how tall is your ideal girl?
How tall is your ideal girl?
Around 5ft 9 so almost my height.
6'0 and her name is brooke. i find short girls ugly.
All my exes are 5'10-6ft coincidentally of course
5'3 - 5'4"
because i'm a manlet and I don't think any woman taller than me would date me
brooke would have if you fucking robots didn't drive her away :(
as a 5'1 manlet khhv surrounded by pretty girls at work, I'd love to have a tall girl who would would lead my way while holding my hand. It's just a dream though and it'll never be reality. It is the sad life.
5'7" not too tall not too short
5'10"-6'1" with extra content.
above average for girls
so 5'5-5'9, gotta give my sons a leg up on this world, seeing as how I'm 5'9
all i need in life is a girl taller than me
that's all i want, don't keep this from me
I really don't care about height for women, I guess a little taller is better so they're not a manlet
t. 5'6" manlet who hates gender roles
this isnt brooke its some girl named isabella burge her twitter is @airlesss
That being said, I see the charm in a really small 5'0 girl
I originally know that feel, fellow brobot
Im a 6ft 4 chad and I want at least 5ft 5, never less than 4ft 11.
i know but i wish i had a brooke gf
Whatever height out takes for her to like me. Though at this point, I'm not sure how I would respond even if a girl overtly expressed interest in dating me.
brooke as a kitten is also cute
Anything shorter than me or considerably taller than me will do. What I don't like is having a girl that's only slightly taller than me, because then I look short. If she's a lot taller than me then people's first reaction is that she's really tall, not that I'm short.
I'm a manlet so I really don't care about women's height to be quite honest.
Weight ? now that's something I care about. I care about my weight so I would expect the same.
i cant believe this isabella girl got posted here i was esexing her last year
i never got to esex brooke she doesn't do that shit we did watch anime together once
i have never came so hard then to this girl and thats on god bro
what did she do that made it so good user?
she super fucked up in the head like beyond belief one of those massive daddys whores just the shit she was into was roleplaying as a little girl and getting raped by her father etc god i miss when she was begging me to cum in her
oh im not into that daddy shit but controlling/rape play is hot. i have a girl i could blackmail at any moment right now.
Shorter than me, but not so much that I might get weird looks form passerbys
5' - 5'5 could maybe do taller if she was nice
about 4ft9 and im 6ft. i want to be able to carry her around like if she was a doll
its risky if she knows your real identity if she doesnt extort her for facetime sex LMFAOO
no im gonna find a robot to do it with me so i can stay user
5'0. Very short but not approaching midget territory. I'm 6'1. She absolutely must be shorter than my mom (5'3). That point in non-negotiable.
>people settling for anything over 5 feet
sorry dude i just dont find short girls sexy. long legs and wide hips do it for me. short girls age like shit.
just FYI the girl op posted is 16
P.S you're all faggots
Probably 5'2-5'7
5'4" would be ideal, but I'd date anyone 4'10" to 5'9". 5'10" is two inches above my height, so that would just be too much for me. I'd feel inferior.
Twice my height
I want my kids to become giants preferably a thicc girl too, not fat, but muscular
4'10" to 5'2"
t. 6'4"
Most of you are lying scum, all guys want short midget girls even if they're 6'+
5'10" would probably be ideal. I'm 5'6" btw.
Like 4'11-5'4 is ideal but idrc that much, I'm 5'9 for reference
not too short not too gigantic
though my seiyuufu is a womanlet
is she 6ft tall?
Four feet seven inches
If it makes u feel better I'm 5'7 and dating a 5'9 girl who adores me.
she is a 6 foot tall ethnic goddess
Ideal? Basically as tall as possible
5'3 to 5'7. I like girls who are at least 6 inches shorter than me
My gf is 6ft
none of those are her real name. shes mentally fucked in the head
I'm 5'5 and I really don't care
Around 5'6", I like tiny girls
6'8, I want an Amazonian black gf who will treat me as her dildo and fuck boy
post more of this slut
5'9 to 5'11, I like tallish girls
I'm 6'0
5'8"-5'9" seems like a good height. I'm 6'1", gf is 5'4". Unless she wears heels or platforms it's a bit awkward.
