30+ Thread

30+ Thread - I feel slightly brighter today but it's not gonna last the afternoon.

Anyone feel they would be in a better position if they had an actual female presence in their life, even just on a platonic level? (I know I'm asking Jow Forums but still.)

I think 2007 was the last time any girl talked to me beyond just polite indifference.

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I dont even have the mental stamina to make a post but here is one anyway. im fucking tired of being alive

It's very helpful to have one. Just because it makes you feel like you're not completely unwantable.

I mustered the effort to create a kik account and post on /soc/. Spoke to a girl (male) over video chat. Feel like exponential progress was made today.

who da girl she cute

>tired of living
In what way?

>female presence
oh for sure, to be honest I would love anyone to talk to right now even though I know that normie advice is always 'get professional help, get a job, go outside, exercise, do things'
I go on small gaming streams sometimes just to get some interaction, mostly superficial game related stuff but it helps.

Last time I had any meaningful interaction was when I turned down a girl in college just before dropping out, I was always helping her and her friend with school stuff and making small talk during breaks or before classes.
It was awkward as hell coming up with an excuse when she straight up asked me out, if I remember correctly I said something like "Uhhh I can't do that sort of stuff right now I have to focus on school but I'll let you know if I change my mind", the truth was I didn't think she was attractive enough to be 'official' with if that makes any sense (but I would fuck her, no doubt).
She went on to date another guy in our circle of friends right after and they were together for a while.

Also I know it's normie as hell but I really do believe once you have your life in order (your own place, a job) getting companionship is trivial because on the basic level all people want it, it's just a matter of breaking the ice and getting people to be social outside of job/school hours.

I literally just have to ignore my problems or it becomes too much to bare. The more I work and drink the less I think about it. I felt like I was 22 yesterday and now I'm a 30 fucking year old man. I honestly believe I haven't changed a bit since about fifteen years old. I still fantasize about having my first kiss, or first girlfriend like a teen would do. God. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>NOT cosplaying an Anzu

same, I feel very little personal progression from around 22 to now (32)
the only thing I feel more strongly about is how the world and people are fucked, it literally is always about money and sex.
you can still make it though, I have a friend that went from KSV to a married man in his 30's.

I am 18 what life advice can you people give me?

Stick with the things you do and have and see them all the through, be it friends, hobbies, school, job.
Commit and take responsibility for whatever path you choose to lead your life to.

>22 yesterday
I remember when some asked if I feel different when I turned 21 and replied to them that it feels no different.

Really should clocked on that something was wrong back then. I still feel like a socially retarded teenager except trapped in a 30 yo man's body.

Fuck off.

38 here,... still feel like mid 20s...

I must confess I never really felt myself aging...
Also I am not a trubot... I did have a few relationships but ultimately felt so jaded by female behavior and general relationshit drama that I still feel I haven't had a proper one if that makes sense...

Went out drinking with a bunch of 25 year olds last Saturday. Fucking hell, spent entire day shitting my guts out and layingabout in my bed. Never used to have hangovers like that, it's just not fucking worth it.

You know, I'm starting to think that just like the "Be yourself" advice that "lower your (probably) insane stardards" also only works for younger people.

I'm sitting at this bus stop near a shopping centre and noticed all the slightly rotund, plain nerdy chicks were paired up with similar looking dudes.

Bumping this thread for my sanity 1.

>I dont even have the mental stamina to make a post

lmao this so much lost count of how many times I started typing a post just to erase it all because I didnt want to deal with the captcha or other posters that may reply or whatever other dumb reason

Anybody not white here? Just curious how being not white has affected your trip to loserdom. As a south asian, my parents can barely conceal their disappoint that I'm probably not going to get married and give them grandkids.

a pooper
yeah, m8, one of the main reasons of colon cancer is alcohol because of that

>turned 29 few weeks ago
>hair loss is getting bad
>deformed face
>good job but unmotivated as fuck
>no motivation to do sports either because no chance to pick up girls because they think I'm creepy (tried a couple of times)
>2 matches in tinder in 1000+ swipes with no responses
>I had one "date" from Okcupid half a year ago, and after 2 minutes before ordering anything she said she has to go and left

Great time to be alive. I would honestly be okay just living for the simple pleasures in life like anime, eating good food, games etc. But I live in a big city and can't go on 100 meters without seeing scantily clad roasties, young people kissing, happy couples with children, etc.

latinas love asians, don't forget that

no way, dude, all they do is nag nag nag

South asian and I live in the UK. And unmarried asian man in his 30s (I'm 29) with no career prospects is a hard sell when trying for arranged marriages.

