger lovers
70/30 zoomer faggot domination.
>i hope they die a slow painful dead
gas em all fugin zoomer retards. Jewish puppys all of them!
>Hitler was a hero
You realize 23 year olds were born in 95 right?
The era where that stuff was true is long gone, 23 year olds now are either perfectly fine or forced themselves to be here because they were here when Jow Forums was at it's height i.e. when they were kids
post yfw you found out this dance is called the butt floss
>tfw I have a zoomer high school cousin who disrespects his parents and they're too weak to discipline him
It's ironic how he's Mormon. I doubt he's as serious about practicing his religion as his older brother and sisters are. I also bet he lurks here... nah, probably not. He's probably too weak minded to be able to comprehend the shit that goes on here, but I know he's into computers and Minecraft.
>tfw I was 12 when 9/11 happened
I thought aliens did it before I found out it was us.
Apply for credit cards, use them, and realize how badly you fucked up. Miss payments, fail to pay taxes, and realize who the enemy truly is one collection agencies and the IRS comes after your money (protip: you're your own enemy - you could have prevented this). That's a glimpse of what adulthood is actually like. You'll be able to view the whole spectrum once you own a house and have a family of your own and you're struggling to keep a roof over everybody's heads.
I love Bang's root beer.
its okay to be an NPC
This boomer, zoomer thing is just a Jewish ploy to divide and conquer us
Holy shit poptropica
>technically a boomer
>practically a zoomer
be ashamed of yourself
Now that was a game. These fortnite kiddies have probably never played a game they didn't download to their hard drive.
Based & Redpilled
This post is very original I swaer
you people are retarded, literal NPCS that believe false memories
Why is throwing everything on a charge card wrong in today's era? If pay is low and living standards are getting lower fuck being responsible. Just live it up. The money is imaginary anyways. Money is based on imagined value and all debt but student loans can be treated as imaginary negative value on some ledger. You can file bankruptcy any time. Nice guys finish last.
Replace yu yu hakusho with naruto, and it works.
>When I see these pics saying that Boomers were born in the 1980s/early 90s, all I see is a bunch of milenials that dont want to be lumped in with their own pussy generation, and would much rather be associated with an older, more traditionally masculine age group.
It's a fucking joke holy shit.
What I learned was you have less if you're responsible and ethical and hard working and more if you're irresponsible, risky, and unethical.
So to win at life fuck being ethical or prudent. Those aren't the people who will have the most.
About 1:10 original cocknut juice
An ancient grandpa
>before I found out it was us
Fucking kike get back in the oven
finally a boomer pic i can relate to. fucking monster energy drinks. get outta here with that faggot piss water.
2001 so I am zoomer
Yeah, I saw that on American Dad, but I don't get it why kids like it.
No shame, honestly
and youre posting stupid egirls. grow up old man.
>born one year too late
I-I'm still a boomer at heart guys!!!
pre 00 : boomer
post 00: zoomer
mods = gods
Thanks for keeping the zoomers out mods!