Fembots would you want your guy to be a virgin?

Fembots would you want your guy to be a virgin?

if so is it like a ownership thing?

if not, how come? do you just not care?

whats your opinion on people who sleep around?

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Yes, I would.
More like an "I'm pure and would like my partner to be too" thing.
People can sleep around if they want to and are aware of the risks. I am not and never will be one of those people however.

Fuck you for creating this thread you shitcunt

would you ever have premarital sex with said virgin boyfriend?
ey m8 im just here for the responses

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I don't care, it's fine either way.
I'd prefer if he didn't sleep around much, as I don't like casual sex, but I'd understand as long as he was determined to stay faithful to me.

I would prefer it if we were married first (It doesn't even have to be a fancy wedding, I would be okay with my partner just letting me take his second name).

>ey m8 im just here for the responses
You're just going to get larpers, don't make this thread again. It's the type of thread that kills Jow Forums.

Not a fembot but I've talked to my fair share of them and they love that I'm a KV.

But I'm also shy and when they try to be lewd with me I don't know what to say/do so we never talk for long.

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i hate the idea of huge weddings it's best spent together not lavishing money infront of guests and then driving off a wedding day should be small so the honeymoon can be expensive
damn, honestly i would be disgusted if my GF slept around previously not only because it's pretty gross IMO but it shows a lack of faithfulness to a single person and i would be insecure about if she had better sex with someone else and would be prone to leave me

>i would be insecure about if she had better sex with someone else and would be prone to leave me
the world is going to be a very painful place for you, user. you should always assume she had a better lover than you in the past (because she did) but that she is with you now because she genuinely likes you (she does).

I would prefer a guy who was a virgin for purely selfish reasons, just to be his first lol
But overall I want a guy who has only had sex in committed relationships. I just couldn't trust a guy who had fucked a dozen club whores to be faithful, or to see sex as an intimate thing rather than a fun thing to do on impulse.

You disappoint many robots including myself.

I am not a tremendously insecure person. I do believe that if someone loves me truly, they're going to stay with me whether I'm the best sex they ever had or not.
I don't believe casual sex shows lack of faithfulness unless they cheated.
I personally don't like casual sex but if they were convinced to be faithful, I'd be okay with it. I try to not judge too much.

nobody cares about you though

man the idea a girl likes me for being a virgin is hot IMO taking almost possession of me like that makes me feel wanted and i love it
true sleeping around makes you crave cheap pleasure instead of fulfilling relationships
you sound like an uptight faggot get with the times old man this is zoomer town
yeah, idk man just the idea that it's there forever that she wanted quick pleasure over an actual relationship maybe im overthinking it though

Im one of em guys. Do girls like you really exist?

People change.
I never wanted casual sex, but I wanted things in my teens that I don't want in my 20s. Life has a lot more gray for me, if someone shows true affection and commitment to me it doesn't matter if he's virgin or if he slept around a bit.

Yes but the likelihood of finding someone who meets the criteria is getting harder and harder.

Where are you from? if we're close can we chat to see if we're compatible?

>people change
rarely as far as i have seen, they hardly ever i feel like their entire mind set is just changed

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I have seen many people change deeply.

I'm in my mid 20s tho, maybe I am a little bit more experienced than you are since (no offense) you sound really young.

I'm from the UK, specifically the mainland.

can I contact you? Im attractive. 19. I want a virgin wife. Been searching so long but all I get is roasties.

I couldn't bare a ldr, it's not to be user but fat chance it was anyway.

>been searching so long

no "fembots" are going to respond

women hate virgins

Depends, where are you from and are you a virgin yourself?
That's okay. I wouldn't meet someone from a website straight away anyway for safety reasons.

me too but I could always use a backup if I find none. Im leaving the country in a year anyways so it wont be ldr if we have an established thing going on. Anyways if you dont want a ldr we could always be ebuddies. I want a friend who shares my views.

