This is what a 29 year old woman looks like in the year of our lord 2000 and 18.
Mmmmmpppfffffblarghahahahahahahahahahaa femoids are so fucking JUSTed, it's unbeliveable.
This is what a 29 year old woman looks like in the year of our lord 2000 and 18.
Mmmmmpppfffffblarghahahahahahahahahahaa femoids are so fucking JUSTed, it's unbeliveable.
She's sorta cute? I don't see the problem.
Hahahaha lol I didn't even notice that.
If you'd go outside once in a while you would not be surprised by that fact.
>This post was brought to you by re**it, because whenever femoid justice is served, we control the damage.
Pic related. Is this thread going to turn into yet another >MUH WEEMEEN CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT AND THEY ARE ALL
BEAUTIFUL threads with literally shills posting 90% of damage control posts?
Who said I am surprised that women age like shit? I am just more and more stunned how the wall is hitting them faster.
She's kinda cute. Why are you such an edgelord raging autist?
wowik debilu oryginalny
This is why men should only get into serious relationships with women at least 10 years younger than them.
Ale wypierdalaj na wykopka obronco ucisnionych kobjed.
She is 29. She looks almost as old as my mom who is 55. She has terrible skin and tits of a granny. Wrinkles everywhere. That's my point.
>This is why men should only get into serious relationships with women 22 years old or younger.
Wiedzialem ze to ty, kurwo gruba, znowu cie na kara nie chca?
>I am just more and more stunned how the wall is hitting them faster.
They don't. That's the point. This is completely normal for a 29yo woman.
O czym ty pierdolisz czlowieku. Nie sledze bolzgiego rakowego internetu, mam trzycyfrowy iloraz inteligencji.
And it was normal sixty years ago as well.
>They don't. That's the point.
And THIS is the norm for 23 year olds since always yeah right... I remember being 23 year old and no girl looked like that.
she look good to me. she is way out of my league even
A to sorry, chyba cie z kims pomylilem, nie przeszkadzaj sobie.
not surprising.
>hand picked examples
>ages not verified, it's not like roasties lie about their age
Your argument is heavily flawed.
I don't know what world you live in where a 55 year old looks like that. You must not be older than 16.
>that fucking thread
>thousand cock stare
Women past 25 are trash.
LEAVE the girl alone...or you'll be having a problem......
pics of your mom? for comparison purposes
I mean she's not that bad. She's kinda cute.
>gets called out for being raging poltard trash that never goes outside
>gets mad at said facts and begins to rage harder
Nigga I have a shit ton of sich pictures and i wasn't handpicking them, just searched for women in my area. And I don't live in some post nuclear wasteland or something.
And I live in area where there are merely 30-40 women online at the same time. I found all of these in one sitting. Literally more than 50% are shit-tier when it comes to aging.
Where do you live? I live in Poland, AKA country where women who are 55 now weren't driving the cock carousel thus they don't look like used up sponges, while roasties below 40 are the typical western roasties.
>everything I don't like is Jow Forums
>something that isn't Jow Forums and I don't like? Still better call it Jow Forums
Get you asshole raped, thot enabling speck of dust.
poast anotherwall pls
Too bad I didn't save her pics where she didn't have fringe and showed her horrible receiding hairline.
This one has terrible skin though.
But no worries, I still have some balding thots.
But still, the most disgusting thing is when they have craters on their foreheads like pic related.
Fucking kek
Also, one interesting fact is that femoids are the only ones who at the age of 2X can have facial features of a granny.
I have never seen this in men, EVER (compared to grandpas). And I think it mostly applies to white femoids.
Yeah, a nice combo of wrinkles and receiding hairline lol.
Kek. Polish women have always been sluts. Your mom is a a slut too. What do you think people did for fun with the limited options under soviet oppression?
>dat smokerface
she would've otherwise been pretty.
too bad thanks for poasting tho.
also the receding hairline. lol that is it for roasts.
>Kek. Polish women have always been sluts
They probably weren't in the good old days of communism. They were barely making alive through this period.
As soon as they felt some liberation (today's 35 year olds and below) they started thoting. My mom was already too old for that.
I have seen worse receiding hairlines than her so I didn't save it. Like pic related for example.