Also you know what's real funny? I'm applying to various wageslave jobs and at each job interview I'm passed over for south asians with off-the-boat accents.

Should I affect an accent when I go to interviews or something?

Every fart I take is a risk. It's like playing russian roulette with your asshole for a gun. Should've brought spare underwear to work today.

Come on lads, keep posting, need to pass the time somehow at my next wageslave job interview.

Bumping for my sanity 2

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How do your parents feel about your situation? When the group is talking about sex do you just look away or what? How does it feel to be almost middle age and still feel like you didnt left your teenager years?

>When the group is talking about sex do you just look away or what?
I always look for the warning signs and leave before that happens.

Do you think they notice it and talk about it behind your back?

No. It doesn't cross people's minds unless you're still in secondary school.

It's almost impossible to lie about when asked though.

>Anyone feel they would be in a better position if they had an actual female presence in their life
That's depends on you, actually.
I'm not really a robot, just a failed normie, who doesn't fit to r9k and doesn't fit to normie world. I'm 29, have decent IT job, i have few peoples i still talk (i guess we can call them friends). Can hold my spaghetti pretty well. Never had a gf.
So, there is a girl at my job that started talking with me suddenly. She is from accounting department and we work at the same floor but in different offices, so i don't really have idea why this conversations even started. It's kinda nice to talk with other person, sure. But you know what this bring to me? Even more anxiety.
What if she likes me and i need to make a move? What if i say something stupid and insult her? Fuck, i lost self-control and looked at the wall while answering her question again, what if she stop talking to me now? What if... What if...
Sure, that's just me being fucked up in the head. But we don't really have many mentally healthy people here.

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Bumpity bump 360

bumping for more feels

These posts make me sad.

I'll just ask, as I do in these threads occasionally, what animu are my fellow 30+ watching nowadays and what do you think of it?

>mfw new installment of Overlord and Tonegawa tomorrow

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There's masochistic quailty to them isnt there?

Only kind enjoyment I can find these days, sorta like pressing down on a bruise.

You'll get the same answers you got last time.

I'm sick of anime.

Why have we got two 30+ threads up?

I would delete mine but I posted it on my phone on 4g.

I do remember getting such answers.
You remember what the last show you saw was, and how long ago?

There's two anime series I've gotten any enjoyment out of in the past 5-7 years, and those are Devilman and Mob Psycho. And while both were enjoyable, I wouldn't have put them on the same level as something like TTGL.

It just seems like anime is running out of ideas, and I'm not even talking about the arguments about moe here. I just mean in terms of stories.

Go away athens, you stay in your own thread.

No, I think I'll go where I please.

You tend to check out many shows every season?
Reading the outline for many they do seem stereotypical, although I'm not sure that has changed much percentage wise over the years. Sure, the more shows are released the more ideas are getting taken. But something like Inuyashiki was pretty originally presented. Mob Psycho too.

I used to check anichart now and again but these days I don't really bother.

Athens? I stopped liking you after the last thread you posted in.

Dirty Pair Eden. Streamline Dub.

I was the guy who liked the old 90s/80s of anime since they have a certain warmth to them.

Did we argue about something? I can't remember.

We didn't argue but you basically revealed you had teenage r9k-esque views at 30+.

I remember now. I just said I don't like the girls who post here on the whole since they're usually broken. I didn't say anything more broadly about women. Most normal women are fine.

You said something else as well but I have no energy to argue. Whatever, as long as you don't turn it into a standard r9k thread.

Remember you, user. I actually saw ep 158 of Urusei Yatsura today. Mind you though, they're to be called Lovely Angels!

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>two kids
>went to Home Depot three times this weekend to get stuff for house projects
>constantly drinking to keep the suicidal thoughts at bay
this is making it, right, robots?

You're a turbo normie and you shall get no sympathies.

>I just said I don't like the girls who post here on the whole since they're usually broken.
That makes two of us. I've wasted years with girls on here. It's not worth it. They're good for casual stuff if you live nearby but relationships are a no-go.

it is turbo normie, but i don't know if it is much better than being a pathetic beta NEET. i still want to die just as much as when i was a loser. and now i am constantly exhausted on top of it all because i have to take care of these people.

Do you ever get the feeling you just stumbled into being a father and having a wife? I get the feeling that's how it would feel for me.

yeah. in general, my life just feels like a series of events that happen to me. i take the path of least resistance and somehow i have a good job and a family now. but i am just screaming at myself in my head every day. i have no idea how it came to this, but the path of least resistance is to just keep plodding on and medicating with alcohol. trying to make a major change would just be too difficult.

