
im going to bed, goodnight lads edition

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First for Night Owl NEETs are the soul of Britfeel

third for getting drunk before governmental work

Really enjoyed that monitor hug lads, thanks for being such a positive force in my otherwise pointless life xxx

Have to be up early to go to the bingo with mummy and her fren but I'm not tired. I just want to stay up and funpost.

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Youre an even worse mummys boy than me

Nothing wrong with being a mummy's boy lid. Also it's important that I go because I need to do some shopping afterwards anyway.

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I always imagine you being a bit funny looking. Can you describe your appearance for me?

hes literally apu

Ghosting long term friends edition

Why lad? I miss our friendship xxx

getting mad windy here now lads, time to get comfy in bed

I will be home in 3 hours and ill join you lid

I don't really look that weird tbqh lid. Light brown hair, a bit of a skelly manlet. I do have a rather weird looking mustache and now I'm starting to get hair on my neck.

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just fapped to litteral jet fighter porn

Nearly an hour without any posts where the fuck is the night guard

Round your mums place doing her right good


Hmm, I thought it would have been light by now

>doing her right good
yeah bet she loved all 2 minutes and 3 inches of it lad

Being buttmad that my bennies didn't get paid despite them saying there were no problems and it'd all gone through on their end.
Waiting til 8 so I can phone them and ask wtf

Mad bantssss wheyy

When they come through can you give me a fiver pls lad

>why the fuck did you not give me the free money I get for existing
got any bills or what lad, what you spending it on?

Did r9k die again

Nah /britfeel/ is deceased. The corpse just hasn't stopped twitching.

I live alone, of course I have bills.

I also like to eat.

Lolling at these dwarfs arguing with Piers Morgan on GMB.

>get up at 8 to call GP surgery when they open
>2 minutes past and they're still not there



Going to London to see a play. In denial about his new job.

Depressed about his university situation. Can't find accommodation

Boring and irrelevant

Getting name changed, coming out at work

lads how can I tell if a lass is pity responding to me? this is mainly on online messages.

I assume most people are pity messaging me so I often miss things. although I do think she is just replying to me to be nice and doesnt actually want to go anywhere with a friendship etc. the messages aren't short so that has lead to some of my confusion.

got my GP appointment booked in for friday 9am

going back to bed now

The hand dryers at Warwick services couldn't be more badly positioned if they tried. Directly into the drain full of water.

What do you talk about? Does she ever initiate conversation ?

>caring about made up personalities on Jow Forums

what she or I am doing, mutual hobbies/interests.

No she does not. I also avoid messaging alot & messaging daily

I might just be a minor distraction

Morning lads,
Been awake a little bit, had a wank, played some shitty mobile game. Just had a few hob nobs and I am up properly now. Sitting around naked.
Should start looking for a job.

>Tilde coming out at work
Who gives a fuck. I'm sure his colleagues don't give a fuck. Sexuality should be private and nobody's fucking business. Shows the ego these mentally ill fuck bois have that they think people care and think about them so much.

Fuck knows lad. Why don't you just be direct and ask her? I was hoping to hear from someone the last couple of nights but didn't. Oh well, such is life.

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Having an early night lads, off to bed. Nanight pals, c u when it's dark and comfy

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Why doesn't Tim talk about his past?

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Not arranging to meet the Islamic rapist and cut its head off.

post something then you benders


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my blog update for all my loyal followers
today i picked apples from an apple orchard
and cried
and ate raspberry jaffa cakes

fucking larping basterd bitch

Impressed that was original lad

Very true, don't have a big "i'm a tranner" just if they enquire maybe tell them.
Such big headed twats.

it wasn't L made some adjustments

right but coming out as a tranny is different than coming out as gay, you will probably have to tell HR at least, and you can tell your coworkers what name to go by and that to expect those certain changes rather than being really confused by you coming in wearing a dress and speaking in a girl voice, its a courtesy at that point and anxious r9k retards certainly aren't going to do more than tell the bare minimum and not make a big deal out of it

God I wish guns were easy to get so badly some mornings. Just want to blow my head off, quick and easy.