Would you meet overtime though? Maybe we should exchange just in case?

Yes I am virgin. Kissless and saving it for my wife.

If I got on well with the other person and we both had qualities the other wanted then yes.

Okay that's fair deal, we could always just turn out to be friends. Should I leave an email or discord or something?

got whatsapp?
and yeah email sure

I dont have whatsapp but that's a good option and I'll make one, I'm going to make an email called [email protected], give it about ten minutes then email me

Join this if you wanna remain user.

you can't be fucking serious. why not just drop your real cellphone number ITT

do these two idiots know they're talking to each other and not that girl lol

Im gonna be pissed if thats the case lmao. lemme just leave a sign. ~N

email me here then

This user was right and a dude emailed me

fucking lmao
this is the funniest shit ive seen all day

The femanon just left us for dead

His email was weird too, not like someone you'd think would be in this thread. Also nice 4s

Yes, but because 1- I'm also a virgin with my obsession to be perfect for a partner, 2- i'm insecure about his old partners

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left you two for dead mate i wasnt chatting to her to start with
what did he say? did he ask for licky bum bum?

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Shitty anime taste will not get you a virgin bf

Never watched that one, just find the picture funny.

Nope but his email name sounded like some kind of rapper name and had "Daddy" in it. He didnt even attempt to write "hi" in the email just "H"

How is it you are here and never viewed anime?

How old are you femanon? You should be proud of your personality.

so jamal was trying to snag him a catch

I do like anime! Just never saw that one in specific

I'm 19. I can say my personality is more twisted than what it looks like, but at least about relationships, i'm very serious. I don't want to waste my time in something that isn't meant to be (which i think is more likely the more partners a person had before), and the idea of both being inexperienced and learning together is sweet

Im 19 too. where you from?

I would guess he was of the african hominid type, even if i were a femanon i would have been suspicious after that

What anime are favorites? Also what do you mean that your personality is twisted?

Neither is a dealbreaker, a guy with experience is better though, I dont want a guy blowing his load after a 40 second handjob.

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Virgin guys are cute. I'm a slut who has been with about 30 men (lost count) but I'll just say I had like 5. How's he gonna know?
Also virgin guys are cute only if they're actually cute. No one wants an ugly incel.
I want to rape you, you sound adorable.

When I was a virgin and get my first bj it took me like 20 mins to cum my gfs mouth was too sore to finish

yeah yeah macdaddy good luck finding that pure virgin girl after your scared her off by having a sausage fest

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Was her mouth cold?

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Yes but no. There's one specific situation I have in mind.

Like if they're actually physically desirable and also just valuable in general but comfort me unprompted that they want to be intimate with me as a person, but they're still a virgin during the time of us being together.
And people who are sleep around are Good, I consider being able to unconditionally enjoy sex and do it with other willing people a good thing, since it means they can get along with other people effortlessly, too.

I would let my bf be unfaithful if he told me about it, since I think infidelity is natural, everyone talks to people every day, and sex is so casual.

All of this is hypothetical of course, I'm too comfortable single, not in a normal person way though, I just go into self-imposed isolation every now and then. who knows what will happen.

And.. I'm asexual, I can only enjoy online sex. basically my feelings on sex change every day, I can't have irl sex unconditionally, if that makes sense.

I overshared but take it I guess uhhh

what if i did that then went again? i can cum quick but i would like to go again would that be ok?

> he types furiously as he wanks off his cut penis in his grannys NY home

Actually you're right, we did it outside when it was like 40 degrees so around freezing maybe that had something to do with it

sry i worded it weird im monitoring multiple threads RN

I now know you've never had a blowjob by more than 1 girl.
All mouths are cold.
Not enough experience for me sorry.

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What? No one is interested in you, I was wondering if the cold temperature could have made it harder to /cum/

Were all fucked personality wise. Who gives a fuck tho, better than the generic npc personality,

Hey be my gf to rape and cheat on

Then why reply to my post you dum dum.