I know this comment is going to invite premium r9k anons but I seriously don't know what a 25-34 yo women looks like. I know what a 18-24 yo looks like, I know what a 35 yo woman looks like but for the life of me I don't know what girls my age look like.

They look like someone hanging on to a good amount of youth, but with cracks starting to show. So still slim, but starting to get a pouchy stomach, breasts not as firm as they once were, but not full on ruined by gravity yet. Etc.

Idk there's almost like a switch where a girl goes from young to old but it flips at a different age depending on factors

socialize with people so you at develop some skills and have some experience, at a time in your life when it isn't as embarrassing to be bad at socializing

Depends on the person but they can look 25 all the way up to the point when they stop giving a fuck, let themselves go, then they'll start looking 35 really quick

Put effort into your friends, or into making them. It's basically impossible at our age to make new friends. This is going to mean going out and doing annoying "normie" stuff that you consider "below" you, at your age (getting drunk etc), or going above and beyond your comfort zone, like signing up for a club or society that requires you travel weekly to see entirely new people.

Believe me when I say this will pay dividends in the long run, you'll have a real friendship group in your late 20s and early 30s to rally around. Many people ITT don't have that unfortunately. I have a smattering of friends, a handful of people I've met here, there and everywhere. I regret every day that I didn't bother to keep in contact with my school friends, or make more of an effort at university.

Why are you humouring that bastard?

This is a 30+ thread user

Exactly, every thread these zoomers appear asking the same exact question.

Normally I'd tell zoomers to fuck off, but I have some pity for the ones who end up here.

Cant wait to get 30y to participate too.

I'm a third world citizen who born in 1987.
Life here in Brazil is pretty tough if you are just a little bit awkward like myself because the social norm here in begin extrovert, outgoing, charming and quite fit. I'm, no, I was the average autistic Robot and I transcended to the level of cyborg after understand that I will never be a normie, creampied a 42 yo woman pussy and now suffer because I tasted something I was not supposed to taste: happiness and sex.
I'm a college student attending a meme degree at communications, quite comfy degree for someone bad with Math like myself and who ascended a little bit in terms of begin autistic in front of people.
I don't have dreams anymore, I don't ogle the 18 yo from my class and already realized that I will live the rest as of life in a constant state of loneliness because my mother and the rest of my family members will die and I'm not able to find a woman to start a family due my inability of build deep relationships with other people since I'm too scared of be loved.

Now, I just live my days peacefully waiting death by urban violence, illness or suicide after my mom and other parents die.
I also have some interesting hobbies to makes me want live another day, but I feel like that is not working anymore.

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I'm only 28 and I'm going to lurk this thread and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

this. i'm just tired.
i don't understand why we don't have a national assisted suicide program.
why can't i just be put down? i don't have anything that would make my death negative. all of the family i had is dead. why can't i just fill in some forms and be put to rest? why is it illegal for me to attempt to do it myself? why will it have a huge chance of fucking my life up even more if i try to tell a mental health professional (or any other professional) about this? why is everything so fucking backwards and illogical and irrational? i get it but i don't.
t. 30+ aspie

Current season: Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro and Boku no Hero Academia
Last season: Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line and Dragon Ball Super
What I hope I'll watch in the future: Dragon Ball Super, Yowamushi Pedal 5th season, Mob Psycho 2nd season, Made in Abyss 2nd season, Maji 3rd season

BR here.

Abandoned uni when all I had to do was "apresentar o TCC" (no idea how to say that in english). I was one of the top 10 students, was a pupil of the most prominent teacher in the program, published an article on network handover in a brazilian scientific magazine but now I can't even enter the place without my body starting the self destruct sequence. Did therapy 4x a month for 5 years but gave up in july 2017.

I'm a virgin and regarding relationships I've come to the conclusion that my standards are not realistic and that I do not meet two thirds of the basic needs for women in a relationship. I don't have ambition to move my life forwards, I'm unable to provide financial or emotional safety and I am not a good example for kids so even fatherhood would be a massive challenge/disappointment. My fear of intimacy and rare but predictable panic attacks don't help either.

That said I think it is not impossible that I might have unprotected sex with a needy girl too drunk to notice my red flags and end up impregnating her.

Last time I had a GF was 11 years ago, last time I kissed a girl was 6 years ago.


That's fine, I just want anons born after 91 to not post.

I'm sure that 98% of the newfags are just passing through. That Jow Forums is a new bizarre kind of phase that some of the modern generation go through.

