Does winning fights infront of girls make it easier to fuck them?

Does winning fights infront of girls make it easier to fuck them?

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for some guys yes, but if you are too ugly they will look at you like you were a psycho

One time a guy tried to mug my girlfriend and I late at night near a bar. Actually the way we were walking made him think she was alone (i know, my mistake) and he tried to mug her. Well he was strung out, my guess would be on heroin because he was not scary like a meth head. I without thinking beat the ever loving shit out of him since he had no weapon. I actually kind of felt bad after, it was not really so much a fight as it was me beating some pathetic junkie who was not thinking clearly.

Anyway my girl would not stop fucking me for like a week, she was so clearly turned on it was like a porn, when i would walk into a room she would look me up and down and lick her lips and shit, it was crazy.

must be an evolutionary thing

it also depends on how you beat him, if you fighted fair or if you were way too violent and how much harm did you do

wow goodjob faggot

thanks plox

you know how people say "it happened so fast" when they get in a car wreck or see a crime? Well that was true for me, i have spent hours thinking about it since it happened but my honest guess is that from the time I realized he was trying to mug my gf to the time it was over was probably like 8-15 seconds. I know it's a cliche but it was not even really enough time to think, i just did stuff then it was over

>Has a gf
>Has great amazing sex after he did something impressive

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had a gf and she was not pretty or anything and this was years ago

>this was years ago
So you did all that and youre still alone and a loser? Huh. Really makes you hmmmm

>Does winning fights infront of girls make it easier to fuck them?
if ntr doujins are anything to go by, yes, they let their biological impulses do the thinking for them.

>So you did all that and youre still alone and a loser? Huh. Really makes you hmmmm
I am not sure what you think it takes to get a gf but the people on this board are really off about that one thing. Do you realize that for almost every age demographic there are actually more females than males? It's not as though out of 100 people there are 70 males and 30 females.

if you lower your standards there is almost certainly a girl out there for you

>you had a gf and now your a loser
fucking some girl for awhile does not mean you will have a lifetime of success afterwards, not sure why you would think that

>I am not sure what you think it takes to get a gf
It doesnt take much man, Im 19 and had four of them

>fucking some girl for awhile does not mean you will have a lifetime of success afterwards
No, of course not. But it should give you the motivation to fuck another girl, or secure a new job or other miscellaneous life moves. It sounds like youre just a failed normalfag

>No, of course not. But it should give you the motivation to fuck another girl, or secure a new job or other miscellaneous life moves. It sounds like youre just a failed normalfag
I guess bro, can't really tell you about that. If I am in the same place as most robots does it really matter if I am a failed normalfag or not?

NO. Now, it makes it easier if you are an athlete and you beat your competitor

>does it really matter
Oh ya. It totally matters. Failed normies are the bane of this board. They come here shitting up the place with problems that have no bearing on a real robot

It would be best if posters like you just stopped posting

It would be better if every regular poster on this board an heroed IRL

but we don't always get what we want!


Do girls get wet over top ufc fighters?

what is ntr doujins

if you already have a gf it makes it easier to fuck your gf

I wonder if she would do the same for you.

Women can't fight unless they're sheboons

There is something more attractive than winning a fight in front of a girl. And that is demonstrating that you would have won, but showing controlled restraint. Like manhandling a guy, holding him down, and not having to hit him or something like that.

Absolutely. There are incels in the UFC, and there are some pretty ugly fighters. They all have wives, girlfriends, etc., and many of the top guys are even allowed by their significant others to sleep with other women because the demand for them is so high.

So just being large should do?

Never heard a girl getting wet over Lesnar or Overeem

also a lot of UFC fighters are 5'5" and under

Judge by their personal lives. They have girlfriends/wives and getting laid is extremely easy for them. It's also easy for them to date far out of their league.

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Yes, but if you just lose control and beat the life out of a guy when it wasn't really necessary, something would be lost. It's the confident, controlled restraint of not doing so when it's clear that you could have that is attractive.

eh that's pretty good I guess, you are such a goood boooy
*pat* *PAT*
fluffles like scruffles? oooooo eeeeeee oooo

Next time take a page out of the nigger playbook and kill her at climax, cuck

The solution is to take women and their ape sidekicks out back then SHOOT THEM

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>I wonder if she would do the same for you.
lol of course not

I am an autist but I channel it into lifting a lot, so I always feel good when I assert dominance over faggots who look at my sister, she seems to feel good about it too

>be female
>new boyfriend is pretty weak and still a virgin
>but it's ok we get on really well
>one day hot guy starts hitting on me
>boyfriend just stands there
>"sorry i'm taken" I say
>guy doesn't care and still hits on me
>out of nowhere boyfriend shoves him
>guy ends up beating the living daylights out of boyfriend
>break up with him a few days later

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I am ugly imo. some days are better then others.
>work shitty restaurant
> hungover as fuck but taking care of my own section and checking the other sections of the bussers once in a while
>tyrone is working hard today
> informed by coworker, that tyrone is gonna try to pull some slick shit
>steals my tip money
> accuse him of being a thief
>manager fires him and he chimps out
>makes a "mock charge attack" on me
> I don't back up, not a single step. I'm tired of not sticking up for my self
>other coworkers save my ass because this guy is 6'4, im 5'7.
>"omg user,"
>all the waitresses were stunned.
>feeling pretty good and adrenaline, "maybe I could have won"
>tyrone is still seeting and chimping.
>call him a thief on the way out
>I get fired by the manager the next day

Are all girls like this?

