Mobile browsers, how do you scroll Jow Forums? Chrome, clover or anything else?

Mobile browsers, how do you scroll Jow Forums? Chrome, clover or anything else?

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Clover for Android

>phonefags? on my board?
it's more likely than you think

i use the chan cause im on apple

I tried it and you can't even search from the catalog. Pretty barebones compared to what's on Android.

There's Tetra which might be good but I haven't tried it because there isn't a pirate .ipa yet.

I use fortune, comfy as fuck

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the mimi Jow Forums reader is really comfy so i use that one

Can you post threads with it? I thought the functionality was broken since it hasn't been updated

you can search from the catalog though, there is a search bar

that's good then. Guess I used an older version

I use the mimi app whenever.
It's alright.
I usually don't use my phone for posting, though.

CM Browser, i like the full screen option

omnichan is masterrace app for browsing this hellhole

Only real niggas use Clover.

Yeah just tried because I normally don't make threads on mobile, worked out fine

Used chrome before knowing Clover, been using it since, it became a easier to browse on phone but i still prefer pc for shit like HR and generally bigger images, i download tons of shit image here then transfer them to my pc

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Clover is for shitters, use dashchan

Clover works so well I don't care to try anything else

I use the original Firefox

I use omnichan. I like it a lot

>not updated for 8 months
>captcha window broken
I did like image options before posting though, resizing, removing metadata etc

I exclusively use Clover.

>look for Jow Forums browser for bed-buddy phone
>app has 500k+ downloads
>"This app has in-built advertisements"

Well yeah Jow Forums has millions of users and also ads, you just don't notice them because of tour ad block

>"This app has in-built adertisements"
That means the app itself, not any content that is loaded contains advertisements. There's a difference between the source and the mirror[?].

I use free adblock browser


I just use chrome. It's not bad and I can't really understand why people would download a whole new app for this shit

Mimi is surprisingly smooth

Safari on private windows.
>inb4 urr apul
Piss off it was a raffle win.

I use mimi

>bed-buddy phone

I use a regular browser and ban these at router level.

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To anyone using Mimi, do yourself a favor and download an apk for Clover, it's miles better

Attached: IMG_20180912_070750.jpg (259x194, 10K)

Have an issue replying when I'm outside on my phone. For some reason my ip is constantly banned.

clover makes browsing Jow Forums so fucking easy u dont even know. also downloading an app isnt that big of a deal


I use Mimi. Good shit

whats the best Jow Forums android app? Has to be open source and buildable from source btw