One chance in life

>one chance in life
>be born as a female with breasts like 7, pic related

Am I ugly?

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Just date a footfag. Most of us don't give a shit about tits as long as they're not grotesquely misshapen or something.

if you are not like number 16 you are worthless

>Am I ugly?
What gives you that impression? Those are some nice breasts.

2, 5 , 12, and 14 are also acceptable

Imagine being a girl with fucked up tiddies!!! LOL

But don't footfags have preferences?

My breasts are sagging and ugly. Everytime I ask someone of their opinion they say "Your breasts are not that important to a guy, who you are as a person matters" no matter the gender, and I can't help but feel like they are sugarcoating it.

>asking a bunch virgin males that hate women if your ugly or not
Was you expecting a good answer?

How old are you? How often do you not wear the bra?

i think to the average person that your face will be more important than the way your tits are. i wouldnt sweat it too much.

Those aren't ugly breasts. Ugly breasts are significantly uneven, or tuberous. At worst they're just so-so, and that's fine: only guys who are super into breasts would care.

i had a lot of insecurities with mine too
people don't notice if you don't say anything. you just draw more attention to it

I am 21 years old and 50/50 for me, not wearing a bra is a meme by the way, at least for me. My skin is elastic and it didn't help.

I don't think I like them at all. Do guys care that much if a girl has gotten a breast lift?

at least they're honest *shrug*

>I don't think I like them at all.
Maybe because you're fixating on this like it's a problem, but why? If you're having trouble finding a relationship it probably isn't because of your breasts.
>Do guys care that much if a girl has gotten a breast lift?
I'm not sure how breast lifts look compared to implants, but I think it's best not to fix what isn't broken: you could do more harm than good.

I dunno number 3 looks like she knows how to party.

If youre worried about your tits boobjobs are cheap. Id worry about being a fat annoying disgusting cunt. Be likeable but also work on being attractive, plain looks are honestly not that bad. I see lots of chad types with plain girls because getting those top tier chicks is a waste of life.

No matter how hot the bitch someone somewhere in the world is tired of her bullshit and the frigid sex with her vapid ass aint covering it anymore.

No theyre not they try to drag people down to make themselves feel better.

>Insecure roastie looking for beta orbiters to compliment them thread

Hey cool it's the tenth one today.

I will impregnate you right fucking now

As long as you aren't fat and have a decent face, guys won't care. Well, they will, but it certainly won't be a dealbreaker. Don't worry. You and your husband will make jokes about how you feel insecure about your breasts and you will laugh. Then, he will kiss you and remind you he loves you. It could be worse.

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>Everytime I ask someone of their opinion they say "Your breasts are not that important to a guy, who you are as a person matters"

I actually cringed out loud reading can you type that with no sense of self awareness?

"Who you are as a person" shut the fuck up. What kind of onions creatures are you taking advice from? Obviously thats women saying it, but you seem to be under the impression men say that too. If you honestly believe that youre fucking delusional. If you were being intellectually honest, men care more about a woman that can make them feel like a man. Men dont want dyke broads pretending to be men, equality is a fabrication of our society. Act like a woman, be respectful and humble, dont neg him or be overly clingy and needy, and overall just dont be a bitch and at that point you dont even need a personality.

Work on your looks, diet, excercise, take care of yourself. If you cant take care of yourself it displays a lack of respect but more importantly it means you wont be able to take care of him at all, if you even cared to.

didn't know roasties also used the personality meme on other roasties.

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Hehe ok gib discord hehe

Post them titties or fuck off.

>Your breasts are not that important to a guy, who you are as a person matters
That's complete bullshit. However, it's true that breasts aren't particularly important. If you are cute, or have other good assets (personality could also count, but few women actually have a good enough personality for it to make a big difference), it's fine. Boobs can also be fixed easily, it's one of the easiest things to unfuck. If you have an ugly face, good luck fixing that.

yes you are ugly if you have tits for ants

what the mcfucking fuck is 21

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>Imagine being a girl with fucked up tiddies!!! LOL
plastic surgery can fix that, what about a tiny dick and etc etc etc?

>God tier

>Good tier

>Okay tier

>Sad tier

>Worst tier

Could be worse, you could be #3, OP.

>tfw male with 10
If only you knew how bad things really are.

really, really, getting my calcium channels opening at my presynaptic neurons there user.

My gf has tits like that shes a cutie we love each other

>One chance at life
>Be born a female

You already won. Stop complaining.

if you were really born female
you would be fine.

>16 with skelly tier body

You don't know what suffering is.

>"be born as female"
Enjoy your easymode life, now go on tinder and get validation and attention.

Fuck off and die bitch enjoy your double masectomy after you get cancer for this thread. You have displeased me, you have dispeased your family, and you have displeased god.

Btw where do I find 21 or do those not really exist

Still serious and hope you die you worthless BITCH

Nothing wrong with 7 at all wtf you on about Willis

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>have 17 boobs
I have been working on my appearance and losing weight because im sick of being alone; but no matter what i do my tits will always be trash. Do guys really care all that much? They are E sized. Should i just always keep them in a bra?

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>no matter what
Get surgery if you care so much.
>Do guys really care all that much?
They are ugly and aside from fetishists nobody would like them, but also nobody cares so much that they'd ditch you because of your boobs. They might encourage you to get surgery though.

I think 20 and 21 are best because once she gets old it wont get all flappy, it might be really perky compared to other types

ok, thank you for the honesty user.

There's no way to know for sure unless I get some tiddy pics. Or you could always gtfo.

On the flipside you can bait people with E cups so long as they are in a bra. But boobs can always be fixed, it's one of the most common cosmetic operations.

Gas all unflagged boobs types.

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They are sugarcoating it. Breasts are important. You don't forgive an ugly dick, we don't forgive ugly breasts.
That being said, 7 is fine. 3, 11, 9 and 17 are the real awful ones.
>tfw I found out that oneitis is an 11

this man knows it

t. non virgin

> inb4