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I don't really care if he is a virgin or not. I wouldn't want a manskank though because I'm ugly and he would cheat on me in 2 hours, then I would just kill myself.

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Why are you avatarfagging? You need to find some original images

You made an assumption that was deviant from experience and I sought to correct you, now does cold air do anything or not?

My assumption was correct though.
> now does cold air do anything or not?
If baby cannot read what has been told to him, the adult wont repeat it.

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You're not me, you just hitched one of my repliers

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I want my husband to be a virgin. If I managed to remain one, then he should as well. Sex is boring anyway and sleeping around is what the most uninteresting people do to fake a personality.

And who do you think you are?

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>my assumption was correct
Uh okay? I dont think anyone gives a shit...

This thread suddenly got entertaining.

You responded so obviously do.
Thanks for the (You).

Where do I find girls like you femanon?

Saying that to someone who's turned off by sex because of rape??
I hate being mean to people or talking down to people but you literally asked for this for thinking someone who was sexually abused and traumatized by it would like it as a cute funny thing.
I want it to be sacred and wholesome and for intimacy, not some weird fetish

Lol wow dude, I even said it, holy fudge.
God I literally retched at this. what the heck is wrong with you, I said it in the post too, you deserve to be sprayed with water for being this brazen.

I envy you though, I wish I could be that carefree, but not. since you seem like the kind of person who thinks they can do no harm, and would enjoy mocking people and dehumanizing people for fun

fairy land
that's a man baby!

>tfw got ANOTHER free (you)
Thanks user

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>All these 18-20 years old complaining about being Virgins or wanting a Virgin partner
>tfw 26 yo kissless virgin

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Do you perhaps have a discord if you're a fembot we could talk on please, I am a very clean virgin I have no left my house in 2 months.

Someone whos not flattered by having another pretending to be them

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I don't leave the house and people, especially women, with strong beliefs are annoying as fuck. Which I am.
I should've been born a man, then I'd be strong enough to beat up little shits like you.

Same. Youd be perfect for me femanon. If you wanna contact lemme know.

Do you like animals? How are you annoying?

Then there's a special site you should use starting with R.
> wanting to be a different gender
Tranny alert!

Did you leave because you realize the mistake you made? Obviously a sexual abuse victim wouldn't want someone who fetishes them. oh dear lord, deary lord, this is something you should be ashamed of. I would only have real life sex mutually with a partner, god what is wrong with you? better explain why you want to retraumatize a victim

Wizard here. There is a point where being a virgin isn't cute anymore, I'm long passed that point.

Don't wait too long.

You realize there a sick, underage and even mentally handicapped anons here who also think without posting right?

because he's an edgy jew from new york
there was a thread earlier today about him
he obsesses over women and tries to wife them

Please don't play with my heart like this user, I've already embraced my loneliness
I like animals and children but not in that order. I like farm animals a lot. And my personality is annoying, I was never taught how to act around other people because I didn't have any friends while growing up

Im not. If you ever need a friend or a potential mate, I can help. Id travel the world for a good waifu. Im virgin too btw and saving it for wife.

I'm not going on redtube

Stop embracing the loneliness and make a discord for me to add

>I want to rape you, you sound adorable.


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No, I wouldn't. I think a lot of guys go nuts if they don't get it out of their system or will constantly think about how they missed out on other vaginas.
I would prefer a man who didn't sleep around with a ton of women though.

By the way, I'm a virgin myself if it matters.

Link to the thread? We need to purge this state of kikes

its gone now and I dont know the archive link
it was some girl who made a thread about some kike in ny that added her on discord, tried to get porn pics and "wife" her and dropped her when she said she wouldnt send nudes
then another girl entered the thread and said she knew the jew and he had done the same
and by the end 5-6 girls had all entered and realized the same kike had been trying to groom them into sending nudes via multiple discords