And this one looks like my aunt, literally. Crow's feet are on the same level as my aunt's.
a potem widze kurwa posty typu "OMG POLUSH WOMEN PLIS GIB"
jebany zart dobry thread
nie zle dupy w publice ale i tak kurwy
Mozemy takim stulejom i prawilnym sebom podziekowac za kurwienie sie bab. One chca wolnosci z zachodu z latwym zyciem ksiezniczek z czasow rycerzy i dzentelmenstwa dzieki takim jebanym ciotom.
she looks fine tho
Women lie about their age all the time. She's probably 35+ or something.
How do you know this? Have you studied the sexual history of Poland? Or are you just memeing?
I just turned 30 and my face looks a lot younger than these chicks. I dont understand it. I see tons of people around me aging horribly. Im worried that im gonna get hit in the face with the ugly stick next.
Maybe its the long term makeup use that fucks their skin up. Whatever is happening it isnt natural.
I think she's really cute. Naturally I wouldn't date someone that much older than me but any robot over 25 would be blessed to have her
Stop speaking retard
>blessed to have a used up wet sponge who has pussy that smells like hope
Look at this thot enabler.
Post more like 200.png
Here you go but I bet it's not original, well, maybe it is now.
...I want to see dem tiddies
>implying womyn will put their real age
>OP is a closeted gay
Please the sooner you admit you like to drink semen, the sooner you'll be happy
I don't know anything about pussy because I have never seen one in real life: the post.
I fucked girls as young as 15. Your dad can ask me about sex, butthurt faggot.
Your BMI > Your IQ, clearly
Then why do you know nothing about pussy?
What the fuck are you talking about. Bitch clearly looks used up and she clearly doesn't get enough sex anymore. Get laid and ONLY THEN try to act smart on Libyan Snowboarding forum.
30yo "femoid" here, anything you wanna know?
She's just not a pretty person to begin with. She doesn't look bad at all for her age, save the too deep neckline for her saggy breasts.
I'm 33 and look pretty okay I think. A life time of having no friends and therefore no need to ever go outside suits me.
I also think she's kinda cute. At least she doesn't seem to be heavily tattooed and pierced.
I'm 33 too wanna do some gay shit bby
Looks good to me. Absolutely would. Cute face and nice boobs. Then again I'm actually an adult unlike you weirdos so maybe that's why we disagree.
>30yo "femoid" here, anything you wanna know?
What diaper brand do you use?
Do you mean gay as in face sitting and Uhauls? Because if that is the case then I do.
she still gets dicked every weekend
Have you ever swallowed cum?
Showering regularly dries out your skin, also actually going outside everyday exposes your skin to sunlight which is damaging, not to mention the yearly summer tan, normies always tan.
so basically being a filthy neckbeard recluse is good for your skin
if you don't mind the acne
I've been told I look extremely young despite being 30, too. It blows me away how old some people look for their age.
I think the makeup is an issue because they're literally caking it on and not allowing their skin to breathe. Half of them don't bother washing it off and let that crap sit on there all day and night.
Genetics play a big part, but another huge thing is that we probably don't go in the sun anywhere near as much as they do. So many people try to tan and think it's beautiful, but these people should be looking at photos like this where a truck driver constantly had the sun hitting one side of his face for years. You can see just how much damage and aging it causes the skin. This is why Asians typically look way better than westerners as they age because they value pale skin over looking tan.
Also, the hormones in our food are messing with all of us.
Jesus Christ nature really hate women. makes them age like shit and makes them inferior to men.
I guess it's time for one of these Wall threads
Don't mind me, just uploading pics
Hehehehehehehehehehehe (original shit)
Keep em coming I only eat healthy and wear sunscreen as a man so I can look disgusted at roasties when they hit the fall.
This right here is the only real human. This board is going to fucking shit and those onion faggs are laughing.
Okej, OP
>Jakies tam laski z twojej okolicy ktore znalazles na jakims jebanym portalu randkowym nie stanowia reprezentacji wszystkich kobiet
>Przecietne, dobrze wygladajace babki nie musza wchodzic na takie stronki
>Czy naprawde uwazasz ze zestarzaly sie od puszczania sie?
>Nie masz pojecia jak wygladaly kobiety kilkadziesiat lat temu
>Jesli taki z ciebie ogier to co robisz na tym portalu?
>Moze jeszcze na PIS glosowales, co? Jesli tak to jestes jebana menda
That's just how women hairline are they're all terrible, but that's far from balding
Meanwhile 42 year old Arab women...
Women have lost literally 90% of their eggs by that age.