ITT; nhoolding in my shit right now


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You're going to give some doctor a really good time, OP.

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apparently ita can make me strong cause the muscles witll absorb the poop vitamins or something

you can't be seated
you gotta stand up and try to suck it in slowly
amazing how our brain can put those words into electrical impulses even when dealing with body parts we don't pay much attention

yeah im not seated been lying on my belly for like 3 hours and looking thru Jow Forums lol but it fucking hurts my asshole it feels like the poop is peeking through and bouta smear on my underwear or some shit lol pun not intended

Yeah, cause it probably is. In nature, animals rarely hold in their shits.

This is amazing. Who told you to do this?

OP tell us when nopoop starts giving you amazing prostate orgasms

Op can you give us the science behind /NOPOOP/?

>op doing no poop goes to the movies
>op shits his pants while watching movie
>black youth goes "This niggas doing no poop!"
>everyone laughs

Damn there's other people doing no shit September ? I thought me and my friends were the only ones.

Eat cheese and don't think about it buddy you'll get through this

NoPoop completely ruined my butthole. If you're really interested in doing NoPoop, make sure you stay very hydrated.

Fecal matter has a lot of testosterone in it, you lose a lot of testosterone when you poop. Luckily, the lower intestine is great at absorbing stuff from your poop, so the longer you hold in your poop, the more vitamins, minerals and (most importantly) testosterone you will re-absorb.
I'm on Day 5 and it's tough but I can definitely feel the differences. It's like I have superpowers or something; heightened confidence, increased thought clarity, heightened awareness and intelligence, I'm losing weight, etc. It's fucking amazing.

On /nopoop/ day 3 and I'm already really feeling the results. It's nice that my appetite is curbing, I don't get hungry as much as I used to. It's hard but I'm glad I'm going it

give in and get a bidet seat with an enema function.
ive never felt more clean

yeah, i remember when i first relapsed. it's a humiliating but also satisfying feeling.
but trust me, those of us who are strong enough to hang in there shall be rewarded. /nopoop/ isn't a meme

I didn't poop for over two weeks when I was a kid. It was too thick, I literally couldn't force it out and was too embarrassed to tell my parents. I remember the day before Halloween I manged to shit and the first part was fucking massive with blood that looked like mucus on it and the rest was just soft stool that immediately fell out afterwards.
I remember thinking for some reason that skin had grown over my butt hole on the inside and that's why I couldn't poop but that obviously doesn't make sense..

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When I used to be addicted to heroin I remember one of the worst parts about it was the shits. Apparently opioids really slow down the digestive system to a near hault, so the resulting shits are not only massive but rock-hard.
So basically I sat on the toilet for entire days at a time lubing up my asshole with olive oil and pushing, hoping for the shit to come out. Eventually this huge log of fossilized shit about the size of two footballs lined up came sliding out of me. The toilet wouldn't accept that so I had to physically pick it up and put it in the trash. Also this a lot of this clear, odorless mucus-y substance came rushing out of my asshole immediately after. Good news was that I didn't have to wipe because the shit was so solid, like shitting out a rock.
Most painful and satisfying shit ever. I'm actually surprised I didn't literally rip my asshole open. It was stretched out to the point where I could literally just reach my hand deep in there if I wanted to.

Moral of the story is; don't do heroin, I guess.

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Do you have any sources on this? Genuinely curious.

Gotta bump this so it doesn't die, because I'm still genuinely curious.

hey guys its op, i am back

sorry, i had to poop, i shit my pants a little bit and couldnt make it stop so i wiped a bit and i think some of the poop still stayed inside me, lets hope the next one i can fully hold in and not let out.

this is the science of /nopoop/, but my friend told me it will make me stronger and muscly so i can get more matches on tinder so im doing /nopoop/ for now

Assuming the science is legitimate, as in it does boost your testosterone, then it will have benefits, but not the ones you think. It will be easier to build muscle, you'll be physically stronger, and you'll see improvements in facial and body hair, but you won't get muscle from testosterone alone. You still need to work out, it's just a lot easier to build muscle with higher testosterone.