It's over for us weak guys

Pretty decent quality bait, i've seen better.

> the only smart user that replied to them

Im sure if I got a gf, and ended up getting ass my kicked by some dude, she'd dump me

It depends who you're fighting. I once beat up a tard (in self defence, he literally attacked me for no reason) and chicks were disgusted by it, saying I'm awful and shit

>>be female
No you're not. You're a larping faggot making a contribution to the Jow Forums circle jerk.

someone post the fionn story lmao

>tfw gf left me because I got beaten up in front of her

Everything about women loving violence is true. we were dating on valentines day and planning to have sex for the first time. On the way back to my apartment a mugger came and started threatening us. I tried to defend her by threatening to call the police, so the guy attacked me, smashed my head into a wall, slapped and spat over me, kicked the fuck out of me, took my wallet and phone and ran off.

gf didn't even help me up and we didn't have sex because 'it killed the mood'. I had to stumble to my feet in pathetic fashion with blood in my mouth. Over the next few days she acted really cold and distant then told me that she just didn't see how she could date a man incapable of protecting her. she told me she'd rather have sex with the guy who mugged me.

Worst part for me is that I tried really hard to win her back. i even went back to the spot I was mugged and paid an actor to beat me up again in the same way the mugger did, then i narrated over the video with 'proof' that I won the fight, for example by suggesting that the mugger strained his fingers slapping me. she got pissed and now doesn't ever respond to my messages.

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I believe this honestly

You won the fight buddy congratulations

YES! I only learned this truth recently with 24. I was always a "Diplomacy above everything" beta leftist faggot, I avoided with 10-21 every fight and try to talk my way out, which resulted in women looking down on me on the regular.

Then I started lifting weights, my political views were more right wing and once a guy interrupted a discussion between me and a female friend in a bar (like I said, leftist beta faggot, but hey, she's a nice person, so I stayed friends with her), hit on her, called me names and then I dragged him out, punch him in the stomach, threw him in the street and he run away.

In the same night, she touched my pants, sucked me off and we fucked like animals.

You can't beat thousands of years of evolution. Regardless how diplomatic governments are, how left the political environment is, women are ALWAYS turned on by big strong guys who win fights, reason why all the low IQ people, who punch first and ask later or... never, have the most children.

>i even went back to the spot I was mugged and paid an actor to beat me up again in the same way the mugger did, then i narrated over the video with 'proof' that I won the fight, for example by suggesting that the mugger strained his fingers slapping me. she got pissed and now doesn't ever respond to my messages.
>suggesting that the mugger strained his fingers slapping me

Sounds like something that would happen on Nathan For You

Learn combat sports and get Jow Forums lads
It aint no joke

Wrong. In Germany, we have almost 600.000 more males than females in the age range 14-35.
With the rapefugees, the number increased heavily, I didn't found a actual serious statistic about it, but I assume that there are, thanks to them, at least 800.000-1.000.000 more males than females in Germany.

Roughly 60% of my friends are either virgins (they, of course, never said that, but "I only fucked hookers" sound like "I never fucked anyone, but you can't say this as a male or you get shamed") or long time singles without wanting it. All males. The few who have a gf are either upper class or regionally famous musicians or artists (one of my best friends is one of the more successful Manga artists in Germany and I think with his current Manga even top 10 in Europe).

Sometimes. Sometimes it scares the shit out of them.
You know how you fantasize about being a big hero when you win that fight against a bigger dude? Yeah, turns out some people just become scared of you.

I'm Ann aries moon/mars I love competition physicality and imposing dominance. Before I grew up and learned to channel that energy into higher pursuits I got off on fist fighting the most "alpha" person in the room so as a kid I beat up Chad/Tyrones for the love of the sport and i can unequivocally say that yes, you can fuck girls that saw you fight, if you win. You have to be clever about it you can't just go around obviously picking fights you'll turn everyone off with that and only a few retarded girls will like that.

Real shit
Just trying to live like an ape man these days. Got to make sure you're in your natural habitat if you get what I mean. Otherwise you just rot.
>inb4 we wuz hunter/gatherers n shiet

bait or not, women would 100% dump their boyfriends

It is unlikely that you find a proper ocasion to fight, because if you start the fight they will think you are crazy.

If they already like you, yes it probably does make them like you more. Especially if they're kind of trashy, at least in my experience. If they don't already like you it just makes them scared of you. If the guy you beat up was one of the prettyboy Chads they will never fucking forgive you. Chad is untouchable.

You would have gotten fucked up, user.

But we actually wuz

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Yes, but If you're ugly so they'd probably think of you like this after: 99% more fear, 1% more respect

It depends if you are a face or a heel.

What was his bs for firing you?

That I was being lazy and tyrone works hard so he deserved the tip money, Tyrone got fired too but he kept the money.