Gonna spend all day listening to Boiler Room sets then go to the gym later boys

I think it might be weird to ask if Im a pity reply or annoying etc.
Plus if she is the type that is too nice then she might just lie to avoid hurt feelings etc.
It most likely end in a few days when I become boring then get ignored then I dont bother to try contacting people for a few months

Thanks for your input user
sorry to hear about your situation. were you close or is it a newish person? the feels can be rough

Gonna spend all day listening to the Boiler Room Speech then go apply for some sales jobs.

how is that larping

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why the fuck doesn't my doctors use online to book appointments. I'm terrified of phoning.

Might watch The Two Towers today. Simple as. Wahey. Wahee. Wahaa.

>user replies to me
>another user replies to him arguing and calling him names
>feel bad because he thinks it's me

My mum serves to vex at me all the time I swear to God

>I think Peter Hitchens is intelligent and agree with his views

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Fucking gook retard moot destroying everybody with adblock. Wouldn't have adblock on if it wasn't just constant brazzers ads.

my mum serves to sex me lol

Lol at all these homos mad at seeing tasty porn ads.

>Speaking in a girl voice

I've heard Tr*nnies do this and they sound like they're speaking to a cute animal the whole time. it's pitiful and hilarious.

it's the reason i use adblock now lad

What do you expect, the only sites that are willing to advertise on Jow Forums are porn sites

shut up nonce I bet you love underage girls

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I don't watch porn, its bad for me.

blue boards have clickbait ads instead

Yer not speakin' to them.
Yerv been speakin' to me
im yer new gerlfriend and user and i've got t'chat logs
yer fooked mate, go on Big Dave bang 'im out.

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>be Greggs worker
>making sosij roles
>that weird anorexic bloke you've always assumed was a poof enters the room in a skirt and says he wants you to call him Sarah from now on
>go back to making sosij roles

use ublock not adblock plus

You're sick lad

I'm in some freshers chat and they're all entitled cunts. What the fuck? Moaning about single beds and uni showers

sound like a mix of mrs doubtfire and mickey mouse when i do my fem voice

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Gross! They're all old and shit!

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You''re absolutely fucking twisted mate. A time is coming when nonces like you won't be spewing your evil on the internet.

its unicunts why are you surprised

Did they seriously think they'd get a double bed in their uni dorm lmao

Nothing wrong with being a nonce. As long as you use a condom.

Uni accommodation costs a fortune though.

should i go to uni or get an apprenticeship?

hi shane uwu want to meet me

How long until there are paedo hunters who just kill the paedo rather than film him and put it online?

Eventually ruining someone's life won't be enough of a thrill of them. They'll have to actually physically end their life.

why do nonce hunters need to film what they do?

Legal protection to stop the bacon bonce saying he was brutalised.

They like the online fame they get

To totally destroy their victim's reputation, to incite violence against them, to ruin their life so that they can feel powerful for once.

Who wants to start a braphog hunting club with me? We would dress in African safari gear and go around with tranquilliser darts, ready to shoot the biggest hog and harvest her farts.

That's because they overcharge you, not because it's a 4 star hotel. The average uni dorm is juvenile prison tier

My cat brought fleas in lads, how the fuck do I get rid of the bastards? I've already flea combed the little fella, gave him a flea treatment and pout a new flea collar on him, whats next?

no! Dave, come on mate. it was just a laugh. I wasn't gonna do anything

If you have carpet you won't be getting rid of them
enjoy your fleas.

Throw the cat in a river lad, it's the only way

flea the intimidate area by running away


Nonce apologists ABSOLUTELY BTFO.

Can't you register to use Patient Access? You just go online and chose the doctor you want then book whatever they've got available. Can't get an on the day appointment though which is annoying.

Fleas are harmless to humans, lad. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Only have carpet in the back room, does a fuck load of flea powder not work?

But he's my only friend

>That's because they overcharge you

Yeah that's exactly my point. That's why you aren't being entitled to moan about it.

Once you get them it'll be a persistent effort to rid your house of them. They'll lay their eggs in any fabric and your cat will harbour them too.