Someone post the link for the oldfag server

There isn't one. 25+ one is literally full of teens and early 20-somethings.

back from AA for the night
gonna take a hot bath and try out my new LL Bean flannel robe
watch Shadow of the Tomb Raider playthroughs
eat fun sized twix
smoke cigs

im ready to die honestly

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>watch Shadow of the Tomb Raider playthroughs
Watch? Why not play?

I wonder if I should start a new thread in the morning since these threads have ever decreasing half-lives.

honestly i have no fucking energy to play video games after work, and im so lonely that i enjoy listening to the funny playthrough commentary. i can just lie in bed with my laptop on its side and zone the fuck out

also, i dunno, i feel like any video game that isn't online multiplayer shooting just doesn't seem that challenging to me, it just feels so linear and prefabricated. still love watching the ones with a great storyline though, uncharted and tomb raider are like watching movies

also evil within 2 is pretty good, story-wise.

>uncharted and tomb raider are like watching movies

That's basically what uncharted is at this point but you might as well watch an actual movie instead.

yeah but all the movies are such pure jew-tier liberal filth except for a few good horror movies. i'm not even Jow Forums but they're just disgustingly vapid

uncharted and tomb raider are great, i love the idea of being an indiana jones-style adventurer, discovering deep historical mysteries and even actual spirits and magic in the Far East.

also they are all like literally 9 hours, what movie can u watch that will genuinely keep your attention for 9 hours

get out of here as fast as you can.
Save your money
build lasting relationships

I'm less than 6 months away from turning 30. I've had a few female acquaintances back in college but never had gf. I'm probably on the aspie/autistic spectrum because I can look back at a few moments where a girl was probably into me but I couldn't pick up on it. I'm too fearful of rejection to have made a move anyway. My boring/shy personality isn't doing me favors either.

I feel like such a waste for being lucky enough to have normie friends to take me out to "fun" stuff over the past 10 years. Plenty of opportunities but I could never lunge.

>yeah but all the movies are such pure jew-tier liberal filth except for a few good horror movies. i'm not even Jow Forums but they're just disgustingly vapid

Not even Jow Forums my arse but I do agree with you that movies are shit these days.

BUT Uncharted and Tomb Raider are so much more vapid and empty. Uncharted is a terrible, terrible mimicry of indiana jones.

Watch Blade Runner 2049, or maybe catch the new Nicholas Cage film Mandy. (I'm struggling to remember what good films came out this year.)

nice recs, yeah bladerunner was by far my favorite movie in probably the last 2 years

if you are recommending mandy along with that i guess ill check it out. hereditary was decent. IT was decent.

>if you are recommending mandy along with that i guess ill check it out.

Tickets are in short supply, so be fast. It's a limited showing. Or you could just torrent it or something.

good news, this flannel robe is super comfy, has pockets and a belt too

who cares, ur dodging a bullet buddy

>I'm probably on the aspie/autistic spectrum because I can look back at a few moments where a girl was probably into me but I couldn't pick up on it.

I bet you got these realisations like YEARS later while you were doing something unrelated.

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I see you're a man with taste for shonen action, very good user. Really looking forward to Made in Abyss as well, I wonder if they took some inspiration from the game Ico, there's a lot of similarities and some soundtracks are very close sounding.

I'm turning 30 in 2 months. I have a decent job with a horrible commute to the city because I still don't make quite enough to live in NYC, so I live with my mom instead on Long island. I basically have 4 hours of free time a day.

I have zero friends and my mental and physical health is deteriorating.

Everything just sucks and I want an asteroid to destroy this gay earth.

Don't fall for the shakespearean platonic trope, I did and got friendzoned something chronic in my 20's.
PROTIP SHE WASN'T even hot just a 6/10 qt, my god did she have me around her little finger.

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life's like a stage and you are the lead role

I'm 33, I live in my grandma's pool house, haven't had a job since 2013, never had a relationship, have a 4.5 inch dick, I'm skinnyfat. Yet every time I go to a bar I get hit on by lots of hot girls but I autistically bail out because all of the above makes me really anxious that they'll find out how pathetic I actually am. Looks are worth shit when your a failure...

I empathize with you user, but you should really give those hot girls a shot once in a while. If they find out you're "pathetic" who gives a fuck. Just try not to let the whole town in on it
Chin up there man

Do whatever you want with no regard to what anyone else thinks because 99% of people are worthless, at best.


Fuckin L mann shits ridiculous but im trying to work on this, building patience and a better work ethic

u should hook up with one, just get your noodle a little spagoodle once in awhile