6'5". Just two inches taller than me. Fuck you manlets for stealing my mommy fetish.
Either max 160cm (5'3) or atleast 175cm (5'9), anything between is shit tier
As tall as I can possibly get.
I'm 6'2" with a giantess fetish, in living in hell
5' to 5'2
5'1 girl is perfect, and my gf is such
t. also 6'4
manlets are strange and have a fetish for tall whores
>TFW im a 5'2 manlet. Every girl is taller than me.
it's really sad how completely ruled by biology you are, your genes are desperate to regress to the mean
or alternatively the midget whores who are all over your dick just for being tall practically block you from anyone else by glueing themselves to you on sight
my gf is 5'11 and that's a little awkward because I'm a little over 6'1 and that's not drastically tall for a man while being 5'11 as a woman is
my gf has tall genes in her family, despite being asian
but being too tall causes heart and back problems. i would never want to be taller than 6'4
160, small girls are so cute
you truly are a man of culture, small women are the best
5"11 to 6ft, cause im 6"2 and tall girls are hot
Her height really doesn't matter
If she towers over me, well I'm a climber
If she can suck my dick while standing that's cool too
As tall as Shrek in his prime
My height or taller (5'9" or higher) since tall girls are cash. Especially if they have nice legs.
>inb4 hurr durr manlet
whos brooke?
>inb4 newfag
i spent 2-3 years on this board but never went on brooke threads. wasnt interested
Look on the bright side, more mommy gfs for us, right?
A mile high and 2d
I like really short girls so around 4"
5ft 10 and more
6 ft 3 haver
Taller than me.
t. 165cm manlet
I'm 5'9 manlet above average in appearance and a 5'8 woman likes me but she is not pretty either ugly, maybe 5/10 or 6/10 maximum. Should I settle for her?
around my height
love big girls with big titties
If you live in America like me (I'm this user ) then you're not a manlet. The average is like 5'10" and most people who are that height just say they're 6' +. Don't demean yourself by assuming the roll of "manlet" user. Accept yourself. Love yourself.
Regarding accepting the girl you mentioned, I'd say that depends on her personality. Is she someone you enjoy spending time with, do you share similar interests, etc.?
5'2" - 5'6"
Short girls with a nice ass are the best
Not in America but I think the average of my country is 5'9.
Well she is nice but desu I feel like I deserve better.
Then go get yourself a better girl. If you feel like you deserve better, then you should be able to muster up the confidence to match it. If you go to get a coffee in the morning and there's a qt in line with you, hit her up! You never know, maybe you'll have a lot in common. Godspeed, user.
Taller than 4 feet but shorter than 7 feet. Height literally does not matter to me as long as she can do basic daily human societal functions with little trouble. If I have to carry a booster seat around because she's a 2.5 foot pygmy or she can't fit through a doorframe because she's taller than yao ming then that's not happening.
4'9" (if Asian) to 6'11" (any race except black).
I'm 6'2
I have dwarfism so I don't really have much of choice because I find women who have the same condition as me to be repulsive. It really doesn't matter when you are as short as me if they 5ft, 6ft or 7ft tall. Tallest woman I've been with was 6ft 1.
Around 5ft 8 would be great. I am 6ft 3 so it would be a good height difference.
sasquatch size
Im manlet i want really short girls
no midget size
around 155-165 cm
@airlessss is her twitter. /FvPAams is the discord server she's most active in. She's basically a slut to anybody socially relevant in whatever community she's leeching.
My height or around it. Somewhere between 5'7" and 5'9".
>tfw not a millionaire so cant fly around the world banging sloots like this
feels somewhat bad
I'm a 5'4" uber manlet but I don't really have much of a preference. I think tall and short girls are both cute in their own ways, the issue is more about whether they'd be okay be okay with me.
180cm or taller, else get outta my sight womanlet, I don't want your manlet genes making my children into dwarves.