Hey chums. How's it going? I hope well.
Turns out I did fall asleep. Dog woke me up around noon though.
Hey chums. How's it going? I hope well
what a lovely thread. i'm doing swell i just finished my homework.
>i'm doing swell i just finished my homework
Good job getting it done. Now you have some time to do as you please, which is always refreshing. Hope you're enjoying it.
Good so far, My ear isn't bothering me so much today. Gonna watch Girls und Panzer later. What about you OP?
Also there's another thread like this in case you're wondering why there's not a lot of replies. Thought the other OP was you.
I had a fun day watching films and playing videogames, I'm going to sleep now. I hope you guys have a nice day.
I'm not doing very well, I've lost my will to fight to be honest.
Looking back at it all, I had some great fucking moments, but now not so much. I just feel so dull and tired.
I don't know how to rekindle my fire, and neither do I know that that's what I want. For now it's important to just stay afloat.
That's good. The fact it' s going away proves it's probably nothing after all.
>Girls und Panzer
Heard people enjoy it, I have to check it out some time. Hope you have fun watching it.
>Also there's another thread like this in case you're wondering why there's not a lot of replies
Nah sometimes threads get replies sometimes they don't. It's ok if some don't take off. Curious though, what thread was it? Can you link if it isn't trouble?
Sounds great, glad your day was a lot of fun. Good night, have sweet dreams.
Losing your passion is a serious problem. Not being fulfilled or having drive is sadly common, staying afloat and trying to bring that will back is a great idea. Sorry you're feeling down, I get where your coming from and really hope you can get out of the dark place you're in.
don't make these threads everyday
>Hope you have fun watching it.
Yeah I like it so far, I think I'm not enjoying it as much as I should because I just finished watching KonoSuba and GuD doesn't have a Megumin or Aqua. It's still good though.
>Can you link if it isn't trouble?
Why? I don't think they're particularly obnoxious. I already have for a while, unless there's a real life thing stopping me on that day. Just hide the thread if it isn't your style.
Oh I didn't see that one on the catalog. Sorry for making a dupe thread. I'll sage my posts then.
>Yeah I like it so far, I think I'm not enjoying it as much as I should because I just finished watching KonoSuba and GuD doesn't have a Megumin or Aqua. It's still good though.
That's good in a way. When characters become tropes the genre gets boring. Hopefully there are things to like about the girls in that show. Glad you like it at least!
>I'll sage my posts then.
Well the other OP isn't even replying so I guess it's fine to keep this one active.
>That's good in a way. When characters become tropes the genre gets boring.
True. You should give the show a shot too.
What are you struggling with?
About to start the nightly vodka consumption, I feel like I might be coming down with some kind of respiratory shit because I've been hacking up phlegm all fucking day. Maybe I'll get lucky and that combined with my cigarette smoking and asthma will let me suffocate in my sleep
If it isn't an issue I'll bump then I suppose. I'll definitely give it a shot when I can, thanks for recommending it.
Hope you don't kill yourself with the drugs man. It can't be helping anything for you. You probably have bronchitis or some kind of cold, if you smoke they're more common and it's starting to be the season for it. I hope life can be brighter for you so you don't hope to die, that's no way to exist.
>Hope you don't kill yourself with the drugs man. It can't be helping anything for you. You probably have bronchitis or some kind of cold, if you smoke they're more common and it's starting to be the season for it. I hope life can be brighter for you so you don't hope to die, that's no way to exist.
I know it's now helping anything long term but it gets me through each night so I'm not ready to quit altogether now and I don't know when/if I will be. I'm suspecting it's just a cold since I always get them this time of year, might just be a little worse than usual because my immune system is no doubt fucking shot from drinking every night. Probably won't be as bad as last year when I was spiking fevers of 103-104 every few days for a while, I blame that one on all the heroin I was shooting at the time
>it gets me through each night so I'm not ready to quit altogether now and I don't know when/if I will be
You never will with that outlook. I hope you will stop for your own good, getting through the night with drugs every day of your life and feeling like shit is no way to live. The longer you're addicted the less recovery is possible in your brain. They can do terrible physiological things too, worse than fevers by a lot. I know this won't change your mind but I feel obligated to say it regardless. I hope it's a cold and goes away fast though, bigger respiratory problems are a pain.
Is Jow Forums acting up for anyone else? Longer than usual load times and no auto update here. Also I see Hiro added more botnet through uMatrix.
Thanks for the kind words user, I know I'm doing myself no favors whatsoever with the way I live but I did the sober thing for a while and it just made me even more miserable and I'm honestly just so fucking tired that I can't rustle up the energy to change in any way
Sometimes I have to reload the page instead of update to see new posts, but no big problems.
I get where you're coming from, and I feel that way too a lot about things in my life. The thing about drugs that really worries me is that sobriety doesn't undo the problems addiction creates, just stops more from developing, so I try to encourage people to stop when I can. I empathize with your situation though, it's really hard to change and sometimes hardest to want to.
Seems like it's taking an extra 10-15 seconds for a post to update, other than that it's fine.
>posted in one of these threads about how I wanted to apologize to a girl who had been nice to me in class about being a grumpy fuck
>managed to find the courage (albeit drug induced) to do so last Wednesday at the end of class
>admitted that I've had a "rough year"
>have to go to the same class I have with her tomorrow
fuck bros I'm afraid of the fallout
I have nothing left. I don't know what to feel. I love you all.
Yeah I remember you. Glad you spoke up. What kind of fallout are you expecting? I don't get it. You already told her, right? What more could happen? I'm sure everything will be ok for you.
We don't have much but we have each other. Love you too.
>thanks for recommending it.
Yeah np. Also the first episode has very shitty framerates for the CGI for the tanks(Looks like a slideshow) but it gets normal right after.
At worst she'll ghost you, or she could understand you're in a dark place and would give you some space. What did you say to her again?
>What kind of fallout are you expecting? I don't get it. You already told her, right?
>What did you say to her again?
All I said was that I've been having a rough year and apologized if I've come off as grumpy or irritable when she talks to me in class, I know there's realistically nothing to worry about but I can't help worrying that it'll fuck my shit up in some way
I want that relationship back
Pretty normal feeling when you go outside of your comfort zone, means you're doing the right thing.
>the first episode has very shitty framerates for the CGI for the tanks
I'm normally not to hard on pilots, I'll stay with it.
Good luck man, I'm sure she won't be offended by you saying that. It'll be ok.
There's always someone to miss and someone to meet. Sorry you don't have it anymore.
Yeah, me too. Everybody is unique, and so I don't think I will ever ever find a relationship like that in another person ever again. But I just gotta keep trying, no matter how tough it gets, and hope some day my dream becomes a reality.
>But I just gotta keep trying, no matter how tough it gets, and hope some day my dream becomes a reality.
That's all anyone can do. I really hope you find them, and I think you will.